Phantom Thief of Heart!but conan

Chapter 99 On why the first skill given by Death Coop is stealth

Chapter 99 On why the first skill given by Death Coop is stealth
With such a big explosion happening for no reason, the train obviously couldn't go on.

The train stopped in an emergency, and all the passengers on the train were evacuated. The tense police were afraid that this was an attack on the Shinkansen, and police cars quickly surrounded the evacuated site.

Surrounded by police officers, as the front row spectators who participated in the incident, everyone in carriage 7 was taken for questioning.

Conan and Mao Lilan, who had been in direct contact with the joker, were the most important. The two of them were surrounded by many policemen and got out of the car.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro, who drank too much last night, fell asleep in the seat, and even the earth-shattering explosion failed to wake him up. He was also surrounded by police officers and got out of the car.

The three people who were supposed to go to the capital to attend the wedding were surrounded by the police, looking at each other speechlessly.

Mao Lilan was still holding the black leather jacket that joker took off. She looked at the clothes in her hand, hesitated for a while, and did not tell the police about its origin.

Joker apparently found the bomb this time. Although he didn't understand why he asked Conan, a kid, to help him carry things, his actions at the time must have saved the lives of everyone in the car.

She misunderstood the meaning of the other party, beating someone up is already too much, and then hand it over as evidence, in case something is really found out...

So in the end, Mao Lilan simply explained why he had a fight with the other party, and how the joker broke the car window and jumped out of the car, and the suitcase exploded, trying to downplay the presence of the joker as much as possible.

Conan next to her is not as restrained as she is.

He was the one who participated most comprehensively in the whole incident. He even knew the real body of the joker and the identities of the two men in black, and he was going to provide more information so that the police could turn their suspicious attention to Gin and the others.

Conan apologized to the neighbors in his heart, and then blamed joker without hesitation.

He said that when he was passing by, he heard the man with long black hair saying "bomb" and "deal" and so on, so he directly asked what "there was a bomb in the car" meant.The man he overheard the conversation told him that he was a joker, and asked him to do himself a favor and go to the No. 7 car to find something...

In short, in order to cover his vest and at the same time persuade the police to detain the woman who traded with Gin and the others, Conan used his lifelong nonsense skills to render the whole thing into a joker's one-man show.

He heard the deal, he discovered the bomb, he directed the operation, and I was just a schoolboy passing by to help...

Therefore, the direct result of this vigorous explosion is...

"What's going on with the reporters in this world..." Tang Ze glanced at the photo on the front page of the newspaper, and closed his eyes unwillingly.

Xing Chuanhui, who was sitting opposite him, put his face on Tang Zezhao's face, and laughed loudly: "It's okay, isn't this a very handsome photo for you?"

"The point is not whether he is handsome or not!" Tang Ze grabbed the photo that took up half of the page in the newspaper, and stared at Xing Chuanhui, "How did you get this photo?"

This is a photo with extremely tricky dynamics. The white-haired strange thief is holding a bright red hook lock in one hand and a black suitcase in the other. The carriage was speeding in mid-air.

Behind him, there are shattered car window glass and flying red letter paper, as if pulling out a gorgeous tail flame.

Handsome is very handsome, but where and how was this photographed!There can't be reporters hanging on the outer wall of the train waiting for him to jump off the train to take pictures!

Horrible, just horrifying, completely incomprehensible journalistic literacy, he suspects that Trisolarans are using sophons to spy on him.

The local resident, Xing Chuanhui, was much calmer. While drinking coffee, he put Tang Ze's commuter bag on the side of the sofa: "Oh, the capture technology is really good. It seems that someone in the back compartment happened to be taking pictures of Mount Fuji outside the window. , I took it by hand."

Tang Ze patted his forehead, feeling a kind of melancholy that cannot be understood by outsiders.

No, it's not smooth at all. What kind of dynamic vision does this have to be able to complete a series of shooting actions at the moment when someone jumps out of the car, without blurring, out of focus and overexposure?
Now I can't blame Tang Ze for being handsome.

If one day the appearance of the stage is not handsome enough, it will be photographed by a Superman reporter who doesn't know where, and it will embarrass the phantom thieves, and it will have to be burdened by idols.

Tang Ze sighed, put down the newspaper, didn't bother to read the reports full of exaggerated words, picked up the coffee made by Xing Chuanhui: "How do you feel at school?"

"You should change back quickly and go to school by yourself." Xing Chuanhui sighed helplessly, "That girl named Suzuki Sonoko always likes to chase after me and talk, and my face is almost frozen with laughter... If this continues, she should Doubting my identity."

"Don't worry, she just wants to see this face. It doesn't matter what you answer. Even if you sit there with a blank expression and pretend not to hear, she won't care." Tang Ze, who is very experienced in this matter, shrugged indifferently.

Yan Gou is just here to see how you look, so can you still care about your personality?
"Actually, you need to go to school more to feel the social atmosphere of your peers. You didn't come here to work for me after working so hard. Relax and give yourself more freedom..." Tang Ze thought of this , There is an old father-like melancholy.

Xing Chuanhui wandered with his mother when he was a child, and didn't even have a stable residence. After being discovered by Shigehiko Tunkou, he could only be locked in a closed environment and trained some messy things. He still doesn't know any peers.

Knowing Tang Ze does not count, he is just young, and his actual age is closer to Toru Amuro. He is an old cucumber with green paint, and he feels that he cannot provide others with youthful energy.

"It's nothing bad." Xingchuan Hui paused, avoiding Tang Ze's gaze, "I'm quite free and relaxed now."

Tang Ze shook his head and didn't try to persuade him anymore.

Let Xing Chuanhui join the Phantom Thieves, and even take him directly into the cognitive world. Tang Ze has a certain experimental mentality, and wants to see if it is possible to produce other Personas in this world.

As described by Tang Ze and Amuro Toru, Xing Chuanhui is an existence similar to Tang Zezhao, which is very suitable for the protagonist lineup of Selling Miserable Odd Records, that is, the so-called young man who "has no place in society". If Tarot is born, then maybe he also has the possibility of awakening.

It's a pity that after Tang Ze's observations these few times, Xing Chuanhui seemed to have a heavy defense, he didn't seem to be able to awaken anything, and Tang Ze couldn't help it for the time being.

In other words, it was precisely because he was facing Tang Ze, whom he regarded as a miracle, that some thoughts were more difficult to express.

Take your time, don't be in a hurry, Tang Ze shrugged.

The Phantom Thieves are not lacking in fighting strength, and Tang Ze alone is more than sufficient. Even if Xing Chuanhui can really awaken, Tang Ze will give him one hand, and he will still be unable to defeat him.

He is brother hang, and also the appointed wild protagonist, can any persona user be able to fight against it?Then he ate the whole book of persona on the spot.

"Okay, let's remove the makeup, and then we'll go to the subway. I've heard the names of a few scumbags in the past few days, so I can go and clear them up." Tang Ze finished his coffee, stretched his waist, stood up, and moved around. Limbs and joints, "Then I went back to the cafe to rest. I have traveled a long way today, so I am so tired."

...My arms are still a little sore, Mao Lilan, it's really scary.

Thanks to Xing Chuanhui for sponsoring [Patience], if there is no buff that reduces pain sensation, it will be more than just soreness.

Next time, try to only fight with her when you are in the form of the monster. It is difficult to feel at ease if you don't open a thing to absorb and heal.

"Okay, here we come." Xing Chuanhui breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and skillfully removed the mask on his face.

"Drove to the bottom this time." After the event, Tang Ze stroked his chin expectantly. "Now the bombing on the Shinkansen should be widely circulated... Maybe the new area has become so popular with Joker. It's open, give it a try."

Following Conan is really a good job, and any sensational news can be mixed in. Tang Ze, who entered the Impression Space today, has a high sense of anticipation and high emotions.

Therefore, when Qin Jiu's phone call came in, the background sound on Tang Ze's side was the fierce gunshots of submachine guns shooting wildly at the shadow, and the shadow's desperate wailing.

Gin: "..."

So they applied for so many arms, are they really planning to bloodbath Mihua Town?
(End of this chapter)

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