Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 320 The Same Symbol

Chapter 320 The Same Symbol

Dawn was approaching, but the halo that was enveloping the sky suddenly became dull.

There was a piercing whistling sound faintly outside the window. It was the sound of the rising wind passing through the row upon row of towers and the wind and rain corridors with window holes. Dumbledore's silvery beard was lifted slightly by the wind that broke into the room. The mouth was exposed in front of Amosta.

"This is real"

The blue eyes behind the half-moon lenses fixed on the dangling locket, and Dumbledore murmured to himself.

"If it's fake, in order to buy it, I almost emptied my own net worth!"

Amostar said 'broken heart'.


Dumbledore closed his mouth, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but in a blink of an eye, his attention was attracted by the locket again,
"Undoubtedly. Yes, the crest of the Slytherin family, you can't be wrong-I saw it, a particularly powerful dark magic, and there is something hidden in it, but-"

Dumbledore looked at Amosta inquiringly, making no secret of his shock and confusion,

"Where the hell did you find this—"

Dumbledore paused,
"Could it be, it's Lucius Malfoy again. You just told me you did him a favor"

Amosta was satisfied to see Dumbledore, who had always been calm, in shock.

When Lucius came to him to help find the 'Golden Viper', he generously gave him a gem worth ten thousand Galleons, and Fudge told him a few hours ago that the Ministry of Magic would not forget his contribution and After paying, it is conceivable that he will get a generous reward.

After several years of hard work, Amosta was finally able to straighten his back and say that he was a 'successful person', and now he could ignore it with only eight thousand gold Galleons!

The dense clouds above the sky seemed to be collapsing, and the lightning swept across the sky with the sound of thunder. The arrogant thunder seemed to split the sky, and the heavy rain like waterfalls and fog also ravaged The earth, amidst the rumbling sounds that filled the entire world, there were occasional crackling sounds of trees snapping.

The sudden torrential rain disturbed the peace of the world, but it made Empty Castle even quieter. The sleeping little wizard and the teachers and staff who worked hard all night were still asleep. In the whole of Hogwarts, only Amosta's The office flickered with fire.

"--I destroyed Voldemort's cave, together with Remus and others, and brought Regulus back. Sirius thought his brother should have a decent funeral, but his situation at the time obviously couldn't do it Everything, so he temporarily placed Regulus in the old house.
That fake locket, which contained the note left by Regulus--
To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead when you read this letter, but I want you to know: I discovered your secret, and I have taken the real Horcrux and will destroy it as soon as possible.

I'd risk my life for you to meet a mortal man of flesh and blood. "

Amosta's calm voice disappeared, leaving only the sound of crackling rain and rumbling thunder in the office.

Dumbledore didn't speak. Judging from his expression, he was no less shocked than when he saw the locket just now, and he seemed to be greatly touched.

Dumbledore's eyes were wide open, his blue pupils were hazy, he blew his nose violently, and sighed,
"What a noble man, true warrior, respectable--"

Immediately, Dumbledore became excited again, he stood up suddenly, and walked around in Amostar's office, looking excited like an inspired soldier,

"Look, Amosta—"

Dumbledore said loudly,

"The story of the locket, the story of Regulus, they prove once again what a ignorant wretch Voldemort is!

He thought that his power could make everyone submit, he thought that fear and the threat of death could make everyone submit, but in fact, those souls with love and courage will eventually shine, and there are always wise men who can see through them. A wizard like him It is humble and powerless! "

Amosta was unmoved, and even glanced at the crystal ball on the sofa with disgust, which was left by Dumbledore blowing his nose just now
"We've taken another big step forward!"

Dumbledore said excitedly,
"The notebook, Ravenclaw's diadem, Slytherin's locket, and Hufflepuff's gold chalice, we've destroyed two, got hold of one, and the remaining one I at least know is a Horcrux, then we How much more is unknown, how many times Tom split his soul, oh, I don't think there's much we don't know, right, Amosta, in theory the soul can be split an infinite number of times, but even I can't guarantee that I can still have a complete personality after splitting my soul ten times!"

Amosta frowned slightly. In terms of soul, his knowledge reserve was far from being comparable to that of Dumbledore. After all, Dumbledore should have crossed a certain boundary, and he could look directly at the soul.

Since returning to Hogwarts last year and seeing Dumbledore, the sense of threat that the greatest wizard of his generation can bring to him has been decreasing, especially after the island of Avalon completed the second transformation of magic power , the difference between the two in terms of magic power is no longer very obvious, but this sense of threat has not been completely eliminated.

Strength of the soul.

This is the message that Dumbledore's words inadvertently revealed.

Suddenly, Amosta remembered the 'Jellyfish World' engraved in the murals seen in the central temple of Avalon Island.

In theory, Merlin more than a dozen centuries ago, Hogwarts' founding Big Four 1000 years ago, and Dumbledore today, they should be in the same rank. Can make a world of difference.

"Show me this locket, Amostar—"

Dumbledore finally calmed down a bit, he strode over, took the locket from Amosta's hand, observed it more carefully,

"Did you try to destroy it, Amostar?"

"Voldemort's soul fragment is hidden inside the locket, and I don't want to destroy the locket by destroying that soul fragment."

Amosta said calmly.

"Oh, yes, understandable—"

Dumbledore shook his beard and laughed,
"It belonged to Salazar Slytherin, and it means a lot to wizards from Slytherin House."

Dumbledore misunderstood the meaning, Amosta shook his head and explained,

"I don't care about its historical value, but—see that rune symbol on it, principal, I seem to have seen the same on the crown. I checked some materials, but I still can't figure it out. Knowing the meaning of the characters, I was going to plan to consult Professor Babling, she is an expert in this field-"


Dumbledore's excessive attention to the Horcrux made Dumbledore lose part of his observation ability and curiosity of scholars. The crown has been in his hands for some time, but he has never paid attention to those symbols.

"Speaking of which, I do seem to have overlooked some important things—"

Dumbledore's brow furrowed, his eyes narrowed in thought, as if recalling.

"Ancient runes are divided into two categories. One is the words used by ancient wizards to record. Today, the magic world still retains most of these runes systems, and the other."

"More mysterious."

Amosta continued,

"The image is only the most apparent feature of these characters. In reality, they are composed of textures formed by the magic power of various dimensions. Therefore, these characters cannot be learned through books, but can only be mastered by hand-in-hand learning. Today, these characters are almost lost. However, I don't want to master the magic represented by the runes, Headmaster Dumbledore, I just want to find out what they mean. Perhaps, there will be notes in a book."

(End of this chapter)

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