Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1152 I Can’t Always Lose on This Day

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on every street in the city, and white doves representing hope and peace hover above the clock tower of this ancient city.

On the sparkling riverside, young people who had just got off work gathered in groups of two or three, with smiles on their faces, discussing the interesting things that happened in the day that was about to pass.

The Muggles did not realize that the city they lived in was once on the brink of destruction.

Harry opened his eyes and stared blankly at the irregular circles of light created by the red sunlight shining on the clean glass.

It took him a moment to realise that he was in his and Ron's bedroom at Grimmauld Place.

But shouldn't he be at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Spells?

They should have taken him to St. Mungo's, right? He collapsed on the battlefield, so they should have sent him for a checkup.

The tight quilt covering his body made Harry feel stuffy. He twisted his body, and with difficulty pulled his stiff hands out of the quilt, supporting himself to sit up.

The house was quiet and no one else was in the bedroom except him.

Ron and the others should still be at St. Mungo's with Mr. Weasley. After all, he was so badly injured.

Harry was in no hurry to get out of bed.

Having faced the cruelty of war and personally gone to the battlefield, he particularly enjoyed the peaceful world before his eyes.

Glancing at the wand on the bedside table, Harry shrank back oddly.

But after hesitating, he slowly stretched out his hand and picked up the wand that was slightly warmed by the sun and had accompanied him through four years, just one day short of its full four years.

Stroking the smooth shaft of the holly wand, feeling the joy coming from the wand, as if meeting the closest friends, Harry moved his lips but remained silent.

A flashback passed through his mind, as he knelt in the rice field, holding his wand and emitting golden-red light at Voldemort in mid-air, and caught a glimpse of the surprised faces of the people in the Order of the Phoenix around him. Harry shook his head slightly.

I'm afraid he is the only one in the whole world who knows that he didn't do it on his own initiative.

At that moment, the burning pain from his scar was still affecting him, but the wand suddenly clung to his hand and dragged his arm towards Voldemort.

Harry looked at the wand that had been with him day and night, his most trusted comrade-in-arms, and suddenly felt a sense of strangeness in his heart.

How did that phenomenon come about?

A melancholy sigh sounded in the lonely room.

From Voldemort's terrified roar, Harry realized that the owner of his wand's brother probably didn't understand what was going on either.

I'm afraid only Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine know something.

They won't tell themselves.

Although he hadn't tried to ask yet, Harry was certain of it.

It took Harry a while to adjust to the new state of his stiff legs and feet.

He got out of bed reluctantly, put on his slippers, opened the door and left the bedroom with one step deep and one step shallow.

There was no one upstairs, Harry figured that out easily.

He slowly walked down the stairs, holding the stair handle that had decayed under the erosion of time.

Only when he stood on the long porch on the first floor could he hear someone talking in the basement kitchen behind the door.

Many familiar voices came into his ears, making Harry, whose expression was expressionless, feel a little warm in his heart.

Sirius was fine, Remus and Hagrid were fine, but what about the rest of the Order?

The urgency in his heart made Harry's body regain further strength, and his hand climbed up the cold door handle.


The moment Harry turned the doorknob, the noisy world behind the wooden door seemed to have been muted, and all the sound disappeared.

There were a lot of people in the kitchen. Of course, that might be because Hagrid's size took up too much space, but he was still surprised and confused to see Mrs. Weasley and his children there.


A scream of surprise caused many people in the kitchen to look pained.

Before Harry could get over the "severe damage" caused by the scream to his eardrums, Hermione had already stepped up the stairs from the long table and hugged his neck tightly.

Harry coughed weakly twice.

"I'm suffocating, Hermione, can you please stop? I think you should know that after your rigorous training, your strength may be much greater than that of ordinary girls."

Then, Hermione suddenly pushed Harry away and punched him in the face.
"You bastard!"

The punch was really powerful. Harry grimaced in pain and the corners of his mouth turned purple!

But Harry didn't get angry. He knew why he was beaten. He just looked at Hermione with gnashing teeth and an apologetic look on his face.

"Well done, Hermione." Down the stairs, in the kitchen, the Weasley children were all silent, staring at Hermione, afraid that they would be affected. Even Hagrid took a few breaths.

But a voice suddenly said this, and Harry immediately looked down and saw Sirius coming out from behind Hagrid and looking up at him.

"Little Wolf"

Sirius's upper body was naked, only wrapped in a layer of white gauze. His injury looked serious, but since St. Mungo's allowed Sirius to be discharged, there was no need to worry too much.

Harry stopped talking before he could even scream out in surprise.

It was not because of Sirius' injury, but because of the calm face and disappointed eyes when Sirius looked at him.


Hermione gave Harry a gentle push as she moved away from him, and the rest of the people in the kitchen below remained silent.

Harry came to Sirius completely unconsciously.

He lowered his head and stared at his toes, not wanting or daring to meet Sirius's disappointed eyes.

"I think--"

Sirius looked at the top of Harry's head with a fierce look on his face.
"You are not so optimistic that I will be grateful to you for rushing to the battlefield to save me, or that I will be proud of you for driving away Voldemort, right?"


Remus, who was beside Mrs. Weasley, came over to smooth things over.
"But in fact, Harry did venture to the battlefield because he was worried about you, and it was indeed he who drove Voldemort away."

Remus paused and looked at Harry with a hint of suspicion.

"I must say, Harry, the blow you gave Voldemort at the end was beyond many people's imagination.
Ron and Hermione told us that you've never shown that kind of power before. So, are you hiding it, like Amos Tower did at school?"

"It was just an accident—"

Harry blurted out.

He knew that someone would ask this question, and he had to explain it clearly to avoid any misunderstanding.
"That was not my intention—"

Harry said, pulling out his wand and showing it to everyone.
"At that time, it controlled me and sent that spell to Voldemort."

The wand controls the wizard to cast spells?
Everyone looked at each other, unable to accept this statement.

"Is it possible that you have always had this power hidden in your body, but it was not until today that it was stimulated by a mysterious person."

Ron asked cautiously.

"You've lived with me for four years, Ron—"

The look in Ron's eyes was a bit like the awe he had when he found out he was Harry Potter when they first met on the Hogwarts Express four years ago.

This look made Harry feel uncomfortable, so he said impatiently:
"You know what I'm capable of, Ron."

Ron frowned and actually began to recall carefully.

Sirius and Remus exchanged a look.

The power hidden in Harry is too mysterious, and the secret connection between him and Voldemort is too profound. I am afraid that only wizards like Dumbledore and Amosta can give a reasonable explanation.

"All right--"

Remus nodded,
"I suppose you wouldn't mind if I relayed what you told us to Albus and Amosta?"

Being interrupted by this question, the subtle atmosphere in the kitchen eased a little, but Sirius still looked at Harry coldly.

"I think you should give me an explanation, Harry. What made you make such a rash and irresponsible decision to rush into the battlefield?"

Hagrid's fluffy beard moved. It was obvious that he himself was also scared when he suddenly saw Harry on the battlefield today.

And he threatened to let Sirius beat him up.

However, when the moment of "reckoning" really came, he felt a little reluctant.


Hagrid opened his mouth.

"Let him talk, Hagrid."

Sirius didn't give Hagrid a chance to plead.

The kitchen was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone looked at Harry who was facing Sirius's anger, and they were worried for him.

"I can't always lose on this day"

Harry blew his nose hard, and raised his head, his green eyes showing moisture.
"Fourteen years ago today, I lost my mom and dad. I don't want to lose you today, Sirius." (End of this chapter)

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