Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 101 Meditation and the method that fits the characteristics of original sin (ask for a month

Chapter 101 Meditation and the method that fits the characteristics of original sin (ask for a monthly ticket!)
Looking at the words "Key Points of Witch's Cultivation at Different Stages and the Method of Blood Refining" on the page in front of him, Roy's mood was hard to calm down.

Fortunately, except for the "Blood Alchemy Method" pitfall, the other content, the key points of the witch's practice at each stage, are still very useful.

At this stage, besides the witches around Roy, except for the moonlight witch Cecil who fell into a dormant state and didn't know when she would wake up, the strongest one is the ice witch Ais who has just entered the "crown position".

But even Aisi, the method of breaking through the "crown position" was also explored by herself in combination with the method of promoting the silver rank of the knight to the gold rank. After filling the "witch heart" with magic power, how to proceed to the next step of practice , for her, is still unknown.

Creating a road has never been an easy task.

Finding a way to break through the "crown position" has basically exhausted all the accumulation of Aisi from awakening as a witch to the present. If she wants to continue to go deeper into the "crown position", it will take too long on her own .

But if there is a ready-made path that has been explored by the predecessors in front of you, it will be completely different.

Just like the knight's breathing method, although the practice speed is slow and the starting point is very low, as long as you take one step at a time and your body can bear it, you can practice to a very high level. This advantage is incomparable to the wandering witches, and this , is also the main reason why the temple can firmly suppress the witch for hundreds of years.

If you can't form a team, you can't gather the wisdom of everyone and research a systematic path. Even if there is a talent among the wandering witches, if you explore and create a breakthrough and practice method by yourself, you will eventually lose it due to various reasons. inherited.

Speaking of this, Roy thought of the overseas island he saw in the memory fragment of Cecil, the Great Witch of Moonlight.

——Witch Association.

This is the only witch organization Roy has heard of so far.

If the inheritance of skills is not cut off halfway, it must become better and better with the passage of time. After 150 years of development, what has become of today's witch society?Have they explored a new path on the road of the witch?
Maybe in the future, after his own strength and influence become stronger, he can cooperate with the Witch Society?

This idea came to Roy's mind, and then he set his eyes on the book in front of him.

No matter what happens in the future, for him now, strengthening himself is the most important thing.

In the Xinghu incident, even though he tried his best, he still couldn't play any role in the face of a real strong man. He never wanted to experience that feeling of powerlessness again!

As Roy turned the pages, new content in the book came into his eyes.

The opening chapter is an overview of the witch.

"The heavens and the earth are filled with magical powers that are invisible to the naked eye, and witches are women who are affected by these magical powers and awaken their natural abilities."

"Compared to knights, witches are much more adaptable to magic power. At the same level, knights are far from the witches' opponents."

"And this extreme power has its own price."

"Although I don't know the specific reason, compared to men, women have a higher affinity for magic power. When this affinity reaches a certain level, which is the minimum standard for a witch, the body can spontaneously absorb the magic power. The magic power of time. When the accumulation of magic power reaches the threshold, it is the time when the talent is awakened."

"Women with the physique of a witch are one in a million, very rare. And from the moment of awakening as a witch, pollution will follow everywhere."

"Pollution is the witch's worst enemy!"

The last sentence, highlighted in red and bold, is extremely conspicuous.

This concludes the overview of the witch, and Roy continues to read.

"The Witch Story."

"The strength of a witch depends on two aspects, one is talent, and the other is the upper limit of magic power."

"There are no traces of awakened talents. Some talents are extremely powerful, while others are very weak. And if your talents happen to be of the weak type, don't be sad. Talents are not static and have the possibility of evolution. I'll explain it later."

"As for the upper limit of magic power, according to the difference in the affinity of magic power, there is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of magic power when the witch awakens. The weakest is comparable to the silver-white rank for the first time, and the strong one is only slightly weaker than the gold rank. .”

Seeing this sentence, Roy automatically translated it in his mind. When he first entered the silver rank, that is, 10 energies, and it was slightly weaker than the gold tier, which was 99 energies.

10~99, this gap is really huge.

"Talent, the upper limit of magic power, and the method of reducing pollution are the three most important things in the witch stage."

"The use of talent, because each witch's talent is mostly different, so I won't go into details. The focus of this book is about the increase of the upper limit of magic power and the method of reducing pollution."

Seeing this, Roy's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to continue looking down.

"There are three ways to increase the upper limit of magic power."

"The first one is that as the witch grows older, the upper limit of magic power will automatically increase, but the range of improvement in this way is extremely limited. At most, it can only increase the upper limit of magic power by 20%, and the closer to this upper limit, the more needed for the increase. The longer it takes."

"The second method is to use foreign objects to increase magic power. By absorbing items that contain natural magic power, witches can increase their upper limit of magic power. But using this method requires special attention, and the minimum must be the quality of high-purity magic crystals Only by increasing the upper limit of magic power can it not bring about an increase in pollution."

"The third, and the most important one, is to practice meditation. The growth of a knight's fighting spirit can rely on the breathing method, and if a witch wants to increase the upper limit of magic power, she can also achieve it through the practice of meditation."

"Meditation?!" Looking at the three words recorded on the page, Roy's eyes widened. He knew that this thing was probably the systematic path of witch practice summed up by the Witch Society, and it was also the Witch Society's most important path. Precious things, turn to the next page, as expected, there is a meditation method and related notes recorded on it.

"Basic Meditation."

"Due to the different talents of witches, the attributes of magic power are also different. Through the painstaking efforts of the great witches of the previous generations, a meditation method suitable for all witches was finally created and summarized-the basic meditation method."

"Compared to some specialized meditation methods, the basic meditation method is obviously not as effective, but it can enable all witches to practice, which is of great significance."

"More importantly, for a witch who practices basic meditation methods, if she finds a specialized meditation method that suits her later, it will be very easy to transform."

"The next step is the practice method of the first stage of the basic meditation method: through repeated copying and drawing of a specific rune in the consciousness countless times, until the rune is completely imprinted in the depths of the consciousness."

"There are nine runes in the first stage. Even the witch with the weakest magic power when awakening can meet the requirements of breaking through the crown after completing the engraving of the nine runes."

"It has to be admitted that witches with a high upper limit of magic power when awakened have a great advantage. They may only need to engrave two or three runes to meet the minimum requirements for breaking through the crown. When nine runes When all the texts are engraved, the possibility of them breaking through the 'crown position' is much higher than that of their peers."

"After the nine runes are engraved, they can be integrated into the heart, greatly improving the strength of the heart, and playing an extremely important role in the process of breaking through the 'crown position'."

There are nine runes depicted in a special way on the pages of the book. Just looking at the first rune for a while, Roy felt dizzy, and he was so startled that he quickly looked away.

The witch's starting point was at the silver rank, and he was a mere bronze brat, so it was a bit early to get in touch with this stuff.

Turning to the next page, Roy continued to read.

"The next thing I will talk about is the most important thing that the witch needs to pay attention to - the method of reducing pollution."

"Pollution, from the beginning of the witch's awakening, will accompany the witch's life. It is impossible to eradicate the existence of pollution by any method."

"The more times the talent is used, the older the witch will be, and the more pollution will be. This is unavoidable anyway."

"In addition, when practicing meditation, magic power is required, so the pollution level will gradually increase."

"So, how to reduce the amount of pollution is particularly important. In the witch stage, and even higher stages, reducing the amount of pollution is what the witch must do."

"There are two methods recommended here in the witch stage. One is to absorb the natural magic power in the high-purity magic crystal. This method can not only increase the upper limit of one's own magic power, but also dilute the degree of pollution in the body, thereby reducing its own The degree of pollution. But this method does not reduce the amount of pollution in essence, as the number of uses of the talent increases, the degree of pollution will inevitably increase gradually."

"The second is the method of blood refining. This is a special secret method that witches will find in the ruins of the previous generation. After completing the first layer of the method of blood refining, you can control your own pollution level at 50%~70% %, and if you want to break through to the crown position, you must cultivate the second level of the method of blood refinement, and control your own pollution level at 30%~50%."

"However, the method of blood refinement is extremely difficult, and it requires a lot of life and blood energy to practice. Whether to practice it or not needs to be carefully considered."

The content of the witch stage ends here.

Roy took a deep breath.

Compared with the information about witches he knew, this book contained more detailed records, and there were also contents he had never heard of.

The most important of these is meditation.

As for the method of blood refinement?With Roy around, the witches don't need to worry about pollution at all, and naturally they don't need to practice this kind of secret technique with great side effects.

Speaking of basic meditation methods.From the perspective of Roy, who has sufficient reserves of high-purity magic crystals, the most important role of this thing is not to increase the upper limit of magic power, but to help the nine runes break through the "crown position".

The process of Ice Witch Aisi breaking through to the "crown position" can be described as dangerous.

To turn the heart into a real magic organ, there are very high requirements for the witch's body, and even higher requirements for the heart.

Under the magic pressure formed by a huge amount of magic power, it is very difficult to ensure that the heart is intact and not damaged.

If Ice Witch Aisi broke through the "crown position", she would not have almost died if she had the basic meditation method and the help of nine runes.

That is to say, Ice Witch Aisi has a profound background and is very accomplished in the use of talents. If it were other witches, she would have sent it long ago.

Now, with the basic meditation method, it is much easier for the other witches to break through the "crown position", at least their lives will not be in danger.

With Roy's ability to absorb pollution and sufficient support of high-purity magic crystals, coupled with basic meditation methods, I believe that in the next short period of time, the strength of the witches in the Black Stone Territory will usher in a blowout period.

Thinking of the scene where all the witches around him had the "crown position" strength, Roy couldn't help but feel happy.

After adjusting his mood, Roy continued to turn the page.

After talking about the witch stage, what follows is the crown witch stage.

"Crown Witch Chapter."

"When the upper limit of magic power reaches the limit that the heart can bear, if you want to further improve your strength, you must condense the magic power organ—'Witch's Heart'."

"Three preparations need to be done here: [-]. The upper limit of magic power reaches the limit of the heart. [-]. The first stage of basic meditation is completed, and nine runes are imprinted. [-]. The blood refining method is practiced to the second level. "

"Among them, the third item is not a necessary condition. If the pollution level is below 50%, you can ignore it. However, most of the witches who practice the basic meditation method have already exceeded 50% pollution level by this time, so the method of blood refinement is second. layers are basically required."

"After being promoted to the crown, the method of practice is still based on meditation and pollution reduction."

"The following are the nine runes of the second stage of the basic meditation method. The difficulty is far beyond the first stage. After each rune is successfully engraved, it can assist the body to condense additional magic organs."

"When the body completes nine magical organs, including the witch's heart, a total of ten magical organs are condensed, the witch's body can evolve into a magical body, and its strength reaches the peak of the crown."

"And if you want to break through the crown and reach the 'Great Witch Realm' above, you need to meet two most basic conditions."

"First, the pollution level is below 30 percent."

"Second, adapt to one's own original sin characteristics to achieve a sufficient degree of fit, and find one's own 'path'."

"What is the characteristic of original sin?"

"Through the exploration of the great witches of the previous generation, it was discovered that in addition to the superficial division of attributes, magic power has a deeper level, and there is also the division of original sin characteristics."

"Seven deadly sins: arrogance, envy, rage, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust."

"The moment the witch awakened, the magic power also penetrated into the witch's soul, and the original sin hidden in it had a profound impact on the witch's soul."

"In fact, there is another saying that it is not the original sin characteristic of the magic power that affects the witch, but the original sin characteristic of the witch's soul essence, which attracts the magic power corresponding to the original sin characteristic."

"The specifics are not discussed here."

"The crowned witches who have practiced to this stage only need to know that if they want to go further, they must clarify their own original sin characteristics and match them."

"There are many ways to match, the simplest and most direct is to do things that correspond to the characteristics of original sin and obey the instinct of the soul. Only in this way can the degree of compatibility be continuously improved and the 'path' finally found."


(Gu Guzi made a count. Yesterday, readers and grandfathers cast a total of more than 250 monthly tickets. Although they did not reach 300, Gu Guzi still decided to add more, tomorrow!)

(Grandpa readers, use the monthly ticket to smash Gu Guzi to death! Ask for the monthly ticket!)

(End of this chapter)

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