Phantom Thief of Heart!but conan

Chapter 614 Real Business War

Chapter 614 Real Business War

"I don't want to find someone to disguise myself, and I don't want to ask Black Feather to do it, so what should I do on your birthday?"

"Huh, there will always be a way. At worst, I will..."

"In the worst case, you just took the medicine I gave you, right?" Tang Ze opened his eyes and looked at the primary school student sitting opposite him wordlessly, "Is this how you use the medicine I gave you?"

After spending a long time in Moritani Teiji's pure white hall, and trying his best to put together the puzzle all night long, Karasawa felt that he was about to suffer from snow blindness due to the bright white light.

So now, he was sitting lazily outside the cafe basking in the sun with his eyes closed, and because of this, he was captured by the worried neighbor upstairs.

Although Tangze knew very much about his upcoming birthday and date, he still pretended to be a considerate big brother and listened to his neighbors' complaints about being forced to fly Maorilan pigeons.

"But, if I don't use it this time, I'm afraid my birthday will become the anniversary of my death." Conan, who felt sad, thought of Xiaolan's increasingly weird and subtle attitude recently, and covered his heart that was beating wildly. , "This can be regarded as an important moment related to life and death..."

Originally, as Karasawa just said, he knew Joker, who was proficient in disguise, and he also knew Kuroba Kaito, who looked very similar to him. If they just met quietly in a dark cinema, he would indeed be able to do it. Ask the other party to attend the appointment for him, and then keep the communication open to complete a simple remote fight.

But thinking about Kitagawa Yusuke's ground-breaking nude model invitation yesterday, and considering Mao Lilan's increasingly vague attitude in recent days, he didn't dare to use this plan.

He was still in a state of jealousy. Thinking about the issue of him missing for a long time, Mao Lilan must be quite angry.

At this time, using a lie to face her expectations is not only very bad in nature, but also...if she realizes that she even faked a date on her birthday, she will definitely die miserably. If she doesn't realize it, , his mood will probably be even worse.

It was a dilemma. From the moment he learned about Mao Lilan's plan, he had been vacillating all night.

"Take it easy. It's not an official antidote after all. It may even weaken the immune mechanism as you take it more often..." Tangze rubbed his eyes and said helplessly, "You didn't realize it before she proposed this idea. Wouldn't it be better to just refuse when the time comes? After all, you are still insisting on the setting that none of you are in the country."

Although it feels like this issue has become more and more tacit, at least the rationale is still the same. People continue to insist that as soon as they get off the plane in the United States, they can still make do with it for a while.

Karasawa glanced at Conan's head and asked a very critical question: "The medicine I gave you, based on Shiho's experiments, may be able to return you to your true state for 4-5 days if taken by humans. If If you take medicine and go see her, you won't be able to go back the next day. How are you going to explain to her that Conan is missing? She's already suspicious of you."

Regarding the issue that Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi are the same person, without knowing that there is an extremely dangerous organization, this will be a crisis of trust in Mao Lilan's vision. It does not mean that he used his own identity to go to the appointment. It can be offset in one go.

Even now, the focus of the question is not whether he can go to the appointment on time that day and give her a romantic date full of memories, but whether he is Edogawa Conan, whether he is trying his best to deceive her, or whether he is not. It’s time for a head-on discussion.

But now, for Conan, who has not yet fully figured out how to face her, this problem remains unsolved.

Unless you do some matryoshka doll operations and let Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi be present at the same time, other methods still cannot enhance the trust between the two. But once you start using matryoshka dolls, you will just continue the lies that have been told. Adding more bricks and stones will further increase the conflicts after the incident is revealed.

"...Let me struggle a little longer." Conan exhaled, leaning on the chair and staring blankly at the parasol above his head.

If he chooses to find someone to pretend to be this way, then he will have to find an actor to correct the lines as soon as possible. And if he wants to use an antidote to solve this problem, he may have to go to Haiyuan and ask if there is any comparable effect. Periodic drugs are not that good, or you can ask if changing the dosage can shorten the effective time...

Anyway, there is still some time before his birthday, enough time for him to make a decision.

"Compared to this question, is there any new progress in the bombing case that day?" Seeing that the fake primary school student did not want to continue discussing this topic, Tang Ze smoothly transitioned to the next question, "Has there been any result from the investigation of your explosives?"

"After testing by the doctor, its main formula is C4, which is consistent with the main ingredients of the batch of explosives stolen from the Toyo Gunpowder Depot some time ago." When the case was mentioned, Conan, who had briefly withdrawn from the story of youthful love, quickly laid out With a serious expression, "The criminal's purpose of committing the crime is very clear."

"What do you mean?" Tang Ze raised his eyebrows, waiting for Conan's further explanation and hoping that the other party would be able to get some information related to the organization.

"This batch of explosives was originally intended to be used to demolish viaducts that have exceeded their service life and rebuild expressways. In other words, it is gunpowder that exists to destroy solid building structures." After checking the information he discovered, Conan Making a judgment, "Moreover, the stolen amount is far more than the amount used at Kurokawa's house that day. I'm afraid this guy has more plans."

"Well, how much gunpowder was stolen?" Tang Ze asked a question that he had been confused about for a long time. "If it was really a very large amount of gunpowder, how could the prisoners transport it away from the gunpowder depot? It's a gunpowder depot." The guards are not tight enough?"

"...Well, more or less." Conan rolled his eyes in embarrassment after learning some of the inside story, "It's just some omissions on duty or something."

"Well, according to our speculation, the stolen gunpowder has not been made into a shaped bomb. Since it was originally intended to be used in blasting and demolition..." Tangze touched his chin. Based on the impression of the size of the Mihua Municipal Building, Estimating, "Then, the volume of this batch of gunpowder should be about one cubic meter?"

"That's pretty much what it means." Conan thought about the exact information he got from the police through Kudo Shinichi's identity, and couldn't help but cover his forehead, "Even the packaging of the external dangerous goods has not been removed. After all, the blasting is planned to take place between two It took place months later.”

Then somehow, such a batch of gunpowder was found to be missing when the inventory was being counted two days ago.

No matter how you try to explain it from any angle, this is a jaw-dropping record, so Conan couldn't help but complain: "Such dangerous explosives can be stolen in large quantities. Thinking that there are a lot of guns and ammunition there, I can't bear it." Can’t stop worrying.”

Tang Ze nodded in agreement.

That's right, that's right, you have found the reason why there are so many shootings in Ke Xue.

Even if the prisoner's firearms come from irregular sources, there must be a reason why so many firearms and ammunition can be purchased directly on the black market, right?

"There is also the issue of bomb making." Conan took out his notebook, the solemn look on his face not diminishing, "I asked my dad to contact some experts for analysis. No matter who made it, this is not a bomb. A work that can be completed by a novice. Plastic bombs are indeed stable and of high quality, and are not prone to accidents, but the other party's methods of making fuzes and signaling devices are a bit too sophisticated."

"Can't you find a prisoner with corresponding characteristics?" Tang Ze asked, knowing that many countries proficient in criminal psychology have similar databases.

Although it is not yet known how Kudo Yusaku's magical connections were established, he does have a posture that has a lot of respect in the police circles of various countries.

Perhaps it was because when he traveled around the world, he worked as a case consultant for many places, and played roles that were better than detectives.

I am even more worried about the security of this world. Can this broken place really be saved by our repairs?

"No." Conan replied in denial, the look on his face not relaxing at all.

Regardless of the reason for not being included, it is because the other party is a novice in this field and has not left much case record, or because he is a professional who has been at large for many years, or even further, this may be related to the other party’s professional experience. Perhaps it was a person in a related profession who made the case a little worse.

"It's difficult to handle." Karasawa nodded, understanding his thoughts, "So, I think we should focus on the Kurokawa family now."

"Do you think this prisoner, just like the murderer maid said, chose them as a target because of a personal grudge against the Kurokawa family?"

"No, I mean, you should pay more attention to similar cases, such as arson, gas explosions, fires that cause serious losses, etc." Karasawa stretched out his index finger and drew a spider web of clues on the Conan notebook. He nodded, "You also saw the situation at that time. If we hadn't discovered these bombs in advance and had a clear concept in advance..."

"...Then, this case is very likely to be considered an ordinary arson case." Conan nodded in agreement and turned to the next page, "In addition, if the investigation focus is brought back to the Kurokawa family, you Look, this is the bomb installation location that I restored based on your feedback and the police’s information.”

On the book was a hand-drawn floor plan of Kurokawa's mansion, which included the complete upper and lower floors, and the entrances and exits were also briefly marked.

The memory and investigative abilities of a top-notch detective are indeed not impeccable.

"This prisoner is someone who understands the architectural structure of the Kurokawa family." Tangze looked at the bomb locations marked with red circles on the map. "The blasting locations he chose were very accurate."

"Yes, the second floor of Mr. Kurokawa's house almost completely collapsed after the fire." As he spoke, Conan glanced at Karasawa, "...if you hadn't brought down a little more, the second floor would have collapsed entirely. "

"Yes, and the prisoner understands construction mechanics." Karasawa added. "His usage is not accurate to describe. I think it should be called sufficient restraint. His determination to destroy the building is very certain, and he has no intention of avoiding the occupants at all. Covering the living room and living area." Conan's eyes swept over the series of complex regression equations. Conan, who did not want to recall his calculation process, gave his final conclusion, "This is a person with a firm goal and criminal intent. Definitely, aggressively aloof prisoner.”

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Tang Ze who had discovered the other party's arrangement in advance and more or less broke this person's "perfect plan".

"He didn't take human life seriously. You must pay attention to your own safety."


"Please always take care of your own safety."

Toru Amuro was behind the bar, pounding the coffee filters in his drum while listening to the sound on the other end of the headphones.

Sensing the movement at the door, he keenly turned his gaze and glanced over there.

Karasawa, who had finished exchanging information with Conan and warmed himself up in the sun, was slowly moving towards the inside of the cafe.

Toru Amuro withdrew his wary gaze and continued the call.

His voice was processed through a special program and transmitted to the other end of the call in the form of a distorted electronic sound: "You think someone is investigating his identity and background, right?"

"Yes, although this kind of investigation is very obscure, my current judgment is this." A calm male voice answered his question in the earphones, "I think this is inseparable from his previous experience."

"Don't worry too much. Our backgrounds and life experiences have been completely erased." Toru Amuro lowered his eyes, looked at the steaming coffee pot in his hand, and said calmly, "I will pay attention to this situation. No need. Excessive worry, Mr. Zhufu.”

"Okay, be more careful."

After hanging up the phone, Toru Amuro raised his hand and flicked the button on the earphones. With a normal expression, he took a new cup of coffee and walked back to the bar. Looking at the slow-moving Karasawa, he slowly sat down.

"What have you been doing recently? I see that you are very busy." Toru Amuro asked in a nonchalant manner, "You like to act together with the detectives upstairs these days. What new discoveries have you made? "

Although he used a question, Tohru Amuro's tone didn't ask too urgently, and Karasawa couldn't help but give him a subtle look.

This sentence is very busy. Is it referring to Karasawa himself, or is he asking about the movements of the Phantom Thieves? They are just really busy.

Tang Ze quickly glanced at the upper right corner of the game UI that only he could see.

The highly recognizable P5 dead line mission target bar is quietly hanging there.

At this time, a long series of progress bars were pulled up there, recording the progress of Karasawa's several police academy friends who had joined the police academy.

The first progress bar is already halfway through with the hard work of the Phantom Thieves. It is expected that after the problem of Moritani Teiji is solved, it will be almost complete.

The difficulty is the second progress bar, which is the collection of information about these people.

Karasawa, who knows the setting of the plot, can probably deduce where to go, who to ask, and can collect information about these people. After all, they basically still have living relatives, but currently they really have no particularly valid reason to directly A Go to people's homes to investigate the specific circumstances of deceased relatives and friends, so for now, the progress is relatively slow.

Even with the help of Fangtani Rei's cinema, Karasawa could only ensure that specific information about Morofuku Jingguang could be collected first.

This was not beyond Tang Ze's expectation.

No matter how old they were when they died, these people were all adults who had lived in the world for more than 20 years and had mature views.

When we only treat them as paper people, they can be briefly summarized with labels, but when we want to restore a living person, the complexity and multi-faceted nature of people will inevitably become a problem that needs to be solved.

To put it bluntly, apart from the fact that Zhufu Jingguang is Fangtani Ling's friend since childhood, and the two of them know each other well enough, this short training experience in the police academy is just a fragment and microcosm of their lives.

It is too arrogant to want to know all of them through one channel, Jiangu Ling.

And even for Zhu Fu Jingguang, it doesn't mean that the difficulty has been reduced much.

Don't forget, Zhu Fu Jingguang's identity is more special than the others. He was an undercover agent who died on the job. Whether it is the organization or the police, they will try their best to eliminate his past life. trajectory.

Including his relatives and friends, compared to other relatives, they may have a chance to hear some remembrances full of emotional memories through insinuations and a hearty drunkenness. As long as they reveal a little bit about Zhu Fu's Given Jing Guang's signs, the keen Zhu Fu Gaoming would soon be on guard and not leave any gaps for them.

There's no way, they can't just go up and say, are you okay? We plan to resurrect your brother. Can you please talk about his past life?

All in all, it was difficult.

But as Leon said, did Karasawa choose it himself? Even on challenge difficulty, he could only continue crying.

Sighing, Tang Ze took a deep look at the culprit standing opposite, and said quietly: "Yes, I am very busy. I am almost exhausted."

I was stripped of my vest by you and played truth or dare here all day long. After that, I had to work crazy overtime because of your wishes...

After all this calculation, I am so at a loss, damn it.

Toru Amuro, who expected to hear another burst of laughter, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and carefully observed the expression on Karasawa's face for a while.

Well, it doesn't look like he's preparing for a showdown. Are you looking for him to talk about something?

"What tasks have you received over there recently? Can you tell me?" Tang Ze took a deep breath and prepared to ask about topics related to the website. "I made some discoveries."

After all, although the organization operates an online site, after all considerations, even if an organization based on the physical industry collects enough "wishes", it still needs someone to be responsible for the implementation.

So the steps of investigating the target's situation and fulfilling the target's wishes through some means always need someone to execute them.

Could it be that some tasks fell into the hands of Toru Amuro who was unaware of it?

Karasawa was ready to test it out, and if he had the opportunity, he would investigate the recent activities of Gin and Belmod, and steal each other's orders from the source.

It's best to take down a few salesmen on the other side and let you experience what a real business war is.

Just wait, you immoral guys who are grabbing orders, the business war is about to begin!

 I'm going to study how to do that Dragon Ball, wait a minute



(End of this chapter)

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