All Heavens Pension started from the fiery era

Chapter 780 Chapter 781 A Happy Event for the Whole Family

Chapter 780 781. A happy event for the whole family

Walking out of the street office door, Yue Wenxuan was in a good mood.

He was not happy because his elder brother was about to return to the city, but he was happy that he would not have to stay with this good elder brother after returning to the city.

If Yan Xuejie had not asked for an exchange, Yue Wenxuan could only recruit his eldest brother to work at the Red Star Department Store, but Yue Wenxuan really didn't want to live with such a selfish person day and night.

The original body might be more tolerant towards Yue Lingxuan, but Yue Wenxuan certainly would not. If the two of them were together day and night, Yue Wenxuan would only make Yue Lingxuan suffer more.

Originally, he had already thought about how to deal with this good big brother. Well, let him restrain himself and not cause him trouble.

Now, after returning to the city, my eldest brother went directly to work in the food factory. There is no overlap in work, so naturally there will be no conflicts.

For Yue Wenxuan, it was of course a happy thing to be able to spend less time on this elder brother.

After returning home, Yue Wenxuan was not in a hurry to take out the document. It was not until the family had finished their meal that he said, "Dad, Mom, I have good news to tell you."

Without waiting for the two to ask questions, Yue Wenxuan went back to the house, took out the documents for returning to the city, and handed them to his father.

After Yue Xuchu quickly scanned it, he read it again carefully word by word. He raised his head and couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

Although he was extremely happy, he just said, "Okay, great! I'll send this document to the boss tomorrow."

"What kind of procedures are these? You have to mail them to the boss? Look how excited you are."

Neither the father nor the son told Cong Qiuhui the news in advance. Seeing his wife's puzzled look, Yue Xuchu simply handed the documents in his hand to her.

Cong Qiuhui was not mentally prepared at all. After reading the document, she was even more surprised and asked quickly:
“Wenxuan, I didn’t expect that you are so capable now that you can actually get a quota for the boss to recruit workers back to the city.

Whose connections did you rely on? They have helped us so much, we must thank them very much! "

Yue Xuchu also echoed, "We have to thank them very much. This is a huge favor. No matter how much we thank them, it's not too much."

"No need to thank me, I don't really owe you a big favor."

Yue Wenxuan then recounted what had happened in detail.

After listening to their son's story, the couple were quite surprised. They never thought that their second son could come up with such an idea. Most people don't have such a brain, at least they didn't think about it.

This surprise was a bit too big. Cong Qiuhui was in a state of excitement and said with emotion: "The boss always feels that God is unfair to him. This is not good, and that is not right.

If you ask me, I think he is just ungrateful. In fact, he is already very lucky among his peers. Compared with others, he has not suffered much.

During the most difficult years, our family had remittance coupons, so we were able to buy more food and non-staple foods, and he rarely went hungry.

Their generation had the opportunity to go to the countryside, and so many people were unable to return. He just had to suffer a few more years, and he was lucky to have the opportunity to return to the city.

I just wonder if he will complain again after he returns to the city this time?"

"How could we not understand what kind of person our son is? He would definitely complain.

In his eyes, he only sees others enjoying themselves but not others suffering, and he always feels that he is the one who has been most let down.

I originally thought that letting him go to the countryside to suffer for a few years might change his character, but now it seems that it is simply impossible to change a person’s character.”

Yue Xuchu knew his eldest son too well and did not dare to have too high expectations of him.

No matter what his parents said about the eldest son, Yue Wenxuan never interrupted.

After the excitement in his heart subsided a little, Yue Xuchu asked worriedly: "Your maintenance department is so small, and there is not much business in total. If you add two more people, can you still pay the wages?"

"Don't worry about this. Since I dare to recruit, I can definitely pay the salary." Yue Wenxuan just gave an affirmative answer without explaining anything further.

Two days after Yue Lingxuan sent his return documents for employment, Lu Weidang and Chen Xiaoliang's second sister's return documents for employment were finally approved.

Yue Wenxuan first gave Lu Weidang's recruitment documents for returning to the city to him, and then took another set of recruitment documents back to the maintenance department.

When Yue Wenxuan handed the document to Chen Xiaoliang, he was very happy.

Ever since he got Yue Wenxuan's promise, Chen Xiaoliang has been a little absent-minded. He has not been at ease at work these past two days, fearing that something unexpected might happen. Now that he has finally received the return documents for his second sister's recruitment, he feels at ease.

"Wenxuan, I want to take half a day off and take this document home quickly to make my parents happy. Do you think it's okay?" Chen Xiaoliang couldn't wait to share the joy with his family.

"What's wrong with that? Don't go back empty-handed. Go to Cai Youliang and weigh five kilograms of crystal jelly. Just ask him to keep a record of it. It can be deducted from next month's salary." Yue Wenxuan took the initiative to say.

"Okay, such good news must be celebrated, so I won't be polite."

Chen Xiaoliang weighed five kilograms of crystal jelly, got on the bus, and hurried home.

When he got home, it was not yet three o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Xiaoliang's mother saw him coming back with something in his hand and couldn't help asking, "It's not a festival, why did you come home suddenly?"

Chen Xiaoliang didn't rush to answer his mother's question. He handed the food in his hand to his sister-in-law first, "Sister-in-law, this is the crystal jelly made by our maintenance department. It tastes really good. I'll add another dish tonight. You can try it too."

The sister-in-law took the jelly and couldn't help but lower her head to smell it. She said happily, "Oh, how come your maintenance department also makes crystal jelly? It smells good, it must be delicious."

Ever since Chen Xiaoliang got a job, his sister-in-law's attitude towards him changed 180 degrees. Every time she saw him coming home, she greeted him with a smile and never said anything sarcastic to him in front of others or behind their backs anymore.

"Crystal jelly is a rare thing. Usually, there is nowhere to buy it if you want to eat it. How do you set the price in your maintenance department? Business must be very good, right?"

Chen Xiaoliang's mother was also attracted by the crystal jelly and temporarily forgot about the question. Chen Xiaoliang said proudly, "Such a rare thing, of course the business is good, and the supply is always in short supply. The price is not too high, it is set at 30 cents per pound. Wenxuan knows that our family is going to celebrate tonight, so he asked me to weigh five pounds."

"Did your salary increase?" asked the sister-in-law expectantly.

If my brother-in-law's salary can be increased a little more, he can give more money to the family. Chen Xiaoliang's sister-in-law still attaches great importance to this.

“I’ve only been in the maintenance department for over a month, how can I get a raise so soon? Even if Wenxuan wants to give me a raise, I’m embarrassed to ask for it.

And even if I get a raise, it's not worth our family celebrating. Today's event is much more important than my raise."

"What could it be? Xiaoliang, stop keeping us in suspense and tell us right away. There's no need to make anyone anxious." Chen Xiaoliang's mother urged.

Chen Xiaoliang handed the file bag to his mother, "Can you see what's inside?"

Chen Xiaoliang's mother opened the file bag and took out the things inside, but she could not read a word and had no idea what was written on it.

Seeing the proud look on her brother-in-law's face, the eldest sister-in-law knew that this happy event must be a big one. After all, she had an elementary school education, so she took the file bag from her mother-in-law.

When she finished reading the content, she was shocked and began to wonder if she had read the name wrong. After she looked at it carefully again, she was sure that what she was holding was indeed her sister-in-law's recruitment documents for returning to the city.

She looked up at her brother-in-law and asked in disbelief, "Xiaoliang, is this really the employment application form for your second sister?"

"How could this be false? Wenxuan begged and pleaded with everyone to get the recruitment procedures for returning to the city. There are only two vacancies in total, and one of them was given to my second sister." Chen Xiaoliang was so proud when he spoke.

Speaking of this matter, he really feels so proud!
He himself felt that it was like pie in the sky, and he had never dared to dream of such a good thing. Seeing the shocked expression on his sister-in-law's face, he felt even more proud.

"Oh my, so your second sister will be able to return to the city soon?" Chen Xiaoliang's mother was the most excited one. "Am I dreaming? How could such a good thing fall into our family out of thin air?"

"Mom, this didn't just happen to our family out of thin air. Wenxuan ran around and asked countless people for help before he finally got the procedures done. Wenxuan has been loyal since he was young, and when such a good thing happened, the first thing he thought of was our family." Chen Xiaoliang specifically emphasized that this was the credit of Yue Wenxuan.

"Look, I'm getting old and confused." Chen Xiaoliang's mother slapped her forehead, "We should thank Wenxuan very much. Apart from Wenxuan, no one else would give such a good thing to our family for no reason."

Chen Xiaoliang's sister-in-law also said, "Although Wenxuan is Xiaoliang's good friend, he has helped our family so much, we can't just not show any appreciation. We have to think carefully about how to thank him."

Chen Xiaoliang's mother said: "I really don't have an idea at the moment. This thank-you gift can't be light, otherwise it would be too insincere.

If I ask someone else to do this, in addition to doing a favor, I'd have to pay at least 500 yuan to barely come up with it."

Hearing the words 500 yuan from her mother-in-law's mouth, the eldest sister-in-law's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she quickly said: "Wenxuan and Xiaoliang are not ordinary people. If we really give him money, he might not be happy.

If you ask me, I must remember this favor and repay it if I have the chance in the future.

As for the thank you gift, it is not appropriate to give money, but the thought must be sufficient. You can buy some more nutritional supplements and then invite him to your home for a meal. I think this is more sincere. "

Chen Xiaoliang's mother knew very well what her daughter-in-law was thinking, but she couldn't say anything against it.

If she really wanted to give 500 yuan as a thank-you gift, her family really didn't have the money. There were only two workers in their family, and they lived a tight life every month. All the savings in the family were less than 200 yuan. Even if she was willing to go out and borrow money, she probably couldn't borrow 300 yuan.

"Well, given our family's financial situation, it's a bit difficult even if we want to come up with a generous thank-you gift." Chen Xiaoliang's mother sighed, looking embarrassed.

Chen Xiaoliang didn't want to embarrass his mother, so he said in a relaxed tone: "Mom, forget about the thank-you gift, Wenxuan won't want it.

Wenxuan was willing to help out only out of friendship, not out of gratitude from our family.

Don't worry about this matter. I can talk to him about it myself.

I really want to thank Wenxuan. I will do my best to do my job well in the future. This is better than any thank you gift."

"Okay, Wenxuan is willing to help you mainly because of your face. It's also your luck that you can make such a good friend in your life.

Our whole family will remember Wenxuan's kindness for the rest of our lives. Especially you, no matter what time it is, you must never do anything to let Wenxuan down."

"Mom, why do you think of me like that? Am I that kind of person?" Chen Xiaoliang was a little unhappy to hear it.

"I know you're not that kind of person, I just want to give you a reminder."

After saying that, Chen Xiaoliang quickly changed the subject, "Mom, today is a big happy event for our whole family, we must celebrate it well, what delicious food do you think we can make tonight?"

"I haven't made dumplings for half a year. Let's make dumplings today! Let the adults and children be happy together." Chen Xiaoliang's mother said proudly.

After sending out the recruitment documents, Yue Wenxuan's parents began to look forward to the day when their eldest son would return to the city. But they also knew that things could not be rushed. It would take at least half a month for the eldest son to receive the documents and obtain permission from the local Youth League Office. If it was fast, it might take a month.

Even if things went smoothly, the family felt that it would probably take a month for the eldest son to return to the city.

But the whole family greatly underestimated the eldest son's eagerness to return to the city. Less than twenty days after the documents were sent out, the eldest son went home.

The day Yue Lingxuan returned happened to be Sunday, and the whole family was at home and no one went out.

When he walked in, the family had just finished lunch and were sitting in the living room talking.

Yue Lingxuan arrived at his door carrying a heavy luggage, and the first person who saw him was Cong Qiuhui who was sitting opposite the gate.

The eldest son went to the countryside to work in the production team. They had been apart for six years. Finally, she waited for the eldest son to return to the city. Cong Qiuhui was very excited. The longing in her heart was already gushing out. Yue Lingxuan had a dark and vicissitudes face. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot in these years. Cong Qiuhui was surprised and sad. Tears suddenly wet her cheeks uncontrollably.

Cong Qiuhui stood up and went over to greet him, tightly grasping her eldest son's hand, "Lingxuan, I can see that you have suffered a lot over the years, you have become darker and thinner!"

Yue Lingxuan was also very excited, "Mom, how come you have aged so much?"

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