Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 395 Igor Karkaroff

Chapter 395 Igor Karkaroff
"Hey, Mr. Crouch does think that the 'safety plan' submitted by Hogwarts is not perfect."

Amosta is not used to being too close to people, he put his hands behind his back, pretending to appreciate the cultural relics in the stone alcove, and naturally got rid of Ludo Bagman's arm on his shoulders.

"Ah ho!"

Ludo seemed very happy to hear that Barty was dissatisfied with the Hogwarts plan, he hopped up and ran behind Amosta, ignoring Amosta's helpless expression once again on his shoulder With a frivolous appearance, he completely failed to see the stability and integrity that a director in charge of a large department of the Ministry of Magic should have.

"Barty is like this. Everything needs to be perfect, even if a punctuation is wrong!"

Ludo said cheerfully,
"But I dare say that there is nothing wrong with your plan. Speaking of which, Amosta, is this your first time in Paris? Paris is such a good place. These French people are really good at enjoying life. If I were you, I wouldn't bother with those boring reports."

Today is a working day, and it is time to go to work, but not far away, by the sparkling Seine River, many Muggle men and women are walking leisurely and comfortably with coffee in their hands, and many people are swimming in the Seine River .

The pace of life here is indeed much slower than in the UK.

Amosta looked at those young people who were laughing and laughing, with a bitter smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.He has been a man for two lifetimes, and he no longer has this kind of leisurely attitude to enjoy life.

Ludo Bagman chattered in Amosta's ear, telling how he had a good encounter when he came to Paris to compete in this city when he was young, but Crouch, who had completed the registration procedures, interrupted his good memories.

"We live on the seventh floor. I will have lunch delivered to the room. We will spend the rest of the day on correcting the 'plan'."

Barty Crouch kept his eyes on Amosta, as if he was afraid that he would be fooled by Ludo and put his serious business aside.

This hotel is designated by the International Federation of Wizards and the French Ministry of Magic to receive guests. Even on ordinary days, the business is very good.As for Amosta, Batty and Ludo, each of these three people is very conspicuous in the outside world, let alone the appearance of three people in a group.

At the previous meeting, many people had already stared at Ludo and Amosta who were talking, and now they were about to leave the hall, and many wizards who recognized who they were came to talk to them, hoping to be able to Get them signed.

Two Quidditch-loving fanatics even caught up to the elevator, but Barty Crouch stared coldly and backed away embarrassingly.

"Don't be so indifferent, Batty—" Ludo smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, "We came here to enhance the friendship between different magical civilizations, you should be friendly to these international friends."

What Ludo said was quite reasonable, but Barty Crouch just kept his face sullen and said nothing. Amosta had a feeling that Barty didn't seem to be happy to talk too much with Ludo, especially, in front of myself.

The layout of the entire hotel is cylindrical, and all the rooms are built around the huge pillar in the middle. Opposite the elevator door, the mural engraved on the stone pillar is the end of the goblin jihad. They rely on the Pig's Head Bar as their base and are trying to resist The onslaught of the wizard army.

The seventh floor is the highest floor of this hotel. Standing on the circular platform on the seventh floor, Amosta noticed something carved on the ceiling. After careful identification, he found that it was a map marked with The general location of all Gringotts in the world is shown, and the center of the map is the Gringotts headquarters in Paris, not far from the Louvre.

Batty led Amosta and Ludo for a distance to the right of the elevator hall, and then stopped at the door of a room.

Amostar also stayed in the hotel where the British Ministry of Magic entertained guests for a while, but that hotel was actually run by Muggles. Apart from luxury and comfort, there wasn't much to mention.

But the French will enjoy it much more.

The moment the door was pushed open, even the well-informed Amosta couldn't help being a little surprised.

He thought that he would see a spacious large room with gilt and diamond decorations everywhere, and a luxurious decoration style, but the reality was much more exaggerated than he imagined.

In the room, there is a strange hole in the sky. A green courtyard appeared in Amosta's sight. In the center of the courtyard, there is a lawn with many elegant peacocks. In the middle of the lawn stands an artistic fountain sculpture. On both sides of the clean and tidy stone path , planted with two rows of lush sycamore trees, guiding the residents to a three-story, snow-white villa located in a quiet forest.

Amosta looked up at the sky, and a ball of light emitting soft light was hanging at the position where the sun should be at around four o'clock in the afternoon.A few white and flawless clouds embellish the boundless sky even more blue.

"These French people enjoy--"

Amostar couldn't help expressing emotion.

"It's not cheap to stay here for a night--"

Ludo said to Amosta enthusiastically,

"If it wasn't for the invited VIP, if you want to live here, you have to pay for it out of your own pocket, two hundred Galleons a day, oh--if it weren't for the fact that the Ministry is bound to win the honor of the organizer, Batty would not agree to pay for this money, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter, Ludo—"

Barty Crouch said impatiently,
"I want you to realize that Albus failed to easily defeat those two schools, which is enough to show that the situation is serious. If we can't ensure that the plans we submit are reliable enough, then we are completely dead!"

"I don't quite know what we've been trying to—"

Amosta said suddenly,

"But... have you tried another option, I mean, trying to deal with the members of the committee in private?"

"Oh, slippery guy—"

Ludo immediately giggled,

"Would you like to bribe the review committee? The minister also gave Barty this hint, but it's impossible, right?"


said Amostage.

"The congressmen selected to join the judging committee have all signed magic contracts and cannot receive any benefits from the three parties participating in the competition."

Paris said coldly,

"Fortunately, there are such regulations, otherwise, Beauxbatons can directly start preparing the competition venue."

Amosta smiled irrefutably. Having signed so many contracts, he knows that things like magic contracts only look fair. In fact, most magic contracts have a lot of loopholes that can be exploited.

Just as Amosta had predicted before, he and Barty Crouch may be responsible for revising the plan. Ludo cannot help. In fact, Ludo is putting his luggage in the After the room, he found an excuse to run out, and Amosta and Batty even liked it. When neither of them wanted to work, there was someone nagging at him all the time.

Amosta and Barty Crouch did not leave the hotel room during this day. After enjoying an authentic French lunch, Amosta spent half an hour in the room. Turned around in the courtyard.

Working with Barty Crouch was definitely torture for Amostar.

The only consensus the two sides can reach is to keep a distance from each other. Therefore, apart from topics related to the plan, the two sides basically have no redundant communication.

The time came to 05:30 in the afternoon, half an hour before the start of the dinner party. Amosta put away the preliminarily sorted-out plan, and dug out the dress that he would never use for many years from his handy suitcase. He began to discipline himself, after all, he not only represented himself now, if he ran to the reception wearing an old wizard robe, Hogwarts would inevitably suffer a joke.

"The reception is on the second floor, we can't be late."

Batty, who was in a black evening dress that was ironed without a single wrinkle, strode hurriedly across the courtyard towards the door, followed by Amosta who was arranging his tie and asked casually,
"So, what about Ludo, doesn't he have to participate?"

"Oh, I think he's already there."

Barty Crouch said in a slightly sarcastic tone. He walked to the entrance of the room standing abruptly on the stone path, and opened the door of the room. At this time, a man happened to pass by them and heard the movement. The man glanced casually out of the corner of his eye, and then stopped in his tracks.


The tall, thin man with a goatee in front of the door showed an unnatural look on his face, but then he bared his yellow teeth at Batty, opened his arms and showed a greasy smile,
"I didn't expect to meet you here, Batty."


Barty Crouch nodded stiffly,

(End of this chapter)

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