Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 166 Chapter 164

Chapter 166 164 Being tricked
Looking down on the earth from the sky, in the area near Grimmauld Square, black shadows suddenly appeared in the originally empty alleyways, and they emerged from their hiding places one after another, and the Aurors who were closer ran wildly. Those who were far away simply rode on their broomsticks and rushed to the explosion with all their strength.

Tonks and Kingsley were the first to arrive at the scene. When he saw the miserable state of the street, even the calm Kingsley gasped.

The asphalt road built by Muggles was completely blown up to the sky in a street that was about fifty or sixty feet long, and the underground drainage pipes were completely broken, spraying vigorous water spray all around.

The violent shock wave tore away the upper wall and roof of the second floor of the nearest Muggle house. Through the shattered glass window, Tonks saw a Muggle couple sitting on the collapsed On the mattress, hug each other and scream!

The lights of the surrounding buildings were turned on one after another, and the commotion and shouts of Muggles for help could be heard from all directions!
Tonks was stunned by this tragic scene, she opened her mouth, subconsciously going to appease the Muggle couple on the second floor, but before she could step out, Kingsley grabbed her arm,
"The Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters will be here soon, and they'll handle things well here, Tonks, and do what we're supposed to do. Terrible feeling,"

Kingsley's breath fluctuated violently, "This scene reminds me of 12 years ago!"

Boo, Boo, Boo!

The brilliant and dense spell light hit like a gust of wind and rain, the ground continued to vibrate, and the roar of the explosion spread far away in the quiet night. More and more Muggles around the periphery noticed the movement, and after a series of explosions, Amidst the chirping, it seemed that the whole city was awakened!

"What's going on, Dawlish!"

Kingsley, who rushed to the battlefield and quickly joined the gradually closing encirclement, looked at the guy in black robe who was dodging one spell after another with incredible agility, and shouted at the exasperated Dawlish,

"This person suddenly broke into my guarded area. I wanted to verify his identity and ordered him to stop. Then the ground suddenly exploded. The strong wind of the explosion lifted his cloak, and I saw his face!"

Kingsley threw a stun spell with a tricky angle, but the fleeing man in black seemed to have eyes behind his back. The moment before the red curse light hit his ribs, he rushed forward and dodged it with incredible speed. Kingsley's spell.

"Are you sure this is Black!"

Kingsley, who faintly felt something was wrong, yelled and asked, "Why do I think this guy is more like a werewolf or a vampire, Dawlish, how could a wizard be so flexible!"

But Dawlish doesn't need Dawlish to answer this question, Kingsley himself has the answer. In a gust of strong wind, the hood of the man in black was lifted again, and in the bleak curse light, the card looked like a mummy. On the sallow and thin face, the two sunken black eyeballs inlaid revealed a palpitating madness,
"You can't catch me!"

When the hoarse and ferocious voice fell into the ears, the world was suddenly silent for a moment, and then, it became noisy again.

"Even if the mysterious man comes, he won't be able to save you tonight, Black!" Kingsley shouted angrily.

All the Aurors and wizards transferred from other departments, more than 100 people, surrounded the surrounding area. Muggles stood at their windows and looked at the scene on the street like a Hollywood blockbuster, trembling and stunned!
Facing the densely packed Ministry of Magic strikers who had already surrounded him on the ground and sky, 'Black' kept grinning grinningly, without any fear, instead he raised his wand high and swung it down!

An incomparably surging air wave swept across the street with him as the center, sweeping across the street in a sweeping manner, and the batterers around him were overturned one after another, even those guys who blocked the sky on broomsticks They fell to the ground one by one like dumplings, excruciating pain!
Seeing this, 'Black' let out a piercing laugh full of irony, but he seemed to realize that it would be unwise to stay for a long time in this situation, so he bent down and picked up a broom that had fallen by his feet , After stepping up neatly, without delay for a second, he rode away from the direction of the city, and disappeared into the boundless darkness after more than ten seconds.

There was no need for anyone to order, but the hitters who hadn't passed out gritted their teeth and staggered up. They got on the broomsticks, and some two rode on one, and chased after them with determined eyes.

"God!" An old woman in her 70s and [-]s stood tremblingly behind the shattered glass window, already frightened by this magical scene, she couldn't choose a word, "Has Satan already descended?"

"Don't worry, ma'am!"

Tonks also stepped on his own Comet 260, and softly comforted, "We will end all of this soon!"

Brush, brush, brush!

Looking down from the sky, it seems that hundreds of giant dragonflies suddenly appeared, all wanting to plunder the suburbs. On the side closer to the city center, the neon lights of Muggle police cars and fire engines are already looming. It won't be long before it arrives nearby.

However, these Muggles are destined to be useless. At this moment, the Ministry of Magic, which has been turned upside down, is urgently contacting the Muggle government through relevant channels, hoping that the Muggles will remain calm and all problems will be resolved by wizards.

According to the normal development, tonight's incident will definitely cause an uproar in the wizarding world and the Muggle world at the same time, causing an immeasurable impact. However, Amosta is not worried, because under the circumstances that Sirius is already famous, Whether it is the Muggles or the Ministry of Magic, they will try their best to cover up the fact that 'Black' launched another terrorist attack, and even the Daily Prophet will not have any reports.

As for private matters, news that has not been officially confirmed by the Ministry of Magic is nothing more than gossip, and will not cause subversive and catastrophic panic to the entire magical world.

There are not too many residents near Grimmauld Square. The violent bombing just now made the Muggles who didn't see it with their own eyes think that there was a gas explosion. Faced with this situation, they didn't dare to stay in the house at all. , but rushed out of the door in a panic, moving in all directions to avoid the disaster.

In the shadows under a tall street lamp near the square, Amostar, wearing an unmarked black traveling cloak, exited the illusory shadow state.

After wandering around in a circle, his eyes pointed to the positions of No. 11 and No. 13, Grimmauld Place. Although he did not know the exact location of the old house of the Black family, the warnings and traps arranged by the Ministry of Magic clearly gave mark.

Da da da
Amosta approached the two houses with slow steps, and after freezing the magic arranged by the Ministry of Magic, he stood in front of the two houses and stared deeply at the partition wall shared by the two houses.

(End of this chapter)

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