Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 351 Trading

Chapter 351 Trading
Under the dark clouds and above the black water, a huge skeleton like an ancient Titan stands in the lake. On each of the thick and shiny bones, there are lightning bolts wrapped around them. On the top of the skull, two In the huge eye hole, there are two dark green flames burning blazingly. The evil undead power contained in them made Norus Deman, who is well versed in this way, burst into tears with excitement. Every cell in his body is burning. Trembling!
In ancient times, the magical environment on the earth changed drastically in a short period of time due to inexplicable reasons. The populations of powerful creatures that were once able to fight against wizards and dominate the earth died out one by one, even their history of existence was wiped out.

The most important reason why the necromancers who once had a great reputation in the secret witch genre have basically been cut off is the lack of sufficiently powerful undead creatures.

Think about it, the few necromancers left now have fallen to the point where they can't even get the fresh bones of "weak" creatures like fire dragons. If things go on like this, the severance of secret witches is almost a certainty.

Norus Deman never dreamed that in his lifetime, he would encounter such a powerful skeleton of a titan that had been purified by evil magic power.

"It looks like—"

Just as Norus was prostrate on the ground, thanking the gods for his blessings, an old, hoarse voice with a hint of laughter suddenly appeared from the top of his head,

"You seem to like my little pet, Thanatos."

Norus was startled by the sudden sound, but after regaining his senses, he immediately jumped up, looked around in a daze, and finally found the source of the sound on top of the huge skeleton.

"Golden Viper?"

When the familiar magic vortex and the highly recognizable mark on the neckline came into view, Thanatos looked astonished,
"You didn't... oh, you haven't shown your face for a while, everyone thought you were coughing, I mean, long time no see, Golden Viper!"

"There are many people who want me to die, but there is no one who can do it."

Golden Viper smiled coldly, and slowly floated down from the top of the skeleton, landing in front of Thanatos.

The two had not only worked together once, they also knew each other well. Seeing that it was Jin Viper, Thanatos completely let go of his worries about being set in a trap. Although Jin Viper was ruthless, in general, he was relatively Follow the rules, unless you provoke him first.

"Obviously, not many people in the underground world dare to trouble you—"

Thanatos echoed casually, his attention was all on the earth-shattering big guy in front of him, he stared longingly at the giant skeleton that Amosta got from Avalon Island, salivating from out of mouth,

"Where did you get this big guy?"

"In a secret place—"

Jin Viper said, he noticed the light in Thanatos' eyes, and added,
"Don't worry about it, Thanatos, that secret realm has collapsed now. This bone frame caused me a little trouble at the time. Seeing that it might be worth some money, I brought it out of the secret realm—— "

Glancing at the salivating Thanatos, Golden Viper tilted his head and smiled ho ho,
"I know from Kacus that you are looking for a new envoy of the undead. How about it? Does it meet your requirements?"

"Of course, I am willing to spend all my wealth to buy it!"

Thanatos blurted out, but immediately realized that this was not an attitude for negotiating a deal. After coughing a few times, he cautiously peeked at Golden Viper and said guiltily,

"I mean, I'd give my whole fortune if it was intact, but look—"

Thanatos pointed to the hideous crack on the skeleton's right leg bone and said,

"That must have been caused when you fought it, right? You can suppress such a powerful undead creature, Golden Viper, no wonder you don't care about doing such things under Dumbledore's nose. Cough cough, I am Say, it’s flawed, isn’t it, and the price will be discounted.”

"You are not qualified to bargain with me, Thanatos—"

Jin Viper said bluntly.

This is destined to be an unequal deal. The undead giant in Amosta's hands is unique. I am afraid that you will not be able to find a second one after traveling all over the world. For the mystics who resided on the Undead, this skeleton has an irresistible attraction.

"I, I understand"

Thanatos was full of bitterness, he silently took out his storage bag and pulled the contents inside,
"I just, I hope that after all, we are friends, aren't we? Golden Viper, friendship is more precious than gold."

If it weren't for his current identity as the Golden Viper, Amosta would have been amused by Thanatos' aggrieved appearance. This guy doesn't have such a character in the Ministry of Magic. It seems that he is always pretending Own.

Thanatos moved out some of the things in the storage bag related to the necromancer's inheritance, and now what is left in the bag is all the gold he has saved over the years and some valuable alchemy props.

"That's it?"

Jin Viper took the bag, glanced inside, weighed it a few times, and asked dissatisfied.

To be honest, Thanatos' net worth is quite rich, but compared to the precious bones of the Titans, it is almost meaningless. Thanatos obviously knows in his heart that he is afraid of the sudden change of the Golden Viper. The idea is not happy to sell the bones to him, so I dare not make any sophistry, just gritted my teeth and said,
"I am willing to do something for you, Golden Viper, no matter what it is, as long as you are willing to hand over this skeleton to me."

There was a flash of light in Jin Viper's eyes, and he satirized contemptuously,

"You should be aware of the gap in strength between us, Thanatos, you can't help me."

Hearing what Jin Viper said, Thanatos' tall body shrank like a leaky ball. Jin Viper was right. He who had seen Jin Viper make a move knew the difference in strength between the two. What can be done, the Golden Viper will definitely be able to do it, but at most it will be troublesome.

"How much do you want, Golden Viper, tell me the number, I have some friends, they can provide me with some support!"

Even in the world under the sun, transactions and favors cannot be confused, let alone in the underground world where only profit is considered, Jin Viper's attitude was within his expectation.

"It seems that you really want the skeleton of this titan."

Thanatos, who was ready to accept the big opening of the Golden Viper Lion, suddenly heard such a strange question.

Is it worth talking about if he wants to own this unique undead creature?
"Well - you just said that you are willing to do things for me?"

Golden Viper rubbed his chin, and looked at the dazed Thanatos with subtle eyes,
"It's your luck, Thanatos. I did encounter a few things recently, um. It's not that I can't do it myself, but it's more troublesome——"

"I am willing to share your worries, Golden Viper!"

Thanatos jumped up and said eagerly,

"It is my honor to help you solve your problems!"

"There are three things in total, Thanatos. If you agree, then this skeleton will belong to you. You don't need to borrow money from your friends—"

Looking at Thanatos holding his breath, Golden Viper pondered for a moment, his eyes became dark and unfathomable,
"The first thing is relatively simple, time-turner. You must know this wonderful little prop, it can help wizards go back in time, but ordinary time-turners can go back in time for a short time, I need some way .Technology can greatly extend the time it can go back. Just a few months can't meet my requirements. At least it can make people go back to several years ago. Do you have a way to get this technology, Tanato S?"

(End of this chapter)

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