Chapter 172. 172. Laughter
Yue Wenxuan said: "There are too many educated youths who are facing going to the countryside during this time. It is too complicated to arrange so many people to go to the countryside. The workload of the street office has increased sharply. We understand the difficulties."

Director Qin continued: "It's good if you can understand. After the introduction of the new policy, there are too many educated youth who are facing going to the countryside in the near future. When there are more people, there are not so many choices.

Most of the educated youth who went to the countryside in the past few years are the children of those with problems.

Even for such a person, it is no problem to join the Corps.

When there are more people this year, such a good thing will disappear.Including the choice of where to jump in the queue, such as returning to the place of origin, visiting relatives and friends, it is impossible for everyone to get what they want.

There are too many educated youths who are going to the countryside at the same time, and our workload is too heavy, so naturally we cannot cover everything.

After all, the indicators of our sub-district office are limited. I can't make all the educated youths in the area under my jurisdiction fulfill their wishes. I can only solve practical difficulties for a few people.

That is to say, Wenxuan, you have come here, so I have to give you this face.

If only the two of them came to the door, I would really criticize their backward thinking today.There are so many people waiting for me to solve practical difficulties, and it is impossible for the two of them to turn. "

"I also relied on my good impression on the director, so I boldly brought the two of them to the door.

I'm a thick-skinned person, and I'm going to rely on the director for the matter between the two of them. If you can't solve it, I really won't leave. "

Director Qin nodded Yue Wenxuan with his hand, and said with a smile:

"In the future, I won't be able to talk to you so pleasantly. I can't bear it if you come to my door every day."

"You have settled my two cases of sending me to the countryside. I will immediately hide away and promise not to visit the house for a month."

"Forget it, I'm afraid of you."

Director Qin thought for a while, then continued:

"There are four top choices for queue jumping locations that can be arranged through our street.

There is one in the northeast, one in the Jiaodong Peninsula, and two in the south. "

Next, Director Qin described the four locations in detail, and gave a general introduction to the situation of each village, and finally said:
"You can choose any one of these four villages. They are all in plain areas, and the farming work is not so hard.

As long as you don't be lazy and go to the field normally, you will definitely be able to eat enough food, and the work points are also high. Although it is definitely not as much as the Corps earns, it is already a good choice. "

After listening to Director Qin's introduction, Xie Zhiming and Bian Wenbang became more at ease. These four villages are indeed good. It is already very rare to be assigned to such a village to join the queue.

During this time, they inquired about many details about going to the countryside.

In some rural areas, it is really hard. If you are assigned to these places, you will suffer.

For example, some rural areas have sloping fields or even terraced fields. Compared with plain areas, the workload must be many times greater.

Under the premise of having a choice, we must choose those rural queue jumpers with relatively less workload and relatively high wages.

There is so much room for choice, and for a while, the two of them don't know which village to choose.Each of these four villages has its own advantages, but also each has its own disadvantages.

Seeing that the two were unable to make a decision, Director Qin continued to help them analyze:

"I don't recommend that you go to those two villages in the south.

Although the climate there is good, there is no need to worry about freezing in winter, but the language barrier is also a big problem.

It will take at least three or two years to understand the local people's language, and you don't know how long it will take to learn the local dialect.

If you want me to say, you can choose one of these two villages in the Northeast and Jiaodong Peninsula, whichever one is good.

Especially in the village in Jiaodong Peninsula, there are quite a lot of fruit trees in the village, the overall income is high, the work is relatively easy, and the extra money at the end of the year is already very good. "

Director Qin's direction is already obvious, and both Xie Zhiming and Bian Wenbang also think that this village in Jiaodong Peninsula is good.

The two looked at each other, and Xie Zhiming said, "Then choose the village in Jiaodong Peninsula. I think everything is pretty good."

After the matter was settled, Director Qin said: "Then you two go to the street to sign up tomorrow morning, and I will arrange the rest for you."

The purpose of the two of them coming here today has been achieved, and it's time to say goodbye. They both looked at Yue Wenxuan at the same time.

Yue Wenxuan said: "Zhiming, Wenbang, you should feel at ease this time, thank you, Director Qin."

After the two expressed their thanks, Yue Wenxuan said to them, "Go ahead, I still have a few words to say to Director Qin."

After the two young men left, Yue Wenxuan asked, "Director, I heard that brother Jingbo is getting married soon. Have you prepared all the big items like watches, sewing machines, and bicycles?"

"If I can't prepare everything, I'll get a bicycle ticket.

I don't plan to buy a sewing machine. I have an old one at home, which is enough for the whole family.

You brother Jingbo still wants a watch, which baffles me, and I haven't found anything until now. "

Speaking of his son's marriage, Director Qin had a sad expression on his face.

"This is really a coincidence. In the rehearsal two days ago, I performed well and won glory for Lingdao. Lingdao said that he would reward me with a watch ticket.

I just started working, so I don't have the money to buy a watch. Since Elder Brother Jingbo needs it for his marriage, let's use it for him first. "

Director Qin was slightly taken aback. Yue Wenxuan was being too generous. He was not sure what Yue Wenxuan meant.

It's definitely not because of his petty incident.

He had already agreed to this matter, and it was not a big deal. Yue Wenxuan could bring a stick of Zhonghua cigarettes and two bottles of Moutai wine, which was already a generous gift, and it was more than enough for such a small matter.

Yue Wenxuan took out a watch ticket, there must be other things, but for a while, Director Qin couldn't guess what it was.

I don't understand what Yue Wenxuan asked for, he will definitely not accept it, so he said immediately:
"I can't take this. This is something your leader rewarded you. You don't have enough money for the time being. You'll be able to get it together sooner or later. As the saying goes, a gentleman doesn't take what others like. You also need a watch ticket, so keep it for yourself."

"I'm sincere, Director, don't be polite to me.

In the future, our family will have to trouble the director, no matter if my two sisters go to the countryside or my two sisters return to the city, don't we have to ask you for help?
If I can do such a small favor to the director, I must do my best. " Yue Wenxuan said very sincerely.

At present, Yue Wenxuan really has nothing to ask Director Qin for, but there will definitely be in the future.

The sending of educated youth to the countryside has just begun, and it will continue for many years to come.His two younger sisters, one two years younger than him and the other four years younger, will sooner or later have to go to the countryside.

He will definitely find a way to keep them in the city, but he has to be prepared in case.

If someone goes to the countryside, they will definitely have to come to ask Director Qin.

His two elder sisters went to the Corps, and they must also consider the issue of returning to the city in the future. When that day comes, they will inevitably ask to come to Director Qin's door.

In the future, we will often deal with each other. Instead of asking for something and then giving gifts, it is better to establish a good relationship in advance.

He has no shortage of things, whether he will need them in the future or not, he will not begrudge a little property.

It is very worthwhile for him to have a good relationship with Director Qin by paying a little money.

Director Qin really didn't expect Yue Wenxuan to think so long-term.

Whether it is his two younger sisters going to the countryside, or his two older sisters returning to the city later, it will be a few years later.

It is a caring person to start preparing now for things that will happen in a few years.

Many people understand the truth that they should not wait until they pray to Buddha before burning incense, but burning incense in advance may burn in vain, so people will inevitably have concerns.

Just like between him and Yue Wenxuan, if he is no longer in the position after a few years, wouldn't the watch ticket that Yue Wenxuan gave him be given away for nothing.

Burning incense a few years in advance requires not only vision, but also courage.

The impression Yue Wenxuan left on him was already very good. He was very calm and spoke well. For a 16-year-old young man, this was already very rare.

After further contact, I realized that he is still a long-sighted and very courageous person, which is even more rare.

With these qualities, Director Qin is very optimistic about Yue Wenxuan's future development.

Yue Wenxuan didn't take out the watch tickets right away, he just wanted to find opportunities to get in touch with Director Qin more.

The relationship between him and Director Qin is still in the stage of just getting acquainted, and further contact is needed before they can really get acquainted.

Throwing out the bait of the watch ticket was already heavy enough, Yue Wenxuan chatted with Director Qin for a while, and began to say goodbye:
"Director, you left the things behind, but I have to take the bag away.

When I came, someone in the courtyard saw me carrying something, so I can't go empty-handed, and I have to rob something from your house. "

Director Qin took another high look at Yue Wenxuan's carefulness.

Even if Yue Wenxuan didn't say so, he would still do it.

Although his neighbor in the living room next door is not the kind of talkative person, it is not a big mistake to be careful.

No one knew what was in Yue Wenxuan's bag. There was something in the bag when he left. Even if someone reported it later, he would have enough reasons to explain it.

Yue Wenxuan thought the same way.

In his last life, he had the experience of this era, and he was not sloppy in details.

Although he was the one who gave the gift, if he was reported and exposed, he would also be in trouble if he couldn't tell clearly.

The things Yue Wenxuan brought were quite expensive, and he also promised that there would be a watch ticket in the back, which would be returned in a bag. Of course, Director Qin would not be stingy.

Also filled two bottles of wine and a pack of cigarettes, of course they are only mid-range goods.

In addition, I put a can of milk powder and two catties of brown sugar in it.

Yue Wenxuan took the bag with his mouth open, seeing so many things inside, he didn't refuse, but said:
"Director, you are too generous. From now on, I will come every day, and I will put cabbage and potatoes in the bag. No matter what I steal from you, I will definitely not suffer."

"If you come every day, I can't afford it. Don't blame me for not letting you in."

Of course, Director Qin's return gift will not be so heavy every time, today is just a special case.

In addition to wanting that watch ticket, Director Qin also really wanted to make friends with Yue Wenxuan.

Since you plan to communicate, you must have exchanges, and pay attention to a courtesy.

Although the value of the gift in return could not be equal to the items Yue Wenxuan brought, Director Qin deliberately put on more things that could be sold, so that Yue Wenxuan could see his sincerity.

When Yue Wenxuan went out, he found that aunt was still busy in the courtyard, so he specially greeted her.

The aunt's eyes kept staring at his bag, and there seemed to be some doubts in her expression.

Back home, the whole family was still busy pasting matchboxes.

Seeing her son entering the door carrying something again, Wang Liying couldn't help but said:
"Why did you buy so many things again? You can't spend money like this in the future.

You are not in charge of the family and don't know the price of firewood and rice. You have to live carefully so that you can save money. "

"Mom, I didn't buy these things, they were gifts from Director Qin in return."

"The return gift from Director Qin? Did you go to Director Qin's house just now?" Wang Liying was quite puzzled.

"Isn't it that Zhiming and Wenbang are going to sign up to go to the countryside? The three of us pooled up some money, bought some things, and went to Director Qin's house.

Director Qin is a fastidious person, so he didn't let us come back empty-handed, so he specially packed a bag full of things. " Yue Wenxuan explained.

Wang Liying was curious about what Director Qin had put in, so she temporarily stopped pasting the matchbox and opened the bag to have a look.

"Ah! Why did you pack so many things? This is not like returning a gift, but more like giving a gift." Wang Liying exclaimed.

Yue Guangping looked up, and his subordinates kept moving, "Look at your ignorant appearance, you are pretending to be something, so you are scared like this?"

"You have knowledge, have you ever seen so many things in gift packs?"

Wang Liying took out the contents of the bag one by one, and while taking them out, she reported the number: "A piece of Daqianmen cigarettes, two bottles of bamboo leaf green wine, a can of milk powder, and two catties of brown sugar."

Yue Guangping was also taken aback, and turned his head to ask his son, "Why did Director Qin pack so many things? Could it be that he returned all the things you gave him?"

"Not all returned, but it's about the same."

"Since the three of you chipped in to buy things, you can't give all the things back to our family. You will give them two points tomorrow. We can't take advantage of them." Yue Guangping warned.

"There is no need to divide things, they are worried about causing trouble if they take things home, so they give them to our family.

In the future, I will compensate them with other things. I can handle it well, so don't worry. " Yue Wenxuan said.

"That's fine. If you don't have enough money and tickets, just tell me and I'll get you some more."

In the past two days, his son has been taking things home, and Yue Guangping is worried that he doesn't have enough money and tickets.

At noon the next day, Yue Wenxuan went outside for a while, and when he got home, he heard bursts of laughter.

He asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Today is not the day to distribute food stamps, why are you all so happy?"

The third sister said briskly: "It must be water and electricity, please pull the light to see."

Yue Wenxuan pulled the light cord, and the light turned on!
"Great, I finally got a call! Burning an oil lamp to stick a matchbox is too much work. After these few days, I can't take it anymore."

After a few days without water and electricity, everyone in Shikumen is not used to it, and now it is finally back to normal, no wonder everyone cheered.

At noon today, the smell of meat wafted out from every household in unison. When cooking, they even put a few slices of meat extravagantly.

Today, the second sister was cooking in the kitchen. The aunt in the front building saw that she had put six or seven slices of meat, so she couldn't help asking:

"Xianglan, why are you so willing today? Your mother sees you put so much meat, be careful of her nagging you."

"No, Auntie, my fourth sister is officially going to work today, so I must celebrate it by adding a few more slices of meat to make the whole family happy."

"It turns out that today is Xiangju's first day at work, so we should celebrate."

The aunt in the front building turned her head and asked the aunt in the living room: "Why are you so generous today?"

The aunt in the living room said with a smile: "It's not that all three children have signed up, no matter how far or near they are allocated, this matter is over.

There's been so much noise these past few days, it's making my head explode.

All three children signed up today, no matter what, it finally came to fruition. "

"It's time to celebrate. Once you sign up, this matter is over.

Where are your three children? "Auntie Qianlou is more concerned about this matter.

"Our second boy went to Yunan separately, and when he came back, he lay still on the bed, very dissatisfied.

Our second girl is going to the Northeast, and the weather is freezing, which makes people even more worried.

The third boy is still closer, going to Jiaodong Peninsula. "

The aunt in the front building comforted: "They signed up late, so they will definitely not be assigned to the suburbs, but it is not necessarily bad to be assigned to other places.

As long as the village that jumps in the line is rich, there is no fear of being far away.

Unlike the few children in our family, the places they went to were poor mountains and rivers, and they knew that they were all poor places without asking. "

"There are people from all over the world, who knows whether the village that jumps in the queue is rich or poor, it depends on their own luck.

If you are lucky, there are rich villages in poor mountains and rivers; if you are unlucky, there are also many poor villages in the suburbs of Shanghai. "

The aunt in the living room is quite open.

"That's the reason, let's resign ourselves to fate, anyway, it's not just us kids who go to the countryside."

"Whether it is good or bad, if you have a destination, you will be at ease.

Starting tomorrow, they have to prepare luggage for them. In ten days and a half, they should leave.

Now that I'm gone, I don't know when I can go home to visit relatives? "

The child of the aunt in the front building signed up two days in advance and has already started to prepare her luggage. She specially reminded:

"Your second girl is going to the Northeast, you have to be careful, you must prepare all the thick cotton jacket, thick quilt, and thick cotton shoes.

If something is left behind, and the child goes to the northeast, where it is very cold, there will be a big problem. "

"I haven't started preparing yet, and I panicked when I heard you say it.

You said that there are only a few cloth tickets and cotton tickets at home, and you can prepare thick cotton shoes and a thick cotton jacket for the child, and you can make do with it. It is really killing me to scrape together a thick cotton quilt in such a short time . "

The aunt in the front building said: "It's quite embarrassing, but if there is any way, no matter how difficult it is, it must be solved."

Next, the two began to discuss the solution.Yue Xianglan also inserted a sentence from time to time to give a suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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