Chapter 287 Dragon Flame
Can't stop playing.Shang Luo was holding the saucer upside down, and the superconductor was hanging out of nowhere like a yo-yo, as if being pulled by an invisible thread.There is a real "sense of damping" both up and down, which is extremely decompressive.

"It's fun, isn't it? Here you go."

"Ah, what an embarrassment." He held the saucer in his hand as he spoke.

"It's okay, I will practice when I was young."

"Is this easy to practice?"

"Hmm" is a difficult question to answer, Zhu Xianxi thought about it for a while:
"First of all, although I made this plan myself, the finished product is not my credit, but the power of good luck in the furnace of heaven and earth. It is very easy to make one in the furnace. In fact, there are many combinations that can make similar finished products But outside of the stove, I have never succeeded once. In other words, I have never successfully reproduced outside the furnace of heaven and earth—of course, it is very easy to make one, and it is not much more difficult than the portrait of Wang Lingguan next to it. go."

"What about other options?"

"Others can't smelt directly with the Heaven and Earth Furnace like me. So their finished products are either limited in conditions, difficult to manufacture, or not at all 'room temperature'. This one in your hand is more like a miracle, just Heaven and Earth The power of good fortune in the oven can only create miracles again and again, but without miracles, I don’t know how to reproduce them in nature.”

"Like Phaethon?"

"Well, it's just like Phaethon. The miracle 'human body refining', which is regarded as the end point of alchemy, can be realized in the furnace of heaven and earth, after all, it is dragon flame."

"Long Yan?"

"Yes, did the emperor tell you? The dragon is cute. The dragon is the foundation of all changes. The heaven and earth furnace in Yuxi palace is the emperor's natal magic weapon. Yuxi palace and the whole cave are built for that furnace. It was built. The emperor commanded the Taiyi Xuanmen with the Tao of Danding, and that furnace is the manifestation of the miracle itself. If you command the Taoist gate with the Tao of Sword and Immortal in the future, you should sacrifice other magic tools there? Maybe it is the sword of your life. What."

"Ah~~ No wonder Daozu wants to teach Dan Ding?"

"Yes. When Daozu taught me, we didn't even know where you were. In order to keep the Heaven and Earth Furnace running, I was needed as an assistant. The Heaven and Earth Furnace provided great help to my practice, because the dragon's In terms of power: it is possible, it is certain. Although the furnace itself cannot really burn out much material, the light of the furnace is bright enough."

"It's unbelievable. So I must at least have a magic weapon of the same level before I can prove myself?"

"Well. That's the result. If you become powerful enough to command the Taoist sect, there will be corresponding miracles. But I'm curious, how Sazu will teach you. If I remember correctly. Sazu has many Great spell."

"What spell?"

"Go to the movies. I don't know much about Shenxiaomen's spells, but they don't use furnace fire to drive them, but 'shaking people'. The "Wang Lingguan" filmed by Sa Zu is actually from Shenxiaomen. The admissions promotional video, everyone knows it. But it’s really good-looking.”

As he said that, he looked at the time: "Oh, it's getting late. Is the guy at home waiting for you to go back for dinner?"

"Why does this sound so awkward?"

"I'm back. This seems even more awkward"

As soon as Shang Luo opened the door and went back, he saw a cardboard box at the door, and the sound of dripping water and humming came from the bathroom.The singing sounded better as it reflected off the wet tiles.

[Ah red-nosed Rudolph.Such a nostalgic nursery rhyme.Too bad I couldn't get a Christmas present.Tsk. 】

"Do you still have Christmas there?"

[The state religion of Rome is Christianity—well, but it’s not the same as the Christianity in your impression.Christianity is no different from Buddhism to Rome. We don't kneel at the feet of the patriarch like barbarians, and the patriarch bows down to the emperor in turn.Celebrating Christmas is almost the same as you celebrate the Obon Festival, it is considered a folk festival.It's a little strange for Phaethon to celebrate this festival, because Christmas is actually Helios' birthday. Well, it's a good song. 】

Just as he was talking, the sound of water stopped, and the singing in the bathroom also stopped.

"She probably washed it, we can eat"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" came from the bathroom.

"???" Shang Luo put down the instant noodles in his hand, rushed to the door of the bathroom, put his hand on the doorknob——

Just at the nick of time, he stopped.

Reason prevailed, and he didn't push the door open.

[Cut, I've seen it anyway. 】

"You don't seem to be in a hurry?"

[Because there is nothing wrong. But you, don't you plan to take the opportunity to go in and have a look? 】

"I am a man of integrity, not a beast."

【Then you don't open the door but... tsk tsk tsk. 】

Just as he was talking, there was movement in the door:
"Shangluo, are you back? Hurry up, come and see!"

"Ah, here." Shang Luo took a step back.In addition to rationality, there is also a sense of crisis that prevails.

"calm down"

【What the hell are you thinking!Also said what kind of 'righteous' person you are.It's not a youth love comedy, how could there be content that would make you 'dishonest' at this time?And you two don't know each other well at all, so I don't know where your rationality is. 】

"Ah yes. Indeed." Shangluo was a little thankful, but also a little disappointed.But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed somewhat disappointing.There is nothing there at all, and of course there can be no "further development" that doesn't exist.After these previous things, the current relationship between the two is that of an employer and an employee.

Although the "employer" and "employee" under the same roof are also classic collocations that often have stories.But Phaethon's current attention is obviously not here at all-so if you think about it carefully, he must be let in to see his hair.

The bathroom door was opened, and the dense water vapor drifted out.Phaethon, in her pajamas, stood in front of the mirror in the small bathroom—she didn't wrap her hair in a dry cap, but twirled in front of the mirror.Water vapor permeates the room, like the fairy air in the heaven.

hair.Her hair exudes a dreamlike light in the water vapor, it is black and shiny, and it is colorful black, which is as good as Shangluo's hair.

"Shangluo! Look at my hair!"

"Ah, haha. Hahahaha" As expected, it really was looking at the hair.

"Aren't you surprised?"

"What surprises me. I proposed the formula of this spiritual liquid, and then my brother realized it. This thing can make thunder after drinking it. Of course, it can easily bring spiritual energy when you wash your hair. Yes, when you use it How does it feel?"

"It's refreshing, and it's filled with immortal energy."

(End of this chapter)

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