Chapter 106 The Hydra Troops

Pudong Airport, apron.

Three people just got off the conveyor—the twin-engine conveyor is specially used to transport important officials of the Imperial Army, and there are many equipped at Dajiaochang Airport in Yujing.This kind of plane is actually a reconnaissance plane. It is not comfortable to sit on it, but it can take off and land on its own in many places.If there's anything better than an airliner, it's the scenery.The cambered reconnaissance cockpit allows the crew to overlook the ground from the air, and an occasional ride has a special flavor.

This plane also has a pushback feeling when it takes off.But after he made the Lanfang rocket machine last time, he was no longer afraid of anything.

This time, the Lanfang rocket "landed" on the airport as mightily as before.The loud "hum" can be heard from far away, and it sounds even more oppressive in the airport than in it.Like a swan stretching its neck, the "Ninghe No. 2" spitting out tongues of fire crashed to the ground.The tires rubbed against the blue smoke, and the air twisted and rose because of the burning.

Ninghe 2 completed its first flight this week and slowly entered the apron.

Since there is no need to go through the procedures of passenger transportation, the process of parking is quickly completed.This rocket plane is completely operated by Lanfang Airlines itself, and the gangway car is also dedicated to the special plane—anyway, even the rockets are stored here, and I don’t care about storing a few more cars.

When the cabin door opened, the Hydra troops from Rome appeared in front of them: black action suits, black tactical vests, and black battle helmets.The black cloak covered the figure, and the hood also covered the helmet, blurring everyone's outline.

Their faces were also covered by gas mask respirators, all of which had tubes attached to their backs.It seems that under the burqa, two steel cylinders are also stored.

From the body shape to the face, the features of their whole body are covered up, only the badge on the chest identifies their identity.There are three badges.

The Hydra Hydra, representing the Hydra Force. The VI badge, representing the Sixth Squadron of the Hydra Army.And a raven badge, representing the captain.

Holding on to the gangway, Raven stepped down step by step.The other 5 people also walked down the gangway one by one.They all have the same attire as the raven at the front, only the third identification badge is different.In addition to ravens, there are lions, snails, dogs and the like.

Six people stood in a line under the gangway, their steps were heavy and powerful, and the sound of breathing as heavy as their steps came from the masks.

They stood facing Lu Huaiyang, raised their right hands to the left chest, and put their five fingers together to form a hand knife.

"Io Triumphe (for victory)!"

This is the call sign used in Dionysian festivals.Dionysus also symbolized victory and glory, so it was also used in Roman military salutes.

After Lu Huaiyang returned the salute with the same military salute, both sides turned their swords to the right to stand still.This is a "knife throwing salute" common in both empires, and can be used with a gun, a knife, or bare hands.Usually this is also the first step when both parties meet.

After saluting, Raven's body suddenly hunched over as if a string had been snapped.

"Feel sorry!"

He raised his hand and waved it to Lu Huaiyang as an apology, and then the six of them turned around and bent down to tear off their masks:
Pizza, pasta, caviar, capers, all messed up.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Captain Lin trotted out of the cabin with a clipboard in his arms, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry. Come on, which guest can give us a score?"

The lion at the end of the team pointed ahead, pointing to the raven at the head of the team.

"This... this gentleman, please tick here to evaluate our service. Oral expressions are also acceptable."

"Quick!" Raven didn't look up, but just gave a thumbs up.

This is too fast, even faster than walking the sacrificial field.

"Thank you for your evaluation of this service. See you next time!" With a formulaic smile on his face, Captain Lin bowed slightly to his customers, and then typed a bunch of "A" on his clipboard .

"Hey! Lu Qianhu, and brother Shangluo, we meet again!"

After greetings from both sides, Captain Lin suddenly reached into his pocket.

He took out a pack of jelly: "Come on, brother Shangluo. You didn't eat this jelly last time. This grape jelly is delicious. It tastes good if it tastes good. After you gave an evaluation last time, we specially I went back to Pontianak and filled the jelly with the new formula, and now the jelly will not be shattered. Try it.”

"Um..." Shangluo took the jelly, and the jelly was indeed intact, but the six passengers behind were obviously not well at all.

"Raven, do you know what I'm regretting?" The lion gasped while vomiting, "It's better to die! It's better to die! I'm almost shaken! The pilots of Cathay Is it a monster? Why are there nothing wrong with them?"

This flight has refreshed his cognition.The hero's tour allowed him to witness too much: he once witnessed a brave man breaking off a golden branch at the sacrificial ground of Nemi Lake, and he once rode the wind and waves in the Mediterranean Sea with Odysseus.He witnessed the dragon tooth soldiers building the city of Thebes, and he also witnessed the death of Achilles in Troy.But he had never been strapped to a chair and shaken violently like a corn sieve while traveling across the entire World Island at twice the speed of sound.

It took them only 10 and a half hours to complete the road that Alexander the Great had walked for 4 years. 4 and a half hours, 16200 seconds, he regrets every second.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have gone to Lake Nemi to replace Team 7." Raven cleaned his face and mouth with a water bottle, and then put on his mask again.

"Sorry, Lu Qianhu, we lost our composure." He greeted Lu Huaiyang in fluent Jinling Mandarin.

It is not very unusual for the Romans to know Chinese.Because there are only two languages ​​worth learning in this world. Daming and Rome each know their own, and they only need to learn the other's lingua franca to pass the world.

"It's okay, it will be like this the first time you sit, and you will get used to it next time."

"Is there a next time??? Could you please change to a normal plane next time?"

"Uh..." Captain Lin on the side was very embarrassed. He leaned into Lu Huaiyang's ear and said, "I thought the Roman inner guard was also in the Qi training period, so I drove a little faster."

"The internal guards are strong in other areas, not their physique. Their physique is still far from the Qi training period."

"Then I'm withdrawing, the person has been delivered, and I leave it to you. Welcome to come again next time."

Captain Lin went back with the message board.

"So Lu Qianhu, next time."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely change it next time, I will definitely change it." Lu Huaiyang casually said.Anyway, Ninghe has 4 planes, and it doesn't matter which one you take.

He lowered his head and flipped through the diary of the Flying Letter:

"Then everyone, there will be an afternoon tea later. According to the schedule, the afternoon tea will be held on the Silver Dragon that you are going to visit. Please follow me."

"Thank you. But please wait a moment, who is Shangluo? We have something to look for him. This is it. Jiuzhi, did you get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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