Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 150 Unexpected harvest, a brand new system other than fighting spirit and magic power! (seek

Chapter 150 Unexpected harvest, a brand new system other than fighting spirit and magic power! (seeking subscription)

Through previous observations, Roy found that the order knights in front of the gate of the holy city Callon did not check the identity certificates such as "road guide" for the entering pedestrians, but simply asked them and let them pass.

The reason why the management is so loose may be related to the upcoming "God's Descending Ceremony" once in a hundred years.

In the minds of people in this world, the existence of gods is supreme above everything else, and it is impossible for anyone to have any desire to cause trouble on such a holy day.

Such loose management is also convenient for Roy.

The [-]-meter-high city wall is not difficult for him now to climb over, but the point is not the city wall itself, but the lines engraved on the city wall.

If it is easy to enter, Roy is not willing to cause trouble.

Regarding Roy's arrival, the knight guarding the gate asked a few words as usual, and then let him pass.

It is worth mentioning that the language used in this world is completely different from that of the Glory Empire. The reason why Roy can understand and speak it is probably the special hidden effect of [Original Sin Rubik's Cube].

Following the flow of people into the holy city of Karlon, at the end of the wide main street, which is enough for eight carriages to run side by side, a towering and majestic building occupies the entire line of sight.

It was a pure white cathedral that was taller than the [-]-meter city wall, and a large number of white pigeons were circling in the mid-air of the cathedral.

Around the pure white cathedral, there are countless things that resemble golden arcs. They are entangled together to form a golden ring that surrounds the cathedral.

From a distance, it is particularly shocking.

The ten-meter-wide part in the middle of the main street is paved with a material similar to white marble. It leads from the city gate all the way to the front of the cathedral. A large number of devout believers kneel three times, kneel nine times and knock on this special passage. , a little bit towards the cathedral at the end of the main street.

"Is this the Avenue of Purity? It's so shocking."

"Yes, it is said that walking through this avenue of purity before arriving at the Cathedral of Purity can wash away the filth and return the body and soul to the most primitive and purest posture."

"People are born pure, but the world is like a black tide. As long as you are in it, you will be contaminated by filth. Only by returning to the 'pure body' can you have a greater chance of listening to the oracle and receiving the grace of God."

Beside the entrance of the city gate, many passers-by who came to the Holy City Callon for the first time were talking, and their words made Roy's eyes move slightly.

He glanced at the pious people walking on the Avenue of Purity, and from these people, as well as the order knights guarding the gate just now, he felt the fluctuation of energy.

Thanks to the ultra-high-precision perception ability given to him by [Infinite Desire], he perceives that the energy fluctuations in these people are neither magic power nor grudge, but a special energy that is biased towards magic power.

What is the specific nature, there is no experimental sample, and Roy can't be sure.

From the perspective of the level of energy, the knights of the order guarding the gate are probably at the level of "bronze" to "silver", and these pious people walking on the road of purity are mainly "silver", mixed with a very small amount of "Gold", and they are all at the level of "Gold One Star".

So far, no signs of the existence of "Legend" have been found.

But not found, does not mean it does not exist.

This is only the entrance to the holy city of Callon. It is unlikely that the real strong will be here. Roy estimates that there is a high probability that there will be "legends" guarding the area around the Cathedral of Purity.

This discovery made Roy's heart sink slightly.

A glimpse of the leopard, this former projected world named "The Seventh Realm of Original Sin·The Realm of Lust", has a very high level of extraordinary power.

With his current strength, facing the legend head-on, although it cannot be said that he has no place to resist, he basically has no chance of winning.

"Be careful..."

Roy secretly warned himself in his heart, and then he started to walk from the main streets on both sides of the Avenue of Purity.

He has no intention of taking the avenue of purity.

He has observed that these pious people walking on the pure road are all sweating profusely. The seemingly ordinary pure white road seems to bring some invisible pressure to those who walk.

As a newcomer, without knowing it, Roy was unwilling to try rashly.

The seemingly long distance from the city gate to the Cathedral of Purity has been crossed in a short time under Roy's current footsteps.

In front of the Cathedral of Purity, there is an extremely spacious square, in the center of which there is a white jade stage with a unique shape and rich aesthetic feeling, with spiral upward steps.

On the edge of the square, there stood a circle of more well-equipped church knights.

They stood tall and strictly prohibited anyone from entering the square or approaching the cathedral.

Standing not too far away from the Cathedral of Purity, Roy raised his head and observed the big golden ring that interested him very much.

He has never seen the energy on the big golden circle, and he can feel the warm and inclusive nature inside it, which seems to have strong malleability.

But for some reason, this energy made him feel terrified.

Roy withdrew his gaze and looked at the brilliant and pure white cathedral in front of him. Deep in his eyes, thoughts flashed.

The "magnificent and heavy" energy of the golden ring interfered with the surrounding environment, making it impossible for Roy to perceive whether there was a legendary atmosphere in the Cathedral of Purity.

Roy couldn't blend into the shadows like Lilia, nor did Irina have the ability to psychedelic other people's perception and memory. Facing the heavily guarded pure cathedral, he couldn't sneak in silently.

What's more, under the premise of not being sure whether there is a legend guarding it, it is too risky to sneak in hastily.

After thinking for a while, Roy gave up his plan to sneak into the Cathedral of Purity now.

The goal of his mission is to ensure the smooth progress of the "God's Descending Ceremony". At present, it is difficult to contact the key person "Pure Saint" in advance. Right now, he can only wait for the arrival of the "God's Descending Ceremony" tomorrow to see the situation Besides.

Of course, during this period of time, Roy will naturally not wait.

This projected world is very interesting. It should be [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] that captured a corner of the real "Seventh Realm of Original Sin · Realm of Lust" as a place for his talent breakthrough.

Although I don't know how [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] did this, but there is huge value in this world.

An extraordinary path developed in a different world is of great reference value.

If he could get some gains or enlightenment from it, then, if he failed to evolve his talent this time, he would not lose everything.

And want to safely contact the extraordinary power of this world...

Roy raised his head and looked in the direction of the gate of the holy city Callon.


"Tata, Tada..."

The crisp sound of iron hoofs landing echoed on the forest road.

The owner of the voice is an unusually majestic unicorn.

Its head is nearly three meters high, and its muscles are smooth and perfect. The bright red horn on its forehead is like a ruby ​​carving, shining brightly in the sun.

And the person who can ride such a steed is extraordinary.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a pitch-black full-body armor with a face between 35 and [-] years old. The spear with a coiled pattern on his back and a touch of blood red at the tip of the spear brought an astonishing killing aura, which made witnesses The pedestrians were terrified, and they couldn't help slowing down, retreating to both sides of the road, not daring to collide.

The blood-colored unicorn horse moved forward at a steady speed, but it suddenly stopped when it was five kilometers away from the gate of the holy city Karlon.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Thick white smoke spewed out from the blood-colored unicorn's mouth and nose. At the same time, the knight in black armor on the horse's back froze and turned his head to look to the left.

I saw a hideous figure in dark silver armor standing quietly under a big tree on the side of the avenue.

"Who are you? Why did you deliberately release your breath to disturb my mount!"

The dark armored knight shouted in a concentrated voice.

The terrifying aura spread around his body, causing the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees to shake wildly.

Most of the pedestrians who noticed this scene from a distance quickly avoided, for fear that they would be harmed in case of a conflict, but there were also a small number of high-tech people who boldly stopped and watched curiously.

Facing the question of the knight in black armor, the ferocious figure in the dark silver armor slowly walked out from the shade of the tree, and a deep voice followed:
"I came from the east, and I am determined to challenge the heroes of the world. Seeing that your strength is impressive, would you like to have a match?"

"Whether it's successful or not, this little thing should be regarded as a gift of compensation."

"If your Excellency agrees, there will be a big gift in the future."

As soon as the words fell, a stream of light shot out from the hands of the ferocious dark silver armored figure, and flew towards the face of the jet-black armored knight.

Lifting his armor-wrapped hand, and catching the incoming streamer, the dark armored knight snorted coldly, and the three words "why am I" just said "why should I compete with you" in his mouth, and saw the light in his hand. things.

It was a deep purple deep crystal, as big as a baby's fist, exuding a mysterious brilliance.

Magic crystal? !And it is a high-level magic crystal with extremely high purity! !

The dark armored knight was startled.

You call such treasures "baubles"?
His widened pupils slowly contracted, and the words in his mouth directly changed to: "Why... can I not agree?"

"Cough cough!"

Coughing, the dark armored knight moved very quickly. With a flip of his palm, the high-level magic crystal had disappeared. He looked at the ferocious dark silver armored figure not far away, with a "passionate" smile on his face.

"Since you have such a lofty goal, as a Thorn Knight, why should I not fulfill you?"

"My name is Silvat. As you can see, I am a Discipline Knight of the Thorn Knights."

"What should I call you?"

"Look, if you want to learn from each other, where is the best place to do it?"

After accepting the "benefit", the attitude of the discipline knight Silvat became very good.

Seeing this, the hideous shadow armor figure, no, it should be said that Roy nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I have no name and no surname, you can call me nameless. Not far from here, there is a clearing in the forest, let's go there to learn Come on, lest you damage the road."

"So, that's great." Silvat had no objection to Roy's extremely fake "nameless" address.


10 minute later.

A "natural" glade.

Roy and Discipline Knight Silvat stood facing each other with a distance of 30 meters.

"I don't know Your Excellency Wuming, how do you plan to learn from each other?" the discipline knight Silvat said with a smile on his face.

It was hard to imagine that a middle-aged knight with a strong evil spirit could show such an expression.

This is the power of banknote ability!

"Before we start the discussion, there are some things that I need to explain to you first." Roy said slowly, "I come from an ancient country in the east, and what I practice is our unique system, battle qi."

"I have competed with many strong people along the way, but the energy they use is completely different from my fighting spirit. Therefore, before the start of the competition, can you please explain to me the system you practiced? Overview?"

"Why is it so difficult?" Seeing the face of the "high-level magic crystal", Silvat readily agreed.

This is not an unspeakable thing, such common sense, even if he does not say it, the unknown in front of him can be obtained through other methods later, it is better for him to sell favors.

"Legends say that long ago, the world was barren, covered by gray mist everywhere, there were huge boulders everywhere, and there were flying dragons flying in the sky. At that time, our ancestors could only survive in the dark corners."

"The days like this lasted for an unknown amount of time, until that day—the 'God' descended, and where the divine light passed, the gray mist receded, boulders shattered, and even the flying dragons soaring high above fell to the ground one after another."

"The world became brighter, and an unprecedented energy appeared between the heaven and the earth. We call it 'magic power'. Relying on the magic power, the ancestors developed different systems, as many as stars, but most of them, But it is difficult to inherit and disappear in the long river of history."

"In the distant Golden Era, during the heyday of the development of magic power, a shocking battle broke out. People now don't know the reason for the war. They only know that the originally complete continent was separated and disintegrated in this war. It shattered into several pieces, the largest of which is the 'Sea Moss Continent' standing under our feet."

"I think Your Excellency Wuming must have traveled from other continents. I have seen many travelers like you over the years, and only other lands other than the main continent still have 'magic marks'. system of practice."

"Although I haven't seen your 'Battle Qi System' yet, I can tell you very clearly that the 'Magic Mark System' of the main continent is the most complete and perfect."

"I know you are not convinced." Silvat smiled slightly: "But after I finish speaking and showing it, I believe you will be able to understand it deeply."

"The magic mark system is a supreme system that uses magic power to imprint 'magic marks' on the body and outside the body at the same time, and is expected to become a god in the end!"

"Inner body is your body's big universe, while outside your body is your outer microcosm made up of extended weapons and even armor."

"Is it possible for your battle qi system to become a god?"

 Daily push book "Involved into the strongest lord"

  [Recommendation]: Accidentally traveled to 1000 years before the opening of the game world, and awakened the lord scroll king system. As long as the territory is developed and the strength of the territory is strengthened, it can continue to become stronger.Kyle: Of course, we must open the book from now on to kill other lords!


(End of this chapter)

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