Phantom Thief of Heart!but conan

Chapter 683 Street Artists

Chapter 683 Street Artists
"Are you sure the suspect is a male?" Sitting in the driver's seat of the car, Miwako Sato glanced at Ayumi Yoshida, who was sitting in the passenger seat while waiting for a red light.

"I'm sure. When I bumped into him, I heard him yell. He was definitely a man!" Ayumi Yoshida, who was much calmer, nodded affirmatively.

"So you heard him speak, um, but if it's just a shout, it may not have much effect. Or, which one of you just happened to record it?" Thinking of this group of amazing elementary school students, Miwako Sato looked at the back row expectantly. .

"That's not true, Ayumi didn't have a recording device on her." Conan, who did have a recording pen on him, explained, "Ayumi hit it alone, and then we heard the screams of the stabbed woman and Ayumi. Just came here.”

"It's a pity..." Miwako Sato didn't expect much even though she was trying to hug someone. "But giving priority to personal safety is the right decision."

"It's best to have a recording..." Yoshida Ayumi muttered, looking down at her knees, thoughtfully.

Let's go back and suggest to the doctor whether we can add a recording function to the detective badge?
Miwako Sato, who didn't know what kind of black technology her unintentional words were spawning, turned the steering wheel, turned to the intersection near 2-chome, and stopped the car.

"There are already other police officers on site responsible for isolating the residents, you don't have to worry..." Sato Miwako, who comforted the children, looked at the people on the third floor from the left and the third floor from the right in front of her, speaking slower and slower, and finally finally stopped.

It is normal for the police to draw warning tapes or use manpower to build isolation, which will attract onlookers, but this number of people is too...

Could it be that there was some unexpected situation ahead?

If it hadn't been for the guy playing the piano who had put away his instrument case and leaned it against his chair, facing this combination that looked like some otherworldly showmanship, the surrounding onlookers would have started to put money into the empty instrument case.

Two men of roughly the same height each occupied one side of the bench. The blue-haired high school student had a drawing board in front of him and a palette with many colors on it in his hand. He waved the pen in his hand as if no one else was watching. The look of being immersed in your own world.

"A rough calculation shows that there are more than 30 people surrounding us. What should we do? Do we still need to continue to count the attendance?"

On the other side, there was a man with his hood pulled back and an instrument in his arms, playing and humming something.

Because it involves the investigation of the crime scene, in addition to a few eyewitnesses, the elementary school students, the police also need to interview the stabbed parties and arrange field personnel and vehicles. It is not surprising that Kitagawa Yusuke arrived by subway faster than them. .

"Officer Sato, what should we do now?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Miwako Sato, whose premonition came true but was not at all happy about her prophetic attributes, changed her head and patted her head.

"Do you want to use this?" Miwako Sato pointed to the drawing board that had already drawn a prototype in front of him, her face speechless.

...Then she saw two people sitting on the bench by the intersection.

"What's wrong?" The man continued to strum the strings, but stopped humming, "What's the matter, officer?"

"Don't you feel tired if you carry such a heavy thing on the subway?" Sato Miwako was really hard to understand.

Do you need to use such complicated painting tools to draw a portrait normally?
Kitagawa Yusuke glanced at her inexplicably, put the brush in his hand on the palette, bent down, and pulled out a sketchbook and pencil from the bag next to him.

"Is it necessary to bring so much..." Conan stood next to him and looked at his complete equipment speechlessly.

The police officers in charge of the security guard stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at these two inexplicable guys and the more and more people gathering together with no temper.

"So, you bring an easel..." Miwako Sato, who felt that communication was very difficult, slapped her forehead.

Kitagawa Yusuke looked matter-of-fact, as if he didn't understand why they were asking: "Huh? What's wrong? Didn't you say that Ms. Yoshida hasn't remembered the details yet? Then you should start investigating. Nothing I do will affect it. . Oh, if I think about it later, I can also use tools to complete the portrait."

"I arrived early, so I found something to kill the time." Kitagawa Yusuke was immersed in the painting in his hands without even raising his head.

Really, why do we always meet such strange guys?
"Kitagawa-kun." Miwako Sato had no choice but to start with the one she knew first, "Why are you sitting here painting..."

Since the analysis of this case mentioned the possibility of the prisoner returning to the crime scene, when sealing the scene, simply recording the people arriving around it is a new requirement for this search lesson.

Seeing Miwako Sato approaching on her own initiative, several people quickly welcomed her in as if they had found a savior.

"It's not very heavy. I usually carry them on foot to sketch. It's rare that I have the opportunity to take the subway, so naturally I want to try it." Kitagawa Yusuke nodded happily, as if she was saying something complimentary.

"It's killing time." Kitagawa Yusuke repeated solemnly, "Only by practicing frequently can your painting skills improve."

The two people had their backs to each other, as if they didn't notice the other behind them at all, but the easel in their hands and the musical instrument box leaning to the side formed a very strange set of mirror images.

Miwako Sato rubbed her head and looked at the two guys who were going their own way over there with a headache.

"You mean your cordon? I didn't enter the area you designated. Is this a violation?" The man played without any disturbance in the rhythm of his hands.

"Of course not." Miwako Sato took a deep breath to control her emotions before she could no longer suppress her outburst. "Okay, can you please tell me your name?"

"Oh. What, am I a suspect?" The man's head turned slightly under his hood.

Sato Miwako frowned, briefly gave a few instructions to the other police officers, temporarily left the children behind her, and quickened her pace to squeeze into the encirclement.

Sato Miwako, who had nothing to do with Kitagawa Yusuke, sighed and turned to look at the man on the other side who didn't even show his face: "So, this gentleman?"

How should I put it, although she didn't know who this person was, she already had a bad feeling when she saw that he could maintain a high synchronization rate with a child like Kitagawa Yusuke who had a miswired brain.

At least they warned the people around them this time to stop filming the scene. They met several guys who insisted that they were filming street performers, and they had to take a tougher tone.

His voice was low and hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, and was slightly vague. It took Miwako Sato a little effort to understand what the other person was saying.

Even if you are not close to the crime scene, too many people are gathered here and refuse to evacuate, which is not a good thing for the investigation...

Conan informed Kitagawa Yusuke about an hour and a half ago.

But why on earth do you need to bring a full set of painting tools to "kill time" when assisting in on-site investigation...

Miwako Sato took a breath.

"Yes." Kitagawa Yusuke nodded.

Although it is said that art students often need to go out to sketch, it is not difficult to understand that they have a complete set of outdoor equipment. But when a normal person receives a request for help from an elementary school student, his first reaction is to organize the equipment and go out to sketch?

"So, Kitagawa-nii, did you take the subway with these things?" The elementary school student who had already squeezed into the crowd asked this question for Sato Miwako.

"That's right, we are here to conduct an investigation related to a murder case..." Miwako Sato tried to talk to him in a gentle tone.

She really has no need to talk to this guy...

It’s really hard to be a police officer in Tokyo these days. The work is heavy, the income is not high, and you are always forced to come into contact with all kinds of people who are not right...

This time, the man finally stopped playing for a few seconds, seeming to consider her question.

However, a few seconds later, he pressed the strings again and played a series of smooth scales, as if the pause just now was just the right blank space in the music score.

"Do I have to answer this question?" The man's tone was very leisurely.

"...Of course you don't have to answer." After reciting the on-site investigation regulations twice in her mind, Sato Miwako managed to keep her tone calm.

"Okay, then I refuse to answer." The man nodded to her, and judging from his tone and words, he seemed to be a little polite.

...These guys in Tokyo are crazy! Roaring in her heart for the Nth time since joining the job, Sato Miwako tightened her face, called two police officers to watch the two street artists, and led the witnesses to the scene with angry steps.

The case is important and I don't have time to argue with these people.

... Damn it, I’m still angry, it’s getting harder and harder to be a police officer in Tokyo!

At the outermost edge of the crowd, Toru Amuro, who covered herself tightly with a raincoat, looked at the people in the inner circle of the crowd with a cold face.

His eyes naturally fell on the hooded man.

After the technicians of Team Zero confirmed that the location of the signal appeared near 2-chome, his heart sank deeper when he thought of Belmod's surveillance and activities around 2-chome some time ago.

Belmode acts more unscrupulously, but in order to maintain confidentiality, he will also clean up the surrounding area before taking action. Extraordinary, this woman's task completion rate is indeed not low.

Now, Belmode has been forcibly transferred by the organization, but her previous cleanup was not in vain. Therefore, in addition to innocent local residents, those who will be active in 2-chome in the near future are all people who are more or less related to the organization. .

Taking advantage of the heavy rain outside, he wore a raincoat that completely covered all his personal features and a helmet, and cautiously approached the direction of 2-chome.

Then, he saw an extremely familiar figure, so familiar that it instantly ignited all his anger and vigilance.

All the surroundings became the background in his senses. He stared at the man whose face was completely hidden by the hoodie with great concentration. His pair of purple eyes reflected sharp light in the shadow cast by the brim of the hat.

Jing, this is exactly what Jing looks like.

In the organization, Jing is somewhat similar to a full-time sniper like Cohen Chianti, but because his personal abilities are more comprehensive than them, he will also be responsible for some more front-line execution tasks.

To put it simply, his and Ley's positions overlap slightly, except that Ley is responsible for 70% execution and 30% sniping, while Scotland is the other way around.

In order to avoid suspicion, and to make full use of their respective positions to help intelligence work, after getting the code name, the number of actions he and Jing made together was much reduced. Complementary, partner with each other more often.

Bourbon is responsible for the investigation and processing of intelligence, preparation and aftermath, while Lye and Scotland are jointly responsible for the execution of the mission. When a major mission does occur, the combination of the three whiskeys can be said to be an impeccable elite team.

And when Jing needs to act as a sniper, the man sitting on the bench is dressed in the most common way.

Whether it’s the bass in your hand, the bass box at your feet, or the hat that covers half of your face, the face with a bit of green stubble exposed under the hat, the bandaged hands wearing sports gloves...

This is a guy who is very familiar with Jing and his working status in the organization.

Even the blues music that the other party was playing was the type that Jing was good at and liked.

It is precisely because he can play the bass and his level is not low, and he can play solo naturally even on a low-pitched instrument like bass, that Scotch Whisky chose the bass case as a cover for his firearms.

His gaze fell coldly on the dark black bass box.

So, what is there pretending to be, or in other words, waiting for his arrival?


"Well, this is where I hit the killer." Ayumi pointed to the ground under her feet that was still wet from the rain that had just stopped. "I was going to turn here, and then, this guy rushed over."

"Yes, it should be right here. The error will not exceed one meter." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya affirmed, "When we heard Ayumi's cry, we rushed over immediately, and this is where it is."

"So, did the prisoner escape because you guys came here together?" Miwako Sato frowned.

The reason why this case has a bad impact is not only the nature of its serial murders, but more importantly, the murderer is a murderer who is constantly evolving.

Four similar cases have occurred in nearby neighborhoods, and the victims were all frail young women.

Basically, when they entered a sparsely populated alley, street corner, etc. alone, they were suddenly attacked by a murderer whose appearance was covered.

If there is any luck, it is that so far, no real deceased has appeared in this series of cases.

The reason why there are no dead people, but this case is described as a serial murder, is because the murderer's methods are constantly upgrading.

The first victim was only stabbed in the upper limbs with a sharp weapon and no important organs were injured. However, starting from the second case, the victim's injuries already constituted serious injuries.

The worst thing is the latest incident. The victim was stabbed nearly 30 times in the upper body and is in critical condition. He is still being cared for in the ICU ward.

This is a murderer who is constantly experimenting with his techniques, and as he practices, he becomes more and more proficient, and his emotions become more and more excited, and the next victim may appear at any time.

The case that happened today can only be said to be a matter of luck. The woman who was stabbed in the arm looked ordinary, but in fact she was a professional swordsman who had practiced Western swordsmanship for a long time.

The murderer's attack only succeeded the first time. After that, the victim decisively called out for help, and even almost caused harm to the murderer. Therefore, the murderer who failed to subdue the victim immediately had to declare failure and find a way to escape from the scene.


Miwako Sato looked at the children.

Will a murderer at such an evolutionary stage escape easily just because of the appearance of a group of primary school students?
"No. In fact, the murderer started running away before they came over." Yoshida Ayumi shook her head, "Before running away, he even pounced on me. It was scary."

"Coming to you?" Seeing that the child indeed gave some information that was not mentioned in the first inquiry, Miwako Sato's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I heard a jingle, like, well, he picked up something." Yoshida Ayumi tried hard to recall the details, trying to describe her memory at that time.

"Is it change?" Moto Kojima guessed curiously.

"Maybe it's glasses or keys, if the sound is very clear." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko tried to reason.

"Bracelets, rings, or other jewelry are also possible." Hui Yuan Ai added softly.

"In short, it may be that he accidentally dropped something that might expose his personal information while running." Conan concluded, "otherwise he wouldn't have to risk getting close to Ayumi while escaping."

In other words, that action was not to rush towards Ayumi, but to catch the item that fell off the body...

Miwako Sato nodded thoughtfully, her eyes scanning the circle of young faces one by one.

While smiling in approval, she once again felt emotional for the good quality of Tokyo citizens.

Even a group of primary school students can have such a well-founded exchange and discussion.

Oh, high school students are also very powerful. There are many detectives in Tokyo alone. It seems that a high school detective of about the same age will return to Japan in the near future...

She almost forgot that the group of elementary school students standing in front of her had become the main force in solving cases more than once.

Today's children are becoming more and more capable, and have learned internationally excellent criminal investigation techniques, and they also want to return to Japan to improve the social environment.

If these children grow up and citizens work harder to raise relevant awareness, the improvement of public security in Tokyo will be just around the corner!

Her ambition to conquer the mountains and rivers had been tempered by years of work. Miwako Sato, who had already understood that being a police officer could not save the Japanese, uttered a sigh in her heart that made Rei Furitani not far away feel his blood pressure soar when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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