Chapter 249
"Emperor Ancestor. Emperor Ancestor." On a rare occasion, Zhu Xiansen knocked on the door of Yuxi Palace at five o'clock in the afternoon, "The window in my room is gone, don't you think it's a big problem?"


"Oh, that's good." Zhu Xiansen turned around and was about to go back, but his steps hesitated.
"You came here not just to ask about your window, did you?"

"Ah, that's right. I actually want to ask, do you still have that Shangluo bag? It's amazing, it can hold anything."

"Yes." Daozu replied, "but not."

"Eh? Why?"

"It's not surprising that the burden skin is just an ordinary Taixu cave. But all caves need support. Innate things can be the support of the cave. For example, the cave opened in the cave is the cave, because the cave has an entrance. If there is no With the support, Taixu can appear in any place, which is equivalent to non-existence."

"Oh indeed." Zhu Xianxi understood, "If there is no possession, the furoshiki will roll itself up, just like the difference engine divides 1 by 0 in an endless loop. Then the possession of the Shangluo flag is That pole?"

"That spear is a real magic weapon, so it can fix one side of the Taixu cave. All caves must be like this."

"Then I still have to find a magic soldier? Well, it's a pity, I still want it. Then, Emperor Ancestor, see you tomorrow morning."

Zhu Xianxi turned around and took a few steps.

"You, you haven't finished talking yet."

"...Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, the emperor."

"You grew up in front of me from such a small Douding, how could you hide it from me. What do you want to ask?"

Zhu Xianxi turned his head and looked in the direction of the alchemy furnace:
"I would like to ask, what exactly are barbarians? After Rome is gone, we will have to deal with the barbarians alone in the world. But what are barbarians? Our attitude towards barbarians is very different from Rome's. Is this the reason for Rome's fall? If barbarians have technology and become technological barbarians, are they still really barbarians?"

"In your opinion, what is the difference?"

"It's completely different. Rome collects tithes from the vassal states. As long as they pay the tithes, Rome doesn't care what they are doing; and we don't care how much the tributary countries pay. We don't care at all. We demand that the tributary countries must implement good governance and Good governance, don't cause trouble for the court. As long as you cause trouble for the court, no matter how much tribute you hand in, you will be held accountable, and even the seal and the country will be removed."

"The means are different, but the purpose is the same. We all want to curb the evil of technological barbarians."

"Evil? What evil?"

Daozu replied: "I like reading scriptures, and I also read the scriptures of the Romans, just like reading the three schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and the scriptures of the Ming religion. I have read a collection of "On Good and Evil" by the Romans, and it is very insightful: The evil of the barbarians of technology, he said, is the 'intemperate evil of young souls'."

"The unrestrained evil of young souls." Zhu Xianxi repeated, "Please ask the emperor to explain in detail."

"It means that it is not the evil of Yan Song's cunning old soul, but Yan Shifan's evil: he likes the house, he likes the maid, he likes the clothes, he likes the food, he likes the horses, he likes the lanterns, he likes the fireworks, he likes the pear garden, he likes to preach. , good antiques, good flowers and birds, and some people's evil is far above him. It was not until the dying years and the sick body that he was seriously ill that he realized that he had worked hard for half a life and it was all a dream. Not true."

"." Zhu Xianen was stunned for a moment, "Emperor Ancestor, who are you talking about?"

"A villain, the greatest villain in the world; a sinner, the greatest sinner in the world."

"There is someone who makes Daozu bear such a grudge? Do I know this person?"

"You don't know this person, and you don't need to ask about it, and you don't need to look for it. So, do you know what it is? What is a technological barbarian?"

"There are many." Zhu Xianxi nodded, "The barbarian of technology is Lu Bu. He is not satisfied, does not know restraint, is ungrateful, capricious, and no one thinks highly of him even if he has the best martial arts skills. If it is tied too tightly, Cao Cao said, "How can you not tie a tiger tightly", because Lv Bu is a beast. Technological barbarians are those who can't overcome their animal nature and don't know what "ritual" is. They are unrestrained because they I don't know where to stop at the boundary of ritual."


Along the familiar road, Shangluo came to the square in front of the Alexandria Library.Everything here is the same as before, but it's also very different.

The dome of the clockwork does not extend infinitely.In the library, which is some distance away from the lighthouse, the clockwork can be vaguely seen stopping in the distant sky.And under the bell-shaped sky, a new order is quietly being established.

The new order is based on pixels.The invisible guardrail made of pixels has two colors of yellow and black, enclosing the square in front of the big library and blocking unauthorized visitors.

Although there are already legionnaires deployed in the city on the street outside the gate, and there are also chariots pressing white tracks on the ancient stone bricks, the academy of the Muse Palace is still operating as usual.The ice cream stand is also operating as usual there, and there are still students queuing up.

"I can only send it here." The guard who brought him here bowed to him.The exclamation point at the meeting turned into a conspicuous question mark when leading the way, and the question mark disappeared after arriving at the destination.

This guardrail seems to be the boundary of "involuntary consciousness", as well as the boundary between the state of war and normal order.

He tried to reach out and touch the railing—the edge of the railing disintegrated into bits and pieces of pixels, letting him pass without a hitch.

"It seems that it really doesn't stop me."

Looked up at the Library of Alexandria.The library on a marble pedestal was a bastion of civilization, and the Romans seemed to be doing their best to keep order.However, it was visible to the naked eye that apart from the students and visiting scholars, there were indeed many more guards on the square.There's even a guard queuing for ice cream—they were also Alexandria's students before they became part of the Legion.

He fumbled in his pocket.In fact, this time he also brought the drachma that he didn't spend last time as a souvenir, and he can also line up when he comes out later.

"Let's talk." Shang Luo suddenly thought, "How do I get into the Library of Alexandria? Is the platform below hollow?"

【no. ] Apollonia replied, [The Library of Alexandria is the original site, although it has been changed inside, but the usage is still the same as before.You just go in from the stairs. 】

Standing between two statues of muses, standing at the door of the library, Shang Luo looked inside:

"Ah. Even if you say just go in, I don't know how to find someone."

Because he found that the library seemed much bigger than it looked.The starting point of the bookshelf can be seen at the door, but it seems that there is no end in sight.

The bookshelf closest to the door is an X-shaped compartment, which holds the parchment scrolls.Each parchment is hung with a handwritten label identifying the title and content of the book.The papyri were stored in cool cabinets and sealed in slate glass on shelves.And the area of ​​paper books is farther and farther away.Further down, you can even see the area where punch cassettes and records are stored.

(End of this chapter)

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