Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 380 New Changes

Chapter 380 New Changes
After the Easter holiday, the atmosphere in Hogwarts suddenly became more tense, because in more than two months, the OWLS and NEWTS exams, which can determine the fate of most wizards to a certain extent, will begin.

Harry had spent nearly three years at Hogwarts, but in his first and second years, he didn't feel the tension too clearly.But this year was different. Ron's three older brothers, Fred, George and Percy, would all face these two important exams, so to a certain extent, he also felt the tense atmosphere.

Sirius has also been under a lot of pressure recently, because the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is also the most important part of these two exams, and except for the half a year when Professor Bryan and Professor Lupine were substitutes, the teaching level of this course at Hogwarts is obvious to all.

Sirius was not a person who was willing to be a vegetarian. Although he served as the professor of this course only to help Dumbledore, he obviously would not let the name of incompetence fall on himself.

In particular, when eating every day, there is always an unfriendly colleague at the staff table who always expresses his concern about the test results of a certain course this year in a seemingly unintentional tone.

This made Sirius very annoyed, so he spent a lot of time preparing materials and plans, planning to help the little wizards in the fifth and seventh grades pass the exam, and this caused Harry and the others to hardly find time to communicate with Sirius in private recently.

Percy and Penello finally fell apart. The news came from Ginny. She told them that once she was on the way down to the auditorium after Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, she saw Percy and Penello pass each other in the corridor.

And Percy didn't show up to Professor Blaine's gym class after that day.

This incident made Hermione very angry. One night, when they finished observing the planetary orbits and walked down the astronomy tower, the tallest building in Hogwarts, Hermione said angrily,

"Percy—I can't believe it, is he using Professor Blaine? Just dropped the course because he didn't get a recommendation from Professor Blaine?"

"He's been under a lot of stress lately—"

Ron had the rare courage to defy Hermione's furious gaze,

"Since Professor Brian is unwilling to write a recommendation for him, it is up to him whether he can enter the Ministry of Magic now. This has been his goal all along. Percy has been planning this matter almost as soon as he entered Hogwarts."

"That doesn't mean he can—"

Hermione still wanted to criticize Percy, but Ron's words made Hermione swallow her words again.

"--and, he's just suffered emotional setbacks recently, I mean, he's running out of energy, and the physical education class taught by Blaine is currently doing the most good for draining our excess energy."

Harry wanted to remind Ron that 'we' wasn't quite the right word, as Ron had dropped that course for two weeks.
"Two weeks!" Harry's screamed voice almost made Neville, who was walking in front, fall down the stairs in terror.

"What?" Neville asked bewilderedly, leaning on the wall and rubbing his sprained ankle.

Harry glanced at Hermione and Ron, who were also looking at him wonderingly.

"Did you forget!" Harry quickly explained, "It's been another two weeks. I mean, Professor Brian's physical education class has already passed for a month. He said at the beginning of this class that the first stage will last for a month, and there will be new changes in the future!"

"That is to say—"

The joy on Hermione's puffy cheeks revealed her true inner thoughts, "We don't need it"

Hermione's words stopped short of speaking, because she found that Ron was looking at him with a smile.

"I think it's good to persevere." Neville stopped in front of the fat lady's portrait, turned his head and looked at them with a sense of loss.

"Nobody's stopping you from going on, Neville." Ron pouted, "Excuse me, I guess you must have forgotten your password again."

In fact, Neville was right. In the past few days, even Harry began to feel that Professor Brian's class was not useless.

After going through the initial period of discomfort, he obviously felt his energy, uh. Mental energy has improved. Now, he is not so prone to drowsiness, even Snape's Potions class and even Professor Binns's class, he can withstand the impulse to doze off and listen for a while.

Before closing his eyes, Harry was full of anticipation and waited for the arrival of the next day. Although he no longer disliked the Muggle PE class, he still looked forward to some new changes in the class taught by Brian.

I don't know who spread the news. The news that Professor Brian went to Zuko's joke site to buy big dung eggs as teaching tools spread like wildfire. The next day, the number of young wizards who persisted in this class suddenly decreased by one-fifth. Now, half a month has passed, and only a little more than one-third of the original team of a hundred or ten people remained.

The time has entered April, and the breeze lingering on the field in the morning light has faded away the coldness. When it comes to the face, it is a kind of pleasant coolness passing through the hair.

Harry squinted his eyes to see the greenish morning light, and silently adjusted his breathing. This was a technique he had explored during this period of time. Proper breathing rhythm can relieve fatigue during prolonged exercise.

"let's start--"

Professor Brian arrived at the playground still stuck in time. He didn't seem to realize that a month had passed. He was wearing one of the sportswear he usually wore, and he ordered in a calm tone.

Harry's expression could not hide his disappointment. He looked around and found that the little wizards around him all had the same expressions.

"Professor Blaine—"

Hermione is not a little witch who can hide problems, she frowned and raised her hands,

"That's right, Professor Brian, if I remember correctly—" Hermione took a deep breath, staring at Professor Brian with shining eyes,
"You once said that our phased practice will last for a month, and after that, our courses will have some new changes?"

"Thank you for your reminder, Ms. Granger," Professor Bryan nodded slightly, "Yes, that's the plan. Our physical education class is about to enter the next stage. This morning will be the last time you get up early and run in the morning."

Looking around at the excited little wizard who was chirping, Amosta smiled slightly and decided not to spoil their good mood for the time being.
"Starting today, we will enter the second phase of the course. The course will be arranged every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] p.m. in the labyrinth classroom."

The labyrinth classroom was the classroom where Professor Brian asked Harry to deal with the Inferi in the second half of the second semester. In the second half of last year, the interesting 'boat race' was also held in that classroom that was not commonly used.

Hearing that the next class would be held in that classroom, the little wizards became even more excited. After persisting for so long, Professor Brian was finally willing to let them see something interesting!
The news that Professor Bryan's physical education class might become interesting spread throughout the castle during lunch, and many young wizards expressed great curiosity. However, those who were once eligible to participate, but lost their qualifications because they gave up, didn't seem very happy.

Harry and the others spent an hour hastily completing their thesis on the history of magic after finishing their dinner. Then, under Ron's sullen eyes, they hurriedly left the lounge and rushed to the exclusive classroom of Professor Bryan.

When the time came to eight o'clock in the evening, the little wizards who had already gathered in the corridor eagerly pushed open the door of the classroom, and entered the classroom one file at a time. After everyone squeezed in, they were extended to the walls around the classroom as long as a quarter of a mile, and the newly installed torches all lit up with a whimper.

And under the sudden bright light of the fire, the objects placed under the three walls made crisp clicking sounds one by one.

"these are"

Hufflepuff's Hannah Abbott quietly opened her mouth as she looked at the polished objects that were reflecting the bright fire.

"Those armors in the corridor!"

Neville cried out in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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