Chapter 64 Lunch
"Ah, it doesn't matter if the emperor doesn't go to court, right?"

"You should ask which emperor goes to court—because there is no one who goes to court. The emperor governs the world with emptiness and tranquility, and the affairs of the court are naturally handled by the elders and Yilang. I don't know when this has become a custom. This is not a big problem at first, but it is very troublesome for us in Nanzhen Jinyiwei. We run the imperial mission, and now the funds are tight because there is no imperial mission, so naturally there is no funds."

"Let me let go of half of my heart."

He has no intention of letting go of the other half of his heart.After all, he hasn't seen the emperor himself, and he doesn't know what the emperor is thinking.

"Don't think so much, come and eat. Collect the documents on the table and call Lu Liang to come in for dinner."

When Shang Luo sat back, Lu Huaiyang had already prepared four dishes and one soup on the table.

Braised beef, braised pork ribs, braised eggplant, braised lion head.The four dishes are all of the same taste type, even the color is similar, it looks like it came out of a pot.

There is also a bowl of stewed radish soup.However, the radish soup was not placed in a separate soup bowl, but a bowl for Shang Luo and Lu Liang.

"Lu Qianhu, don't you want to eat?"

"Carrots are used to maintain the innate body since childhood. The older you get, the more difficult it is to maintain. It's useless to eat radishes at my age. You should eat them. Come, try my dishes. You can pick them yourself, we I won’t serve you food.”

"Is this the dish you cooked yourself, Lu Qianhu?"

It's unbelievable.After all, this is also a member of the fifth rank, how come he cooks at home when he is free?He didn't look that busy either.

"You don't know, do you? My dad can fry shredded potatoes for 800 people in half an hour. He is a professional."

"Professional. Too professional." Shang Luo took a bite of braised pork.

It is indeed the taste of professional braised pork ribs.It melts in the mouth and tastes soft and tender.Not overly sweet, and a little salty to bring out the taste of the whole dish.Although there is nothing amazing, the standard is almost like a textbook.

The same goes for several other dishes.Although they all look the same, each dish has its own flavor and texture.

"Lu Qianhu, where did you learn it?"

"Forget it, I don't want to mention anything about when I was young. A group of us Qi practitioners were doing odd jobs all day long, and I didn't know what I was doing day by day. It was probably 'before enlightenment, carry water. chopping firewood; after enlightenment, carry water and chop firewood'—by the way, this stewed dish is for casual practice. Try the radish, the radish is the most important."

Radish appeared in front of Shangluo again.

This is the dish he ate every day in the past few years.As the origin of celestial root radish, Yangzhou has nothing but radish.Thinking about it now, although the conditions there are not very good, you can always see some powerful people.Presumably they went to Yangzhou to eat radishes.

The radish is still the same when it arrives in Yujing.High-end ingredients only use the simplest cooking method-peel and cut into pieces and stew directly, and do not even sprinkle salt when they come out of the pan.Because the radish smell of this fairy root radish is much stronger than that of ordinary radishes, so some rock sugar has to be added to remove the smell.

"Is the medicinal power of this radish in the soup or in the radish?"

"In the soup, the radish is already medicine dregs. But the celestial root cannot be wasted, so I bring it out for you to eat."

"Thank you." Shang Luo thanked him.Although he ate it every day, the radish in front of him was bought by Lu Qianhu at his own expense, and the meaning was completely different.

He bowed his head and took a sip of carrot soup.It doesn't taste good at all, the taste of radish can't be suppressed even with rock sugar, and it's even a bit bitter.

Glancing at the opposite side, Lu Liang also ate the carrot soup first.She didn't frown at all, she was completely used to the smell.

The radish soup had already been eaten, so he ate the radish together.A warm current diffused from the stomach, I don't know if it was the temperature of the radish soup or something else.This warm current condensed to the dantian of the abdomen, and then slowly dissipated.

Exactly the same as before, no difference.He also drank a bowl of soup as an appetizer every meal in San Francisco, and then started to use his chopsticks to eat.

Braised lion head is two for one person.After tasting the braised pork ribs, he knew that the braised lion's head would not be unpalatable.

"Oh~~ Sure enough, you can still taste the taste of lean meat. The fat and thin are just right. Lu Qianhu, your cooking skills are really good."

When he raised his head, he found that Lu Liang was looking at him.

"You don't need luck to digest it?"

"Digest? Digest what?"

"You just ate fairy root radish. This is fairy root. A normal person would be flatulent after eating a bowl at a time. Even that unlucky guy would have to digest it for 10 minutes before he could eat. Why did you start eating as soon as you ate it?" ? Are you that hungry?"

"Huh? So it makes me look hungry?"

Lu Huaiyang nodded: "In theory, yes. It looks like you have two stomachs, and after filling them with fairy roots and radishes, you can stuff a lot more. Sure enough, those three old fitters were right. They were I feel like you are reincarnated from a starving ghost. I am afraid that you will be hungry again, so I gave you a lot of fairy root radishes. There are about two radishes in total, but they are all taken as ordered, and you can eat them directly like ordinary radishes down."

"Ah! That's why Lu Qianhu let me eat?"

"I really want to see where all the radishes you ate have gone. Mind if I take your pulse?"

"Hmm, I'm in trouble." Finally finding someone who could explain the situation, Shang Luo hurriedly stretched out his hand for Lu Huaiyang to hold down.

Lu Huaiyang closed his eyes.

"Well, sure enough, not at all."

"If it was someone else, what would happen at this time?"

"If it's Lu Liang, her true qi will run wild at this time. Because Lu Liang doesn't have spiritual roots, the true qi can't flow along her meridians. She has to use external exercises after meals to achieve body tempering. You seem to be in more trouble than hers. If you don’t have any real qi, you won’t be able to practice both internal and external skills, and you won’t be able to reach the Qi training stage in your entire life, let alone a celestial being in the foundation establishment stage.”

"Oh." Lu Liang, who was opposite him, sighed, "It's another one. Is your father also a Qi trainer?"


"He is." Lu Huaiyang added, "Not only is he a Qi practitioner, but he is also very powerful. It's just that he doesn't practice Leifa."

"Sure enough, the children of us Qi practitioners have all been condemned by God, one by one is unlucky. But this is the first time I have seen you so unlucky. It's like an exam, and you can get a few questions right. Exams like you A zero score is as outrageous as a full score. However, you don’t seem to have tried a remedy. Dad, how about I teach him a set?"

"Yes." Lu Huaiyang took a sip of white water, "but don't teach our own kung fu for the time being, we will talk about it when we meet Taizu tomorrow. You can show him a set of Taizu Changquan."

(End of this chapter)

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