All Heavens Pension started from the fiery era

Chapter 444 Chapter 444 Changes in things and people and great changes

Chapter 444 444. Things are different, people are different and great changes

It was about thirty miles from the town to the Red Star Farm. Considering the distance, Yue Wenxuan got up early in the morning when it was dimly lit outside the window.

It was now the longest day of the year. After getting up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was just 04:30.

He originally thought that he had woken up early enough, but when he arrived at the courtyard, he realized that the three members of the Lu family had already gotten up, and even breakfast was ready.

"Brother Lu, why did you get up so early?"

“The road from the town to Red Star Farm is a bit far and not easy to walk, it takes about three hours to get there.

Let's eat early and set off early. I'll borrow an ox cart and we'll set off together. We'll be there at eight or nine o'clock. This will give you a little more time to meet. "

Yue Wenxuan heard that Director Lu wanted to go with him, so he said, "It's such a long way, so don't follow me. You're still at work, so this trip will take up at least one day of your time."

"This is not about borrowing a bullock cart. We have relatives at Red Star Farm, so we just want to go along, which saves trouble. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to go such a long way easily."

Yue Wenxuan said happily: "It turns out that I have relatives. If you follow me, I will be relieved and don't have to ask for directions."

Director Lu didn't mention what kind of job relatives did, and Yue Wenxuan didn't ask either.

After a quick breakfast, before everyone had finished packing, a young man in his 20s had already driven a bullock cart to the door and was waiting.

Gu Bingxue saw that Sister-in-law Lu had also changed into a new set of clothes, and asked, "Sister-in-law, you have changed into a new set of clothes and you want to go to the farm with us to visit relatives?"

"Xinghuo's uncle is the instructor of Red Star Farm. I haven't visited Xinghuo's sister-in-law for two months, so I just happened to follow her over to see her."

"You said Xinghuo's uncle is the instructor of Red Star Farm?" Gu Bingxue looked shocked, "Sister-in-law, did I hear you correctly?"

"Why, are you surprised?" Sister-in-law Lu asked with a smile.

"I'm really surprised. Why didn't I hear you talk about it yesterday?"

"It's just one night away, it's not too late now, right?"

Gu Bingxue patted her forehead, "That's right, we just met, but why do I feel like we've known each other for a long time?"

"That means our families are in love, otherwise, there would be no such coincidence.

You are going to visit relatives at Red Star Farm, and Lao Lu’s brother-in-law happens to be the instructor of Red Star Farm. Isn’t it a coincidence? "

"It's quite a coincidence." Gu Bingxue looked very happy with a smile on her face, "I was worried about who to look for when I got to the farm, and I didn't know if I could see my mother. Now, I don't have to worry. Please help me.”

"Don't worry. The instructor of Red Star Farm is Lao Lu's brother-in-law. How can I prevent you from seeing anyone? I will arrange this matter. You don't have to worry. I will definitely let you see your aunt."

The two of them were talking next to each other. Of course Yue Wenxuan heard it. He also showed a happy expression and turned to Director Lu next to him and said:

"It turns out that Xinghuo's uncle is the instructor of Red Star Farm. You are very tight-lipped. If you had told me last night, I would have drank two more taels of wine.

It was because I was worried about getting into trouble if I drank too much that I didn’t dare to drink too much.If I had known that we had people of our own in Red Star Farm, why would I have worried about this? "

"Last night, I planned to go with you, so I didn't tell you.

It doesn't matter if you didn't drink well yesterday. Let my brother-in-law be the host at noon today and give him a good drink.

Red Star Farm is at the foot of the mountain. My brother-in-law and the others can often catch good prey. If we are lucky, we might even be able to eat roe deer, wild deer, etc. "

"It's not appropriate to eat and drink at his place." Yue Wenxuan thought for a while, "The Red Star Farm is quite large, and your brother-in-law is the instructor. After all, we are visiting relatives at his place, and our status is a bit sensitive, so we should have less contact with him. That's good. If he's not too busy, you can invite him to your place and let's have a good drink. If he can't come, forget it."

Yue Wenxuan didn't know anything about the instructor Fang who he hadn't met yet, and he didn't know his temperament, but no matter what kind of person he was, he was not suitable to be too affectionate with this person on the farm.

The main reason is that the farm is too special. On the surface, it is best not to have any relationship between Instructor Fang and Director Dong to avoid being criticized.

Yue Wenxuan took so many twists and turns, of course he wanted someone to take care of Director Dong who was working on the farm, but he would not let Director Fang take care of him directly.

If there is a relationship on the surface, it will be difficult to take care of him, and it will be easy for others to talk about him.

On the surface, it was best to maintain the previous relationship, so that it would be easier for Instructor Fang to change jobs to Director Dong.Most of the work on the farm is very hard, and it is the greatest consideration that Instructor Fang can change Director Dong to a more relaxed position.

As for the supplies and nutrients that Yue Wenxuan usually sends, they will definitely not be handled by instructor Fang. It is best to send them to Director Lu. Please ask Director Lu to make a trip every two or three months, so as not to attract attention.

It's normal for Yue Wenxuan to have this concern, and Director Lu can completely understand it. After all, Red Star Farm is a special unit. If you can avoid suspicion, you should avoid it. This will be beneficial to everyone.

He said cheerfully: "It's right to be careful. Then I'll listen to you. Let's have a light meal at his place at noon. If he has time, let him come back with us in the afternoon. If he doesn't have time, forget it.

Anyway, as long as I'm here, I won't make your mother-in-law suffer, don't worry about that. "

This was what Yue Wenxuan wanted, and he immediately said seriously:

"My place is really far away from you. After seeing it this time, I don't know when I can come again next time.

Who made you recognize me as your friend? It’s up to you to take photos of my mother-in-law. Every three or two months, I have to trouble you to visit the farm.

If anything happens, we can write letters and talk on the phone in time. With you here to take care of me, I feel relieved. "

Director Lu knew very well that for Yue Wenxuan, this was the most important thing, and he said seriously:
"Don't worry, I will definitely visit the farm often. I can't guarantee anything else. At least I can guarantee that your mother-in-law will not endure hardship and will not be put in small shoes."

Yue Wenxuan loaded all the things he brought to his mother-in-law onto the ox cart, and Director Lu also moved things onto it. After putting the things away, several people got on the cart.

The young man who drove the bus was very skilled and was quite safe along the way. He arrived at Red Star Farm at 08:30.

Director Lu often came to the farm to visit relatives. The farm security guard was very familiar with him and let the bullock cart in without letting him register.

The farm is so large that the residential area for managers and farm leaders occupies a large area.

Instructor Fang is one of the main leaders of the farm, and his family occupies a small courtyard.

The oxcart stopped outside the courtyard gate. Director Lu saw that the courtyard door was locked and asked someone to inquire. The neighbors were very enthusiastic and knew that instructor Fang had relatives coming to his home. Soon someone ran to deliver the letter.Not long after, a woman in her early thirties strode towards this side.

This person was Director Lu's sister. The two brothers and sister exchanged a few words. Director Lu introduced his sister to Mr. and Mrs. Yue Wenxuan. After a few polite words, they walked into the courtyard together.

After knowing the purpose of Yue Wenxuan's visit, Director Lu's sister said apologetically:

"Brother Wenxuan, I can't get away for a while. They are in a meeting and may not be able to see you until noon. I'm really sorry."

Yue Wenxuan said understandingly: "What's wrong with this? Work is important at all times, and we didn't say hello in advance, so how could we disturb his work.

As long as we can meet at noon, this is already causing trouble for you. "

"Although Lao Fang cannot escape, it does not prevent you from visiting relatives.

It's not easy for you to come so far. I definitely want to stay with Dr. Dong for a while.

I also work on a farm and know Dr. Dong. How about I call her over and meet you first? Director Lu's sister asked for advice.

Gu Bingxue had not seen her mother for two years. She couldn't wait and said immediately: "Then I'll trouble Sister Lu. Where do you think we can meet?"

Yue Wenxuan said: "Just go to her dormitory to meet her. It's not appropriate to come here."

The farm implements a high-pressure management policy. Director Lu's sister really couldn't call Director Dong here. Yue Wenxuan said this, which made her feel relieved, "Then I will take you two to the dormitory first. You guys wait in the dormitory for a while, I will call Dr. Dong over soon."

Director Lu's sister led the two of them to the dormitory. The door of the dormitory was open. The room was not big, and there was a large kang to the south.

"You're welcome. Just sit on the kang for a while. I'll be back in a quarter of an hour at most."

Director Lu's sister left quickly and came back even faster. It only took 10 minutes to lead Dr. Dong back in a hurry.

After entering the room, Director Lu's sister said to Yue Wenxuan:

"There's no one in the dormitory right now, so it's just convenient for you to talk for a while.

Dr. Dong knows when to get off work, so don't stay in the dormitory for too long. It's best to go back before get off work. "

"Don't worry, Sister Lu, we will pay attention."

Yue Wenxuan was a shrewd man at first glance. Director Lu's sister had nothing to worry about and left after a few simple words of warning.

As early as the moment Director Dong appeared, Gu Bingxue's eyes were already filled with tears. As soon as Director Lu's sister left, two lines of tears flowed down uncontrollably.

They were separated for only three years, but Director Dong seemed to have aged more than ten years.

When they were separated three years ago, Director Dong still had black hair, almost no wrinkles on his face, and his skin was fair and supple.

But now her hair is gray, her forehead is covered with wrinkles, and her skin is rough and dry. She looks no different from the aunties and aunts in Dahe Village.

"Mom, you have suffered!" Gu Bingxue choked out these words and couldn't say any more. She threw herself into her mother's arms and burst into tears.

Director Dong's eyes were also a little moist, but she was a person with a strong character. The training of three years of farm life did not defeat him, but made her more tenacious.

She hugged her daughter silently for a while, then wiped her eyes with rough hands without leaving a trace, patted her daughter on the back, and said:
"Stop crying. We finally met each other. Shouldn't we be happy?"

"Mom, you always report good things but not bad things in your letters. Judging from how you look now, you must have suffered a lot. It's all our fault. We should have come to see you sooner."

Seeing her mother's old and haggard appearance, Gu Bingxue's heart felt as if she had been hit hard by a hammer.

"My situation is pretty good, I don't suffer much, and compared to others, at least I can often receive packages from you.

With your constant support, I don’t lack food or clothing. I don’t know how many people envy me.

As for the change in my image, isn’t this normal?I am here to work on the farm, not to enjoy the happiness. I am exposed to the wind and rain every day, so my skin will definitely be a little rough.

But I feel very good about this change. Doing some farm work every day can be regarded as exercise.

Compared to the past, when I was either doing surgery or writing documents in the office, I now work every day and my body is stronger than before. "

Director Dong spoke very relaxedly and seemed to be happy with his current work and life without any complaints.

Gu Bingxue also had the experience of going to the countryside to join the queue, and she was very aware of the hardships of farm work. Just from the change in her mother's image, she could guess how intense her daily workload was.

Look at her mother's hands. After three years of changes, the hands now are completely different from those three years ago. If she didn't look at the face, she wouldn't believe that they were the hands of the same person.

Director Dong often performs difficult surgeries, so she attaches great importance to her hands and pays special attention to their care.

Before going to the farm, her hands were white and tender, her skin seemed to be transparent, and her veins were clearly visible.

But now the hands are as rough as old tree bark, and the cracks are extremely obvious.What makes her most heartbroken is that there are obvious traces of frostbite on several fingers. Even though it is summer, the frostbite areas have already improved, but the frostbite areas are obviously swollen, which makes the fingers look a bit weird.

The hands that were once so delicate and slender have become rough and twisted in just three years. How can Gu Bingxue not be sad?
The hardships I suffered in the past cannot be changed. The more I recall, the sadder I feel. Yue Wenxuan spoke at the right time:

"Mom, I get along well with the farm instructor's uncle, and he has promised me that he will come to visit you every once in a while.

At noon, I should be able to meet with instructor Fang, and I will ask him to change you to a less stressful job.

I think the accommodation environment here is not very good. How do you get along with the people in your dormitory?Do you need to change rooms? "

Director Dong felt a little bitter when he saw Yue Wenxuan again.

Gu Maoqiu had already written to tell her about the marriage certificate between her youngest daughter and Yue Wenxuan, and asked for her opinion.

She didn't object.

(End of this chapter)

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