355 Caesar
On the second floor, the same conference room as last time.

"This is it." She led Shangluo and others to the door of the conference room, her breathing still a little rapid.

"Victoria...and Caesar, are they all in there?""

"Yes." Karin nodded. "There are others, God, there are others, they are all there."

Karin's state can be described as "undecided".Although Victoria herself was inside, it was obviously not Victoria, but "others" who surprised her so much.

"By the way." Although she was a little panicked, she still remembered what she had to explain, "His Majesty ordered, please invite the two friends from Shangluo to sit in the reception room next door for a while. Wait for the content related to confidential matters to be discussed." After finishing, she will come to see you two again."

"Is there ice cream?" Gao Shiyu asked.

"Yes, I will send it directly to you two from downstairs."

"That's good, that's good. You can talk for a while, I haven't eaten enough. Please send me a copy of all three flavors."

"No problem. What about this one?" She asked Gao Qingyu again.

"Two copies each, thank you."

The two went to the waiting room very cooperatively and waited.Shangluo also had expectations - the scene that can make Karin feel "scared" is probably not something that just anyone can see.

Watching Karin, who was going to get ice cream, walk to the corner of the stairs not far away, he knocked on the door lightly:
"Your Majesty Victoria, may I come in now?"

"Please come in." Victoria's voice came from inside.

He turned the doorknob and the door opened.He stood at the door stunned:
Shangluo remembered that when he talked with Victoria last time, it was still an ordinary conference room.And this time.
Still the same room, still the same length and width.

But where the windows used to be, they were replaced by a huge painting: Raphael’s School of Athens.

【ah! ! ! 】Apolonia said in amazement, 【It turned out to be this one!This is it! 】

In the white marble temple, Plato and Aristotle stand in the center of the painting.Epicurus, Pythagoras, Socrates and other Greek sages were in their own places in the temple, discussing their own issues - they were chatting.

The sages from past generations across time and space gather together in the painting.This conversation without beginning or end begins at the beginning of ignorance, and will continue to sink into the "sea of ​​wine" with Rome until eternity.

Everyone in the painting "sees" that a visitor has arrived, and some of them glanced out inadvertently, and then continued their topic.More people turn a blind eye to this.

There was only one exception—Aristotle's pupil, Alexander the Great himself, who also stood by his teacher's side.Wearing a golden helmet and a purple toga robe, although this is an image processed by later generations, the identity of the "emperor" is also clearly revealed.According to the Greco-Roman orthodoxy, Alexander the Great from the Macedonian city-state of the Ajid dynasty is also regarded as one of the first emperors of Rome.

His eyes stayed on Shang Luo for a while.

He bowed slightly to the teacher, walked out from near the central perspective point of the picture, walked down the steps, walked out of the depth of the picture, until he walked out of the frame—juxtaposed with Victoria outside the frame.

Victoria was standing not far from the door, in front of the picture frame.Her toga looks tighter than Alexander's, more like a cape than a toga.Her golden crown was not in the shape of a helmet, but a golden laurel branch.

"Welcome to Cyberonia." Victoria greeted him.She was smiling, but not so naturally, and the events of that day were still flashing before her eyes like a revolving lantern, which made her regret until now that she shouldn't have taken the time to explain everything like she was saying her last words.

But now there are more important things to tell Shangluo than personal affairs: "Let me first introduce, this Alexander III of Macedonia." "Nice to meet you." Alexander replied in Greek, "I'm sorry, I didn't There is no way to learn the Sinian language, so I can only help you within my limited ability—the current emperor, please translate.”

Victoria translated Alexander's original words to Shangluo.

"Wait, this is...silhouette?"

"Well." Victoria didn't answer directly, but asked him instead, "Do you know what the highest achievement of alchemy is?"

"Of course it is to achieve immortality, right? I remember there are many methods, such as the Philosopher's Stone. Wait, this is it?"

"That's right. As one of the six Romes, Alexandria represents the apex of alchemy. The so-called apex of alchemy is, of course, the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone entrusts all Romans' desire for immortality and death fear. Of course. The attempt ultimately failed."

She didn't need to say this, Shang Luo could guess it.If the route of the Philosopher's Stone is successful, then Rome will not have to sink like it is now.

"But!" Victoria pointed to the painting behind, "Although the Philosopher's Stone did not bring us immortality, it brought us another miracle. Just now you asked if they were silhouettes, and the answer was 'Yes, yes No'. If the silhouette is a fragment of a person, it is like taking as many photos as you like. And what you recover in front of you is the collection of 'all experiences about this person in human society'. They are—virtual philosopher kings .They are the Muse Palace."

"So the Muse Palace is commanded by these revived philosopher kings?"

"Yes. So the sages headed by Plato, all the decisions they made were perfect. From the perspective of the sages, they examined the moral issues facing the Romans today, and judged scientific ethics. The decisions they made The decision has the same effect as the consensus of the Senate and the oracle of Delphi. The key you are going to distribute today comes from their research results on the 'Vulcan Core' technology. They are the conscience and moral bottom line of the entire Rome .Without them, Rome would have been over 100+ years ago. But.”


"I invite you here today because of two things. The first is the key, which cannot be matched today."


"The second piece." Victoria immediately answered, "The reason why it doesn't match is that someone took the key away."

"Can that thing be taken away?"

"Because...the person who took the key has the same authority as me. Yes, Caesar." She motioned Shang Luo to look behind her.

Shangluo looked back - it turned out that this place is much bigger than it looks.A door without thickness penetrates the space and opens at the end of the main hall.The painting in front of him is just next to the wall, and the golden hall is behind.And in the deepest part of the hall, sitting high on the throne is an old man with gray hair.The old man was emaciated, and the huge toga wrapped him like a shroud.His eyes were deeply embedded in their sockets, and those eyes were looking at Shangluo.

"That one is."

"Yes, that is Caesar. He borrowed the key. Do you need it urgently? If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for two weeks. If you need it urgently, there is no way."

Shang Luo suppressed his voice: "Didn't he take the army to the desert over there?"

"How do you know? Well, it seems that you also have an intelligence network. However, the one in front of you is beyond the reach of any intelligence network. The one on the throne, he is not a silhouette, nor is he a virtual philosopher king. He's...the real Caesar."

"He resurrected?"

"Resurrected, but not fully resurrected. This is Caesar's true self, and his consciousness has not been interrupted-but this is another way that doesn't work, just think about how he died. Anyway, unexpectedly gave We've created a Caesar's expedition anyway, it's up to you, I've brought you in."

(End of this chapter)

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