Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 236 The place where evil originates

Chapter 236 The place where evil originates
"Long time no see, my envoy."

The sudden sound caused shock to appear in Roy's eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the dimly glowing statue in front of him. The gentle light of humanity seemed to appear in those stone eyes.

"Tristelle, is that you?"

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice made him a little unsure.

Compared with the crisp female voice in my memory, this voice has a lot more magnetic vicissitudes to it.

"It's me." The trembling in the female voice gradually disappeared, but the tenderness remained: "After 125 years, 4 months, 8 days and 16 hours, we finally meet again."

"My Lord God."

"I'm very happy to meet you again."

"Me too." Roy's eyes were a little dazed. After a few seconds, he recovered and asked quickly: "Where are you now? I'll go find you."

"I'm sorry, Lord God Envoy." There was a hint of apology in the voice of the pure saint Tristel: "I am in a very special place now. I cannot leave and it is difficult for others to enter. I can only communicate with you through these remaining statues. You communicate briefly.”

"Are you in the Cui Maze?" Roy said solemnly.

"You know?" There was a hint of surprise in Tristel's voice, but she quickly returned to normal: "If it were you, it wouldn't be surprising if you could guess this."

"I am currently in the deepest part of the great maze of Cui and cannot leave. I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter." Roy shook his head: "Since you can't leave, I'll just go find you."

"Please be careful. There are many monsters and Nie Yuan variants living in the Cui Yi Labyrinth, and there are many of them that even the fourth-level Saint Diagram professionals cannot deal with." Tristel's voice became smaller and smaller, as if It’s that the energy used for communication is running out.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong now." Roy smiled.

"Really, I..." Tristel's voice suddenly stopped. Roy raised his head and found that the dim light on the statue had completely disappeared.

"Wait for me." Roy stepped forward and walked towards the roots of the World Tree.

The abnormal movements of the statue of the first-generation saint quickly reached the ears of the senior leaders of the Adventurer's Guild. However, they could not figure out why the first-generation saint, who had disappeared for more than 100 years, reappeared.


Taking the World Tree as a symbol, Roy soon arrived at Enola, a super city built on the "Tree Labyrinth".

This is a supermarket city with a permanent population of more than 500 million. There are many high-rise buildings in it, and all kinds of magic technology are emerging in endlessly.

Under the guidance of a guide, Roy walked on the crowded street and looked at something shaped like a signal tower not far away.

That thing is one of the crystallizations of magic technology, and its name is the Star Guiding Tower.

Through the guide's introduction, he also understood what the so-called magic technology was - it was a unique technology developed based on the energy source of magic crystals within the monsters in the maze. It covered many fields, among which the most widely used technology was Adventure areas.

The role of the Star Tower is to build an invisible network that covers the entire super city. With this invisible network as a connection, adventurers only need to wear an "Adventurer Watch" to interact on the network.

Shopping, task identification, self-situation scanning, entertainment, etc. can all be completed by relying on the Star Guide Tower.

To some extent, it has more functions than Blue Star Network. The disadvantage is that it only covers the super city Enola.

Out of curiosity, Roy went to the Adventurer's Guild to get one for a look, and found that this thing had many convenient functions without being connected to the Internet, such as real-time attribute scanning, maze map guidance, etc.

Among them, the "Maze Map Guidance" function is based on comprehensive calculations based on maps compiled by countless adventurers. As long as you enter the Cuiyi Great Maze, the "Adventurer Watch" can give a rough map based on terrain characteristics, vegetation types and other characteristics. Entrance and exit guidance.

I can’t say that this thing is 100% accurate, but its reliability is above 95%. Of course, the premise is that it is in the shallower layer of Cui’s maze.

Starting from the middle level, there are only a handful of adventurers who can enter and explore. Even if the golden adventurers form a team, they can’t say that they will definitely come back.

As for the real-time attribute scanning function, Roy had no intention of using it.

When it comes to the Internet, it will lead to data leakage after all. Although he doesn't care, he doesn't want to cause trouble.

Under the guidance of the guide, he came to the entrance of the "Tui Yi Labyrinth" in a short time - a tree hole under the World Tree.

Go in from here and continue deeper to reach the underground level of Cuiyi's Great Labyrinth.

As the only taboo maze above S level, even if it is only the shallowest level, there are a large number of monsters that are powerful enough to threaten second-level holy map professionals.

And every time it reaches a multiple of 10 floors, there are extremely powerful lord monsters guarding it.

Only by defeating the lord monster will the entrance to the next level be opened.

In fact, according to the announcement released by the Enola Adventurer Guild, the progress of conquering the Trey Great Labyrinth so far is only 69. The lord monster on the 70th floor is so powerful that it is completely useless even if it is piled up with people.

Walking in the dimly lit passage, Roy looked calm.

There are a lot of crystals on the ground here, and with the luminous plants, the light is refracted, and the visibility is quite high.

I have to say that the "Adventurer Watch" gadget is really useful.

After entering the first level of the maze for only ten seconds, it gave a simple map.

With the help of the map, in just one minute, Roy had arrived at the entrance to the second floor. It was much more efficient than wandering around to find the way by himself.

Because of his extremely fast speed, the monsters that tried to cause trouble for him along the way often disappeared from Roy's sight as soon as they raised their feet.

In this way, he arrived at the entrance of the 19th floor.

Stepping inside and looking at the empty lord's room, Roy shook his head helplessly.

After the lord monster is defeated, the maze often needs a certain period of time to be reborn, and the one that appears again is completely different from the original one.

The lower-level lord monsters would often fall in the crusade organized by the Adventurer's Guild not long after they appeared.

The magic crystals in these lord monsters are extremely pure and precious, and are indispensable materials for various high-end magic equipment. The fur and scales on the lord monsters are also excellent materials for forging equipment.

Following the exit, he arrived at the 21st floor. Looking at the vast rocky terrain in front of him, Roy sighed.

Starting from the 21st floor, you officially enter the middle area of ​​the Cui Yi Labyrinth.

At this point, the map function of the adventurer watch has basically lost its effect, and I can only rely on myself to find the entrance to the next level.

Roy let out a breath, and the next moment, the legendary realm centered on his body and spread to all sides.

In battles at the same level, the domain is mostly used to strengthen itself and is rarely released externally. Not only does it consume more energy, it has no effect at all.

But at this moment, in terms of entrance detection, the efficiency of expanding the field has undoubtedly increased hundreds of times.


six hours later.

Roy stood in front of the entrance to the 40th floor and let out a long sigh of relief.

With the large-area scanning of the domain, with his movement speed, it is still very fast to find things.The lord monster's room on the 30th floor was still empty. Roy thought it would be empty as well, but he didn't expect that the lord monster was still there?

With interest, he stepped into it.

This is a scene similar to a weathered battlefield, surrounded by howling winds.

Everything you can see is yellow sand.

After taking a few steps forward, Roy sensed something and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

There was a loud "boom", the yellow sand exploded, and a huge sandworm-like monster emerged from the ground. The abyss's giant mouth filled with thousands of sharp teeth spit out Roy's body. Down.

There was a flash of light and shadow, and Roy stood on the head of the giant-mouthed sandworm.What the monster bit into just now was just a shadow.

"Strength at the pinnacle of legend."

After roughly sensing the breath of the giant-mouthed sandworm, Roy made a judgment.

A monster with such strength is no longer weak.

Except for the fourth level of the top hidden professions, there is a high probability that ordinary holy map professionals will not be his opponents, even if they rise to lv.39, they will not be able to do so.

It's a pity that the legendary peak is still pitifully weak in the eyes of Roy today.

As soon as he stepped on it, the huge body of the giant-mouthed sandworm froze in place. The next second, it exploded into pieces of flesh and blood.

Roy shook his head, put away the magic core dropped by the monster, and headed to the next floor.


In this way, Roy went down one level after another, and the lord monsters from the 50th level of legendary peak to the legendary extreme strength, and the magic power of the 60th level of legendary extreme strength, all died in his hands one by one.

Roy didn't stop until he reached the entrance of the 70th floor.

The 69th floor is the deepest level that the adventurers of the super city Enola have explored so far. The lord monster on the 70th floor, a monster called the "Hidden Blade Tyrant", will destroy all adventurers who try to go deeper. Block out.

Calculated according to the law of increasing strength, the strength of the lord monster on the 70th floor, the Hidden Blade Tyrant, is likely to reach the demigod level.

Only the demigod level can ignore threats in numbers.

Roy stood at the door of the lord's room. Without hesitation, he pushed open the heavy metal door and stepped into this fearful room that no one had dared to challenge for several years.

Surprisingly, the scene in this lord's room is particularly high-end.

The smooth marble floor is piled with bricks, and thick stone pillars rise from the ground to support the gorgeous dome.

In the huge empty room, Roy's footsteps echoed and were clearly audible.

One step, two steps, three steps.

When Roy had just landed on his third step, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, and the sharp sickle blade was raised from bottom to top, about to cut Roy's body in half.


The strong metallic buzzing sound continued to spread.

Roy turned his head. At this moment, the index and middle fingers of his right hand were holding the left and right scythes chopped by the lord monster, with a faint smile on his face: "Demi-god level, assassin type monster, good at stealth, sneak attack, instant explosive power. powerful."

During Roy's evaluation process, the Hidden Blade Tyrant kept trying to struggle. Unfortunately, as an assassin-type agile monster, it was not good at strength. Compared with humanoid monsters like Roy, the gap was too big. It's impossible for it to break free.

Such a scenario has exceeded the thinking limit of the Hidden Blade Tyrant's pitiful brain capacity.

In the past many years, it has never encountered such a situation.


A sharp scream came from the mouth of the Hidden Blade Tyrant, and its double sickle blades began to vibrate violently, like high-frequency knives vibrating at ultra-high frequencies.

Seeing this, Roy released his index and middle fingers, took a step back, and instantly unsheathed the sword at his waist.

Red and brilliant silver drew a graceful curve in mid-air.

The Hidden Blade Tyrant paused when it was about to move, and then its body was evenly divided into two parts along the midline.

With one strike, the Hidden Blade Tyrant with the power of a demigod was killed.

This is Roy's strength after his breakthrough.

Ordinary demigods are just mediocre in his eyes, let alone "squishy guys" like the Hidden Blade Tyrant who have high attack speed, high speed and low health.

The strength of the Hidden Blade Tyrant belongs to the lowest level of demigods, the kind that barely crosses the threshold of demigods.

If he were a demigod with normal strength, even if he couldn't beat Roy, he wouldn't be defeated in one move.

After dealing with the Hidden Blade Tyrant, he collected the super-large magic core he dropped, and Roy continued to move deeper into the maze.

The area after the 71st floor is defined as the "Abyss Zone" by the Enola Adventurer Guild, which means that this place is like an abyss, and anyone who enters it will feel like falling into the abyss, and it will be extremely difficult to climb out.

The strength of every monster that can survive in such an environment is legendary.

Fortunately, the number of monsters with such strength is inevitably becoming scarce.

Roy ignored these monsters, he just kept going deeper and deeper.

On the 80th floor, he encountered a huge bull-headed monster with true demigod strength. During a battle, he chopped off the head of the bull-headed monster.

On the 90th floor, the lord monster guarding it was already extremely impressive. It was a metal lifeform that looked like a huge goshawk, and its strength reached the upper limit of an ordinary demigod.

After a battle, Roy was able to cut off the goshawk's wings and head relatively easily.

After entering the 91st floor, Roy's expression changed slightly.

Because the environment here is filled with the power of evil that is visible to the naked eye.

An ordinary person, even a senior demigod, would eventually run out of energy in such an environment.

Because of the existence of the power of Nie Yuan, it is impossible to absorb energy to restore fighting spirit.

But Roy is different.

With [Infinite Desire·God] in his body, he can absorb and transform even the power of the abyss.

The only limitation is the size of the space inside the body.

Against the power of Nie Yuan, Roy finally reached the entrance of the room on the 100th floor.

Without hesitation, he used both hands to push open the heavy stone door.

(End of this chapter)

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