Chapter 334
In the face of Amosta's wonderful display and the spell research and improvement license that does not show any flaws, Rita Skeeter can only die. However, she is obviously not reconciled to the fact that she has never missed a job in the industry for decades. Yes, from the half-smiling expression on her face when she returned the permit, it seemed that she had her eye on Amosta.

"Be careful, Amostar—"

The huge press conference ended, and the British Ministry of Magic, as the host, held a grand lunch according to the etiquette. During this period, Amelia came to Amosta who was greeting Mr. Weasley and reminded,

"That woman, Rita Skeeter, is a nuisance, and she's not someone to be dismissed lightly."

Amosta nodded slightly, and glanced at Rita Skeeter, who was quickly shuttling through the crowd, trying to find out more inside information, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Indeed, this well-known female reporter of the Daily Prophet is indeed unique. Amidst the praises, she still wants to dig out some explosive inside stories from herself and the Ministry of Magic. Although the purpose is not for the truth, but only with this Momentum, there may not be no time for cooperation in the future.

During the luncheon, Amostar announced a decision to the public that brought the atmosphere of the party to its peak.

He decided to divide the total of [-] Galleons awarded by the Ministry of Magic about Greyback and his werewolf tribe into two parts, and donate one part to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries, hoping that St. Doing better in terms of damage.

The other one belongs to the Hogwarts Poor Students Grant Foundation, to help those children with magical talents from humble backgrounds realize their dreams of becoming qualified wizards.

The annual salary of an official at the director level of the Ministry of Magic or an ordinary professor other than the four deans of Hogwarts will not exceed [-] Galleons. A wealthy pure-blood wizard like Malfoy rarely spends so much money when he asks for nothing.

The next few days will be a carnival moment for the entire European and American magic circles.

All the prestigious newspapers and periodicals reported the news that the British Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts jointly wiped out Greyback.

Of course, this is not the only topic. On the day of the press conference, in response to the questioning of the well-known reporter Rita Skeeter, Amosta Breen demonstrated the powerful flame spell in front of the public, which was also talked about by people. Ordinary people may only be able to watch the excitement, but some skilled wizards and scholars were extremely shocked by the magic control displayed by Amosta Bryan during the magic demonstration.

In the academic world, the magazine "Spell Innovation", which has a pivotal position, spent half of its latest journal publishing the deduction process of the configuration of the magic spell by many well-known scholars.

The result of the deduction was a failure. The conclusion is that, if one does not consider Albus Dumbledore, who has rarely published research results in recent years, the level of innovation in spells of the young director of the Student Security Office at Hogwarts is The entire magic world is second to none!
All of a sudden, the argument that Amosta Bryan's magic power has surpassed the old Albus Dumbledore was rampant in the magic world, but Albus Dumbledore, who had never responded, remained silent. The attitude also contributed to this argument.

Amostar has experienced the 'consequences' of fame.

In just three or four days, the temporary residence arranged by the Ministry of Magic was filled with letters from all over the world, and the continuous stream of owls even attracted the Muggle Animal Protection Department to investigate the situation.

Among those letters, some were purely about admiration, some hoped to discuss innovative ideas of magic spells with Amosta, some wanted to make gestures with Amosta, and some were inconvenient to say.

On the grounds that Amosta is the honorary vice-chairman of the organization, the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance sent five official letters to the British Ministry of Magic within three days, 'forcing' Amosta to fulfill his obligations and choose the opportunity to go to Munich to hold the Presented at the annual Defense Against the Dark Arts Knowledge Forum.

"Wizard Weekly" has never been able to meet Amostar in person, so it can only deduct the photos taken by the reporters when Amostar was interviewed on the day of the press conference and put them on the cover of the magazine, and named it the most charming smile
As if in just one night, Amosta's name was known to everyone.

And after the Daily Prophet learned from Amosta’s former classmates that Amosta Bryan was an orphan who grew up in an orphanage and was able to successfully graduate from Hogwarts with the school’s bursary fund, Reminiscent of his generous donation, this incident pushed Amosta's reputation to a new peak.

Those with good intentions even suggested that Amostar be elected as the next Minister of Magic after Fudge.

Of course, this kind of suggestion is just to join in the fun. Apart from having a certain market among the public, the interior of the British Ministry of Magic is calm, and even Fudge, who has always valued his position, doesn't take it seriously.

Except for the exception of Dumbledore, it is not so easy for an 'outsider' who has never worked in the Ministry of Magic to get close to this circle. In the time when the world is in balance, the voice of the public can't be louder. You must get a pure-blood wizard Only the support of the family will do.

Ordinary people in the wizarding world may think that in recent years, half-breed and pure Muggle-born wizards have gradually become the mainstream of the wizarding world, because the Ministry of Magic is already filled with many wizard officials of ordinary origin.

But in fact, the real smart people have a clear mind, and many things have never changed.

The high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic are basically from famous families, and those "holy purebloods" who don't have a high exposure rate have always controlled the daily life of ordinary wizards, but they have become more hidden.

Another trouble for Amosta is that many magic item factories have sprung up, expecting Amosta Bryan to speak for them.

Behind these behemoths in the wizarding world, there are families of pure-blood wizards standing behind them, and there are many exchanges of interests with officials in the Ministry of Magic.

Such as Mrs. Skoll's all-purpose magical stain remover, butter beer, cornflowers, comet trading, Sweeping Broom Co., Ltd., the universe broom Co., Ltd. after bankruptcy and reorganization, and Nimbus Racing Broom. The bargaining chip, passed a message to him through the Ministry of Magic, hoping to reach an endorsement cooperation.

If Amosta is willing, he can become a rich man immediately, but Amosta rejects these cooperation invitations without exception, because they are just a burden to him.

Magic is the most important thing, and Amostar has never forgotten this.

In order to avoid harassment, Amosta stayed in a hotel room booked by the Ministry of Magic in London to entertain VIPs and did not go out for five days. During these five days, he has been doing one thing, that is, Write back.

Although most of the letters are worthless, a considerable number cannot be ignored.

As for the Ministry of Magic, Fudge, who has been the Minister of Magic for more than ten years, has also enjoyed treatment that he has never enjoyed before these days. No matter where he goes, people will congratulate him with respect on the achievements of the Ministry of Magic. , and made Fudge even more grateful to Amosta Bryan.

The Ministry of Magic has taken advantage of Amosta, and this is something that the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic are all aware of.

If it weren't for Amosta, they are still deeply involved in Sirius' escape from Azkaban, and the real murderer who will be announced to the public soon. The real murderer who killed the Potters is Pettigrew Peter and Sirius Black is actually innocent of these two colossal scandals.

Looking at it before, Fudge thought that the reward he gave Amosta was worthy of his "loss", and was even too generous, but seeing the rising approval rating of the Ministry of Magic, Fudge knew that he still wanted Amosta's favor. It's far from over.
(End of this chapter)

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