Chapter 796: Top spot
Rarely, Zhu Xianfen held an impromptu meeting with Jinshendian. All nine cabinet ministers were present, including six from the six departments in the north and south, and three from the Jiuqing Yamen.

Jiuqing Yamen is a general name. Their common feature is that unlike the two sets of six departments, Jiuqing Yamen only has one set. The "nine ministers" who can enter the cabinet change from time to time, but three of them have not changed.

The first is Weiwei. This position has lasted from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the present. It is responsible for commanding the imperial guards of the emperor. Currently, it is actually the "Minister of Guards in charge of royal robes". As long as someone holds this position and the person who holds it is still conscious, he will definitely Entering the cabinet - this is normal for other positions, but for Jin Yiwei it is "hard to say".

The second is the Minister of Honglu Temple. This position has grown with the continuous consolidation of the tribute world. He is responsible for reviewing the governance of the tribute world from the perspective of the entire court, rather than the six ministries. Although the minister of Honglu Temple did not join the cabinet this term, usually one of the ministers of Honglu Temple will join the cabinet in turn in the two cabinets.

The third is Dali Temple. Dali Temple is currently in the cabinet because this dynasty - that is, the Shaoping Dynasty - accumulated a large number of ethically difficult cases before this year's autumn ruling, especially the case of "father murdering son".

Considering the impact on the whole world, it must be handled by the Dali Temple in the cabinet, because the unique function of the Dali Temple is to issue the "Annual Collection of Legal Orders and Interpretations Bylaws" every year, which is a judicial interpretation. This is extremely important because unlike Rome, administration and justice have been united here since ancient times.

There are three joint courts at the top, and there are county magistrates and governors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate system on the front line, etc. Although the legal provisions are there, if Dali Temple does not interpret the law based on typical cases, no matter how specific it is, or the three halls will review it, there will be no way to deal with the vast number of laws and regulations that have existed for hundreds of years.

The last seat vacated in this cabinet belongs to Wen Yuan's grandfather Wen Zhong. He is the imperial wine minister and minister of the Ministry of Etiquette, a position that is not traditionally important. But now it is a "subject to change" situation. This position is almost a permanent cabinet seat in this dynasty, because the position is created for people after all. When the person's opinion is very important, it doesn't matter what title he wears.

Everyone is here, everyone is here. This temporary meeting, attended by all the cabinet, was for Zhu Xianfen to get an idea of ​​what was going to happen next. The meeting place was in Zhu Xianfen's office.

"Then, gentlemen, please browse through these materials first."

Wenzhong happened to be sitting on the right. When he took the manuscript from his grandson's hand, he kept staring at him - although Wen Yuan followed the rules and etiquette requirements and did not raise his head to look up at the venerable, but Wen Zhong looked at his grandson meaningfully. grandson.

It was also the first time for Wen Yuan to attend such a scene. It was not his turn to do this odd job. It was really because all the people who could fight had gone to raid New Antioch, so it was his turn to do the odd job here.

Lu Huaiyang walked out with a pile of paper, and Wen Yuan followed behind with another pile. Time was tight, and I didn't even have time to staple it, so I had to staple it with a stapler, one for each person. Lu Huaiyang came from the left, and Wen Yuan came from the right, handing out the gifts to the nine elders in sequence.

"Why? It's not the right time for him to be virtuous. It's not the time for him to show off."

"Mr. Qian, the virtuous man has now made his mark."

He looked at Lu Huaiyang next to him and asked him with his eyes why he pushed his grandson to the front line at this time. It's not a question, just a question, because before everyone in Jinyiwei is dead, it is not his turn to be a junior like him.

"Hey, gentlemen, please turn to the first page and let me explain the current situation. Just 2 hours and 32 minutes ago, a total of 397 people from the Jin Yiwei selection vanguard and other divisions were dispatched, 98 of whom raided Rome. In the city of New Antioch, the capital of the Governor-General of Colombia, 20 action groups have completed the occupation of the airport, TV stations, docks and bridges, and the resistance in the city has been suppressed. If you have anything to ask, don't hesitate to ask. The general is here today."

"Huh~~" As soon as Lu Huaiyang stopped talking, the sleepy sound could not be suppressed. Huang Yuanjing, the minister in charge of the Imperial Guard and the East Guard General, leaned on his chair and dozed off - it was even rarer for him to come to a meeting than Zhu Xianfen, and it was the first time for 8 of the other 5 cabinet ministers to see him. Although he was awake now, he didn't seem to be awake.

"What's the matter? I'm awake." He squinted his eyes and hung his head to the side, claiming that he was awake, but the snoring still didn't stop.

Several people who had never seen him were shocked by this scene. Wen Zhong explained: "Everyone, he has been like this for many years."

"We have also heard the name of the General. We have seen his great achievements in capturing the thieves and shocking the island barbarians more or less from reference materials. Mr. Wen Ge, what happened to the General now?"

"Because of sleepiness." Wen Zhong replied, "The general was hit by sleepiness six years ago, and he hasn't woken up since then. He spent 6% of the time sleeping, and he woke up erratically. But he wasn't You don’t know anything when you’re asleep.”

"It's uncomfortable to be half asleep and half awake like this." Huang Yuanjing shook his head vigorously, took the spiritual liquid sencha handed over by Lu Huaiyang and took a big gulp, "Xiao Lu."

"Here, here." Lu Huaiyang took the teacup back and stood beside him with his hands hanging down.

"Don't let me sit in the high chair. My wheelchair will be pushed here in a moment. If I can't hold it anymore, just push me back. If I fall asleep in this high chair, you can't lift me." After drinking. A big cup of tea made him feel much better, but his expression was still as peaceful as a cat lying on the floor heater.


"Wait a minute. I'll finish the matter before the tea rush subsides." Holding the back of his chair, he stood up and glanced at the report placed next to him. Then I turned to the second page and the third page. I just glanced at each page and turned it over.

"I've made progress." He closed the report. "I remember that when we carried out raid missions, we often required dozens of people to act at the same time. Now we only need a team of 5 people to cover up front and back to complete the same mission as before. ”

"Because recently, spiritual energy technology has made leaps and bounds. We have put Jusu weapons into actual combat, and now an Iron Man of Jin Yiwei can hit the killing target of an artillery battalion at close range. Jusu weapons are simply indestructible, so. "

"Can you fight ghosts?" Huang Yuanjing asked directly.


"Good. No matter how you fight against barbarians, you can't kill ghosts and monsters without a weapon at hand."

(End of this chapter)

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