Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 315 Damaged

Chapter 315 Damaged
Although they went through a series of difficulties and obstacles, fortunately, Harry and Hermione completed the task assigned to him by Dumbledore, and they finally brought Pettigrew Peter back to Hogwarts.

Walking out of the Forbidden Forest and entering the campus, Harry and Hermione used the Invisibility Cloak again, because this time there was an extra white chrysalis that imprisoned Peter under the Invisibility Cloak, and their running speed was greatly hindered. When we were in Professor Sprout's greenhouse, Harry asked breathlessly,
"Hurmione - what if - we don't get back by that time - before Dumbledore locks the door?"

"I don't want to think about it!"

Hermione said brokenly, and she glanced at her watch,
"One minute left!"

When you don't want to encounter accidents, accidents will always happen.

When Harry and Hermione crossed the lawn and approached the path leading from the school gate to the castle, they suddenly found a group of people hurrying along the path. Harry's eyes were wide open, and even his breathing was frozen.

"Professor Brayne and the Minister of Magic, and the rest—"

"The woman in black is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Lady Amelia Bones, and, to Fudge's left, Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office, and those behind People are probably magic strikers. All the big names in the Ministry of Magic, and they are often reported in the Daily Prophet. They must have received notice of Sirius' arrest"

Hermione's eyes were frightened, and her teeth were chattering with fright,
"They're ahead of us, Harry, we're done."

Except for Professor Bryan, the entire Ministry of Magic did not look very good, especially the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

Having said that, Halligan and Hermione still tried their best to run towards the castle gate, but in order to take care of Peter, especially to keep him from being exposed, their speed was not comparable to that of the Ministry of Magic officials.

When approaching the castle a hundred feet away, Professor Brian, who was walking in the front, was already standing on the marble steps at the door.


Amosta showed hesitation, stopped suddenly, turned around and blocked Cornelius Fudge.

"There is a very important thing to confirm with you. As I said just now, Sirius Black is innocent. The person who committed the crime more than ten years ago was Pettigrew. In this case, um. The bounty previously promised by the Ministry of Magic."

He just heard Amosta say something important, and Fudge's heart skipped a beat. Tonight, he had been frightened enough. He was afraid that Amosta would give him another 'surprise', but unexpectedly, What he heard was indeed such a question.

"Bounty—" Fudge's face swelled into a liver color, "oh—well, yes—there is such a thing, the Ministry of Magic of course—wait"

Fudge, who had recovered from his shock, panted,

"Those are all your one-sided opinions, Amosta, I haven't confirmed them yet!"

Amosta shrugged needlessly,

"Well, even without mentioning that, I remember that Greyback and his subordinates were also on the list of rewards offered by the Ministry of Magic. They all died at my hands. You saw it with your own eyes—"

"You used Fiendfire--"

Rufus Scrimgeour said grimly,
"Amosta Bryan, you should know that this violates many laws, enough to send you to Azkaban."

"Hey, Greyback and his werewolves attacked the little wizards in the castle. I am the director of the Hogwarts Student Safety Office. When the little wizards and the school staff are persecuted by these evil creatures, I will protect them. Their lives are safe and they have the right to use all means to fight back."

Facing Scrimgeour's indifferent threat, Amosta smiled lazily.

Umbridge and some Aurors were ordered by Fudge to stay in Hogsmeade to calm the emotions of the people, and to deal with the foreseeable arrival of the Daily Prophet reporter. Now, only Scrimgeour and Bone are with Fudge s.

Looking at Amosta Blaine standing on the marble steps, bathed in the red light of the torch, Ms. Burns looked strange.

To be honest, when she first arrived in Hogsmeade, she was really frightened by the burning Fiendfire.

Before that, her reflection on Amosta Brayne was limited to knowing that he contributed the basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets to the Ministry of Magic last year, which made Fudge shine in front of the people and the Ministers of Magic of various countries, and, Dumbledore hired him as head of the Office of Student Safety.

Being able to catch the basilisk is enough to prove that this young man has extraordinary skills, but she never imagined that Amosta Bryan's methods are so superb!

For a moment, Ms. Burns, who had judged countless crimes, almost thought she was witnessing the rise of a Dark Lord.

However, now this young wizard with extraordinary skills actually blocked the gate of the castle, bargaining with Connelly for the bounty of Greyback and Sirius, which made Burns confused and at the same time relieved.
A Dark Lord would not negotiate with the Ministry of Magic for some gold, and since he has Dumbledore's trust
"Let's talk about the bounty later, Amosta!"

Fudge glanced at Filch, who was half exposed behind the castle gate and wanted to get close but didn't dare to disturb their conversation, and said angrily,
"At least until we figure things out!"

"All right--"

Amosta showed regret, turned around slowly, glanced at a marble pillar not far from the side, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

"You feel--"

Harry and Hermione slipped quietly up the stairs next to the hall, and Harry, who was happy to survive the disaster, muttered in a low voice,

"Do you think Professor Blaine has found us?"

"Needless to say, Harry." Hermione, who had exhausted her physical strength and energy to the limit, strenuously lay on the stairs,

"Did you forget that we were at the Three Broomsticks last time? We don't have time to worry about this. We have to hurry back to the school hospital. There are only 2 minutes left!"

Finally, they climbed to the end of the corridor where the school hospital was located. The place was brightly lit. Madam Pomfrey trotted through the individual wards like clockwork, with a sense of urgency on her face.

The ward they were in was still closed. Harry and Hermione sneaked closer to the door and vaguely heard Dumbledore's voice,
"If you can't figure out what to do, Miss Granger, I suggest you follow the original path. Well, good luck."

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and Dumbledore appeared in front of them.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Harry wasn't sure if he should lift the cloak now, because Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be able to explain it, but he wasn't sure if Dumbledore could see him, Harry could only make a sound remind them here,

"Professor, we've done it!"

Harry said breathlessly,

"We caught Peter, he was trapped in a white chrysalis, and I thought, he should be alive."

Dumbledore pricked up his ears to listen to the movement around him, his blue eyes were ready to catch Harry's sight, he smiled and said,

"You've done miracles again, Harry, and Hermione, well done, I thought—oh, now's not the time to chat, leave Peter to me, you'd better go back to the ward and rest—"

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a stretcher appeared out of nowhere, and the white chrysalis floated out from under the invisibility cloak, and landed on the stretcher. When he stared at the white chrysalis, Dumbledore's eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body felt cold. The exuding aura was something Harry and Hermione had never seen before.

"Professor Dumbledore--"

Hermione shrank her neck in fear,

"How are you going to explain to the Ministry of Magic, I mean, the process of Peter's capture."

"Don't worry, there will be an explanation--"

Dumbledore said softly.

"One more thing, Professor Dumbledore, people from the Ministry of Magic have appeared downstairs, they have a group of people, oh, and Professor Bryan"

Dumbledore took Peter away, and Harry and Hermione slipped into the room just in time to see the figures disappearing between them.

"It's not an easy trip—"

Harry tore off the invisibility cloak, grinned and said,
"But I have to say, the feeling of traveling through time is amazing—"

Hermione also pursed her lips and laughed. She was saying something, but suddenly, there was a slight crisp sound in her chest, like the sound of glass breaking.

Hermione was taken aback, lowered her head in disbelief and hurriedly pulled out the hourglass tied with a gold chain. Under the light, a crack appeared on the delicate glass hourglass. Under Hermione's jaw-dropping gaze, The golden fine sand within it gradually dissipates like a phantom

(End of this chapter)

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