Ming Dynasty and New Rome and Infinite Magic Machine

Chapter 707 Doomsday Weapon [Aotearoa]

Chapter 707 Doomsday Weapon [Aotearoa]

The Silver Dragon is now running on the Beijing-Shanghai line as a royal special train. Like the golden chariots of the past, the Silver Dragon's front was first hung with the Taichang flag, indicating that the emperor himself was on board.

Most of the carriages are empty, with special troop carriages at the head and tail, and the middle carriage is replaced by a rolling stock carriage. The carriage was originally a palace, with a living area almost the same as that of Zhu Xianfen's Changchun Palace, but it ran on the Beijing-Shanghai main line at a speed of 223 kilometers per hour.

The high-speed railway is independent of the existing lines. It takes less than two hours from Guomen to the capital. Zhu Xianfen came on this car in the morning. The three-meter giant wide track and the entire elevated route made the entire train run smoothly, and the water in the teacup did not slosh.

"It turns out that this is what the World Island Railway should have been like. It's a pity that Rome has missed such a great cause."

Agathocles held the tea cup with his right hand, while his left hand held the cuff of his toga flat. Anyone could see that his left hand could no longer move, and his posture was as stiff as a stone. But Zhu Xianwen didn't ask.

"You want to ask about this arm." Agathocles put down the teacup. "Your Majesty, you are very perceptive. I remember that you discovered it when you were a child."

"Yeah." Zhu Xianfen nodded.

"I am here to tell you these secrets. Victoria, you are still too reckless. She has other matters to deal with now. But before I tell you, I have a small problem. I heard before that the king of Rome and the end of Rome The gods and machines are one body, but today it seems that they have been separated? Is there any contradiction? "

"I'm trying to bridge their differences."

"If it was supposed to happen, she shouldn't have been sealed off in the first place. Because."

"Your efforts are in vain. This is the division of the divinity, and it is also the fate of Apollonia - she has always longed for one thing: she longed for the true birth. She tried all methods, independent Personality - she started talking nonsense and making prophecies at the age of 8; independent actions - she ran away; independent avatar - I found that she has used her own seeds; and now, she uses alchemy People. She has always wanted to be truly born as an independent person. This is her long-cherished wish."


"Ah, I would rather be a friend than a domestic slave." Zhu Xianxian shook his head, "Speaking of it, this sentence is also one of many prophecies. It is still from our side. But I am not worried."

He paused. The following topic was too heavy even for him:
"Because the perfect sun god has the ability to see all the future - but she has no way to change it. A prophecy that cannot be changed is no different from a curse. We try to disrupt the future, and she talks nonsense about disrupting the future. We would rather The whole Oracle and the whole empire are with her in circles. We just."

"We are indeed prepared, but it is not a literal explosion. However, it is a better idea to hand it over to Cathay - our inheritance would rather be given to friendly countries than to domestic slaves."

"You just don't want to wake up from your dream. We call this ghost beating the wall."

"Rome should never have existed. The arrival of Amon Zeus revealed our secret and false past. It turned out that Rome should have perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Europe belongs to the Germans, to England, France, and Germany. The Western Hemisphere does not belong to us, but to the United States of America. The whole world will fall into the hands of the evil barbarians! When we know all this, we can no longer pretend to sleep. We already know the past, and we don’t want to know the future. I once thought that instead of doing this, I might as well blow up half the other world.”

"Should we grant her wish?"

"Of course you don't have to worry, because you can still control your own destiny in that future. And knowing that you are on the right path makes your confidence even stronger. You can see the "Nantianmen Project" when you open your eyes. We When I open my eyes, I can only see Sodom rising up one after another - thank you so much! This barbarian saying is really appropriate at this time. The most intolerable thing is that they actually filed all the paint off the statue ! Just taking a glance at it, I can’t imagine what it will be like to actually see that future.”

"So." Zhu Xianfen put down the tea cup, "Knowing the future is not necessarily a bad thing. We have never believed in that kind of fate, and we would not rely on imprisoning a girl to save the world. That would be too humble. No matter how the situation changes, we all have our own power of action - there is a saying: the left eye will make money, and the right eye will be silent. No matter how much Rome does, it will not be immune to the twilight of the gods. Coming, isn’t it?”

"." I was speechless. "Since your method failed, now leave the rhythm in our hands. Daozu knows how to do it. Now Shangluo is guiding her, and she is also guiding Shangluo. We have also accepted the inheritance of the friendly countries. The lawsuit over the inheritance dispute , let’s fight. As for those barbarians, we have prepared bombs.”


"Gathering the power of creation to your fingertips - well, saying fingertips is a bit exaggerated, but the 500 tons carried by the Water Dragon are just fingertips relative to the earth. With just one finger, the heaven and earth will change color. It The principle of. Well, I can tell you. The principle of [Great Harmony between Heaven and Earth] is——"

Before speaking, Zhu Xianfen snapped his fingers, the glass windows dimmed, and the air became stagnant.

"So that's it! That's it. It's really similar to ours!" Agathocles exclaimed, "Sure enough, not only do we have the same aesthetics as wide-sleeved deep clothes, but we also have similar ways of dealing with problems."

"Huh???" Zhu Xianfen was just about to untie himself and look at the scenery outside the window, when his hand stopped in mid-air, "You also have a bomb? What's its name?"

"This is also one of the reasons why I came here. The Roman bomb, the Roman doomsday weapon, is called [Aotearoa], which literally means the land of white clouds."

"This name is really cute, why does it sound a little weird?" It sounded like the name of some kind of gummy candy or a fairy tale. It didn't look like the name a "doomsday weapon" should have.

"It comes from the eureka (inspiration) shared with us by the Maori indigenous people. It is a very important inspiration. To commemorate this inspiration, we named the doomsday weapon after Aotearoa in Maori."

"So what is the principle of this 'Mianmian Baiyun Township'?"

"It's similar to you guys. It can also be said that the power of creation is gathered at the fingertips. The specific principle is."

Agathocles explained the principle.

"Wait, there's something wrong! It's completely different! It's better to say it's the complete opposite! You are even more of a (Jinling Yayan)! This stretch of white clouds sounds like a pink rabbit, but it's really terrifying! We also It's just a plan to physically blow the barbarian into ashes, but you are going to erase his past, present and future! I feel chills running down my back after hearing this."

"Well, it does seem different. After all, we originally planned to use those bombs to destroy the Western Hemisphere, so as not to cause you any trouble."

"Lord Agathocles, where are those bombs?"

"All our practices are in Colombia, so the bomb is also in Colombia. However, we plan to detonate it on the spot, not to deliver it. After all, there is no way to deliver it. After all, the original purpose of the design is to kill oneself. Now those [Ott Yalova] is being dismantled in an orderly manner because it is planned to transfer the heritage to Cathay. Although Pompeo does not agree to end it like this, he does not want those bombs to stay on his territory."

"Is there a place where Shangluo went?"

"Of course there is. As the capital of Colombia, Nuovo Antioch is the primary target of [Aotearoa], and we are the ones we are bombing. That Aotearoa is deployed under the central area of ​​Manhattan so that it can be destroyed after the explosion. Covering the whole of New Antioch. But don't worry, that one has been dismantled. It's completely safe. A non-existent bomb won't explode."

(End of this chapter)

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