Chapter 1104 Magic Weapon
Shangluo received a magic weapon to protect himself. It has no disadvantages except that it can talk.

Ao Zang solved a problem, got rid of a little turtle that talked nonsense, and also lost her old father. Both father and daughter turtles were imprisoned. He was the biggest beneficiary of this confrontation and was in a good mood.

"By the way, Guoxing, I heard that your brain was eaten by bugs. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"Why are they even saying this?"

"They didn't tell me. I talked to my uncle, General Yin. After all, you, Guoxing, have handed over the affairs of Lan Fang, and the army will gather in Ryukyu. I have to let my dragons report to the King of Ryukyu, otherwise the King of Ryukyu will not know what to do. The King of Ryukyu can't even decide what to eat in the evening, so he can only ask our cook."

"So the Dragon Palace has such a deep control over Ryukyu?" Shangluo, who was sorting out the packages nearby, asked. He could investigate this matter himself, but it would be most convenient to ask the Dragon King in person.

"The Dragon Palace did not interfere in Ryukyu's internal affairs." Ao Zang replied, "We just saw that Ryukyu was too small and could not bear the obligations of being a secondary tributary state. Ryukyu's position in the tributary system was only second to Korea, and unlike Korea, which was closed to the outside world, Ryukyu's door was wide open, and more people were needed to undertake this important mission. So we just helped the King of Ryukyu fulfill his duties, and did not force the King of Ryukyu to do this or that."

"But the information that the King of Ryukyu used to make decisions was provided by you, right?"

"Ahem." Ao Zang's expression remained unchanged. "Under this king's rule, the Dragon Palace has transcended the narrow class differences between political systems and has broken down into smaller pieces to provide services that transcend national boundaries."

[This guy really didn't hide his plan at all. It sounds like he embezzled the clan property to do private work after becoming the Dragon King and put all the money into his own pocket. The money he got was enough to form a standing army. So his subordinates are against him, this is common sense. After all, the distribution of interests based on ownership is very clear, yes is yes, no is no, all the chains on this route are tied to commercial law. Outsiders may not feel anything, but the parties involved may feel that power has really flowed away from their hands. ]

"I don't object to this approach. I don't object to either side. Whether it's the Dragon King or the opponent of the Dragon King, whatever they do is their own business and has nothing to do with me. I only care whether they will cause trouble to the court. I only see which side is more sensible. Now it seems that our King Ao Zang is the most sensible."

"That's not necessarily true. Someone will whisper in your ear later~~"

"That's furniture. I'll ignore whatever the furniture says."

"Ah." Zheng Shijie clapped his hands. "Let's go and take a rest. We caught turtles and saw a lot of crabs tonight. It was a rich harvest."

"Guo Xing?" Ao Zang asked in surprise, "Why did you change the subject? Shang Tianjun asked a question and you just kept talking - you should be concerned about yourself now. Having a bug in your brain is no small matter. If something happens to you here, I won't be able to explain to your father."

"Oh, don't worry, I have Shang Tianjun to help me with the treatment."

"Really?" Ao Zang looked towards Shangluo -

This was the second round of questions from the elders. Shangluo could only nod. He couldn't act this role. He had never acted opposite Zheng Shijie before. If he went a little deeper into this topic, he would be exposed.

If this is exposed, it will be a disaster. These two people are also well-known. If they fool around like children just to take a few days off, it will be bad for their reputation. This matter is even more useless for Shangluo. After all, it is Zheng Shijie's holiday, which has nothing to do with him. But since the other party suddenly made a request, he had to cooperate.

"Well then." Ao Zang shook his head. "Since Shang Tianjun has said so, I can only rest assured. But Shang Tianjun, please come over here."

"Hmm?" Shangluo put aside the things in his bag, "What's the matter, King Ao Zang?" "I'll give you something. This is a treasure from the East China Sea, you can use it." He took out a gourd wrapped in red coral and poured out a red pill from it -

"Does Lord Shang Tian have a gourd to hold the medicine? This elixir can only be preserved in a medicine gourd. The Imperial Guards should have one."

"I don't usually keep medicine on hand." He reached into his bag and said, "Ah, I have some."

Although he didn't use it very often, the bag was very big, and he always carried this kind of sundries with him. Now Victoria was sitting in it with nothing to do, so she could help him search for the package.

Shangluo took out the Jinyiwei's standard medicine gourd and took the red pill from Ao Zang.

"This is?"

【ah! ! ! 】

"???" As soon as the medicine appeared, not only Apollonia, but also Phaethon beside her was immediately attracted, "This is... This is a panacea!!!"

"Ah, yes, yes, this lady knows what she's talking about." Ao Zang nodded, "This is the panacea of ​​Atlantis. If I remember correctly, this thing is called Iaso in Rome?"

"The Red Elixir Iaso is one of the highest achievements of alchemy and one of the four elixirs. Just one Red Elixir can bring a person back from a dying state. Your Excellency King Ao Zang, how come you have one?"

"One?" He took out the gourd and shook it. "I have a gourd here."

【? ? ? ? ? 】

“????” The question marks on the two people’s heads were about to hit the ground.

"Is this very rare?" Shangluo asked.

"This is more than rare. It simply doesn't exist." Phaethon shook his head. "This medicine only exists in legends. Legend has it that a few alchemists have refined red, yellow, black and white panaceas, but no one has ever refined all four at the same time - because the combination of the four can create a true 'universal medicine', that is, 'healing medicine (PANACEA)'."

"Cure? Cure what?"

"Healing the gap between humanity and divinity, achieving golden immortality - because this last step is too difficult, alchemists will split this ultimate healing medicine into four types, and this is one of them. The Red Type Panacea can heal all injuries from the outside world, and if there is really an insect bite, it can naturally be easily cured. But how can there be so much of this medicine in a gourd! So King Ao Zang, where did these medicines come from?"

"Ah," Ao Zang shook his head, "Mirage, what else could it be."

(End of this chapter)

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