Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2.

Chapter 769 She is Immortal (59)

The low-Earth aircraft that Jing Lin and his party were riding in entered Black Phoenix Mountain from the north and stopped at a designated place.

After getting out of the aircraft, the group spontaneously approached the nearby grass and trees.

Hua Qing drove her aircraft and deliberately parked it near grass and trees.

After walking down, the group came to the lush vegetation.

Huo Shan reached out and touched the petals of a pink flower. The soft touch made her feel as if she had not been there for a long time. Even though she had only been back for more than a month, she felt as if she had not been there for a long time.

"Don't touch it!" Hua Qing said too late. Huo Shan had already touched it. She smiled at Hua Qing and said, "It's okay. These are not poisonous."

Almost all the plants on the waste planet Saturn have been poisoned and mutated. Not to mention touching them, you may be harmed if you get too close.

So even though the group knew that the vegetation on Black Phoenix Mountain was native and generally non-toxic, they subconsciously took precautions and did not reach out to touch it.

After Huo Shan demonstrated, the others extended their hands.

After touching the green grass and beautiful flowers with their own hands, the group no longer doubted the authenticity of the mountain and realized that the vegetation on the mountain was not a holographic image.

"We are saved, right?" Hua Qing, who is always calm, couldn't contain his inner excitement.

Several people immediately nodded in agreement.

In addition to flowers and plants, the ancient buildings on Black Phoenix Mountain also excited them.

Jing Lin was less optimistic and asked Huo Shan, "Are they from the ancient world?"

When the aircraft flew in, they saw the people on Black Phoenix Mountain through the porthole.

After Huo Shan came back, she described in detail her experiences in the two worlds. Looking at the clothes of the people in Black Phoenix Mountain, they seemed to be the attire of the ancient people that Huo Shan had mentioned.

The weapons of that ancient world were still mainly cold weapons, so how could they be used against the lizard people?

Huo Shan affirmed, "Yes, Commander." Although the ancient costumes worn by the people here were slightly different from those she had seen in Anyuan County, they were still ancient costumes for sure.

Jing Lin nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, before coming here, he had already thought about which world the people brought by Mu Jun came from. The modern world was only a semi-real world, and it was more likely that they came from ancient time and space.

Now it's just confirmed.

The people on Black Phoenix Mountain were also very excited about the arrival of Jing Lin and his party.

People who were nearby rushed to the square in front of Hill No. 1, which was formerly the Shengzu Mountain, to see the wonder of the near-earth aircraft.

Seeing it in a holographic image is different from seeing the real thing.

"This near-earth vehicle looks older than the model in the hologram."

"I wonder what kind of defensive weapon it is equipped with. It would be nice if I could see a beam of bullets."

Jing Lin and his group of "future people" also made them curious.

The ten years on Black Phoenix Mountain changed and greatly supplemented their cognition. In terms of civilization progress, they were "ancient people", at least a thousand years behind the people on the Wasteland Planet.

"Is this combat uniform you are wearing? How defensive is it?"

"This is thistle, a herb that stops bleeding, and this is the crabapple tree..."

The rebels had more questions. "So you really speak the same language as us, then what is your writing like? Is it also pictographic Chinese characters?"

"You actually have holographic images? And you know about beam bullets? Are you really ancient people?"

"This is what the ancients wore. It's really beautiful, but it's a pity that we can't wear it in battle." "Why can't we wear it? It doesn't matter what clothes you wear when using witch energy weapons. Besides, today is the Dragon Boat Festival in May. This is our holiday attire. We have special combat uniforms."

“Dragon Boat Festival in May?”

The people of Black Phoenix Mountain have learned the accent of the Saturn people, so there is no problem for the two sides to communicate.

This also indirectly proves that the two worlds have the same origin.

Soon, the two groups mixed together, asking endless questions.

It's curiosity, but also testing and inquiring. After all, the two parties are from two different worlds, and it is impossible to say that they become close friends as soon as they meet.

As the commander of the corps, Jing Lin did not join the group of people who were investigating.

The people from Black Phoenix Mountain recognized the shoulder straps that Jing Lin was wearing as the insignia of a legion commander, and they tactfully did not approach or disturb him.

Jing Lin gave this some additional considerations.

Without making him wait any longer, several people came towards him.

"Captain, Mu Jun is here." Huo Shan quickly recognized "herself" among the several people who came over.

His appearance is similar to his ancient self, but his temperament is completely different. It’s not because he is older.

She thought for a moment that if she had lived to this age in ancient time and space, she and the "her" in front of her must be two different people.

She was able to recognize Yuhua quickly because Yuhua had the same unique aura as the Yuhua she met in the modern world, strong and domineering but not overbearing.

Huo Shan did not reveal the fact that Yinghua used her body in ancient times.

"Welcome to Black Phoenix Mountain." Yun Muhuai took a step forward and clasped his fists to Jing Lin. "I am Yun Muhuai, the commander of the Black Phoenix Army. Nice to meet you. This is Feng Mujun, the chief of the Black Phoenix Mountain Military Council."

Huo Shan looked at Yun Mu Huai curiously. As expected, this man was her blood uncle in ancient time and space.

She was only curious and had no idea of ​​recognizing him. To her, Huo Shan on the wasteland was her. If life in the modern world still made her a little nostalgic and she wanted to fulfill her father Huo Changguo's last wish, without Huo Shanniu's ancient time and space, she had nothing to worry about.

Originally, she thought that the ancient time and space was just a dream. Although she later discovered that it was not a dream but a time travel, she was unable to completely integrate into it.

In the ancient time and space, the only person she cared about was Huo Shanniu. Everyone else had nothing to do with her, just like the end of the movie, and she, the offline actor, had nothing to do with the character in the movie anymore.

She felt the same way. Perhaps because there was no blood relationship between them, she did not feel any closeness to Mu Huai Yun. It was no different from meeting other people on Black Phoenix Mountain.

Jing Lin already knew that the fist-clasping salute was a courtesy among ancient warriors. There was no doubt in his mind that the people here were all "ancient people."

He imitated Mu Huai and saluted, "Nice to meet you. I am Jing Lin, the commander of the first legion of the rebel army." He also saluted to Hua, "We finally meet." He was puzzled about why Mu Jun became Feng Mu Jun, but did not ask.

Yinghua returned his greeting, "Nice to meet you."

The two sides introduced their entourage to each other without much exchange of pleasantries.

The square was not a place to sit down and discuss matters, so Yun Muhuai extended his hand and said, "Captain Jinglin, please."

Jing Lin looked in the direction where Mu Huai's hand was pointing, but there was nothing there. He thought they were heading to a small building built with straight green tree trunks a few hundred meters away.

But the guest should follow the host's wishes, and this distance was nothing to him.

Jing Lin and his group followed behind Yun, Mu Huai, Yun Hua and others.

After walking about 30 meters, Jing Lin saw a building in front of him. (End of this chapter)

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