Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 374 Follow-up Effects

After the duel between Sirius and Snape, there were some changes inside Hogwarts that some people with vision could foresee.

This change is mainly reflected in the young wizards of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The two academies, which were not easy to deal with before, are now becoming more and more tense. Whether it is in the auditorium, the corridors or courtyards of the school, or in the classrooms, the little wizards of the two academies have almost no communication at all. Be wary of each other.

This kind of vigilance is not aimless. Harry has encountered countless black hands on the way to and from class during this period. Although Malfoy has no evidence to prove that it is him, Harry can be sure that one afternoon, he quietly hid behind the corner of the stairs. He is definitely the one who trips him up and throws big dung on his head after he falls.

But Malfoy's doing this is obviously irrational, because he forgot to talk about the number of big dung eggs. He is absolutely no match for the Weasley brothers in Gryffindor. Even, the big dung eggs he got in his hands may be Fred And George sold it.

One night in mid-to-late March, after Slytherin finished Professor Sinistra's astronomy class, when the young wizards of Slytherin walked down the observatory one after another, walked through the inner courtyard and returned to the main castle, they were preparing to go to the main castle from the side of the hall. When the underground passage returned to Slaterling's underground common room, a scent from the auditorium slowed Crabbe and Goyle.

Needless to say what happened next.

When Filch was attracted by the angry roar and the tragic cry for help, in the auditorium flickering with stars, Filch spit out the smell of the stinky big dung eggs. This smell is so naughty, Even though Filch worked all night, the air wasn't fresh again.

Needless to say, the deans of the four colleges were furious at the same time. They ordered the prefects and the chairmen of the male and female student unions to step up night patrols, and personally asked the portraits near the auditorium about the little wizard who had been in the auditorium that night, but they got nothing useful clues.

The guy who committed the crime has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance and has left no tell.

"It does surprise me, Headmaster Dumbledore—"

When summarizing the information afterwards, Snape said to Dumbledore that his black eyes were staring at Sirius undisguisedly,

"Who in this school is good at evading detection and hiding whereabouts?"

"If you want to ask my opinion, Severus--" Dumbledore said calmly, putting down his silver fork, "As far as I know, Amostar is very good at this."

"Speak with your conscience, Principal Dumbledore." Amosta rolled his eyes, "Your accomplishments in this area are not inferior to any wizard."

"Are you suspicious of me, Snape?"

Sirius didn't show any weakness, Hell Snape looked at each other, he wouldn't stand Snape's cynicism.

"I'm not accusing anyone of—"

Snape smiled slyly,

"I'm just reminding everyone here that a beast also sneaked into this school on the night of the Halloween dinner last year without anyone noticing."

"If you want to know the answer,"

said Sirius coldly,
"I can tell you that I hate that Malfoy kid. He's full of tricks like his father, but I haven't thrown a big dung on his head like him."

"Please do me a favor, both of you!" Professor McGonagall glared at Snape and Sirius angrily, "Could you stop arguing during the meal, don't you notice that the little wizards are watching you!"

The quarrel that was about to start stopped before it reached a climax under Professor McGonagall's strong restraint. After the dinner, before leaving the table, Dumbledore also issued a warning. He hoped that Hogwarts Castle The ongoing tension within can end.

"I didn't do anything to the Malfoy kid—"

Sirius's office was used by Remus before, when he walked up to the third floor with Amosta, Sirius looked solemn and smiled triumphantly,

"I'm just giving some pointers to the twin brothers of the Weasley family and Harry. If you want to avoid getting caught for pranks, you have to be wary of those portraits who like to inform."

"Please don't bother me any more—"

Amosta was not surprised that Sirius was involved in this matter, he said sullenly,
"I was the one who figured out how to get rid of Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, and the smell of shit and eggs in the auditorium!"

Dumbledore must have warned Snape in private, and Sirius also weakened his aggressiveness under the persuasion of Amosta. In short, to a certain extent, Slytherin and Gryffindor The atmosphere of confrontation finally eased a little.

However, this school is facing more than one problem. Amosta's physical education class has also had a non-negligible impact on the teaching of the professors in Hogwarts.

Although he chose to exercise the little wizards' physical fitness in the morning and did not interfere with the normal class time, the experience of the little wizards is always limited. Arriving at the Quidditch pitch before six o'clock means that they have to go to the Quidditch field every day. When it was still dark, I got up from the warm and comfortable four-poster bed, and went into the darkness before dawn without eating breakfast.

Now, apart from Professor Binns' History of Magic course, even in Professor McGonagall's and Snape's classes, there are little wizards who can't stop themselves from being sleepy.

"Perhaps you could schedule your lessons in the evening, like Aurora, Amosta—"

Unbearable, Professor McGonagall finally found Amosta, and she yelled loudly in Amosta's office,

"Look at the situation, at least a quarter of Ravenclaw's fourth years dozed off in my class this morning!"

"Only a quarter, Professor McGonagall."

Amosta smiled shyly, "This ratio is not too high, is it?"

"That's because there are only a quarter of Ravenclaw's four-year wizards who are still insisting on attending your gym class!"

Professor McGonagall said with a livid face.

This is the case, about a third of young wizards give up Amostar's gym class within a week of starting, and Ravenclaw is mostly girls, they have no idea about this kind of physical education. The funless Muggle sport holds no interest, and they're the house with the most drop-offs.

Amostar didn't mind this, as he said before, he had expected this situation.

The remaining little wizards also feel tired and boring, but they are still persisting for various reasons. It is estimated that after a month passes, there may be less than fifty little wizards left.

Neville was probably the only young wizard having fun with it.

"This class is easy--"

There was a dull air in the common room on Friday night, because tomorrow morning, the little wizards who have persisted until now will have to continue to get up early, which completely takes away the meaning of the holiday,

"I mean, it doesn't use its brains much, you know, that's what I'm afraid of!"

For the optimistic Neville, the rest of the people don't know what to say.


Neville stood up and patted his stomach,
"When I go home for the summer vacation, I'm sure my grandma will be amazed that she has thought of so many ways to make me lose weight."

Neville wasn't trying to amuse everyone, Ginny said worriedly,

"Today I ran into Percy in the library, and he told me that Penelope had decided to give up Professor Brian's class because she dozed off in Professor Snape's Potions class and couldn't deal with the splashing demon in the cauldron in time. medicine, which resulted in a large scabies on the nose, which made Percy's heart ache."

"Oh—" Hermione frowned, "What is Percy going to do, is he going to give up?"

"I think he will stick to it." Ginny said, playing with her beautiful red hair, "Of course, he has the same opinion as us, we are not Muggle athletes, why should we spend so much energy on exercising?" Yes, but you all know that he plans to ask Professor Blaine to write him a letter of recommendation. If he gives up this course, he will be ashamed to ask Professor Blaine again. Anyway, he will graduate in a few months."

(End of this chapter)

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