Chapter 103 Golden Branch
At 09:30 in the evening, Shangluo was lying on his bed.The lights are out and the phone is set to "wake up" mode.According to Lu Huaiyang, as long as the fixed time comes, the light of the mobile phone will wake him up at a specific frequency, and then let him have a lucid dream, so as to avoid some unexpected "problems" in the dream.

"Hey, Apollonia." He opened his eyes suddenly, "What if I don't wake up?"

"It's hard to say. Without adequate ritual, no one knows what happens in dreams. If dreams could be controlled, the Romans would have found the light."

"The mysterious power on the side of Rome is related to 'Dream'?"

[To be precise, it is related to 'night'.Just as the icy sun shines on Cathay, the bright moon is the symbol of Constantinople.Mysteries on the Roman side are usually hidden in night, and night is noble.Because human beings in the original state have no way of knowing the scene in the dark, only those who have mastered the 'light' can know how to grope in the dark. 】

"So... Lu Qianhu's suggestion is correct?"

[His suggestion is very correct.In Rome, only trained internal guards and other professionally trained people will explore this road, because the lights are far less selfless than sunlight-in Cathay, as long as you take celestial root, you can try to explore the real avenue.But in Rome, lights are only reserved for those who are qualified to hold "lights", and he does not open the door to most people. Therefore, Lu Huaiyang's suggestion is very correct, don't walk into the night casually, especially After you witness the mystery.]


[Because I think about it every day and dream at night.After you witness a mysterious event, you will have magical 'symbols' in your mind, and 'symbols' are the only language that can be used in dreams.In other words, this is another application of the Akashic records: instead of broadly asking 'what is Jidan' and finding the closest answer; to find the only answer. 】

"Then the Romans could use rituals to lock the content of 'dreams', and then explore them?"

[You are half right.Because to be precise it is not a 'dream', but a 'night'.Anything is possible where you can't see it.It is this kind of infinite possibility that is hidden in the night-of course, dreaming is also a part of it.But entering the 'night' through dreams is very dangerous, no different from swimming in the middle of the ocean.The Romans will be very well prepared. They will first prepare tokens, then use EITR potion to maintain the continuity of consciousness, and finally light up lights at a specific sacrificial site until night, and return to the sacrificial site before the phlogiston is exhausted.Well, you have nothing here, so you need to wake up to ensure your own safety. 】

"Understood." He checked his phone again.

[Relax, you have already set it up before.This trick is very useful, because people can perceive light even when they are asleep.When you know that you will be awakened by the light, you will have the cue of 'light is reality'.In fact, it is also possible to prepare a spinning top, but it will take time to coat the pulp.You haven't been trained for a long time, so you can't bring a top or other hints into it.So just set up a light.Now, go to sleep.Have a good dream. 】

He had never seen this dream.The bright silver atmosphere casts mottled tree shadows in the woodland, and there seem to be countless sights peeping in the deep dense forest.Walking through the doorways made of branches one after another, there is a big tree in the open space in the forest.

A big golden tree with golden branches.But an eerie shadow lingered beneath the golden bough: the priest-king wreathed in laurel staggered beneath the tree, circling slowly.The sharp sword is his crutch, and the tip of the sword pierces the ground, bringing him a small but useful support.Only by holding a sharp sword can the priest king get a little comfort.

But he couldn't get a moment's peace.Because anyone who climbs and breaks the golden branch is entitled to his laurels, and he must patrol here day and night.Especially at night—yes, yes, at night.Whenever night falls, speculators will use the cover of night to try to break off the golden branch.

"I'm talking about you!"

The Priest King suddenly stopped and looked here.Cloudy eyes bring ancient malice, last warning to usurpers.

Suddenly, a pair of hands supported his shoulders from behind and brought him back to the forest, giving him a moment of respite.

Looking back, it turned out to be 6 identical people, each holding a lantern in their hand.

The person dragging Shangluo glanced at him: "It's strange, why is he a Cathayman. Come on Raven! This is not an apprentice, this is a Cathayman! He's still a child!"

"A person from Cathay? How did he come to this path?"

The man called "The Raven" came forward.Although they all look alike, Hydra units are distinguished from each other by code names.The raven is the main body, and others have code names such as lions, crocodiles, dolphins, snakes, lobsters, and snails according to needs.

"Hey, boy, are you in Delphi? Are you on trial?"

He and Shang Luo looked at each other: "No, he's dreaming! He didn't drink the potion at all, he wasn't awake."

"Dream? But dreams are based on experience. There is no experience with these symbols in Zhendan, so it is impossible to come here. Raven. In short, let's take him away from the forest. It is very dangerous here, and it is also very dangerous for us. We Also had to have two people looking at him, and even blinking alternately to keep the line of sight."

His concerns are well founded.Because protecting a dreamer in the woodlands is very troublesome.Because there is no continuity in the dream, it is possible to disappear in front of the eyes in a blink of an eye, and people have to blink.Hydra forces are theoretically "one person" though, so they can at least maintain a continuous gaze by blinking alternately without letting the target out of sight.

"What a hell, why didn't anyone come who should have come, and someone who shouldn't have come." The lion holding the sword muttered.

Raven glanced at him: "How do you know he shouldn't come?"

"Are you going to let him take the golden branch?"

Raven was silent for a while: "Has something happened to Zhendan recently?"

The wise dolphin provided an answer: "The Ripper is over there. Team VI is preparing to go to the Cathay, and has already reported to Jin Yiwei, and a rocket plane will come to pick them up."

"How come Zhendan always uses rocket planes to pick up people recently. Fortunately, we are not on the field this time."

"Raven, what about this child?"

"Bring the old branch, let him choose it himself." He took a withered and yellow branch from behind, supported Shangluo, and handed the old branch into his hand:
"Listen, boy. Take the old branch, it's the golden branch from the previous tree. Go out and figure out what this means, and if you're really determined to continue, use the old branch to dream. But be sure to drink the EITR potion , This place is very dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous. Do you understand? We will stay here until the end of the trial. Next time, if you are prepared, come to us with an old branch."

Shang Luo nodded.

"Then wake up!" He let go of his hand suddenly, and Shang Luo, who was supported up, fell down because of the loss of support.

"Bang!" Shang Luo woke up as he bumped his head against the desk.

The whole class fell silent, and the teacher looked at him.

The nose hurt so badly that Shang Luo woke up completely.He wanted to reach out and rub his nose—but when he stretched out his right hand, he was holding a golden dead branch.

(End of this chapter)

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