All Heavens Pension started from the fiery era

Chapter 54 54. Factory Director Huo Changtian

Chapter 54 54. Factory Director Huo Changtian

Before getting out of the car, Yue Wenxuan went to the office building and went directly to the door of the factory manager's office after checking the job change materials and relevant certificates again.

The office door was left open, but he knocked anyway.

"Come in. Comrade, what do you want?"

The person who spoke was a young man in his 30s. Yue Wenxuan guessed that he was probably the secretary of Director Huo.

"Hello comrade, my name is Yue Wenxuan, and I'm here to report to Director Huo."

"So it's Comrade Yue, I'm Director Huo's secretary Ding Chaoyang, I know you.

Director Huo has already explained it to me, and I guess you should report for duty in the next two days. "

After hearing Yue Wenxuan's name, Ding Chaoyang became more enthusiastic, "Comrade Yue, please sit down for a while. Director Huo has gone to a meeting, and he will have to wait a while before he comes back."

Yue Wenxuan didn't have to wait long, before he finished a cup of hot tea, Huo Changtian returned to the office.

Huo Changtian's hair is a bit gray, he looks about 50 years old, he is not tall, but his waist is straight, he looks very capable, and he has a very obvious military style on his body.

After Yue Wenxuan said hello, Huo Changtian just nodded and said to Ding Chaoyang, "You will go with Wenxuan."

Then he turned his head and said to Yue Wenxuan: "Come back after finishing the formalities, and I will personally accompany you to the personnel affairs later."

"I'm bothering you."

Although he had just met, Yue Wenxuan already had a preliminary impression of Huo Changtian, and it was very deep.

Huo Changtian is obviously a very serious person, he doesn't talk much, but he handles things vigorously and decisively.What is the specific personality and behavior style? I have to wait until I get to work and then I will gradually understand it.

With Ding Chaoyang's assistance, Yue Wenxuan's entry procedures went smoothly, and he returned to Huo Changtian's office in just over half an hour.

Ding Zhaoyang brewed a cup of tea, put it in front of Yue Wenxuan, turned around and went out, closing the door gently.

Huo Changtian took out a cigarette and asked, "Smoking?"


"Then have one."

Yue Wenxuan took the cigarette, took out a box of matches, lit it for Huo Changtian first, and then took a puff by himself.

The smell of smoke is a bit pungent, Yue Wenxuan is not very used to it.

It never occurred to him that a leader as big as Huo Changtian would be smoking low-end Pegasus cigarettes, and Pegasus cigarettes without tinfoil.

A pack of Pegasus cigarettes with tin foil is [-] cents, and a pack of Pegasus cigarettes without tin foil is [-] cents.

Ordinary dry and cloth usually smoke this kind of cigarette, and it is not common for Daling Island like Huo Changtian to smoke this kind of low-grade cigarette.

Although Huo Changtian is just a factory manager, Dongfang Machinery Factory has a very high level, and it is a super large enterprise at the deputy cloth level under its subordinates.

In other words, Huo Changtian is the deputy bu-level officer Bu!
At this time, there is no difference between the factory and enterprise dry cloth and the official government dry cloth. Maybe someday they will adjust each other.

For Lingdao of his level, it is normal to smoke Zhonghua, and if he is low-key, he has to smoke Peony.

To be more low-key, you have to choose Daqianmen anyway. The general cadres at the top level smoke this kind of cigarettes. There are thirty-nine packs with tin foil, and thirty-seven packs without tin foil.

With his salary, it is totally affordable.

And he chose the Pegasus cigarettes that ordinary cadres would smoke. Although this is only a small matter, it can explain a lot of problems.

After taking two puffs in a row, Huo Changtian opened his mouth and said:
"Mr. Lu speaks highly of you, and I have also read your resume. You are worthy of the title of fighting hero.

A cultured combat hero like you who has attended a military academy should stay on the cloth team to develop, and the battlefield is your destination.

But there is nothing perfect in this world. When I changed my career, I was also very conflicted in my heart.

I am in good health, unlike you who changed jobs due to injury.

If you have no choice, I can fight for it, but in the end I accepted the arrangement of my superior, Lingdao.

Those of us who have served in the army all have a certain energy in our bodies, that is, we will not admit defeat!No matter what we do, we must succeed! "

For Huo Changtian to say such a thing, it seems that he really knows Yue Wenxuan's past very well.

The predecessor had a bright future in the army, but when he was first notified to change jobs, he was indeed resistant, and he was in a bad mood for a long time.

But of course Yue Wenxuan didn't have this mentality, he said solemnly:

"I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I have no resistance, let alone fear of difficulties. I believe that I can do well in the new position."

Huo Changtian was very satisfied with Yue Wenxuan's statement, and continued:

"The task of the Dongfang Machinery Factory is heavy, and the superior Lingdao has high expectations. This is another battlefield. Although we can't hear the sound of guns and guns, it is no less important than a battle.

I hope you can adapt to this new battlefield as soon as possible. On this battlefield, you can also become a fighting hero! "

Yue Wenxuan stood up, "I will."

Huo Changtian signaled Yue Wenxuan to sit down, and began to change the subject:

"It's enough to adapt slowly at work, I believe you can do well with your ability.

Are there any difficulties in life?Speak up when you have difficulties.There is a support policy in the factory for a fighting hero like you to change jobs. If there is a need, you can just bring it up. "

"Thank you for your concern. My family's conditions are okay, and there is no difficulty."

After pondering for a while, Yue Wenxuan continued: "There is a situation that I have to report to you."

"What's the matter? You said."

Before speaking, Yue Wenxuan took out an information bag and handed it to Huo Changtian, "Take a look first."

Opening the information bag and flipping through it, Huo Changtian showed a look of surprise on his face. He raised his head to look at Yue Wenxuan, and continued to review page by page in detail.

After reading it, he put all the information into the information bag, handed it back to Yue Wenxuan, and said with emotion:

"It seems that I still underestimated you. It's such a pity. If you were not injured, your future achievements will definitely make the old head. Chief feel gratified."

"I don't feel regretful. I have been in the army for 11 years, and so many comrades around me have died. Compared with them, I am already very lucky."

Feeling the sincerity in Yue Wenxuan's tone, Huo Changtian said:

"You're right to think so, compared to those comrades who died, what else do we have to complain about?

The old chief arranged you to our Dongfang Machinery Factory, but our factory is full of money.

There is nowhere to look for such a good thing to have one more talent without taking up the housing resources in our factory. "

"Speaking of which, it's still causing trouble for our factory. Others work hard and won't delay for a day. I can't say that I will have to ask for leave someday."

Yue Wenxuan didn't feel guilty at all when he said these things. The proof materials he presented were all true and effective, not false proofs.

Originally, he was hesitant to show these materials to Huo Changtian, but after careful consideration, it was still necessary to do so.

He has a car and a big house. People will definitely talk about it. Instead of letting people guess, it's better to just explain it.

(End of this chapter)

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