Phantom Thief of Heart!but conan

Chapter 605 Defense-breaking debate

Chapter 605 Defense-breaking debate

"A bunch of nonsense."

The sullen Moritani Teiji stood behind the two people. He first glanced at the man with a yin and yang head very unhappily, and then looked at the blue-haired young man.

Compared with some hopelessly exaggerated people who are trying to impress people, young people who don't look very young actually have more meaning in dialogue.

"What's your name?" Moritani Teiji asked, looking directly into the young man's eyes.

"My name is Kitagawa Yusuke, Mr. Moritani." Karasawa blinked and replied calmly.

"Okay, Kitagawa-kun. Take a serious look at this work." Moritani Teiji raised his hand and gestured to the model in the glass cabinet, "I don't deny that some lack basic industrial theory, or, in order to win awards, they are unconventional. For those who regard their works as landmarks rather than buildings, it is indeed possible that they will appear as drafts. But will a similar situation occur in my design?"

A draft generally refers to a draft that has been modified or rejected due to communication or other issues and does not meet the client's real needs.

In the context just now, this is a satire on Moritani Teiji for overemphasizing his own aesthetic concepts and being unable to produce manuscripts that meet the needs of customers.

Moritani Teiji absolutely disagrees with this.

"As architects, the difference between us and other art creators is that architecture is so-called related to the lives and fortunes of many people. It is impossible for us to forget about the completed work after creating it."

Facing the model buildings in front of him, as well as the design drawings and photography of more buildings in the exhibition hall, Moritani Teiji opened his hands and started his planned speech.

"Architects must be responsible for their own works throughout their lives." With this sentence as the tone, Teiji Moritani straightened his back and said seriously, "Architecture is different from other art forms after all. As designers, we , if due to personal reasons, any hidden dangers are left to the building, its legacy will be inseparable from our name for the rest of its life, even after death."

This sentence sounds very responsible and socially responsible, but in the ears of Tangze, who is aware of his thoughts, it means something else.

He did not mean that as an architectural designer, he should be responsible for building safety. His emphasis was on the second half of the sentence.

——The relationship between architecture and architects, even after death, will always be remembered because of the practical attributes of architecture.

This is something he cannot tolerate now that he is seriously ill.

After a brief round of applause from the audience, Moritani Teiji pressed his palms and continued to elaborate: "When I was young, I was also shaken about whether I should stick to my philosophy and whether I should implement an aesthetic to the end... You know , many times an architect’s personal style may be inconsistent with the client’s needs. This is why my current creative content is very different from my early style.”

Having said this, Moritani Teiji took a deep breath, as if he wanted to draw some strength from the air in the exhibition hall.

"After that, my thoughts changed a lot. I think that what distinguishes a person who insists on the art of architecture from ordinary architects is the implementation and persistence of his own ideas. Regardless of the purpose of the building, this will be A long-lasting, architectural design spans time and has an eternal dialogue with users. It was precisely because of this change in mentality that when I was 34 years old, I designed the Sumida Canal Bridge for the Toto Circle Line and received a license from the Architectural Association. Newcomer Award. This was also the beginning of my true journey into Zhu Xun’s architectural art.”

While he was speaking, he had already slowly walked to the display cabinet on the other side, pointing to the design drawings hanging in the display cabinet here, explanations of some design concepts, aerial photos of backward buildings, etc.

From his expression, it is not difficult to see how proud he is of this building that is almost a turning point in his life.

"I changed my mind and even felt ashamed of my muddled past. I gave up my pursuit of aesthetics, and perhaps I will regret my immaturity in my youth for the rest of my life."

Karasawa and Narumi Asai, who was wearing eye-catching clothing, looked at each other and exchanged glances.

To put it simply, after I won an award in my 30s, I deeply believed that symmetry is good, so I began to look at the past works less and less pleasing to the eye.

That's quite putting it mildly.

"So, young man." At this point, Emperor Moritani suddenly turned in the direction of Karasawa, a pair of slender eyes emitting sharp light, "You may not be engaged in related fields, but in terms of art, as a senior I have reason to give you a piece of advice."

As he spoke, he walked up to Karasawa, raised his hand, put his arm around Karasawa's shoulders, and looked at the trendy dresser opposite him with a hostile attitude, but in his eyes, Asai Naomi was simply unsightly.

"People should have a sense of aesthetics when they are young. There is no pursuit of perfection now. As long as you keep going on this path, one day you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Through the light gray exaggerated toad mirror, Asai Naomi faced his bright but arrogant eyes and slowly smiled.

Compared to the eloquent Tang Ze, he is indeed not the eloquent type, but when it comes to the so-called artistic pursuit...

"Professor Moritani, you said it very well." Asai Naomi raised his hands and clapped gently, "Then can you answer my question?"

"But it doesn't matter." Moritani Teiji raised his chin without any fear.

He is a confident and outstanding person who has reached his current position by relying on his own ideas. He does not think that he will lose to any young person in the debate session.

Asai Narumi nodded lightly.

"I am not engaged in visual arts. I am a pianist, so I may not be able to understand your pursuits. But Professor Moritani, my piano was purchased by my family at a huge cost;

"The Kitagawa-kun standing next to you does not come from a well-off family and is not well-known yet. But he also does his best and uses all his disposable income to support the expenses of painting materials and equipment...

"What about you, Professor Moritani, did you also spend your own money to produce your works?"

The smile on Moritani Teiji's face disappeared immediately.


"When you and Brother Shinichi went to the United States?" Conan asked back, shrinking his shoulders a little warily, "Well, I didn't know you at that time, Sister Xiaolan. Why are you telling me this?"

"I didn't do anything, I just mentioned it casually." Mao Lilan put down the comb, gathered the smooth hair on one shoulder, and said casually, "Well, I'm going to call Shinichi to talk about this. What's going on."

"Oh, that's it..." Conan, a little nervous, quietly pressed against the back of the sofa behind him.

He talked to him like he was talking to himself about topics related to Kudo Shinichi. Is this because he feels guilty, or is Xiaolan really aware of it?

The more I think about it, the worse I feel...

"Tell me, if I call him at this time, can Xinyi receive the call?" Mao Lilan took out his mobile phone, clicked on the address book, and tilted his head.

"Well, if Brother Shinichi is in the United States, this time will be exactly at night, so it should be fine." Conan laughed a few times, and there was a little white hair on his back.

Xiaolan couldn't tell whether she was being weird or just casually mentioning it. It felt too scary.

"Oh, you also know that Shinichi is in the United States." With his finger hanging on the name, Mao Lilan glanced at Conan's face and nodded in agreement, "What you said makes sense, but I'd better send a message to ask first. alright."

After finishing speaking, Mao Lilan ignored his answer, lowered his head, and fiddled with his phone, as if he really started editing emails.

After carefully taking two steps back to make sure that Mao Lilan had no other reaction, Conan, who was amnesty, hurriedly left the living room of the office and went downstairs as if he was running away.

Rationally, he understood that the worst situation might have already happened. When he began to doubt whether Mao Lilan was telling the truth, it was possible that things had already reached the worst stage, and he was just taking chances.

And now that Mao Lilan has discovered the clues, it is also a knife when he extends his head, and it is also a knife when he shrinks his head. Now he simply puts it aside, maybe he can still pursue a lighter sentence. He understands the truth, but he should still be cowardly.

Almost as soon as he turned the corner, his cell phone rang.

Mao Lilan's email was really sent.

After swallowing, Conan did some mental preparation and took the initiative to dial the phone.

"Hey, Xiaolan, why are you looking for me?"

"Ah Shinichi, I have some discoveries that I want to tell you." Mao Lilan's tone was the same as usual, without any change, "Do you still remember the time we went to the United States to play with Aunt Yukiko a year ago?"

"Oh, a year ago, of course I remember." After half a minute, he still couldn't tell whether Mao Lilan was playing his Conan. He cleared his throat and tried his best to stay calm and said, "It was also when we met Sha That time with Aunt Long.”

"Yes, Aunt Sharon is very kind to us. I didn't expect..." After a moment of sadness, she returned the focus to her own problem, "Do you still remember, Aunt Yukiko and the crew did it?" I’ve recorded it, leaving the two of us to take a taxi back to the hotel..."

Just when they and Kudo Yukiko went to visit her old friend Sharon Wynyard on the set, a murder occurred on the set where Sharon was working.

The content of the murder case is not complicated. Generally speaking, it is still the commonplace human relationships, love and hate. If there is anything special about this case...

That was the actress Mao Lilan accidentally saved on the set, who was the murderer who later committed murder.

Mao Lilan, who was worried about this, had been thinking about this matter along the way. Therefore, she kept the car window open and looked at the rainy night view of New York, hoping to release some of her suppressed emotions.

This caused the handkerchief that Sharon gave her to be blown away by the wind. The two of them stopped the car and went to the alley to look for the blown handkerchief.

"You mean, when you met a suspected serial murderer?" Conan freed himself from the entanglement, listened to Mao Lilan's words attentively, and slowly recalled the scene at that time.

"Yes, you went upstairs to look for a handkerchief, and you didn't see the man I met." Mao Lilan kept comparing the blurry images in her memory with the man she saw on the road yesterday, becoming more and more certain, " Just as you were going upstairs, a man with long hair and a knitted hat walked over from the other direction of the alley."

"...You haven't even told me about this." Hearing the danger in the words, Conan's eyes widened and he tightened the voice changer he held to his mouth, "Is he a very dangerous guy? "

"Did I have a fever those days? My memory is rather vague. That man was holding a very big gun, like a sniper rifle, with a long barrel." Mao Lilan recalled in trance. , while speaking slowly, "I thought he was some kind of gangster, or a professional killer or something."

"Isn't that a very bad situation?" Even though a year later, Mao Lilan was definitely not in any danger at that time, Conan still felt scared, "You actually chased me into the building?"

"I went in to look for you just because I felt it was dangerous!" Mao Lilan retorted, "The guy glanced at me and just said in Japanese, "Quickly disappear," and then walked into the building..."

"The building where we later met the murderer?"

"Yes, he chased him in. I was afraid that he was looking for you, so I even forgot to take the umbrella..." Mao Lilan sighed, "Later, until I fainted, I never saw him again. Because of the high fever, I became even more confused and couldn’t remember clearly.”

Thinking about it now, although the man looked as cold and sharp as a blade, and his tone of voice was definitely not friendly, he did not do anything to hurt them, and his reaction was a bit excessive.

Now, for comparison, there is Akechi Goro, who loves to take out a gun when he has nothing to do. She has some deep understanding of the situation in the United States and has changed her mind.

The gunman you encounter when chasing a murderer may not only be another criminal, but he may also be a plainclothes policeman following the other person! Otherwise, if you encounter two minors who are getting in the way, you can just shoot them casually. There is no need to specifically warn her to leave.

However, Mao Lilan felt that this could not be entirely blamed on her judging people by their appearance. Whoever it was, meeting such a person head-on in such a cold rainy alley in New York, it would be difficult not to misunderstand him, right?

"So, you made a special trip to call today because you suddenly thought of this person?" Conan's brows were furrowed, but he still didn't forget to follow the character's rules and ask questions.

"No, it's because I suddenly met him yesterday." Mao Lilan shook his head, "A few months ago, Conan and I encountered the Shinkansen bombing attack. What Joker disguised himself as was his appearance at that time. Image... No wonder I took action subconsciously as soon as I saw him. Well, anyway, I think I might have discovered how Joker stared at Dad. "

The Phantom Thief has an assistant, just like a detective has an assistant, it is a natural thing.

Since there are several members of the Phantom Thieves of Heart, it is understandable that there are support staff from different channels doing various jobs.

It is not difficult to find a few people to keep an eye on a detective who is not too busy, and it can also be used as protection in a sense!

"Following..." Conan's brows slowly wrinkled after hearing Mao Lilan's description.

No, when it comes to stalking...

He also thought about why he felt that the man looked familiar.

When Karasawa first came to the cafe downstairs, especially the few times when he encountered a case unexpectedly, he seemed to have... seen such a man among the crowd before...

Joker's eyeliner? But what was his reason for appearing in New York a year ago...



After a moment of awkward silence, Moritani Teiji's tone became obviously cold.

"I'm telling the truth, aren't I?" Asai Narimi spread his hands and spoke harshly again, "As a designer who understands the construction industry, you should know very well that in order to achieve some unconstrained visual design , in terms of the construction industry, what additional costs are there.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the canal bridge behind Moritani Teiji that he had just embraced lovingly from afar.

"Take this bridge for example. Its unique and symmetrical structure does take into account both aesthetics and industrial value. However, as a layman, I can easily see how much difficulty and cost it adds to construction. As a member of the Dongdu Ring Road It is part of the public transportation operation, so is it really appropriate to put this premium on aesthetics?”

Moritani Teji gritted his teeth and looked at him unkindly.

"We musicians and painters do have an obligation to maintain our personal aesthetic and persistence in art - after all, this is what customers, or people who like our works, want to see."

Asai turned around, took off his glasses with a smile, and with a pair of red eyes, subtly stared at Moritani Teiji, whose hair and beard were meticulously groomed.

This is a guy who cares too much about "respectability", who has distorted himself and humanity, and brought disaster to many people for his own selfish desires. He looks down on such high-sounding work and refuses to make it an artist's insistence.

"But what about you, Mr. Moritani, do you really have the right to dispose of your 'works' at will, as you say, and regard the creations of your youth as a 'shame'?

"The value of a building only exists after it is put into production, and that has nothing to do with you."

Therefore, Moritani Teiji, who wanted to destroy them all without permission, was such an arrogant and mean bastard.

It is true that Party A invited you here because he likes your style, but Party A who is building a large building, whether it is for private use or a public building, has many practical needs.

It has been more than ten or twenty years, and you suddenly lost your mind over the issue of money and goods. You said that because it is a black history, you must find a way to destroy it all. Those Party A who spent a lot of money to hire you are recruiting you again. Who offended whom?

(End of this chapter)

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