Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2.

Chapter 254 That Sword (49)

Chapter 254 That Sword (49)

Although Shen Ninghua had no choice but to take action against Princess Yushuang, she also took advantage of the situation to benefit herself.

Killing several birds with one stone provokes the princess and Concubine Wu into a fight.

It would be better if the princess was removed because of this. She believed that with the eldest son in her belly, she would be the new princess and not Concubine Wu.

She wants to be a princess just for the sake of her status as a princess.

Zi Hua had reason to believe that Shen Ninghua's intention was to leave his father and keep his son.

The two most important concubines in Prince Duan's backyard were all pointed out to Prince Duan by Emperor Huaiqing. None of the three were efficient, so Zihua had to suspect that Emperor Huaiqing had chosen the three on purpose.

"How did Shen Qianqian discover the secret of Shen Ninghua?" Yuhua had some doubts about this.

The secret guard found out that Shen Qianqian had accidentally encountered Shen Ninghua and Prince Liang having a private meeting at Yanming Temple.

Shen Qianqian didn't say anything at the time. Until recently, she wanted Shen Ninghua to help her, so she used this matter to blackmail her aunt Shen Ninghua.

It is not a good thing for a concubine of the palace to have an affair with someone, so the investigation of Prince Duan's palace was done secretly to prevent Prince Duan's reputation from being ruined if word got out.

He was also concerned about the royal family's face, so to the outside world, Shen Ninghua's matter was just a fight between concubines.

Now Shen Ninghua was ostensibly scolded by the prince, banned, and placed under house arrest in Qiuxiangyuan.

After this incident, the entire Prince Duan's Mansion was carefully sorted out, and anyone with any problems was cleared out.

When it came to sorting out the palace personnel, Qin Fei came over and asked Zi Hua for help. Zi Hua helped and caught out the spies sent by others who had been hiding well.

Of course, none of the people buried in the palace moved.

Shen Qianqian cannot be arrested and interrogated openly, it can only be investigated sideways.

Shen Qianqian kept her secret very well and never told anyone except Shen Ninghua.

What Shen Ninghua knew was what Shen Qianqian told her, saying that Shen Qianqian bumped into it accidentally.

Zihua was ready to make some on-the-spot inquiries to find out.

What Zi Hua wants to inquire about is not the Shen Mansion but the Xiao Mansion.

She seemed to smell traces of Xiao Bangyuan's techniques in Shen Ning's paintings.

The Xiao Siyuan in Wang Yujiao's memory was very fond of secretly playing with people's hearts.

If what Shen Ning painted was Xiao Bangyuan's handiwork, then Xiao Bangyuan's purpose deserves further investigation.

According to her observations in the past few years, Xiao Bangyuan and Xiao Bangqi had a very good relationship. Xiao Bangqi wanted to marry Princess Yushuang, but Xiao Bangyuan would only help him.

Xiao Bangqi's marriage to Prince Duanqin's palace is good for both the Xiao family and Xiao Bangyuan. It is expected that Xiao Bangyuan will not sabotage it secretly.

Since Xiao Bangqi returned to Beijing, Zihua asked Xiao Bangqi to be the one who followed Little Bee and did not go to Xiao Bangyuan again.

Before Zihua arrived at the Xiao Mansion, she had already met Xiao Bangyuan.

Xiao Bangyuan seemed to have drunk a little too much. When he came out of the restaurant, he accidentally bumped into someone.

The person she bumped into was also recognized by Zhou Hua. He was Zheng Yao.

Zheng Yao was seriously ill last time, just like the time Wang Yujiao traveled through time. Zheng Da spent a lot of effort and money to hire a famous doctor from other places to treat his younger brother. Zheng Yao's physical condition improved. In addition to being thin, he was not as good as him. There is not much difference between the teenagers of his age.

Zheng Yao was not knocked down by Xiao Bang, but Xiao Bang fell to the side because of his unsteady steps.

Zheng Yao caught Xiao Si in time and prevented him from falling.

Xiao Bangyuan's hands also grasped Zheng Yao's arms. After he stabilized his center of gravity, Xiao Bangyuan smiled apologetically at Zheng Yao, "Thank you so much, young master. If it weren't for you, Xiao might have made a joke here. .”

Zheng Yao responded with a polite smile, "It's nothing, Mr. Xiao is too polite." He was not used to being so close to strangers and wanted to pull away his arm.

Xiao Siyuan let go of one of Zheng Yao's arms, but still held the other arm, "I wonder what family the young master comes from?"

"My surname is Zheng. My brother is General Zheng Da." Zheng Yao twitched his arm again but failed to pull it away. Instead, he felt the other party pulling him tighter.

I don't know whether the other party meant it or not, but the hand that grabbed his arm squeezed his arm.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, and he said with a straight face, "Master Xiao, can you let me go."

"It's Mr. Zheng. I've admired him for a long time." Xiao Bangyuan stroked Zheng Yao's arm again.

Zheng Yao got angry and said, "Let go." "Look at me, I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng." Only then did Xiao Siyuan let go of Zheng Yao's hand.

Zheng Yao didn't want to enter the restaurant and left with a straight face.

Xiao Bangyuan smiled at Zheng Yao's back and then left.

Zi Hua saw that Xiao Si was not drunk at all and had bumped into Zheng Yao on purpose.

Although Xiao Bangyuan was a man of both genders, he hid himself very well and would never provoke a member of a good family, let alone take advantage of a young master from a general's family on the street at the risk of being discovered.

Xiao Siyuan's behavior towards Zheng Yao can only be explained by temptation.

Why test Zheng Yao?
Zihua almost has the answer.

The Xiao Si in front of me is original, so the one with the problem is probably Xiao Siqi.

Some time ago, Xiao Binqi was sent out of the capital. The spying bees had distance restrictions and could not monitor Xiao Binqi at all times.

Zihua placed another snooping bee next to Xiao Bangyuan.

Two days later, the recovered snooping bees had news about Xiao Siqi.

"Xiao Binqi is coming back?"


As the sun set, an ordinary carriage followed the flow of people entering Beijing and entered the city before the city gate closed.

The carriage was so ordinary that no one passing by would give it a second glance.

The carriage wandered through the streets and alleys and arrived at a quiet corner gate of Xiao Mansion.

Night has fallen, and there are no pedestrians outside the corner gate.

The carriage stopped in front of the corner gate.

The corner door opened from the inside and the carriage drove in.

Zihua arrived just in time, arriving when the carriage drove into the Xiao family's yard, and followed the carriage into the yard.

She is hidden and no one can see her.

After entering the yard, the carriage stopped, the curtain opened, and a man got out of the carriage.

The man wore a large bamboo hat, covering most of his face.

The young man in green clothes who opened the corner door shouted respectfully, "Fourth Young Master. Second Young Master is already waiting for you in your study."

The person wearing the bamboo hat was Xiao Siqi, who ranked fourth in the Xiao family.

Xiao Siqi had not finished his errands. He returned to the capital secretly, so he was dressed like this.

"Yeah." Xiao Bangqi responded.

Zihua approached Xiao Binqi.

Xiao Binqi seemed to be aware of it, and his eyes under the bamboo hat looked in the direction of Zihua.

But the place he looked at was empty, without anyone.

The young man in green clothes looked over and asked doubtfully, "Fourth Young Master?"

Zihua was not surprised by Xiao Binqi's reaction.

Hidden props are aimed at ordinary people, and they are not as good as ordinary Taoist talismans in terms of level. Among ordinary people, there are those with keener perceptions, such as Xiao Binqi, who will be aware of them.

Xiao Siqi's soul aura was much stronger than that of ordinary people, and his perception became sharper.

The boy in green didn't sense anything.

Zi Hua released her mental power to confirm again, and Xiao Binqi's soul changed, showing traces of the power of time and space.

He was reborn, or he received memories from the future.

(End of this chapter)

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