All Heavens Pension started from the fiery era

Chapter 118 118. Salary raised by one level

Chapter 118 118. Another Level of Salary Raise

At the end of the one-week training period, 24 temporary buyers went to surrounding villages and towns.

Before Mu Hongzhu and Yue Wenyuan left, Yue Wenxuan called them to his office.

"You 24 temporary workers want to become full-time workers, and the work performance during the initial period is very important.

In order to increase your enthusiasm, the leaders will definitely choose one or two role models as soon as possible and become regulars in advance.

This opportunity is rare, you two must seize it.

It is easiest to become a full-time employee when you first start working and make achievements. The longer the time, the more difficult it is to become a full-time employee.

There are 24 of you, and it would be good if five of them become regulars in the end, and the rest will probably be eliminated. "

Mu Hongzhu said confidently: "The leaders of our Agricultural Deputy Office are very courageous, and the prices of various agricultural and sideline products are slightly higher than the purchase prices of the purchasing stations.

Villagers are the most sensitive to prices. You are like eggs, even if they are a penny higher, as long as we go to the village to collect them, we will definitely be able to collect them.

Think about it, you don't have to go to the buying station with a basket far and small, and you can sell it for more money. Of course, you have to sell it to us.

I am quite confident now, you just wait in the factory for our good news. "

Yue Wenyuan also said: "I already have a goal. When I go back this trip, I will contact those rich villages, and I will definitely gain something."

"I've also collected some information in the past few days, and I've written it down on this piece of paper. You two have a look and make a division of labor."

It is very simple for him to collect this information, as long as he searches the system mall according to the region, he can find all kinds of local sales information.

Yue Wenxuan took out a piece of paper full of handwriting from the desk drawer and handed it to Mu Hongzhu.

Both Mu Hongzhu and Yue Wenyuan were attracted by the information on this piece of paper, and saw that it read:

In a pig farm in a certain village in a certain commune, six pigs have been slaughtered recently.

A certain chicken farm in a certain commune recently sold a batch of eggs.

In a certain village in a certain commune, the villagers are well-off, and if they go to the village to purchase, they can gain a lot.

There are more than a dozen pieces of similar information written on this piece of paper, and for the two of them, each piece of information is worth a thousand dollars.

Yue Wenyuan said happily: "Wenxuan, is your information accurate? If it is accurate, it will be of great help to us!

Among other things, if we can get in touch with this pig farm, the harvest will not only be the six pigs to be slaughtered, but also a long-term cooperation in the future.

Generally speaking, the pigs from the pig farms are sold to the commune's purchasing station.

The classification of the buying station is so strict, it is not easy to sell at a good price.

It will be different if it is sold to Dongfang Machinery Factory, and there is no need to purchase it at the highest price in a unified manner.

Cooperating with us, they can save trouble and sell at a good price. I am sure to win the acquisition task of this pig farm. "

Yue Wenxuan said: "You're right to think so, our Agricultural Deputy Office mainly competes with purchasing stations.

Our advantage is that the price we give is slightly higher, and we don't need to classify. The local purchasing stations will definitely not be able to compete with us.

Even if we encounter competition from other factories' agricultural and deputy offices, our Dongfang Machinery Factory is a big factory, so how can we be afraid of them? "

With the information provided by Yue Wenxuan, Mu Hongzhu was even more confident and said:
"Brother Wenyuan, I think we should act separately, you go to the pig farm first, and I will contact the chicken farm.

As long as one company can succeed, there will be long-term business in the future. "

Yue Wenyuan also felt that it would be better to act separately, which would be more efficient. Anyway, if they achieved results, they would be considered as the two of them together, and there was no need to pick and choose.

The two set off full of confidence. Although there were inevitably some small twists and turns in the process, they both achieved their goals in the end.

The chicken farm that Mu Hongzhu went to was closer to the urban area, and he was the first to return.

He brought back two ox carts full of eggs. As soon as these two ox carts entered the factory area, they caused a sensation in the whole factory.

Hearing the news, the leaders of the Deputy Agriculture Office ran over to watch.

The logistics personnel came to hand over and weighed the eggs. The total weight of the two trucks weighed [-] catties.

After learning the weight of the eggs, Director Fan of the Deputy Agriculture Office smiled and praised Mu Hongzhu without hesitation.

Mu Hongzhu was the first temporary buyer of the Agricultural Deputy Office to return, and the purchase of [-] catties of eggs was a good start for the Agricultural Deputy Office's work.

The factory leaders were happy, Mu Hongzhu was happy, and the comrades in the chicken farm were also very happy.

Each egg can be sold for an extra penny, and the two truckloads of eggs he sent can be sold for an extra 140 yuan, which is not a small figure.

Moreover, he has reached a long-term purchase and sale agreement with that Comrade Mu, and he can sell 140 yuan more at a time. After one year, that will be terrible.

After the first batch of eggs arrived, Mu Hongzhu did not stay in the factory. According to the information Yue Wenxuan gave, the chicken farm was not the only one. He continued to set off non-stop to the next chicken farm.

If the two truckloads of eggs brought a sensation to the audience, then the arrival of Yue Wenyuan the next day shocked the whole factory.

He also brought two ox carts, each of which pulled three live pigs. The three pigs were not small in size, and they all looked about two hundred catties.

The arrival of these six pigs not only alarmed the entire Agricultural Deputy Office, but also alarmed Director Huo.

After arriving at the scene, Director Huo highly praised the work of the Deputy Agriculture Office.And personally gave instructions, requiring the logistics personnel to raise these pigs well.

These are six pigs, of course they can't be killed all at once, there is no such thing as a prodigal.

One can be killed first and handed over to the cafeteria to improve the lives of the workers.For the remaining five pigs, one will be killed every half a month. In this way, the workers can always have meat to eat, and their work enthusiasm will definitely be greatly improved.

For the great hero Yue Wenyuan, Director Huo was even more generous in his praise.It was the first time in Yue Wenyuan's life that he was praised by such a big Lingdao, and his face blushed with excitement.

The work of the Agricultural Deputy Office got off to a good start two times in a row, which made several Lingdao raise their expectations for this group of temporary workers.

However, without the information provided by Yue Wenxuan, other temporary purchasers wanted to purchase agricultural and sideline products, and the difficulty was far greater than imagined.

During this period, most of the villagers did not have enough to eat, and the little agricultural and sideline products saved by the family were used to save lives, and no one was willing to sell them.

Half a month later, except for Yue Wenyuan and Mu Hongzhu's outstanding work performance, the little agricultural and sideline products purchased by others are simply not worth mentioning.

The overall work achievements of the Deputy Agriculture Office are commendable, but almost all the purchased materials come from Yue Wenyuan and Mu Hongzhu. Compared with these two, other people are almost useless.

In order to boost everyone's morale, Director Fan held two plenary meetings to cheer everyone up, but the effect was not satisfactory.

Since verbal encouragement didn't work, Director Fan decided to give some real rewards to set two examples for all buyers.

After communicating with Tan Hongxin from HR, it was decided to give Yue Wenyuan and Mu Hongzhu a reward for becoming regulars in advance.

After the approval of the regular quota, it will be reported to the whole factory, and the publicity department will also carry out a comprehensive and vigorous publicity.

All of a sudden, Yue Wenyuan and Mu Hongzhu became celebrities and celebrities of Dongfang Machinery Factory.No matter who mentioned the names of the two of them, there was a smile on their faces.

After all, every improvement in life in the factory, whether it's meat or eggs, was purchased by the two of them.

Now the workers can drink a bowl of egg soup every now and then, and eat meat every ten days and a half months. This is all thanks to Yue Wenyuan and Mu Hongzhu. How can we not miss them? good.

Yue Wenyuan and Mu Hongzhu did not expect to be transferred from a temporary worker to a regular worker in just half a month.

After they became full-time employees, the two of them became regular buyers at the Dongfang Machinery Factory, and they were formal buyers directly over apprentices. Their monthly salary was 32, which could be said to be a step up to the sky.

Yue Wenxuan was already very happy that the second brother and his comrades were able to become regulars in such a short period of time.

He didn't expect that he would benefit from it.

At the regular meeting of the Agricultural Deputy Office, Director Fan put forward the recent work requirements, and also put forward the assessment standards for temporary buyers.

Director Fan specifically pointed out that for those temporary buyers who fail to complete the assessment tasks, they cannot be allowed to occupy the latrine without shitting. If they fail to meet the assessment standards for two consecutive months, they will be dismissed.

No matter who recruited this temporary buyer, he has no sympathy with him, and he will be dismissed as soon as he should, without exception.

He also made a request that everyone must treat their two temporary worker quotas carefully, and reserve these two quotas for those smart people who are suitable for procurement work, and they can't make up the number and just find two people to fool them.

At the end of the meeting, he specifically praised Yue Wenxuan, Director Fan said forcefully:
"We should all learn from Comrade Yue Wenxuan. Everyone has seen the achievements of Comrade Mu Hongzhu and Comrade Yue Wenyuan.

Why can the two of them make such a big difference, but the others can't?

That's because Comrade Wenxuan really kept his responsibilities in mind, he lived up to the two temporary quotas in his hands, and selected two comrades who were really suitable for procurement work.

When the Agricultural Deputy Office was first established, I said that for those comrades who are serious in their work and have made great contributions, our Agricultural Deputy Office will not hesitate to reward them.

At yesterday's office meeting, the four of us discussed this matter specifically, and agreed to reward Comrade Wenxuan with a salary increase of one level.

Starting from this month, Comrade Wenxuan will enjoy the salary of [-]th grade dry cloth.

Let us congratulate Comrade Wenxuan! "

With the sound of applause, everyone looked at Yue Wenxuan.

Yue Wenxuan was calm on the surface, but he was very surprised in his heart.

It's okay for Mu Hongzhu and Yue Wenyuan to become regulars so soon. After all, the two of them have indeed made achievements that are unmatched by others. They deserve such rewards.

But it is a bit unreal that he, the nominee, can also get a salary increase reward.

Although the leap from level [-] to level [-] is not as meaningful as the leap from level [-] to level [-], after all, even if he becomes a level [-] Ganbu, he is still a deputy level.

But after the salary is raised by one level, not only the increase in salary, but also means that he is one step closer to the next level.

Even if it is just a salary increase, it is also a dream for any dry cloth.

When he first changed jobs, he was in the 99th grade and his monthly salary was 110.5 yuan.Some time ago, it was promoted to level [-], with a monthly salary of [-] yuan.

Now upgrade to one level again, and the monthly salary becomes 124 yuan!
He joined Dongfang Machinery Factory, but within four months, his salary was raised two levels in a row.

Compared with when I first joined the company, my monthly salary has increased by 25 yuan!

That's a decent amount of income for any family, enough to put it to good use each month.

After the meeting, Yue Wenxuan went to Director Fan's office to sit for a while, and then walked into Tan Hongxin's office.

In terms of personnel affairs, as one of Tan Hongxin's subordinates, Yue Wenxuan's relationship did not appear to be that close.

But in the Deputy Agriculture Office, he is Tan Hongxin's true direct descendant, and the relationship between the two has become quite close before he knows it.

Yue Wenxuan met him and said: "Chu Chang, I didn't do anything, and suddenly I was raised by one level of salary, isn't it too good?"

"What's wrong, this is not my proposal alone, it is a collective decision, and I am not afraid of other people's tongue-in-cheek.

At yesterday's office meeting, Director Fan first proposed to reward you, but I just said: Comrade Wenxuan's family burden is small, his wife is a college student, and his salary is not low. Material rewards may not be that important to him.

So Director Fan proposed to give you a salary increase.

You are my soldier. If such a good thing happens to us, of course I must respond positively and be the first to agree.

Those of us who are human beings have to be tougher when speaking. Although the two deputy directors seemed to disagree, they couldn't come up with sufficient reasons to object, and finally voted for it. "

Yue Wenxuan suddenly realized: "Let me just say, the matter should not be that simple. If it weren't for your face, such a good thing would not have happened to me."

"This time you were able to increase your salary by one level. Although it was a bit of a fluke, it is indeed because you have made outstanding achievements in your work.

Without this foundation, even if I have a lot of face, it is impossible to give you a salary increase for nothing.

If you feel ashamed that you have raised your salary by this level, then you should urge your comrade-in-arms and cousin so that they don’t become slack just because they became regulars.

The rewards given to the three of you by our Agriculture Deputy Office can be regarded as an exception, but don't reward them, and the work in the future will not improve.

If this is the case, it will really be talked about.

Director Fan and I strongly advocated this. If this happens, both of us will lose face. "

Yue Wenxuan quickly made a promise: "Don't worry, this kind of situation will definitely not happen.

Among other things, the two of them have signed long-term supply and marketing agreements with four farms. With the fixed supply from these four farms, there is a minimum guarantee.

This minimum guarantee alone is enough to explain to the factory.

What's more, the two of them have made achievements in their work, and they have become full-time purchasers. When they are full of confidence and morale, they will definitely make even greater achievements. Just wait and see. "

(End of this chapter)

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