[Li Ah Jiu must die!Don't tell me that the murderer also has the right to appeal, Li Ah Jiu doesn't!Let him die early! 】

[There are many people like Li Ajiu, and it is often reported that the pumpkin field contracted by others was chopped down as soon as the pumpkins were ripe; Luo was cut down all the fruit trees.

Sometimes it is not a single person, but a group of people who work together to destroy.

This kind of person is just a waste of himself, and he can't see others living well, and as long as others have the possibility of living well, they will be destroyed first.I am in the mud, I don't want to think about how to get out of the mud pit, I just drag others into the mud. 】

[There are too many people like this, and my company has one. The order I was about to sign just now was disturbed secretly by my colleagues. 】

Li Ah Jiu's evil and cruelty aroused public indignation, and the whole network unanimously demanded that Li Ah Jiu be sentenced to death early, because he does not deserve to live longer.

Mu Xuelian was murdered because she was too good to be accepted.

Anyone who is a little self-motivated wants to make himself better and make his life better, but what Li Ah Jiu has done makes people feel worried, afraid that there is a Li Ah Jiu hidden by his side, When my efforts are about to succeed, I use bad tricks to drag myself into the mud again, and all my hard work goes to naught.

Moreover, people like Li Ah Jiu, before their dark and dirty thoughts are put into action, appear to be a normal person, even a good person, making it hard to guard against.

For example, Li Ajiu, in the eyes of the villagers, has always been a good person, hardworking and reliable. He has helped the Mu family and other villagers a lot for decades, and no one thinks that he is a murderer.

m This shattered the aggressiveness of the masses and at the same time provoked the ire of almost everyone.

At the same time, it also made He Danhua popular again.

Because it was He Danhua who discovered the hand bones and recognized the unusualness of the hand bones, Li Ah Jiu was finally brought to justice.

【Fortunately, God couldn’t see it. A wild beast brought the hand bones and severed fingers outside the cave, giving Mu Xuelian a chance to avenge her death. 】

[Have you noticed that there is a sentence in the announcement, which is to thank He Danhua for his great assistance. What does it mean?Refers to He Danhua's accidental discovery of hand bones and severed fingers?I feel a little unreasonable. 】

[Is it possible that the little cousin participated in solving the case?Her powers of observation are not so strong, it’s not that she discovered the hand bones, Mu Xuelian’s bones will be discovered at some point, it may become a secret forever]

Opinions vary as to what aspect of the official thanks to He Danhua for his assistance.

There is no doubt that He Danhua has officially registered.

This is one of Xihuati's requirements.

If you do a good deed, you must leave a name, so that those who should know know that she has her back to the country, and she has to be somewhat scruples if she wants to play tricks on the He family.

There may also be other actions.

In the plot, the car accident that He Jinye encounters is very suspicious.

If it was artificial, it wasn't the Qin family but the forces of the Qin family. At that time, in the He family, only He Jinye had the ability to turn things around.

If he could attack He Jinye, he might also attack other He family members.

The reason why the Qin family's forces attacked He's earlier than in the plot should not be because Luo Yiyan wanted to advance, but because He had something that allowed them to attack earlier.

Compared with the plot, the most different thing about He's is He's technology, which is the intelligent robotic arm she gave out.

Before she recovered her memory, she could do her best and would not lower her own level. The intelligent robotic arm technology she gave out is still ahead of the world level two years later.

He's has already attached great importance to this technology, but He's just getting started in the technology industry, and lacks awareness of the greater benefits that this technology may bring. Compared with He's technology, He's focus is still on He's on the estate.

In all likelihood someone would want to take this technology for themselves.

If her deduction is correct, He Jincheng who takes out the intelligent robotic arm will be in danger.

She never imagined that some people would have any bottom line for the sake of profit.

Xi Hua was willing to be a target and focus the fire on herself.


Tan Jingnian asked Luo Yiyan, "Yanyan, have you found out, where did the instrument in He Danhua's hand come from?"

The public can notice the words of the police announcement, and they will not fail to pay attention. When preparing to encircle and suppress the He family, they will not let go of any changes related to the He family.

They checked, and it was He Danhua who handed in a device capable of interfering with brainwaves. The police used this device to pry Li Ah Jiu's mouth and make him confess.

No matter how many things were not found out, such as where did the equipment come from and why was it handed over by He Danhua.

He asked He Mingna, and He Mingna's tone in this regard was quite tight, and she didn't say anything useful.

Seeing that Tan Jingnian didn't get close to her as usual when he came back, and only asked about He Danhua, Luo Yiyan felt uncomfortable, but she also knew that this was not the time for her to be willful, and she blamed He Danhua for ruining her reputation. Said, and made her lose her confidence when facing Tan Jingnian, fearing that Tan Jingnian would have a grudge against her.

She took a deep breath, sorted out her state of mind, and said, "I asked He Mingpei, and he said that he didn't know much about He Danhua than netizens.

But his second uncle once said that He Danhua was a genius, they didn't believe it before, but looking at it now, maybe his second uncle wasn't lying.As for the instrument, He Mingpei only knew that He Danhua brought it there. "

Tan Jingnian frowned, "Did it really come from He Danhua's hands?"

They had guessed that He Danhua created this possibility by himself, but when they thought of the advanced technology of the intelligent robotic arm in He's hand, it was hard for them to believe this guess.

He Danhua almost never leaves Hanhu Manor, and has no contact with outsiders. More than two years ago, He Danhua was 13 years old, how could he have the ability to independently manufacture intelligent robotic arms.

They are more likely to be bought by He Jincheng from other people.

He Jincheng has one advantage. He is good at making friends. He has friends from the upper circles, from three religions and nine streams, both at home and abroad.

The insider of He's Technology also confirmed that the intelligent robotic arm technology was taken by He Jincheng.

They wanted to find the person who gave He Jincheng the intelligent mechanical technology, but after searching for a long time, they couldn't find out who it was.

Luo Yiyan didn't want to talk about He Danhua, so she tried to change the subject, "Jingnian, what happened to those prescriptions? Can't they go into production yet?"

She remembered that in her last life, the Guan family quickly got the production license and started production. The Qin family should get the production license faster than the Guan family.

Qin Jingnian was focused on other aspects, and casually replied, "I'm still doing experiments, and I haven't obtained a production permit."

Luo Yiyan didn't know what was going on, and her heart skipped a beat.


After receiving the message from the system, Yu Hua said to the system, "Keep an eye on Tan Jingnian and check the whereabouts of those prescriptions."

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