Ming Dynasty and New Rome and Infinite Magic Machine

Chapter 112 The Golden Branch and the Priest King

Chapter 112 The Golden Branch and the Priest King
"By the way, have you ever sold golden branches before?"

Shang Luo suddenly thought of this question.If they often sell golden branches, wouldn't every generation be able to send a celestial being to the court?
"Of course they couldn't be sold casually in the past. The branch-breaking ceremony is once in a generation, and each golden branch is an admission ticket for the next ceremony. It's because I don't know who went crazy and sold the golden branch to you last time, so let this There is no way to start this ceremony, and more than a dozen apprentices can’t find the way. This time there is no way, only you are eligible for the competition, so it’s okay not to give it to you.”

"Then what use is the golden branch to yourselves?"

"Sorry, it's a secret."

【They took the golden branch to seize the authority of the forest king, this is the original purpose of the golden branch. 】Apolonia directly reported the correct answer, 【But since this has been said, you can ask other priest kings about it, and he should also say it. 】

Are there other priest kings?After getting the prompt, Shang Luo asked directly.

"Do you want to ask questions about other priest kings? Well, since you know there are other priest kings, there is no need to hide it. Indeed, the priest king around Lake Nemi is called the 'Forest King' King'. This myth actually comes from ancient Greece, and it is a blood sacrifice ceremony for Diana, the moon god. Originally, in Diana's blood sacrifice, all foreigners would be hunted down and sacrificed to the moon god. In Rome, Mi, this myth has evolved. The objects of sacrifice are still foreigners, but they can get a chance to duel with the priest himself. The winner can become the new forest king."

"So you're starting from Delphi, not here?"

"Yes. The element here is 'outlander', so only entering Nemi from outside Rome can be regarded as a sacrifice to the forest king. In the classical era, the forest king did hold secular power .They were transformed from the "Witch King" in the primitive society of human beings. Although they are mostly hidden in mythology, they can now be shown through the hero's tour. In Rome, they are kings of the forest, and in Gloucestershire, Britain And there is a wicker king."

"I think I've heard the story. That the local Britons put people in wicker as sacrifices to pray for rain?"

"Yes, this is contrary to the request of the forest king. It is also a sacrifice, and the sacrifice here is not a stranger, but a local. To be precise, a lord with secular power has to be sacrificed. From the perspective of mysterious history , it may be that there was a witch king who sacrificed himself here first and produced a miracle, and then let later generations imitate it, using the form of the 'Wicker King' to create its imitation, to pray for abundance and peace."

"Is there really anyone willing to be a sacrifice?"

"Yes, in fact the Wicker King has existed longer than the Forest King, until the Viking Age, and the last secular sacrifice took place in AD 866. But the disaster doesn't come every year, does it? Even if it does, Unless it is absolutely necessary, we will not sacrifice the lord himself. Therefore, we do not interfere with the sacrifice of the Wicker King, because this sacrifice is only necessary when there is a natural disaster in Gloucestershire, as long as it is a disaster relief in the world. ;The king of the forest is not the one we interfere the most, the one we interfere the most is actually the broad bean king."

"Broad Bean King? What is that? Does it appear often?"

"Yes, he is the most frequent of all mysteries. For his anchor is not in the woods of Lake Nemi, or the countryside of Gloucester. It is in the metropolis of Athens. Because the ancient Athenians It is believed that only those who are randomly selected by dyed broad beans are the absolutely righteous people chosen by the gods. Therefore, the real legal lord of Athens should be drawn by lottery, and whoever is drawn is the one.”

"So you're still drawing lots?"

"That's not true. If you still use dyed broad beans to draw lots, it will be considered as performance art. So now we have changed to sell tourist lottery tickets in Athens. The lottery tickets are sorted by the patterns of colored broad beans. With the cooperation of the inner guard, you can experience a one-day tour of the "Priest of Athens". This one-day tour is open on weekdays, and all tourists can go to play, but only the lottery ticket will be carried out by the inner guard to cooperate with the ceremony That...is very troublesome and cumbersome. It includes offering tribute to Athena, dividing sacrifices, etc. Of course, it is quite fun as a tourist project."

"Ah, it turns out that it's not easy for inner guards."

"Yes. Although it is troublesome, it is also the most properly performed ceremony. It is hidden in plain sight, and it does not affect the daily life of the citizens. It also brings some small fun and festivals to the citizens of Athens. Joy. But the Golden Branch’s forest king belongs to that kind of powerful and dangerous ritual every time. We haven’t found a good way to contain it, and we have to fight the forest king every time.”

"Can't it be sealed?"

"Well, we also thought about sealing it, but this is our karma, the price of magic. I use the context that the people of Cathay are also accustomed to. What the Cathayians are cultivating is the innate body, and we are What we practice is innate law. Every time we cast a kind of magic, a miracle will inevitably be pulled into reality and become an innate and reasonable natural phenomenon. Because if there is no miracle first, how can there be magic? Now? Cathay is common, from miracles to magic, we need to provide willpower to reproduce. But we reverse the miracle from magic, which will produce karmic retribution. If the karma is not repaid but sealed, then Magic itself would not survive."

"So you guys have paid for the magic in advance?"

"Very appropriate. The karma that has to be faced is karma. Alchemy, astrology and supernatural powers, these three great powers will all produce karma, and karma and magic correspond one-to-one. Every time we conduct a hero tour, it is Open up a new field of magic and expand the territory of magic. After the expansion, we must maintain and maintain its operation, otherwise the magic will get out of control. If we can't complete the golden branch ceremony this time, the magic corresponding to the forest king will be invalidated. "

【He said it too lightly, maybe he was afraid that you would raise the price.In fact, there is no parallel relationship between magic, but a tree-like development, nested layer by layer.The golden branch is a very low-level magic, located at the base of the tree.The failure of the golden branch is equivalent to the failure of one of Newton's three laws in the field of classical physics, which will cause the building of magic to collapse.Otherwise the Romans would not have tried to restore it at all costs. 】

"If I fail, will the Romans still have a chance to complete the ceremony?" he asked Apollonia.

[Yes, but bloody sacrifices need to be performed, and there is no compensation.Considering the relationship between Cathay and Rome, they will not dare to sacrifice you, so they can only sacrifice their own people.In order to avoid adopting the 'last solution', they can even use the golden branch itself as a reward - but I am wondering, I have invited Qi practitioners to deal with the problem twice in a row, will this ceremony become a must every time? Qi practitioners to handle it?Then you can make a lot of money.Also, they have some forbidden curses that are 'sealed after use' and not kept as normal. Before each use, they have to be unsealed with a hero tour, such as Dragon Tooth Soldiers or something.If you are interested, you can borrow it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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