Chapter 133 The Day
Caesar's procession disappeared at the end of the street, and the sound of the horns fell silent with him.These trumpets are not transmitted like real sounds, and can only be heard at the scene of the ceremony.

The petals fell on the back of Titus' hand.He smelled it, and the expression on his face became complicated.Although it can't be said that he is facing a big enemy or fearful, but he is not happy at all.

"So, our tour continues, there is still some time before dawn. Let's go to the next stop"

Before he finished speaking, a public phone booth behind him rang.

"Sorry, I was looking for you. Please wait here and don't wander around."

Although it was a public phone booth, he immediately judged that the "sympathetic connection" was pointing to him.

Before he had time to explain, he entered the phone booth.

【Hey, do you want to listen? ] asked Apollonia.

"Can you turn the signal around?"

[Of course it’s impossible to turn it directly.The observation of sympathetic communication is equivalent to interception, which can only be absolutely encrypted from end to end.But I can paraphrase it to you, because I'm not human, hehe.I still have a lot of tricks to deal with these Roman technologies.Let me hear what they're saying. Ahem. 】

Apollonia coughed a few times and began to imitate the conversation between the two:
[Yes, no white cow was found.The Triumph is not complete, but the number of soldiers is increasing. 】

[As a member of the legion, you should know the meaning of the Triumph Ceremony—the Triumph Ceremony, as the name suggests, is held after a victory.So where exactly did Caesar win?Don't you know? 】

[Sorry. If we know, the Senate will inform the Council of Sages of the Muse Palace as soon as possible. 】

[The sages believe that Caesar is the catastrophe of knowledge.His return might be good for the rest of Rome, but he feared destroying the Library of Alexandria.If you have the opportunity to contact Caesar, please be sure to explain the situation to him. 】

[But Caesar is currently only a silhouette of himself, he cannot accept new experiences.So even if we warn him, he won't be able to get the information.But I will apply to the Senate to send some more inner guards to defend Alexandria.But please understand, sages, that defense everywhere is more tense than ever. The change in the 'Kadesh Battlefield' has not been identified yet. 】

[The Battle of Kadesh was already half a year ago, haven't you finished it yet? 】

【Yes.If the work of defending the Great Library from Caesar is added, the investigation of Kadesh may have to continue to be postponed. 】

【Then.】The other end of the phone paused for a while, 【The sages believe that the investigation of the 'Kadesh Battlefield' should be the first priority. The possible threat of the pharaohs is far greater than that of Caesar.Caesar's question, we will prepare ourselves.But please don't blame us for overreacting, we will do whatever it takes to defend the Great Library. 】

[Wait. Only this, please calm down!Great libraries are important, but Caesar is also important to empires. Hello? ?Hello? ? 】

[Beep beep beep~] Apollonia imitated the busy tone of the phone, [It seems that our Mr. Crow has been hung up. 】

"They really worked hard. Are the Muse Palace and the Senate independent of each other?"

[Yes, the six Romes largely operate independently of each other.However, the Senate in Constantinople generally represents the Roman Empire in foreign exchanges, such as diplomacy with Ming Dynasty, and the signing of the covenant with Helios, etc., are all in charge of the Senate.But if knowledge is involved, even the Senate cannot shake the decision of the Muse Palace.The night here is the night of Alexander, and different nights have different colors. 】

"How do I get the feeling you're talking about a giant theme park? What's it like elsewhere?"

[Not to mention, they are indeed very similar, and they all have their own themes.Alexandria is the theme of history and culture, New Antioch is the theme of the metropolis, and the theme of Rome is festivals and carnivals.Syracuse is there for vacation, where there is a beautiful moonlight in Sicily.The most special thing is Constantinople, where day and night are mixed together, because the bright moon hangs over Constantinople forever, regardless of day and night.So there are silhouettes at work in Constantinople, day and night. 】

"Ah, so the reason why Constantinople must remain the same keep day and night consistent?"

【Yes.Because the silhouettes cannot be stimulated by too much information, only the historical appearance can be maintained inside the Theodosian walls.So the ice cream just now, you can also eat it in Constantinople during the day. 】

"What about Delphi? It seems that Delphi didn't say anything."

[Delphi?Gee, it's not a theme park.Delphi sleeps during the day and works at night.As far as which is the best, I still like Alexander's Night.Night here is a time for philosophers to let go of their minds and eat ice cream with baklava.Taking a good rest and welcoming a new day is what we should do at night—of course, staying up late and playing until dawn is also a precious memory of our school days, but now it’s almost dawn, and it’s almost time for us to go back. 】

"Hello! Hello!" In the phone booth, Titus was still trying to dial.However, the opposite party seemed to be preparing for the day, and no one answered his call.

The eastern sky is gradually turning white.A golden carriage appeared on the horizon, pulling away the curtain of day.

【Here he comes.】


【Ah, the father of that furnace of yours.look east. 】

Shangluo looked to the east - the sun carriage became more and more clear.It represents the body of the sun. Although it is as dazzling as the real sun, it is unexpectedly possible to look directly at it with both eyes.The golden figure drives the carriage, just like every day in the past.Phaeton's "solidification" does not seem to have affected the father's state of mind, and he is still performing his functions.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, let's go back." Titus came out of the phone booth, "I'm sorry I have to excuse you for a while, I have to go to the Muse Palace. After sending you back to the Glass Tower, I will Turn back again. Please tell Lu Qianhu not to worry, I will come back at night in Yujing."

Although the tour time was not long, Shangluo felt that the trip was worthwhile—mainly because the ice cream was really delicious.When he reached the jetty, he hadn't finished his ice cream.

The sentry let them through as they had come.However, someone ahead of them walked on the breakwater ahead of them.In the order of first come, first come, they have to wait for those people to come out.

People who looked like scholars came out of the lighthouse in a single file. They were all wearing white coats, and most of them were wearing glasses.The night's rest is over, and it's time for them to work during the day.

However, for Shangluo, an all-too-familiar figure appeared there and seemed to be ahead.

Titus stretched out his hand to make them stand back: "Make way for the staff, the engineering team of the Lighthouse Project has come to work, and they have brought a lot of equipment. Well, do you see the one in front? Your fellow countryman, that one The Chief Physiographer, Shang Buzai, was invited from Zhendan, maybe you guys know him? By the way, his name is very similar to yours, Shangluo, is he some kind of relative of yours?"

 One update tonight, and three updates during the day

(End of this chapter)

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