Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 205 Roy's Big Harvest! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 205 Roy's Big Harvest! (seeking subscription)
The change of [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] gave Roy the confidence to enter the church.

The power that shrouds the sanctuary is so vast and extensive, it is definitely not the power that this world can have.

According to legend, the sanctuary was the first place where the gods of the temple descended, and now it seems that the words are true.

This power most likely came from the gods believed in by the temple.

It has spread for hundreds of years and still exists. The power of the gods is really terrifying and terrifying.

And with such a powerful force, who knows if the temple has a means to drive or borrow it?If you have no countermeasures, if you enter the holy hall rashly, wouldn't you be caught in the urn?

When he first sensed this force, Roy had the intention of retreating.

He would rather go directly to the Privy Council Cathedral to meet up with the Border Duke and others, and together besiege the Pope of the Temple, rather than rashly enter such a dangerous place.

But since [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] has sensed it, everything will be different.

Roy has no way of knowing the origin of the [Original Sin Rubik's Cube].

Only the word "original sin" made him guess that it might have something to do with the "seven worlds of original sin" he had visited when his talent evolved.

But whether there is a specific relationship is difficult to prove.

But what is certain is that the personality of this thing is definitely above the "God".

If not, in "The Seventh Realm of Original Sin·The Realm of Lust", it would be impossible for it to simulate the existence of the outstanding Desire God Tiquel.

The lustful demon god Tiquel is not a god, but a real god, Your Majesty!
With the protection of [Original Sin Rubik's Cube], the power left by the gods of the temple is nothing to fear.

After all, the energy level of this world has been forcibly knocked down by the blood moon battle 500 years ago. Even the gods cannot be conceived and born. They can only develop a deformed and incomplete "half-god realm", and there is no soil to carry the power of gods at all. , so although the power of the gods is strong, it is just rootless duckweed.

There was also hesitation in the eyes of the great witch of nature, Phinaji, who was beside Roy.

The power shrouded in the sanctuary was very subdued, and it was impossible to perceive it without close observation, so the two of them didn't notice the slightest thing before they approached.

Now that I have sensed it, it would be unwise to enter rashly without relying on it.

Finaiji opened her lips lightly, ready to say something, but before she could speak, Roy took the first step and said: "Senior Finaiji, let's go in and take a look, don't worry, I have the power left in this temple." countermeasures."

Hearing this, Finaiji swallowed back the words she was about to blurt. She blinked, feeling surprised in her heart, but not as surprised as she expected—the young man in front of her was creating miracles again and again. Even the witch pollution that no one has been able to solve for hundreds of years has been eliminated in his hands, so what is there that he can't do?

If it was someone else who told her so empty-mouthed that there was a way to counteract the power of the gods of the temple, then Finaki would definitely dismiss it, but if this person was Roy... she unexpectedly believed it very much.

"it is good."

Finaiji simply replied.

Roy took a deep look at Finaiji, who had a faint smile on his face, nodded vigorously, then turned around, and took the lead in stepping into the sanctuary.

The gauze formed by gathering countless pale golden light spots fell on Roy's unfolded vindictive shield, but spread it out very softly, without any tendency to attack.

Behind Roy, Finaiji followed closely and also walked into the church.

Once entering this place, the line-of-sight blocking effect of the light golden veil dissipated immediately, and Roy and Finaki could clearly see the scene inside.

The first and most conspicuous existence that catches the eye is a statue of a god that is hundreds of meters high.

Its face was blurred, and even the details of its body were mostly indistinct. The only thing that could be clearly seen was the movement of the statue.

He folded his hands in front of his body, lowered his head slightly, as if pity, but also mocking?
A sense of the barrenness of time rushed over his face, Roy squinted his eyes, and looked at Flores, the third god of punishment who was kneeling in front of the [-]-meter statue.

At this moment, Flores took off the armor and weapons on his body, and like the most devout believer in the world, he knelt deeply in front of the statue in a five-body posture. A faint gleam radiated from him, as if he was holding a certain ceremony. kind of ritual.

Roy turned his head, looked at Finaiji, and nodded, then Roy stepped forward, pulled out the spark blade from his waist, touched the ground with a series of sparks, and punished the three Schiffs towards God. Lores walked step by step.

No matter what Flores is doing, today, he will definitely die.

Out of vigilance, Roy didn't move fast, and when he stepped into the [-]-meter range of the [-]-meter statue, he stopped.

A powerful invisible force came crashing down, oppressing with strong spirit and soul.

Any creature facing this majesty will be ruthlessly suppressed if it does not kneel down and bow its head.

Roy stared.

This invisible force fluctuates, he is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar because of the similar power, which he experienced and used in the "Seventh Realm of Original Sin·Between Lust", it is the power of faith, but unfamiliar because of the power of faith and the power of the lust demon god Tequier. The power of faith is completely different.

Fierce, domineering, without a trace of affection.

Like a day of panic, under the light, all beings are equal.

Beneath the [-]-meter statue, Siflores, the third God of Punishment, tilted his head slightly, and mockingly looked at the gray thread-masked figure who stepped into the "God's Domain" from the corner of his eye.

Even if it is a demigod, if he dares to step into the realm of the gods, he will be suppressed by the power of the gods, let alone this person is not a demigod.

This is the oppression of rank and the limitation of authority, except for the Pope who is the spokesperson of God, no one can be an exception!

Seeing Roy who froze, Finaji's complexion changed in the distance, her body flashed, and she came to the outside of God's Domain. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she was ready to rush into it and rescue Roy.

But at this moment, the surface of Roy's body suddenly emitted a faint purple gleam.

This faint purple is so deep, like the strange glow in the deepest part of the night sky.

With its appearance, Roy, whose body froze, returned to normal, dragging the Spark Blade with sparks, and strode towards Flores, whose eyes widened sharply.

One step, two steps, three steps, just three steps, Roy crossed a distance of [-] meters, came to Flores' side, and slashed down with the long knife surrounded by red gold flames in his hand.

Flores's eyes were tearing, he wanted to struggle and move, but under the power of the gods, all beings are equal, even if he is a believer in the gods, he couldn't be exempted, so he could only watch the long knife fall, And slashed across his neck.


Bright red blood was splashed, and the eyes of the flying head were still full of shock and confusion, as if wondering why Shenwei would be ineffective against the gray thread mask figure.

Unfortunately, his doubts are destined to be unanswered.


With a flick of Roy's wrist, the remaining blood on the long knife was scattered, and then Xinghuo sheathed it.

After collecting the blood soul essence and battle qi as usual, he raised his head and looked up at the Baimi statue in front of him.

With the death of Siflores, the third God of Punishment, the shimmering light on his body dissipated, and the opened "God's Domain" also closed.

Finaiji walked to Roy's side, and looked at Roy in amazement. She was very familiar with the deep purple light fluctuation that just appeared on Roy's body, and it was the ability used to remove pollution for her.

Unexpectedly, the personality of this ability can resist the belief "divine power" left by the gods of the temple...

After thinking about it, it's not surprising. After all, this ability can absorb even pollution, and its personality is so high that it's hard to imagine.

"Little Roy, what are we going to do next?" Unknowingly, the two-person team that was supposed to be dominated by Finaiji turned out to be dominated by the weaker Roy.

"You wait here for a while." After leaving these words, Roy stepped forward and came to the front of the [-]-meter fuzzy statue.

As it got closer, the [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] in the depths of Roy's soul throbbed even more.

There is no doubt that it is this god whose face cannot be seen clearly that caused the [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] to change.


Taking a deep breath, Roy raised his hand and pressed his palm against the surface of the statue.

The next moment, before his eyes, the prompt on the gray character panel quickly jumped out.


[Detection of "[Arrogant Demonic Source]—Complete Magical Power"'s breath infestation...]

[Yes/No to absorb? 】


Different from the past, the prompt that popped up this time was gray with a hint of bright yellow, burning violently like a flame, and seemed to be urging.

This was the first time Roy saw [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] showing such a strong "emotion". While surprised, he immediately chose to "absorb".

There is no doubt that this statue is the most precious thing in the sanctuary.

This is the first time Roy has seen an item of the "complete magic power" level.

The "miscellaneous branch magic power" corresponds to C-level, witch personality.

The "damaged branch magic power" corresponds to B-level, crowned witch personality.

The "branch magic power" corresponds to the highest level of taboos he has seen and known before, A-level, the personality of the great witch.

And the [-]-meter fuzzy statue now has unprecedented "complete magic power"? !

The "full magic power" above the "branch magic power", that is to say, its personality is higher than that of A-level taboos, reaching the level of rumored S-level taboos? !

With Roy's determination, the [Original Sin Rubik's Cube] in the depths of his soul erupted with a strong gray light. At the same time, the surface of the [-]-meter fuzzy statue that Roy touched was also covered by a layer of gray light.

For a full minute, when the gray light receded, the exposed 1-meter statue was covered with cracks, and with the retraction of Roy's palm, it collapsed silently and turned into fine powder.

At this moment, Roy's full attention was on the prompt that popped up in front of him.


[A breath-infected object that has absorbed "[Arrogant Demonic Source]—Complete Magical Power"! 】

[Detected that "Original Sin Rubik's Cube - Chapter of Pride" has been lit...]

[Acquired: [Satan's Redemption] the first perfect evolution (no trial required, please confirm in a safe place, wait for ten seconds, and the evolution can be completed.)]


Looking at the prompt in front of him, strong surprise appeared in Roy's eyes.

The first perfect evolution of [Satan's Redemption] that can be completed without trial and waiting for ten seconds? !

Although he guessed that the rewards for absorbing "complete level" items would be extraordinary, Roy did not expect that it would be so rich.

There is no need for trials, there are pros and cons.

The disadvantage is that it is impossible to go to the corresponding world and obtain additional gains. In the "Seventh Realm of Original Sin · Realm of Lust", Roy additionally obtained the "Magic Mark System", which brought a great boost to his strength. promote.Of course, the talent evolution trial is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it may not be successful.

The advantage is that he will soon be able to obtain a perfectly evolved [Satan's Salvation].The unevolved [Satan's Redemption] is already very powerful, if it undergoes evolution...

Roy is looking forward to it.

Just as Roy was immersed in joy, the voice of the soul from Finaki suddenly broke into his mind.


The anxious voice immediately woke Roy up.

Without turning around or turning around, Roy activated the "destruction state" as soon as he was reminded.

The blood mist sprayed thin, like a ferocious blood armor. At the same time, the space beside Roy's side twisted and tore violently, and an old figure walked out of it, and a string of necklaces worn around his neck shattered.

Looking at the empty church and the disappearing statues, the Pope of the Temple looked gloomy. He raised his hand and slapped Roy's heart angrily.

It was obviously a simple clap, but the space around Roy instantly froze, and even Zhang Yang's blood armor was slightly distorted.

Afterwards, the palm of the Pope of the Temple collided with the spark blade of red gold and silver that Roy cut out.


The confrontation between the flesh and blood body and the metal gave off a crisp metal hum, and a terrifying black line emerged from the confrontation between the two.

The next moment, a figure flew out backwards.

In mid-air, the corners of Roy's mouth continued to bleed, and the terrifying force caused extensive concussion injuries to his body.

The strength of the Pope of the Temple far exceeded Roy's imagination. With just one palm, he was injured in the "state of destruction"!

The Pope of the temple frowned, what is this thing, his palm can't kill it?

Just as the Pope of the temple was about to pursue him, a figure appeared between him and Roy in an instant. It was Finaiji with cold and murderous eyes.

Emerald green radiance emanated from her body, and her hair became green at every root, fluttering and flying, and she also slapped it with a palm, hitting the Pope of the temple.

"The Great Witch of Nature, Finaki?"

The face of the Pope of the temple changed.

He hadn't seen him for decades, and the old president of the Witch Guild, who he expected to be dying due to pollution, actually felt a strong threat at this moment when he slapped him? !
Doubtful, puzzled... But at this moment, the Pope of the temple didn't have time to think too much, so he could only greet him with his palm raised.

And the moment the palms of the two met, a green snake protruded from Finaiji's cuff, its mouth opened wide, and a purple-black liquid sphere flew out, pointing directly at the face of the Pope of the temple.

Wherever the liquid purple-black sphere passed, the space made an overwhelmed "squeaky" sound, and it was corroded into purple spots one after another. Its toxicity was so violent that it was so terrifying that it was indescribable.

The face of the Pope of the temple changed suddenly, and a bright golden light burst out all over his body.


There was an explosion, and three kinds of brilliance, purple black, blue green, and gold, rushed wildly.

When the Pope of the temple stepped out of the smoke and looked forward, the figure of the gray thread mask and the great witch of nature, Finaki, had disappeared, leaving only faint space ripples, confirming what happened just now.

"The Great Witch of Space, Latiy!"

"Okay! Very good! The Duke's Mansion, the Witch Association, you all deserve to die!"

The face of the Pope of the temple was extremely ugly.

But he has already used up the precious ultra-long-distance space transmission items, and he is unable to pursue it at this moment, so he can only stand still, unable to rage.

(End of this chapter)

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