Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 338 Future Plans

Chapter 338 Future Plans

Amosta, who left the VIP area, walked slowly down the stairs along the way he came here, still thinking about the Malfoy family in his mind. These two couples had a bad reputation in the wizarding world. After stepping down, Lucius spent a large sum of gold just to avoid legal punishment. This matter is not a secret in the high-level field of the magic world.

They themselves are also firm supporters of the theory of pure blood supremacy, and it is predictable what choices they will make if their old master "Return of the King".

Unfortunately, that notebook will create an irreparable rift between the master and servant.

Lucius Malfoy is a smart man. He probably realized that the notebook was not simple. He touched himself to leave a way for Draco to escape. After all, Voldemort is still very good at cutting grass and roots.

Amostar also didn't mind showing some kindness to the Malfoy family, he also needed to drive a nail in the Death Eaters.

Going down to the second floor, Amosta glanced at the sign of 'Biological Harm Section' hanging on the wall, and walked into the corridor.

The atmosphere here is much more tragic. Most of the wards are filled with the sound of wailing in pain, the therapists in green clothes come and go in a hurry, and everyone has an anxious expression on their faces.

Amosta's eyes glanced at the cards inlaid in copper frames hanging at the door, and when he walked to the back of the corridor, he found a sign that read "Dangerous" Remus Lupine Ward: Severe Bite - Attending Liao Teacher: Hibercrate Smethyke; Trainee Therapist: Augustus Pai.

Amostar had expected Auror guards here, but in fact, Remus was the only one in the room.

Compared with Draco's ward, this place is much more normal. There are three beds in the small ward, but in fact, only Remus Lupine sleeps on the innermost bed by the window, and the other two are It was empty, and among them, there was a neatly folded women's pajamas on the bedside of the middle bed.

Remus was covered with blood-stained bandages all over his body. Only his eyes were exposed to staring at the Daily Prophet on his lap. He looked like a newly unearthed mummy.

"Good morning, Amosta--"

Remus was waving his arms like a stick, and his tone sounded relaxed,

"I was thinking yesterday, when will you be free to come and see me. After all, you are hot right now."

"Personally, I don't want to cause a commotion wherever I go, so I have to change my face when I need to appear in public."

Amosta smiled and strode over to Remus' hospital bed. He noticed a half-consumed fruit basket on the bedside cabinet.


Amosta raised her eyebrows in surprise,

"I just came down from Draco's ward, and I just realized that maybe I should buy a couple of flowers. No wonder Draco's mother looked so pale when she saw me."

"I don't think it's because you forgot to bring flowers—"

Remus chuckled.

Some jokes dilute the melancholy in the room, Amosta did not sit down, but stood in front of Remus' bed and greeted,

"So—how does it feel, Remus?"

"It can't be worse, can it?" Remus shrugged, but this too 'bold' movement involved the wounds on his body, and the bandages that adhered to his cheeks wrinkled,
"I'm already a werewolf, and I can't change it again--the only problem is that the concentration of wolf's poison in those wounds on my body is too high, which affects the healing of the wound. Now I need to take a small dose of wolf's poison every day to control it. St. Mungo's therapist told me that this may last for a while-"

"It's bad--"

Amosta frowned slightly, scratching her head in distress
"What about Defense Against the Dark Arts, the kids at school are waiting for you to heal."


The gauze covered Remus' expression, but Amosta was sure that Remus was smiling helplessly.

"You and I both know that it's impossible for me to go back to that school to teach, isn't it?"

"Never mind, just kidding—"

Amosta smiled cheerfully.

Indeed, it is impossible for Remus to return to Hogwarts to teach. This is something everyone understands. The most important reason why he proposed to Dumbledore to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was because he wanted to Help catch Sirius, but now, now that Sirius has been found innocent and Peter has been controlled, it's time for him to retire.

It is true that being a professor at Hogwarts is a job that can give him a decent life, but Remus knows that he cannot do it for a long time, and the danger of himself cannot be ignored, and if one day his identity If the parents of the little wizard knew about it, it would definitely bring huge criticism to Hogwarts and Dumbledore.

Even, Amosta will be implicated by him.

Think about it, the director of the Hogwarts Student Safety Office, the winner of the Order of Merlin First Class, the Wizengamot attendant wizard, the senior advisor to the Ministry of Magic, and the hero who wiped out the Greyback werewolf gang actually ignored the werewolves around him. What will the people in the magic world think when the news gets out?
Forget it, the reality is that he won't be able to live without St. Mungo's for a while.

"That's a good thing, Remus—"

Seeing that Remus was inevitably a little bit disappointed, Amosta said calmly,
"At least you are safe now. Think of Gilderoy Lockhart. His fate will be much worse than yours."

Remus was stunned for a moment, then realized,

"You mean, isn't it a rumor that Voldemort cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

Amosta nodded,

"It's a powerful curse, and it's not easy to defend against." He saw Remus' confusion, and added, "I used a little method last year to transfer the evil effects of the curse."

Remus nodded, the gloom in his heart dissipated a bit, but he suddenly remembered that when Amosta persuaded him to apply for the professor of this course last summer, that was not the way he said it. Sure enough, He still resented himself for exposing his identity as the Golden Viper to Dumbledore, so he wanted to take the opportunity to rectify himself.
The corner of Remus's mouth twitched. At that time, he seemed to say to Amosta, 'You are a good man'. Sure enough, compared to the Golden Viper, he was still too simple.

Amosta probably guessed what Remus was thinking from the strange eyes in his eyes, but he was thick-skinned and didn't show the slightest embarrassment after his prank was exposed.

"Speaking of which, what are your plans for life after recovery—"

This is a distressing and real problem.

Sirius is about to be avenged, Peter will never get rid of those dementors for the rest of his life, Harry's safety will no longer be a problem, everything looks perfect, but his life has to go on.

For the past few days lying in bed, Remus has been thinking about it, but he still has no clue. Getting rid of Greyback and his gang won't let people get rid of their prejudice against those hapless wretches who didn't want to become werewolves. In the magic world, there is still no soil for werewolves to survive.

"I did think about it--"

Remus' mood was fairly calm. After all, his living environment had been like this for more than ten years. Hogwarts for half a year was like a holiday for him. Now that the holiday was over, he had to return to the cruel in life.

"I'm planning to move in with Sirius for a while after I get out of the hospital. Try to see if I can find a job that accepts werewolves—"

Having said that, Remus didn't expect anything, he said with a sigh
"If there is really no one to hire me, then I can only go back to the old days, go back to the underground world, and continue to resell the herbs and potion raw materials. At least, the Ministry of Magic has very weak control there, and I don't need to go to the underground world. Going through a bunch of permits—”

(End of this chapter)

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