Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 98 Legend vs Great Witch (6 words, please subscribe!)

Chapter 98 Legend vs Great Witch ([-] words, please subscribe!)

"The Legendary Knight of Toothwind, Seema Flower."

The voice of vicissitudes and twilight, at this moment, is full of emotions, like a candle that has burnt out its wax, bursting out with extreme brilliance at the last moment.

The Moonlight Witch Cecil quietly looked at the dark gold female knight opposite, no, now it should be said to be the legendary knight Shima of Yafeng, and her eyes were also in a trance.

150 years have passed by in a hurry, but the memory of that year has not only not faded with the passage of time, but has been renewed forever.

"You are much stronger than then."

An ethereal voice came from the mouth of the Moonlight Witch Cecil: "Legendary Samsung?"

"Legendary Three Stars." Yafeng Legendary Knight Sima affirmed the conjecture of the Moonlight Witch Cecil: "I am stupid, and it took 150 years to take two steps on the legendary road and reach the three-star realm. Unfortunately, this is already My limit."

"The Great Moonlight Witch, Cecil."

"To the thousands of souls in the province of Rafah, you have indeed made great contributions, including my family, and I also acknowledge your favor. I admit this, so in the past 150 years, I have never killed any witch again."

"But for me personally, you are the murderer who killed hundreds of my subordinates and seven colleagues, including my lover, the legendary knight of the lion heart, Finn Brock."

"Bone-eating hatred has tortured my heart all the time during these 150 years."

"But, I can't take revenge on you. Once you leave, the original magic power in the magic power point that has not been neutralized by the world will bring unimaginable disaster to the province of Rafah. So I waited and waited and waited Wait, finally, let me wait until today..."

"150 years, enough to neutralize the original magic power in the magic pulse point in the world."

"And I have waited too long, too long."

"Everything will come to an end."

In the calm voice, there was hatred engraved into the soul.

Cecil, the great moonlight witch, was slightly silent.

Today, between the temple and the witch, there is no need to argue about what is right and what is wrong.

Any words, for both parties, seem pale and powerless.

"Go up and fight."

The Great Moonlight Witch raised her hand and pointed upwards. In the next moment, an extremely bright dark blue light erupted. On the edge of the ten-meter-thick magic beam, there was a blood-red arc like lightning jumping.

"Crack clap."

The dark blue beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the thick crimson mist was broken layer by layer. After the beam of light rose several hundred meters, it seemed to have touched some kind of limit, and soon, there was a clear sound of breaking.

Fine cracks appeared high in the sky, and under the continuous bombardment of the dark blue light beam, they finally burst open with a "pong" sound like shattered glass.

At the same time, at the bottom of the center of the star lake outside, the eight giant metal pillars shook violently, and then exploded directly.

The "Magic Locking Formation" was completely destroyed!
A slowly rotating translucent vortex appeared above the space of the magic pulse point. Through the vortex, one could even vaguely see the shadow of the crimson moon.

At almost the same time, Cecil the Moonlight Witch and Sima the Legendary Knight of Yafeng turned into streamers, one dark blue and one purple black, rushing straight into the translucent vortex.

On the crystal island, Roy hugged Lilia, the shadow witch who was in a coma, in his arms. He walked with difficulty, and moved to lean against the big tree of Youzi crystal.

After the initial treatment by the Moonlight Witch Cecil, the residual vindictiveness left by the legendary tooth-wind knight Sima in his body has been completely eliminated.Silver energy circulated quickly in his body, recovering his injuries.

As a high-level energy transformed from great witch-level pollution, silver energy is not only effective in assisting breathing practice and nourishing the body, but also effective in recovering from injuries.

In just ten seconds, Roy felt much better.

Leaning against the big purple crystal tree, Roy lowered his head and looked at the shadow witch Lilia, who was so pale that there was only a trace of blood in his arms, with pity in his eyes.

Unlike him, the Shadow Witch was not simply injured. In order to summon the legendary pure white giant wolf clone, she paid a huge price, and her spirit, magic power and even her own vitality were severely depleted.

This situation can no longer be relieved by simple treatment. The treatment of Cecil, the Moonlight Witch, only hangs Lilia's life. To make her truly recover, it must be the healing witch Shanika. Only the healing witch can do it.

Right now, being able to hang his life is a blessing in misfortune.

Roy raised his head and looked at the translucent vortex above the magic pulse point space. He couldn't see anything except the faint shadow of the crimson moon, but he knew that a fierce battle was about to break out on the star lake outside at this moment .

But he is only a Bronze rank, unable to fly, and can't even leave this space, let alone support.

Weakness is the greatest original sin...

The only thing Roy can do now is to pray for Cecil, the great witch of the moonlight.

"Come on, Cecil..."


On the shore of Star Lake.

The red light around Shanika, the healing witch who stood with her head bowed, suddenly faded away.

She slowly opened her eyes, and her misty eyes glanced around.

This is where?how can i be hereWhere is Master Roy?

Her brain was in a mess, and her consciousness was difficult to concentrate. Shanika only remembered that in the hidden place, she who was watching the black and white projection suddenly became groggy, and then her whole body seemed to be dragged into the water by some kind of force.

She could vaguely feel that she seemed to be running wildly, other than that, she couldn't receive any information from the outside world.

An invisible force was pulling her, trying to drag her into the endless abyss, but the instinct of the body made Shanika resist with all her strength.

She was like a drowning person, desperately trying to swim upwards, but a pair of invisible hands pulled her feet downwards, and she could neither swim up nor continue to fall, and was in an embarrassing situation where she couldn't get up or down. But because of the influence of "water", after a long period of stalemate, she will inevitably be the first to be unable to support it.

But just now, the hand that pulled her foot down suddenly disappeared.

The desire for life made Shanika strive to swim upstream, and finally broke through the water surface, that is, the moment she broke through the water surface, she opened her eyes.

Looking around, the scene in his eyes made the healing witch Shanika's cherry lips part slightly, and the whole person fell into a shocked mood.

As far as the eye can see, the quiet lake water is covered with frost, and the clusters of ice crystal pillars make this place like a purgatory of ice. Looking back, what you see is a huge magic pillar that goes straight into the sky. The unparalleled majestic magic power , Shanika's body trembled unconsciously.

That is a thousand times her magical power?Or is it ten thousand times?
Shanika couldn't tell.


A slight sound attracted the healing witch Shanika's attention away from the magic pillar in the distance.

Not far away, a huge sunken pile of ice slag seemed to be shaking, and Shanika felt a familiar breath from it.

That is, Miss Ice Witch Ais? !

The Healing Witch Shanika was startled, she didn't care to think about why Miss Ai Si was here, and hurried forward to push away the pile of ice slag.

Her innate ability is not like the elemental innate ability, which can directly release condensate and attack, so she can only shave ice manually.

Fortunately, the Witch's physical fitness is the worst and has a silver level. Although her performance in battle is not satisfactory, it is not difficult to shave ice.

With Shanika's efforts, she quickly dug a big hole in the ice slag pile, and the appearance of Ice Witch Aisa breathing as thin as a gossamer also appeared in her eyes.
"Miss Ace!"

Seeing the seriously injured Ice Witch Ais, the Healing Witch Shanika exclaimed, and quickly dug out Ice Witch Ais.

As a witch who specializes in healing, after a short inspection, Shanika judged Aisi's current situation: the internal muscles of the body were torn in a large area, the bones of the whole body were severely damaged, especially the bones of the right half of the body, and the internal organs were also to varying degrees. The "witch's heart", which is the center of life and offering demons, is dim. Judging from the injury, it seems that it was caused by some kind of ultra-high frequency shock.

who is it?

The Healing Witch Shanika pursed her lips, her eyes hard to hide the surprise.

What kind of powerful enemy is it that can hurt the ice witch Ais who has reached the "crown" like this.

Carrying the Ice Witch Ais on her back, the Healing Witch Shanika quickly came to a big tree beside the Star Lake. After leaning the Ice Witch Ais on the trunk of the tree, she raised her hand and pressed Ais On Si's shoulders, a milky white light shone, enveloping Ai Si.

As soon as the ability was activated, Shanika felt something different.

My magic power actually increased?

The increase in magic power led to an increase in Shanika's healing ability.

Shanika didn't feel any joy about this, on the contrary, her brows were furrowed.

Because she discovered that there was pollution in her body again? !
Although the amount of pollution is not too much, but I am used to the transparent and comfortable feeling without pollution. At this moment, pollution appears in the body again, which makes Shanika, the healing witch, unbearable.


Suppressing the discomfort and various speculations in her heart, Shanika concentrated on treating Ice Witch Ais.

No matter what, let's save Miss Shanika first.

And just when the cure for the healing witch Shanika was halfway through, suddenly.


There was a violent tremor, and the solid ice on the surface of Xinghu Lake was instantly turned into powder, and a large amount of lake water surged up. At this moment, with Xinghu Lake as the center, the earth with a radius of more than ten kilometers felt obvious vibrations.

The healing witch Shanika, who was not far from Star Lake, felt her body was lifted several centimeters from the ground.

Under the staring eyes of Shanika, the Healing Witch, in the distance, the pillar of magic power rising into the sky from the center of Star Lake exploded, and the shock wave formed spread in all directions.

One dark blue, one purple black, two streamers of light burst from the center of the star lake, standing above the gradually spreading magical impact.

After the stream of light stagnated, Shanika, the healing witch, could see clearly the specific appearance of the figure under the two streams of light.

Accompanied by the dark blue light is a slender woman wearing a fluffy peaked witch hat, a close-fitting white dress, and a deep purple cloak.

And another purple-black light shining all over her body is a female knight with a dark golden armor and a gorgeous metal rapier on her waist.

The healing witch Shanika's eyes first fell on the sword and shield logo on the chest of the female knight's armor, and her heart was shocked.

Except for the newly awakened witch, almost no witch would not recognize this logo.

That is the exclusive symbol belonging to the God's Punishment Knight of the Temple.

Moreover, standing in emptiness...

As the oldest witch in the Blackstone Territory, Shanika has average strength, but she has a lot of knowledge. She knows that this is something that a legendary knight above gold can do.

Two legendary knights... No, no, it's a legendary knight, and the other one is a witch!
Although the familiar air of pollution was concealed by the majestic and trembling magic power, it was still clearly felt by the healing witch Shanika.

Compared to the Punishment Knights of the Temple, the Witch herself is the most sensitive person to pollution...

How could there be a witch above the crown in the Black Stone Territory? !

At this moment, Shanika's brain fell into a brief blank.

But soon, she recovered.

Now is not the time to think about this, the battle of legends, it is too dangerous for "little shrimp" like her and Ice Witch Ais to be nearby.

Even if it's just an inadvertent aftermath of the battle, it will have a huge impact on them.

Hastily interrupting the half-way healing, Shanika carried the ice witch Ais on her back, and ran out of Xinghu with all her strength.

Shanika, the healing witch, made the same choice as the scarlet sword Calus and the black-robed hooded figure located hundreds of meters away from Star Lake.

Originally, the two were defeated by Ice Witch Aisi, and retreated nearly a kilometer. After recovering a little, they planned to go back a few hundred meters away from Star Lake to wait and see if there was any chance.

Who would have thought that before seeing anything, the pillar of magic power in the distance exploded, and at the same time, the legendary coercion descended on the hearts of the two of them in an instant.

Precisely because both of them are peak gold knights, only one step away from the legend, they are more aware of how terrifying the two figures appearing above at this moment are.

It's not that the two of them haven't seen the legend before, and they've both felt the pressure of the legend.

Therefore, they are extremely sure that the strength of the two figures suspended in the air is definitely beyond what a legendary star can summarize.

Two legendary stars?Legendary Samsung?
No matter how many stars the legend is, it is absolutely irresistible to the golden peak.

The gap between gold and legends is even more exaggerated than the gap between ordinary people and gold.

After sensing the coercion of the legend, the scarlet sword Carles and the black-robed hooded figure chose to escape at the same time without hesitation.

When it comes to legends, whoever wants to do this task, anyway, the two of them are incapable of doing it, even if the Second Prince and the Border Duke knew about it, they would have no position to blame them.

Regarding the actions of the three "little mice" around Xinghu Lake, neither Cecil, the moonlight witch, nor Sima, the legendary knight of Yafeng, paid any attention to them.

At this moment, both of them put their full attention on each other.

The spreading invisible magic shock wave seemed to be a silent tribute to the upcoming war.

There is no intention of talking anymore, the conversation just now in the magic pulse point space is the last communication between the two sides before the war.


The legendary Yafeng knight Sima pulled out the rapier sword at her waist, and the purple-black fighting spirit lightning kept leaping and jumping on the dark gold armor on her body and the rapier sword in her hand. At this moment, her pupils also completely became Brilliant purple-black.

The feet were slightly charged, and the next moment, the body of the legendary knight Xima disappeared in place.

In the air, there seemed to be a meteor flashing by. In less than a second, Sima, the legendary knight of Fangfeng, crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and appeared beside Cecil, the great witch of moonlight. The rapier pointed at the center of his eyebrows.


And just when the distance between the rapier and the center of the eyebrows was less than half a meter, the thrust of the rapier was forcibly interrupted, and a translucent dark blue barrier appeared around Cecil, the great moonlight witch, covering her 360 degrees without dead ends. protection inside.

"Crack clap-"

The thrust of Sima, the legendary knight of Fangfeng, broke a large crack on the dark blue barrier, but in the end, it still failed to break it.

The Moonlight Witch Cecil turned her head, and at some point, a dark blue full moon had already hung high in the sky.

She pointed her raised hand at the legendary Yafeng knight Sima, and the next moment, a straight dark blue beam of light fell from the sky, and precisely landed on the legendary Yafeng knight Sima.

The speed of light is so fast, unless you dodge before the attack starts, otherwise, once the attack starts, there is absolutely no possibility of dodging.

Even the agile knight known for his speed, the legendary Yafeng knight Sima couldn't dodge the attack of the dark blue light beam, and was engulfed and fell heavily to the ground.


It was obviously the dark blue moonlight that looked as light as a gauze, but in the feeling of the legendary knight Sima of the Fangfeng at this moment, it was heavier than a hill.

After falling to the ground by the lake, purple-black fighting energy gushed out from her body, and finally, after smashing the ground into a large pit with a radius of more than ten meters, the burst of purple-black fighting energy finally scattered the dark blue moonlight.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Yafeng legendary knight Sima gasped in embarrassment.

She looked at the witch under the dark blue and crimson moonlight in mid-air, her eyes were complicated and difficult to understand.

"Compared to 150 years ago, you have also become stronger..."

"No, purely in terms of magic power, I haven't made any progress." Cecil, the great witch of moonlight, shook her head slightly: "It's just that I am no longer crazy and can control magic power more precisely."

"So...so..." The gasp of the legendary knight of Yafeng gradually calmed down, she lowered her head, looked at the gorgeous rapier in her hand, especially the lion head pattern engraved on the hilt, and murmured: "This is the real sword. Big witch..."

"However, 150 years, I am not in vain."


Even more intense purple-black grudge lightning burst out from all parts of the body of the legendary Yafeng knight Sima. The purple-black field expanded outwards, but soon condensed inwards, fitting on the body surface, and finally formed on her body. He wore an extremely gorgeous purple-black fighting spirit armor, and even a layer of bright purple-black light appeared on the surface of the rapier.

"The Naruto Armor!"

Concentrating all the power in one body without the slightest scatter, although it does not appear to be magnificent, the destructive power it causes is far beyond.

And this is the true full strength of the legendary three-star knight!

The legendary Yafeng knight Sima clenched the rapier in her hand. She leaned back slightly, and her center of gravity fell backwards, concentrating all her strength on the raised rapier.


The next moment, she threw the rapier directly.

The purple-black meteor pierced through the sky, and almost instantly, it came to the Moonlight Witch Cecil.

With a crisp sound of "Pong!", the dark blue magic power barrier exploded into countless fragments, flying in all directions, and the stabbing sword, which had exhausted all its strength, also began to fall from a height.

At the moment when the dark blue magic power barrier was broken, Sima, the legendary knight of Yafeng who was still on the ground, did not know what method he used, but he appeared directly in front of Cecil, the moonlight witch, holding a A pitch-black dagger pierced his heart.

An extremely ominous and strange aura emanated from this pitch-black dagger, causing the pupils of Cecil, the Moonlight Witch, to shrink.

She recognized the very famous weapon.

——A-level taboo, the Demon-Breaking Dagger!

This is a forbidden object collected by the temple, which can break through any defense and has extremely high lethality to living things.

Whether it's physical defense or energy defense, they almost didn't exist before the Demon-Breaking Dagger.

Once injured by it, even if it only hurts the epidermis, it will cause irreparable bleeding damage to the living beings. If it penetrates key organs, such as the heart or brain, then even the existence with the "undead talent ability" will never survive. possible.

The cost of using it is above average among all the A-level taboos, that is, once activated, for the legendary knight, killing the enemy is fine, as long as the whole body's blood is the price, and if it fails to kill To kill the enemy, let the Demon-Breaking Dagger drink blood, then the user will be backlashed by the Demon-Breaking Dagger, and his body and soul will perish.

From the eyes of the legendary knight Sima of Yafeng, Cecil, the great witch of moonlight, saw the determination to face death.

She knew in her heart that from the moment the legendary knight Sima of Yafeng appeared here and took revenge on her, she had no intention of going back alive.

A knight is different from a witch. Even if he is promoted to a legend, his lifespan is far less than that of a witch. At nearly two hundred years old, plus the hidden wounds left by the battle, the life of the legendary knight Sima of Yafeng has come to an end.

Although he still retains the face of his youth, in fact, the legendary knight of Fangfeng is already a dying candle in the wind. After using the A-level taboo-the Demon-Breaking Dagger, it is considered the best result, and the essence and blood of the whole body are absorbed , nor is she able to afford it.

Seeing the Demon-Breaking Dagger that was getting closer and closer to his heart, the Moonlight Witch Cecil's eyes were unusually calm.

Any defensive measures, even deploying several layers of magic power barriers, are meaningless before the Demon Breaking Dagger.

And once hit in the heart by the demon-breaking dagger, even the great witch will die.

But Cecil, the Moonlight Witch, just quietly watched the Demon-Breaking Dagger approaching her in front of her, without taking any defensive measures.


There was a sound of tearing flesh and blood, and Sima, the legendary knight of Yafeng who stabbed the demon-breaking dagger forward with all his strength, froze suddenly.

The demon-breaking dagger that shone with a strange light was obviously less than [-] centimeters away from the enemy's heart, but she couldn't stab it anymore.

Because, a blood-red hand pierced through her chest and stabbed out from her front. There was a still beating heart on the blood-stained palm with sharp claws.

The light in the eyes of the legendary knight of Yafeng quickly dimmed.

At the last moment of dying, she tried hard to turn her head, trying to see clearly the enemy who had dealt a fatal blow to her.

It was a bloody face with exactly the same facial features as Cecil, the Moonlight Witch, but full of raging and insolent smiles.


(Thanks to the big guys "Lucy", "Book Friends 20220430114639821", "Book Friends 161126125934585" for their rewards! Thank you Gu Guzi!)
 Daily push book "I am so cute as a vampire"

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(End of this chapter)

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