Chapter 751 The safest place

"So this is New York, isn't it? It's not an ordinary New York. New York shouldn't be so small. How can you see the Statue of Liberty from this position?"

"Ah, that's it." Phaethon also saw it, and looked like he suddenly realized, "It turns out that the thing looks like this. The carving craftsmanship is a bit rough, but the artistic conception is quite good, as a slave should. Like Bardax - holding a torch and wanting to break the shackles. Where is the author from?

"If anything, it should be the Franks. The Germanic tribe that invaded the Gaul region after the fall of Gaul was called the Franks."

"It turns out that they can also have such a future." Phaethon looked at the lighthouse in the distance. "Sure enough, as long as you give time, even the technological barbarians can have their own golden age."

"So you think so too?"

"I can only think of this step. Thoughts such as 'Would the world be better if it were them'? This kind of thought will not appear in my mind at all. The reason why Rome did not destroy them is because of lack of power, because Rome The conquest will lead to an increase in the relative strength of the wilderness side, because no matter how powerful they are, they will be driven into the wilderness. I personally do not have any sympathy for these alien races other than "basic humanity". After all, it’s the other way around.”

"Well" Shangluo thought for a while, "We didn't want to ask more about those technological barbarians. But after this, the problem will be dealt with by us, right? I thought it was quite far away, but I didn't expect you to be able to do it. Such a big thing just stays under the city? "

"Let me explain it first. First of all, it is not easy to enter the spiritual world. It is only recently with the development of [Aotearoa] and the rapid advancement of 'drilling well' technology that we can drill between the spiritual world and the earthly world. Drilled holes. And holes drilled in most places are as dangerous as craters, with the exception of the metropolis in front of you."


"Then what we are now" Shangluo looked around, "is it possible that we are now at the origin of the world war?"

"That's right. Because in theory, the spirit world is now a no-man's land. Either of us can decide the path of the spirit world through war. Colombia may not want to start a war with us under the sun - instead, they can launch a war in the spirit world. World war to determine what the spiritual world should be shaped into."

"for example?"

"Because of the mirror image. The Metropolis is a perfect scene because the 'Metropolitan Train Station' above and below are exactly the same, right down to the name. And actually that could be very important. What's important is: this could be about the future vision of Colombia."

"For example, how do they want to live? We know that Colombia is not willing to participate in the lighthouse project, and they are not willing to enter the spiritual world of Cybernia with us. On the surface, it seems that they want to draw a clear line with the mysterious power. But in reality, they naturally have the opportunity to control this metropolis, because 'because the stars in the sky are as high as they are below'."

"The stars in the sky follow the same rules as the apples on the ground, right?" Shangluo nodded, "So you are guessing that Columbia's real purpose is to start from the earth and use the metropolis as a medium to conquer the spiritual world?"

"That's what I guessed. But it's much quieter here than I thought."

Not only was it silent, there was not even a human figure here, and there were only a few rats crawling into the sewers as far as the eye could see.

Phaethon said: "What I think is that if they want to start a world war, they must at least start construction first. Not only is there no one here, they also let us come in and walk around as we please. It doesn't look like they are going to start a war at all. What do you think?"

"I don't think you should relax your vigilance even a little bit. Because those who really want to rebel will do everything they can to delay the exposure of the conspiracy until the time is right. King Wen has two parts in the world, and he still uses the way of ministering. Loyalty to the Yin Shang Dynasty is known as the highest virtue in history. "[Let me remind you, Mr. Shangluo, you seem to be involved in the confrontation between the Yin Shang Dynasty and Xiqi. You may have to be defeated by King Wu on both sides at the same time. 】

"???" Shangluo trembled, "This is too unlucky."

【A sign of great misfortune, eh, a sign of great misfortune. Tsk tsk tsk. 】

"Eh? You guys came really on time." Karin arrived. Although it didn't exceed the agreed time, it was a step later than them.

Along with Karin came her guards, sent by the Muses Palace.

"Hey, Shangluo." The visitor waved to Shangluo.

"Mr. Titus? Aren't you at the noodle shop in Yujing?"

"So he went to Yujing for a vacation? What did I think? He said that Her Majesty Victoria gave him an important task alone, and then he disappeared. He went to eat noodles after a long time."

"Eh? Then he is"

"He is a lion, responsible for protecting safety. I am a crow, and I am the identity of No. 1. I have always been the one talking to you before."

"So that's it? But he didn't say you were coming to New Antioch."

"Because I am the only one who knows everyone's affairs." Titus replied, "I have to say that this is not a beautiful experience, but as the center of this team, I have to accept everyone's life at the same time. It's just that He is within the Great Wall and I can’t contact him. We are here to protect Karin, and the Muse Palace has asked us to protect Karin’s safety.”

"Ah, that's good. I feel more at ease with you here. After all, you won't die, right?"

"Don't think that we won't die, just use us as human shields. Although we won't die, it will hurt a lot, but you probably took this into consideration when you asked us to be bodyguards. In short, you can feel free to be yourselves for a while. As long as we protect Karin, she will be fine, but she may not be able to help you then."

"It doesn't matter, just protect Karin - then, Karin." He stood in front of Karin, "Have you found the location of the library?"

"I have a map here. Wait a minute. Ah, it says that you can walk along the lighted street lamps."

A lit street lamp?
Shangluo looked around - this instruction was indeed obvious, and it seemed to be obviously excessive. Because instead of lighting one lamp at a time, all the lamps on a path are lit. What’s surprising is that almost every street lamp on this street is different. There are oil street lights, gas street lights, and electric lights. The electric lamps were fully powered, the gas lamps were burning brightly, and every oil lamp was lit.

(End of this chapter)

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