Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 405 Another Competition (1)

The Hufflepuff students looked at each other, wondering if they should follow Hermione's order Ernie MacMillan and Justin Fenriely looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.Hermione Granger is very famous in the school, and teachers in many subjects appreciate Hermione's grades very much, but after all, she is just a little third-year wizard, right?

There are really not many people who are convinced by letting two third-year students and one second-year student become teaching assistants for this course.

If it was Cedric, the Hufflepuff students would have nothing to say.

"Oh, congratulations—" But Hufflepuff also had people who disagreed, Hannah nodded and smiled at Hermione, "I believe you are doing a good job."


Hermione gave Hannah a friendly smile back.

"Well, if it's really Professor Blaine's opinion—"

Cedric seemed a little dissatisfied, but out of respect for Professor Brian, he didn't raise any objections.

Well, everything is as expected, the biggest problem still comes from Slytherin.None of the young wizards in this academy obeyed the command. They stood lazily in place, staring at Hermione and Neville with mocking eyes.

There was contempt in Draco's pale gray eyes. He stared at Hermione for a while, and then when he looked at Neville, he was almost amused by Neville's silence, and Ravenc Law's lunatic Luna Lovegood Draco loses interest in her after one look.

"I think you all heard what I said, didn't you?"

Hermione's breathing became a little heavier, she stared at the group of Slytherin students, and repeated again with a heavier voice,

"We don't have much time to waste, we should—"

"Why should we follow your command?"

Unexpectedly, Draco didn't stand up to make trouble, but it was almost him, Pansy Parkinson raised his chin proudly after receiving the instruction,
"Just because of your beaver-like front teeth!"

Pansy's taunt caused a burst of laughter among the Slytherin group, and even students in the other two houses who were not so hostile to Hermione grinned secretly.

Hermione's cheeks flushed immediately, but her eyes did not flinch. She was about to refute Parkinson's words, but Harry was one step faster than her. livid,

"Oh, that's interesting!"

Harry pointed his wand at Pankinson and snapped,
"You have the nerve to laugh at others with your poodle face, Parkinson?"

The atmosphere in the entire classroom exploded because of Harry's words. Before Hermione could stop Harry's sharp but accurate statement, Patsy Parkinson over there was already screaming and cursing. At the moment of the wand, Draco also took out his own wand and protected it in front of Pansy.
"Apologize, Potter!" Draco's pale gray eyes flashed with anger, "Otherwise, I'll make you pay for your words!"

"Are you deaf, Malfoy?" Harry said coldly, "Why didn't you listen to what Parkinson said to Hermione!"

"Oh, that's interesting--"

Fred and George also stood up, one on each side of Harry's shoulders, squinting at Draco,
"We'll see how you're going to make Harry pay, little bastard?"

"Do you want to do it, Weasley?"

The oldest Slytherin here, Marcus Flint, who even served as Amostar's apprentice, rolled up his sleeves, put on a gorilla-like posture, and said viciously,
"I hope you guys can do better than you did in Quidditch. By the way, how many times have you idiots lost to us?"

"Hey, that's not a good idea!"

Seeing that the chaos was about to ensue, most of the Hufflepuffs chose to stay out of it, and the little girls in Ravenclaw were a little bit overshadowed by the beauty of the tense atmosphere, and they couldn't help at all. However, Cedric still stood up,
"If you have something to say, I think, Professor Blaine definitely doesn't want to see--"

"It's none of your business, big fool!"

Malfoy growled angrily,
"What did you say about me just now, Weasley, how dare the humble Weasley family dare to slander the noble Malfoy family, you are finished, my father will not let you go!"

Fred and George's response was very straightforward. He jumped out with a whoosh, dodged Cedric's hands that seemed to be grabbing him with great agility, rushed to Malfoy, jumped up, and punched Malfoy. He greeted Malfoy's face, but Marcus was already prepared, he rushed over to block Fred's and George's fists with his arms, and the three of them rolled to the ground and wrestled!

Ginny let out an angry cry like a cat's howling, and she threw a curse light at Malfoy who wanted to help Flint, but their training during this period of time was not in vain, Neville was definitely not the only one who improved, Malfoy's footsteps turned suddenly, and he easily avoided Ginny's curse by turning his head.

Whether it is using a spell or a fist, Harry will not have the slightest fear!
After Fred and George fell to the ground, Harry was about to rush over, but Hermione, who had foreseen it, grabbed Harry's robes,
"Come on, Harry!"

Before Harry's questioning came, Hermione shouted. She took a look at the situation that was completely out of control, and took a few heavy breaths. Then,
"Stop for me!"

Hermione's hoarse shouting didn't help, Harry was trying to get out of the restraints, Fred and George were fighting with Flint on the other side, Malfoy and Parkinson were trying to cast a jinx on the twins, However, they kept switching positions with Flint, because Malfoy and Parkinson hadn't found a chance yet because they were worried about accidentally hurting Flint.

All the noise in the chaotic classroom died down in the huge roar, and many little wizards almost fell to the ground because of the shock!
"All stop!"

Hermione yelled angrily again, her wand held high.

But this time, her cry worked.

The excited Gryffindors and Slytherins fell silent, and even Fred, George, and Flint, who were in the scuffle, stopped punching. People stared dumbfounded at the walls of the classroom. Armors that bring much pain—
The roar just now was made by these armors stepping forward neatly.

They have already assumed an offensive posture. This is the first time the little wizards have seen the scene of nearly a hundred armors aiming at the big dung eggs. Even when Professor Brian gave them a demonstration at the beginning, they were not surrounded by so many armors. Aimed at the same time.

Da da da--
There was strong determination in Hermione's eyes, she jumped over Cedric and came to Slytherin with hurried steps, and Neville's pale, dry lips twitched after seeing Hermione rushing out. He moved, and before he could figure out what was going on, his body had already caught up.

The same is true for Luna, but she doesn't seem to be aware of the reason for the scene in front of her. There is still an incredible smile on her immature face, and she is bouncing around under Harry's gaze. Followed by Hermione and Neville.

"What do you want?"

Of course Hermione knew who the problem was. She came to Malfoy, raised her head and stared at Malfoy's dodging gray eyes,

"You should know, Malfoy, if Professor Blaine came back and found out that his class had become a mess, he would be furious, and he would not let any student mess up the class."

"so what?"

Being pushed in front of a lowly Mudblood made Malfoy feel a burst of embarrassment, and he wanted to get angry, but, considering that what Granger said did have some truth, and the fire in the eyes of the girl in front of him seemed to be able to Burn all dark thoughts.

Draco Malfoy avoided answering the question directly,

"You'd better watch your words, Granger, we're not trying to mess things up, but—"

Malfoy looked at the Slytherins behind him who were all enemies, and, on Hufflepuff's side,
"I think many people agree that Professor Blaine is in the choice of teaching assistant candidates."

Malfoy lowered his head slightly and leaned forward, showing a 'ruthless' smile,

"Something went wrong"

Pansy Parkinson grinned stupidly.

"alright, I got it--"

Hermione didn't get angry, she seemed to have expected that Malfoy would say that, she just nodded calmly, then turned her head to look at Neville who didn't know how much courage he had to take to stand up, and, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it at all. Luna, who was concerned about being questioned as a teaching assistant,

Hermione took a deep breath,

"Let's have a contest, Malfoy, and all the unconvinced—"

(End of this chapter)

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