Chapter 260 Sympathetic Link
"I see. So what Victoria said to you, I guess, is actually because she doesn't want to be completely forgotten. You are an eternal celestial being, and if you can remember it, you can be with you forever. But I still like you The reason for this is the main factor, because she is a Roman emperor, she would have been carved in stone and silver coins, immortalized with time."

Suddenly, he raised his head: "I heard that Caesar showed up last time? Could it be?"

【oh! ! !He was so smart that he could even connect these two things. 】

"Yes." Shang Luo nodded, "I also learned this time that Caesar's return is because Caesar has never been forgotten. As long as he is not forgotten, he can return like lightning. It's just that awakening Caesar is not in the Romans' plan. The Romans are not very interested in awakening those ancestors and fathers. They just want to use the sea of ​​​​wine to brew the big dream of the Cybele space. Caesar got up by himself, and it seems to be a little violent."

"I can probably guess some. After all, it is not the memory of the person concerned that protected him from the corruption of time. Caesar was an ancient person nearly 2000 years ago. Those who actually saw Caesar and left their first-hand memories are all dead. Now everyone's impression of Caesar comes from other people's retelling. Just like people can only understand Confucius through "The Analects of Confucius".

"The Romans called this the 'sympathetic level', which represented the credibility of the person's cognition. The first level represented his own cognition, the second level represented direct contact with himself, the third level represented the ability to communicate with the second level, and so on. Although seeing words is like meeting each other, the credibility of written documents is another matter, and authentic works and printed matter are another matter. The sympathetic link is stable, the more authentic and credible. Zero is gone."

Caesar is quite unstable because it is too long ago.

"We also have a saying that people will write books to be immortal, or be recorded in the annals of history as heroes. To some extent, it is precisely because of the fear of death that drives human beings to leave eternal things to prove their existence. Like the pyramids in Egypt, like etc."

Zhu Xianxi touched his chin.He suddenly thought of something.

"What's the matter?" Shangluo and Victoria talked about this, and nothing else.

"You said, to what extent can the records not be 'corrupted'?"

"Eh? I really don't know. But as long as there is a record, even if it is recorded by someone else. Of course, it would be better if there is a name, date of birth, and home address. Ah!!!"

Shang Luo also thought of it, and he and Zhu Xiansen looked at each other.

[What do you think of? 】

"Yellow Book! All of us are on Yellow Book!" He said this to Apollonia and Zhu Xianchen at the same time.

【ah!That database that records all of your accounts, right? 】

"Yes, the yellow book library. Our yellow book library has been maintained since the year of Hongwu until now, and everyone has recorded it well. Even if there are gaps, we still have local chronicles. There is a green book corresponding to the yellow book in the local area. If the yellow book is missing, you can go to the green book to make up for it."

"But what if there are people who aren't in the book?"

"Unless a person never sees anything for the rest of his life. Otherwise, according to the 'sympathetic hierarchy' theory, they will be able to find everyone one by one. If they can't find the person, at least they can find someone who knows him. As long as they use the yellow book, it's only a matter of time before they get everyone back. So not only the Romans have reserves, but we also have billions or even tens of billions of reserves.

"Goddess Cybele."

"Whether the Cyber ​​Goddess can cross or not trust her?"

"That cyber lady... seems like a nice person? I don't know."

"Research it, study it carefully, it is very important to us, it is very important to everyone, because we have lost important people. Wait a minute, the cabinet is also waiting to talk to you. The cabinet sent a suitable person to question you, and I only let him come alone. I think Minister Wen will be very happy if he hears the news just now."

Wen Zhong, whose name is He Nian, was born as a second-class Jinshi in the first year of Taihe.

He was wearing a bright red official uniform, which was the formal attire of the Shangguan of the Sanpin Hall.The official uniform regulations have not been changed much since the Hongwu Year, and the official uniforms established by the Hongwu Year are almost exactly the same as those of the Song Dynasty.They are all gowns with big red collars, no patches, only dark flowers, with bo belts, and foot-spreading headdresses on their heads.

Although public uniforms have been around since Hongwu, but later on, regular uniforms with patches became more popular.Although these are the clothes that are worn in the upper court according to the regulations, they are usually worn only for a few court meetings, and they can't be worn several times a year.

But now it is the year of Shaoping, and the current fashion has undergone some spirals. The official clothes are the most prominent formal clothes in the court, and they are higher than the men's clothes.In a yamen, generally only the chief officials can wear official uniforms, and officials of the third rank and above can wear official uniforms, and everyone else has to wear narrower, supplementary uniforms with birds and animals.Correspondingly, you can't wear a wide-legged headband that is too big to distance socially, and you can only wear a small black gauze hat.

Wen Zhong listened to Zhu Xianxi introduce everything.In the end, he also knew the news that there was hope to find the dead one by one.

Hearing this, he took off his glasses, wiped the mist off the lenses with a glasses cloth, and put them back on.

"Old Wenge, what do you think?"

"The veteran knows His Majesty's intentions, as well as Shang's kid's intentions. But... safety is the top priority in everything. But this is a good thing, a good thing." Like Zhu Xianchen, he did not have the habit of opening Nv'erhong to celebrate at half-time.But he still couldn't hide his excitement, so he took off his glasses and wiped them again.

"Well." He put his glasses back on, "I think this matter is of great importance, and an enlarged meeting needs to be held immediately. In addition to convening the Sixth Division of Yujing in Southern Zhili, the Sixth Division of Fengjing in Northern Zhili, as well as the governors of all provinces, governors of all towns, and vassals of various inner feudal clans need to be called to the Grand Palace for discussion. This matter is not suitable for the time being. Take it to Fengtian Temple and announce it to the world."

"Indeed." Zhu Xianxi nodded, "In the beginning, when the horoscope was not written, it is really not appropriate to make too much publicity. Let's take it one step at a time. As for calling them to a meeting, it just happened to be a matter of formula racing, so they could have come. I will send Jin Yiwei to issue a secret order to let all the feudal clans and towns enter Beijing. In addition, in Shangluo, I will leave all the verification work to you. Wenge is always a representative. If he agrees, the cabinet will agree. So you can directly ask the cabinet for any resources your office needs. Open your mouth. Even if you need to eat 100 elbows every day, you can transfer them directly.”

(End of this chapter)

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