Chapter 136 Sympathetic Connection
[Hmm] Apollonia thought for a while:
【I can analyze it for you.Here, the attitude of the old businessman has changed before and after, so he may feel that he has lost his paternal power in you. 】

"Is that right?"

[I guess so.He didn't teach you the craft at first because he felt that he could decide your future, and he probably didn't want you to go this way.However, after realizing some irreparable rifts, he may want to put the choice in your own hands.But it wasn't a time of choice, he just prepared you as best he could. 】

"Then now, it's about time."

[Yes. But you didn't seem to have any language communication before? 】

"Ah, you said that. That is indeed a work habit, and I brought it up. Don't have redundant language communication during working hours, because sometimes he will babble a bit annoyingly."

[The old businessman's job is amazing. Do you know what the Lighthouse Project is? 】

"I don't know. Do you know?"

【I do not know either. 】

"??? You don't even know, how do you say it's powerful?"

[It's because even I don't know, this is amazing!There is no impenetrable wall in this world, and the larger the plan, the easier it is to break through the sympathetic link.Because there are always people who will accidentally pass relevant information to the public, and then they can figure it out one by one.And so far, nothing about the 'Lighthouse Project' has been uploaded to the Akashic Records, and I don't know any details other than the name.Even if I hadn't heard of the name, I wouldn't even know how to describe it or retrieve it. 】


[So I still want to confirm.Do you know any surrounding information about it? 】

"I don't know." Shang Luo shook his head. "He went out suddenly that day. Before he went out, he only said he was going to buy cigarettes. He probably received a sudden transfer and didn't have time to explain. Oh, by the way, what is 'breaking the sympathetic link'? It's strange why he didn't make any phone calls, but just sent postcards back."

[That's right, only using letters without calling is a way of keeping secrets.The so-called 'breakthrough sympathetic link' is an information encryption method based on the theory of six degrees of separation.This theory is described like this - you can know any stranger through up to six people.Because information cannot exist in a vacuum, it must be known by a person.So this also means that the distance between you and any piece of information in the world is 6 floors.By breaking through the 6 layers of sympathetic links, you can know all the information. 】

"What do you mean by breakthrough?"

[It literally means social engineering.For information with a high degree of confidentiality, it is particularly troublesome to break through.Because the information that really needs to be kept confidential is usually a 'single line' contact.You can find the information you need only by finding a specific chain and breaking through layer by layer.Therefore, Rome has a deep understanding of this. The probability of the six degrees of separation theory taking effect is only 48%, and important secrets can reach 7 or even 9 floors. 】

"Huh? So. How does this theory retrieve information? Akashic records won't upload privacy?"

[Akashic records do not upload privacy, but can be used to locate identity, motivation, and actions.As long as you know these, all problems will be solved.Let me give you an example: Is the three-body problem unsolvable? 】

"To be precise, there is no analytical solution to the three-body problem. Just by observing, there is no way to get the law. Because the three-body system is chaotic."

[Yes.Is Chaos Actually Unpredictable?Yes, there is no way to predict, but you can keep watching, watch the 'one'.If you have observed the moment when the three-body movement is from stillness to generation, you just have to keep observing.Progressing along the layers of identity, motivation and action, you can always observe the information you need. 】

"In other words, if you want to establish sympathetic shielding, it is also based on identity, motivation and action? What about the time and place?"

[There is no time in the Akashic records, but the identity, action and motivation include time.Synaesthesia can be achieved by building a progression layer by layer along identity, motivation, and action.For example, the link between you and the old merchant has been disconnected since that day.From there, you are disconnected all the way, so you can't ask him about his movements.Want me to simulate it for you? 】

"Well try."

[Leave aside the matter between you and the old businessman, let's establish such a simulated relationship: Xiaohong goes to Xiaoming's house to find Xiaoming, and Xiaoming's mother says Xiaoming went to the river to catch fish for fun.However, Xiao Ming lied, and he went to the mountain to pick walnuts—then can Xiao Hong find Xiao Ming this afternoon through Xiao Ming's mother's narration? 】

"Probably not, so the distance between the mountain and the river is relatively far."

[So the key point is here: between Xiao Ming and his mother, there is actually a sympathetic barrier, a mask.The closer the relationship is, such as the parent-child relationship, the easier it is for the mask to be established.Because the trust between parents and children is often unconditional.Xiao Ming's mother will unconditionally believe his motive of "fishing", but will not know that his real motive is "picking walnuts".Of course, if Xiao Ming often lied to his mother, the trust would last for a short time.When the time is up, Xiao Ming's mother will also start looking for him, and the mask will lose its effect. 】

"So when Xiao Ming didn't lie, he said he went to the river, and he went to the river, so I can go to the river to find him?"

[That's it, so this is the offense and defense of the sympathetic barrier.You can see that Shang Buzai left suddenly, you don't know his motive at all.Because the motivation is disconnected here, so where will the follow-up business go?What did you do?You can't know these actions.So the sympathetic link is broken in you.There is simply no way to find him through you. 】

"Is there a flaw? There is no impenetrable wall in this world."

[There are flaws, and there are many.And it's not just pure social engineering, there's magic here—like the sympathetic link between twins that can't be severed no matter what.Therefore, in this kind of plan, the Romans usually excluded twins; in addition, although the Akashic records themselves will not leak secrets, your 'silhouette' may.To protect the silhouette, we must protect it at night; in short, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, and information confrontation is a visible war here in Rome.The branch-breaking ceremony is part of it.It looks like the Romans are getting harder.But in the dive just now, I seem to be able to dive normally? 】

"Yes, you can also talk inside."

[Five people can enter, right? So this time, let me end.Tell Titus that you've found the fifth. 】

(End of this chapter)

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