Chapter 3 3. Space Fishing
"The system restarted successfully and is being repaired. Please ask the host to check the relevant instructions." An emotionless electronic voice sounded in his mind.

surprise!What a surprise!
Since he came across in the morning, he has been calling the system, but the system has never answered.

As long as the system is still there, he has confidence.

Although he is full of resentment towards the pension system, at least he can change his identity and live in another era, which is better than being killed after being hit.

Yue Wenxuan, who is not yet 40 years old, has initially achieved financial freedom after closing the company in 2023, and will live a happy retirement life from then on.

But his retirement life has not yet begun, it was terminated because of the emergence of the pension system.

He was driving on the highway when he was suddenly bound by the system, and an electronic notification sound appeared in his mind. How could he concentrate on driving?
Such an advanced system is actually limited in intelligence, everything has to be checked by himself.

With such a major change in his life, of course he couldn't concentrate on driving, so that when there was a car accident ahead, he couldn't avoid it in time, and he just disappeared.

He has preliminarily realized the freedom of wealth, and his future retirement life will inevitably be happy. This is already foreseeable. The emergence of the pension system is only an icing on the cake for him, not a timely help.

Although he knew that the system was not intelligent, he still wanted to fight for himself.

"System, your appearance caused my death in a car accident, you must compensate me!"

"This system does not have a compensation clause, but based on the core setting of all services for the host, new system applications are under development, and all existing applications have been stopped. The application has been developed, please check the host itself."

The original application is quite good, how can it be gone?The original applications include pension distribution, travel subsidies, personal hobby progress rewards, etc., and he wants them all.

Yue Wenxuan couldn't wait to start checking the description of the new app.

There are three new applications, which are developed based on life-saving needs, spiritual needs and material needs for the aged.

The first item is prime space.

The core function of the golden space is to save one's life. Whether in natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or avalanches, or man-made disasters such as air crashes, car accidents, and wooden warehouse killings, one can hide in the golden space with one thought to save his life.

The initial volume of the gold space is 10 cubic meters, and the volume can be increased by one cubic meter for every ton of gold consumed.

Yue Wenxuan is very satisfied with this new application. He has died once and has a deep understanding of the fragility of life. With the golden space, he doesn't have to worry about accidents in the future.

The second item is hard work can make up for one's weakness.

Elderly care has both material and spiritual needs, and this application is developed based on his spiritual needs.

With this application, it means that he has an extra permanent buff. No matter what he does in the future, as long as he works hard, he will make progress.

No matter what kind of personal hobbies he has in the future, whether he likes piano, chess, calligraphy, painting or playing sports, and whether he has talent or not, as long as he persists, he will make progress.

He didn't know how much progress had been made, but something was better than nothing.

The third application is the shopping mall.

He can buy any commodity sold in the world through the shopping mall, including commodities sold in shopping malls, shops and commodities that individuals are willing to sell.

With this app, shopping in the future is very convenient, but it is also very restrictive.

The system developed this application to provide him with shopping convenience for the elderly, not to let him become a middleman to achieve a career, so he can only buy one item per day, and if it is not used that day, it can be accumulated.

This application is still under development and is expected to be completed in three days.

Although it's a pity that the original dozens of fancy apps have been cancelled, he is very satisfied with the changed apps that are more targeted.

There are not many three applications, but it is enough to take into account the life-saving needs, spiritual needs and material needs respectively.

The golden space can save his life, "diligence can make up for his weakness" can make his personal hobbies continue to improve, and the shopping mall can let him buy any commodity he needs. With these, the days of retirement must be happy.

He has just started a new life now, and before retirement, these three applications are even more important.

Especially the shopping mall is what he needs most right now. He can buy any commodity in the world, so he doesn't have to worry about being hungry in the future.

With no worries about the future, Yue Wenxuan immediately relaxed.

With the system, he no longer has to worry about being hungry in the future, and his family, relatives and friends around him can also benefit from it.

In the future, if someone from his hometown comes to ask for help, he is fully capable of helping, and will not make the old father worry anymore.

When the shopping mall opens, he won't have to worry about lack of food and clothing at all. Three days is not long, but his stomach, which is still hungry, can't wait for a moment.

He wants a full meal right now.

He felt that the golden space should be able to solve this problem for him. As for whether his guess was right, he would have to go out and try it out.

In addition to the core function of life-saving, the golden space can also store items into the space, including living things.

The scope of receiving items in the space is within a radius of 100 meters from him as the center, and the weight limit is that a single item does not exceed 100 kilograms. As long as these two conditions are met, he can receive items into the space with a single thought.

If he touches the item with his hands, the maximum weight of the item charged is 1000 kg.

Since the space can collect living things, it shouldn't be difficult for him to have a full meal.

In the city, there are no other wild animals, but there are still a lot of sparrows on the trees. He can use the space to gather some sparrows. Although there is not much meat, he can eat enough if there are more.

Moreover, sparrows are one of the four evils in this era, and it is an honor to be able to kill sparrows.

Hunting sparrows with space must work, but sparrows are too small, and it is only one of the feasible plans in his mind. He wants to try whether he can use space to catch fish.

If you can use space to fish, not only can you solve the current hunger problem, but also the problem of income generation can be solved together.

If there is no shopping mall, in this era, even if you have money, you may not be able to spend it.But with the shopping mall, he no longer has this concern, and the more banknotes in his hand, the better.

Yue Wenxuan dug out the fishing rod at home, took a net bag, pushed on the bicycle that his father left on purpose, and left the courtyard.

There are five major water systems in Kyoto. In this era, the products in the water are very rich, and there are many kinds of fish and shrimp.

He is eager to try the effect of space now, and he didn't go to the distant waters on purpose, so he stopped at the nearest Haizi.

There are also fish in Haizi, enough for him to do experiments.

The fish was in the water, and he couldn't see what was going on underwater, but this didn't stop him from using his thoughts. He tried to use his thoughts to catch the big fish that were more than a foot long in the water in front of him.

Under one thought of his, more than 30 big fish over one foot appeared in the golden space!

His experiment was a success!
He can really fish with the help of space, and it's plentiful and extremely handy.

(End of this chapter)

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