Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 386 Clarification

Chapter 386 Clarification
"Oh no, Sirius, I just—"

Harry's face became unnatural, he didn't want to tell Sirius the truth, the reason was very simple, if he knew what Snape said and did in the Potions class just now, Sirius would definitely go to trouble with Snape, of course Harry would be happy to see Snape's misfortune, but definitely not at the price of Sirius being reprimanded by Professor Dumbledore.

"It's just that something happened to the drug that Neville brewed just now—"

Harry showed Sirius the red mark on his arm that had just been scalded by the splashing potion,
"I lost my temper with Neville."

Sirius looked suspiciously at Hermione and Ron, but the two little ones were avoiding his gaze.

"Okay, I'll go find Snape and find out—"

Sirius was not stupid, seeing this situation, how could he not be clear about the situation, moreover, he probably guessed the reason why Harry lied to him.

Sirius looked calm and couldn't see how angry he looked, but Harry noticed that the veins on the back of Sirius's hand were indeed bulging, he grabbed Sirius' wrist and said anxiously,

"No! Sirius, it's no big deal, I'm used to it."


Harry's calm persuasion completely annoyed Sirius, he slapped Harry's arm away, and strode towards the basement, his terrifying expression startled Neville and the others who came out of the dark underground passage, leaning against the wall one by one, not daring to block Sirius' footsteps.

"I'm not used to watching my godson being bullied by a snotling."

"I'm going to stop him, you guys go find someone who can solve this problem!"

Harry, who finally came to his senses, yelled, turned around and went back to the underground corridor.

"Fix it," cried Hermione hurriedly, "but... oh, Professor Dumbledore, but he's not at school these days!"

"Are you confused!" Ron grabbed Hermione's wrist, dragged her and ran towards the marble stairs, "Who else can stop him except Professor Bryan!"

Sirius's trip was doomed, because the man he was going to trouble had already arrived in Amostar's office through the office fireplace.

To be honest, although the two had an unusual relationship, and now they were colleagues, Snape seldom visited Amostar, but when Amosta was free, he liked to drop by Snape's office, and by the way, visit the old professor's storage room.

In the fireplace, the hot red light from the embalmed ashes suddenly attracted the attention of Amosta, who was thinking about something at his desk, and then Snape appeared from a dazzling green fire tornado.

In the team of Hogwarts staff, Amostar's office is the most modest, and he is the only one who puts his sleeping bed in the office.After looking around and confirming that there were no other visitors in the office, Snape glanced at the camp bed by the window in the corner, and said flatly,
"Why don't you find yourself a room to sleep in?"

"You know I don't care about this--"

Amosta replied casually, then lowered his head and got busy with his own affairs.

"what are you doing?"

Snape walked to Amosta's desk, looking down at the manuscripts on Amosta's desk that seemed to be of some age. Amosta seemed to be calculating something. The parchment used for drafting was full of obscure calculation formulas and spell configurations. These things were so profound that even with Snape's magical attainments, only a small part of them could be understood.

A wizard's research is a very private and precious thing, but Amosta doesn't care that Snape is peeping at his research results, his thoughts are trapped in his own research,
"An ancient method of meditation, which can improve the perception of the magic changes in the surrounding environment. But the threshold for entry is very high. In my opinion, in the entire Hogwarts, only Luna Lovegood has the talent to master it. I'm trying to simplify it—"

"Luna Lovegood?"

Snape frowned, and quickly found the person with the name in his mind,
"That eccentric second-year girl from Filius Yard? She didn't do well in Potions and was easily distracted in class. I don't see her having the kind of talent you're talking about."

Amosta almost watched him grow up with his own eyes. This guy possessed a magical talent that he had never seen in his life. To be recognized by Amosta, Snape couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"This little girl is indeed very talented, but her talent has not been properly guided, and she herself lacks a correct understanding of her own talent, so... Speaking of which, what's the matter with you?"

Research requires an uninterrupted environment. Professor Snape, who usually doesn't come to visit, is definitely not here to kill time. Amosta put the quill back into the ink bottle and rubbed the space between his brows.He sat Professor Snape down while he went to the mantelpiece to make some tea.

There is indeed no need to hide anything about the relationship between the two, Snape sat on the sofa, with a sullen face, and asked straightforwardly

"You gave Potter that watch?"

Amosta's movements froze, he squinted his eyes and looked back at Professor Snape on the sofa, and for a moment, his mind was flooded with thoughts.

Snape noticed something was wrong with the watch?

Theoretically, it is impossible. The magic and alchemy techniques used by Amostar to hide the real function of the watch are very ingenious, and there are many interlocking magic protections on it - Dumbledore can see that the watch is not right, but there is no way to remove those disguises under the premise of directly destroying it.

Could it be that it was Dumbledore's private instruction?
Judging from the attention that Headmaster Dumbledore paid to Harry, he must have noticed the watch. Amosta originally planned to pass Dumbledore's attention when he asked. So, Dumbledore predicted this possibility, so he asked Professor Snape, who was closer to him, to ask directly?
However, isn't this old man on a business trip these days?

"Indeed, in order to thank Harry, Ron and Hermione for their help in finding the Chamber of Secrets. What's the matter, is there anything wrong?"

Amosta came to the sofa with a steaming cup of tea, and he asked seemingly indifferently.

Professor Snape was someone who could be trusted, but some things were too involved and he had to figure it out.

"I'm just here to make sure." Snape said expressionlessly, "I'm afraid there are some things you don't know. Amosta, that Potter and his two inseparable friends have a habit of stealing. I have clear evidence that some precious raw materials lost in my private storage room last year were related to them."

This lie was obviously used to divert attention, and Amosta couldn't fail to see it.

At this moment, the fireplace that had just been extinguished was brightened up again, and just as Amosta turned around, a silver phoenix the size of a flying swallow jumped out quickly from the revolving flames, hovering in midair.

"Oh, Severus, you're here too—"

There was some surprise in Dumbledore's old voice,
"I have something important to talk to you about in person, Amosta, but since you're here as a guest, I can change the time."

Snape wanted to get up and leave, but Amostar stopped him,

"Stay here, Professor, if any trouble comes to your door later, I will trouble you to help me escape."

The corner of Snape's mouth twitched, and Dumbledore's phoenix patron saint's eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, and after saying 'wait a moment', the patron saint, which lost its magic power, dissipated like a sand painting.

About 10 minutes later, Dumbledore came out of the fireplace. He was in a hurry, wearing a purple traveling cloak. It seemed that he had just returned to Hogwarts and arrived at Amosta before he had time to rest.

"Sit down, Headmaster—"

Amostar directed Dumbledore to sit on the sofa, and he went to the fireplace to pick up a pot, shook it vigorously, and poured out some tea stems and powder from it.

"What's up, Severus—"

Dumbledore noticed the gloomy look on Professor Snape's brow, he blinked his eyes and asked curiously,
"If it's because I took the liberty of visiting to interrupt your pleasant conversation with Amostar, Severus, I can change the time-"

There was a slight sarcasm on the corner of Snape's mouth, he snorted and sneered twice but didn't speak.

"Don't have to-"

Amosta came over with a layer of ground tea soup floating in it, he smiled and said,

"A few days ago, I gave Potter a watch—in order to thank Harry for his help in finding the Chamber of Secrets last year. Professor Snape was curious about it. Because of some unpleasant past events, he mistakenly thought that Potter stole it from me. In short, the misunderstanding has been explained clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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