Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 199 The Fifth Talent [Chapter of Greed] Eternal Lost Paradise

Chapter 199 The fifth talent [Chapter of Greed] - [Eternal Paradise Lost]
The removal of pollution, considering the hundreds of years of pollution deposited by Finaiji, is no small matter, so naturally it cannot be carried out in this outdoor place.

Fortunately, in this different space, Finaiji has her own cabin. Although it is primitive and rough, there are still basic facilities - wooden beds.

As a great witch of nature, Finaiji spends more time on weekdays and likes to stay in the natural environment. She hasn't used this log cabin for a long time.

Re-entering this place at this moment, she felt an inexplicable sense of tension in her heart.

Although she spoke freely and flirted with Roy in the end, Finaiji still couldn't help but feel uneasy when the matter came to an end.

After living for more than 100 years, it was the first time she was alone in a room with a man, and the relationship between this man and herself was still very complicated.

He is the son of his disciple Freya, and the best friend of his junior sister Cecil. At the same time, he is also the only hope to save himself from pollution...

The intertwining of various relationships prevented Finaiji from simply treating Roy as a junior.

"Senior Finaiji, please lie down on the bed."

The wooden house is not big, but it is very warmly furnished. The verdant green vines and fine purple flowers that grow naturally on the walls have a natural beauty that cannot be compared with artificial decoration.

Looking at Finaiji, who was standing by the bed with slightly distracted eyes, Roy took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Roy's voice awakened Finaiji. She shook her head slightly, lying on the wooden bed pretending to be generous, with her hands hanging naturally on both sides of her body, but her right index finger gently slid on the bed board. The action still revealed the unrest in his heart.

Roy walked over to the bed.

At close range, he could see more clearly Finaiji's perfectly sculpted facial features and undulating body line.

To use a natural description, it is a twig that bears a lot of fruit, and only Shanika can match it.

The passage of time seemed to have lost its meaning to Finaiji.

Her appearance, her jade-like delicate skin, are just like the one in memory, the only difference is that long hair that has become white at some time, and those eyes that have been filled with time.

Shaking his head, to dispel the uncontrollable ripples in his heart, Roy secretly warned himself.

This is the original teacher, Cecil's senior sister, people can't, at least they shouldn't...

After a burst of condemnation to himself in his heart, Roy's moral value rose sharply, and he quickly became calm.

"Senior Finaji, please extend your hand. If I want to completely remove the pollution, I need to have direct physical contact with you."

Hearing Roy's words, Finaiji's delicate body trembled undetectable to the naked eye, and soon, she generously stretched out her left hand and handed it to Roy.

Roy nodded, and stretched out his left hand to hold the slender jade hand in front of him.

The moment the skin touched, both of them felt the instinctive shock of each other's body.

"I'm about to start, Senior Finaiji, please get ready."

"bring it on."

Finaki's voice was calm.

As for whether it is really peaceful, only she knows.

After obtaining Finaiji's promise, Roy no longer hesitated, and immediately opened [Infinite Desire·God].

Having learned the lesson of decontamination for Latiyi last time, and knowing that Finaiji, who has also cultivated the "magic puppet system", also has a "true spirit", Roy knows that gentle absorption cannot shake this hidden in the true spirit of pollution.

Therefore, at the beginning of this elimination process, he adopted another method - the gradual enhancement method.

Starting from 0.1%/second, increase to 0.5%/second, and then 1%/second, using the method of increasing by 0.5% every second to gradually increase the absorption rate while leaving enough time for Finaiji to adapt.

In the first ten seconds, although Finaiji felt a little uncomfortable, her breathing was only a little short.

Until the pollution left only the 5% hidden in the true spirit, Finaiji only showed a slight redness in her earlobe.

"It works..." Seeing this, Roy was overjoyed.

Although it is not a disadvantage for him to be in close contact with the witch, but if possible, he does not want to use this method to take advantage.

He, Roy, a handsome young man, can't do this!

What's more, Finaiji's identity is too special, although that foul figure...Damn it, that image cannot appear in my mind!
Forcibly pinching out the tempting scene that was about to emerge in his mind, Roy held his breath and concentrated, preparing to increase the power of [Infinite Desire·God] for the last time to completely absorb the pollution hidden in the "true spirit".

Right now, the power of [Infinite Desire·God] has reached 9.5% per second.

When absorbing Latiy's "True Spirit" pollution, it only needs 2.5%/second to be shaken, and Finaiji's situation is obviously more special.

Her strength is comparable to that of a demigod, and the accumulation of pollution has lasted for hundreds of years. For such a long time, the pollution has already been deeply integrated with her.

Therefore, even the absorption rate of 9.5%/second cannot shake the last stubborn pollution.

"Senior Finaiji, get ready, I'm going to increase my strength." Roy said in a deep voice.

Finaki nodded slightly on the bed.

Roy's method was very effective. On the premise of sufficient buffer time, although the body's reaction made Finaiji feel strange, overall, it was still within a controllable range.

This made Finaiji's tense nerves slightly relaxed.

After all, with the current level, even if it doubles, she can still hold on.

In this way, she will not show any "ugliness", and she will not lose a single bit of her "sense of majesty" as an elder.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help giving herself a thumbs up.

As expected of you, Finaki!

But in the next second, she wanted to slap herself twice.

Is this what you mean by "a little" strength?I think it is "billion points"!ah!

The inner complaints came to an abrupt end here, because in the next second, Finaiji's consciousness was occupied by something, and she fell into complete darkness.

Roy on the other side was also sweating profusely at the moment.

He thought that the last 5% pollution of Finaki would be very stubborn, but he didn't expect it to be so stubborn.

Even if he directly doubles the absorption rate to 19%/second, it is still difficult to shake.

There is no reason to give up after the pollution has been removed. Roy glanced at Finaiji on the bed, and found that although she had a double glow on her face at the moment, her eyes still remained clear, so he gritted his teeth and increased the intensity of absorption again. .


At this level, even Roy felt a great burden.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to reach this level when the energy absorption speed of the living beings is at the same level, after all, the other party will resist.

Right now, even if Finaiji let go completely, reaching this level is approaching Roy's limit.

Fortunately for Roy, with such a terrifying absorption rate, the stubborn last 5% pollution finally showed signs of being shaken, and it could be absorbed with more force.

Seeing this, Roy gritted his teeth tightly and continued to increase the power.


Finally, when the power reached 33%/s, this stubborn piece of pollution could no longer hold on, and was ripped out by [Infinite Desire·God].

At this moment, Roy's body was covered with fine blood-colored cracks, like a piece of fragile porcelain.

The ultra-high power [Infinite Desire·God] brought him extremely terrifying pressure.

Now that the last pollution was finally resolved, Roy hurriedly turned off the absorption of [Infinite Desire·God], and instead used its energy to heal the trauma on the body surface.

After doing this, before he could take a breath and look at the prompts on the gray character panel in front of him, his body was wrapped around his limbs by a gentle force, and he was gently frozen in midair.

"This is?!"

Roy was startled, and with a sweep of his eyes, he found that the plants in the hut seemed to have been alive, becoming thick and luxuriant, and what fixed his body was derived from the ground, houses, and walls. A vine that exudes a light blue color.

This is a very strange plant. Under the cover of blue light, he felt as if his body was imprisoned, and he couldn't struggle at all, just like a person can't lift himself up no matter how strong he is. Yi, that's how it feels.

Not only was the power unable to be used, but even the fire of the soul became dim, covered with a layer of blue fluorescence.

Right now, there is only one way for Roy to get out of this predicament, and that is to use his talent [Satan's Salvation] to isolate himself from all influences from the outside world with absolute protection.

However, the deployment of [Satan's Redemption] will forcibly expel all existence within a radius of one meter.

Roy wasn't sure if this expulsion would hurt Finaiji.

But at the moment when he was hesitating, a bewitching figure had quietly pressed against him from behind.

The soft touch spread from behind with amazing elasticity, and with it came a red tongue with warmth.

Its hot and humid tip started from Roy's earlobe and spread downward, making Roy shiver shiveringly.

Turning his eyes with difficulty, Roy saw Finaki whose eyes had completely turned into azure blue.

The beautiful dark blue lines started from the center of her eyebrows and spread to all parts of her skin.

With just one glance, Roy knew that Finaki could not withstand the impact of original sin in the end.

The heat that went all the way down and was about to approach the lower abdomen, with strong greed, seemed to swallow his whole body completely.

Seeing this, Roy knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer.

However, just when he was about to start [Satan's Redemption], Finaki's movements suddenly stopped, and the sticking out red tongue also became stiff.

The dark blue lines on her body receded and disappeared without a trace.

The woman raised her head with difficulty, and met Roy's innocent eyes.

At this moment, time seems to be frozen.

"Cough cough."

After being dazed for a few seconds, resisting the urge to explode and the shame and anger in her heart, Finaiji stood up straight, patted the hem of the clothes as if nothing had happened, and at the same time reached out to tidy up Roy's messy clothes: "...um... Xin, thank you for your hard work, little Roy."

The blue fluorescent vines loosened silently, and the hut, which looked like a plant kingdom, returned to its original appearance.

The power returned to control, and the fire of the soul became vigorous again. Roy's lips moved slightly, and he was about to say something, but Finaiji in front of him had turned around, stepped out, and disappeared directly in place, leaving only The next sentence: "I'll consolidate my state, and I'll find you later."

The unspoken words were swallowed again, looking at the empty wooden house, Roy sighed helplessly,

After all calculations, he never calculated that the last 5% pollution would be so stubborn, forcing him to do his best.

And in that case, naturally, he couldn't care about Senior Finaiji's feelings anymore.

All I can say is that it is time.

Now that things have happened, there is no point in saying anything.

However, looking at Senior Finaiji's appearance, she doesn't seem to care too much... Presumably, based on senior's experience, things that seem important to me may be just trivial things.

Thinking of this, Roy's nervousness settled down.

What he didn't know was that Finaiji, who had pretended to be calm and left the wooden house, was writhing in shame in another private place at the moment.


The trauma on the body surface healed quickly under the nourishment of energy.

It's just a simple laceration, and it's not difficult to recover.

Roy pushed open the door of the wooden house, walked out, and sat down on the stone chair where everyone had talked before—after all, the wooden house was Senior Finaiji's private room, and it was not appropriate for him to be alone in it.

Until now, he had no time to check the prompts on the gray character panel.


[Found the concentrated polymer of the original sin pollution branch...absorbing...absorbing completed...original sin characteristic screening...screening completed! 】

[Energy reserve progress +100%! ——Among them [Original Sin Trait-Greed] occupies 80%, [Original Sin Trait-Lust] occupies 20%]


[Conditions met, consuming 100% energy, currently lighting up [Original Sin Rubik's Cube]...]

[The main characteristic of the original sin that detects the absorption of energy is: Greed-crazy desire to possess more things than needed, never satisfied. 】

[Light up [Original Sin Rubik's Cube - Chapter of Greed]! 】

【Gain talent——[Eternal Paradise Lost]】

[Eternal Lost Paradise]: Summon "Eternal Lost Paradise" to bless your body, keep everything inside, and any possessions, without letting go.




Looking at the prompt in front of him, Roy's eyes were full of surprise.

Awakening a brand new talent is a great thing. In this way, he can directly gain strength without having to undergo talent evolution trials.

But there was one thing that caught Roy's attention.

Previously, he had completely absorbed the witch's pollution, and all the hints he got were "original sin pollution branch aggregate", but this time, it was "original sin pollution branch condensed aggregate", with an extra prefix of "condensation".

The realm of a demigod is really special...

Roy sighed.

After that, he began to try the effect of the new talent [Eternal Paradise Lost] with great interest.

The description of this thing is cloudy, and the specific effect can only be known after trying it.

With Roy's thought, he felt his body filled with azure blue light.

What is the effect of this talent?

Roy was a little puzzled.

He didn't feel stronger in any way.

After thinking for a while, Roy tried to attack with grudge.

And this attempt immediately made him look strange.

Normally, even if the legendary battle qi recovers extremely quickly, there is still a process of consuming the battle qi and then recovering.

But at this moment, his battle qi attack was sent out, but the battle qi in his body did not decrease by a single bit.

Roy's eyes sparkled when he thought of the description in the talent introduction of "everything in the constant interior, nothing that belongs to you, don't leak anything".

He knew the specific effect of this talent.

The so-called "Eternal Paradise Lost", in essence, is to maintain his current physical state, so that no matter whether he is attacking, defending or dodging, all actions will not consume the slightest bit.

Of course, [Eternal Paradise Lost] also consumes.

After 1 minute, the azure radiance on Roy's body surface dissipated. At the same time, looking inside the side of [Original Sin Rubik's Cube—Chapter of Greed], one could see an hourglass counting down.

Judging by the speed, it would take at least a day for the sand to flow completely.

That is to say, [Eternal Lost Paradise] can only be used once every 24 hours, and lasts for 1 minute at a time.

The effect of [Eternal Paradise Lost] made Roy's heart beat wildly.

If he first stacks all kinds of "buffs" that can be blessed on his body, even adding the "destroyed state", and then turns on [Eternal Lost Paradise], does it mean that he has a demigod physique for a full 1 minutes? !

The three-second "destroyed state" is a completely different concept from the one-minute "destroyed state".

The former can explode a few times at most, while the latter, hurry up, can even complete a high-intensity explosive battle!


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 Daily push book "My Senior Sister, Is Not a Human!" "

  [Recommendation]: The rough daily life with non-human senior sisters

(End of this chapter)

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