Chapter 17 Zombie Tide

Although the rewards seem generous, most people are afraid to accept this task.

Let alone how much time it takes to grow vegetables, what if one fails?

Besides, they play games for excitement, not to grow vegetables.

But there are always some people who don't like to fight and kill.

For example, Taoist Kong Kong, if it wasn't for upgrading, he wouldn't even want to leave the base.

He is already an old man, and he has grown a lot of vegetables in reality, but unfortunately... he is old and his legs are inconvenient. His son and daughter gave him a lot of living expenses, and even hired a nanny.

But lying in bed all year round made him lose hope in life until the appearance of this game.

Everyone in Taoist Kong Kong quickly found Qing Ye, "My lord, is there anyone to take over the job of growing vegetables?"

Qing Ye shook her head, "Not yet, are you qualified for this job?"

Taoist Kongkong: "This old man can definitely do it. In reality, this old man grows a lot of vegetables."

"Okay, then this task will be entrusted to you. I will give you half of the salary in advance for your living expenses."

Saying that, Qing Ye transferred 1500 energy points to Taoist Kongkong.

Taoist Kongkong didn’t expect that a game could advance salary in advance, which moved him a bit and regretted that he stopped his children from playing games when he was young.

"Thank you Lord Lord, I will definitely do this well." Taoist Kong Kong thanked again.

Qing Ye nodded, without showing too much emotion, after all, she is just an NPC now.

Back in his room, the system sound suddenly rang.

[10 kilometers to the north of the warm base, there was a riot of as many as a thousand zombies. In order to ensure the safety of the warm base, the host is invited to investigate in person. 】

[Mission Reward: Warm Base opens Level [-] Defense Mode]

Qing Ye is a little puzzled, this is the first time the system has issued a mission to her, and most of the time it is dominated by her.

It seems that the zombie riot over there is a bit serious.

In order not to expose the existence of the Warm Base, Qing Ye really had to go there in person.

So she released the task without hesitation.

[Dear players, please leave the game within 60 minutes]

[The server will be shut down and updated after 60 minutes]

It's not that Qing Ye wants to stop the server from time to time, it's just that the Blue Star players haven't been able to think that the doomsday wasteland is a real world for the time being.

Players seem to have become accustomed to the hardcore operation of the doomsday wasteland.

After receiving the news, they all quickly returned to the base and went offline.

After everyone went offline, Aoba left the base with the best equipment currently available.

She has been bound to the base, even if she is not in the base, she can know everything that happened in the base, so there is no need to bring Bai Qiu with her.

10 kilometers is not very short, with Qing Ye's current physical fitness, it took nearly an hour and a half to arrive at the place indicated by the system.

The closer you get to that direction, the more oppressive you feel.

Looking around, there is a sea of ​​zombies in the dark area.

This situation is very abnormal. According to Bai Qiu, the army of zombies should not have arrived here so fast.

Could it be that there is a new Zombie Emperor?

"System, do you have the ability to record all of this?"


"Then you do a high-altitude recording!"

"These zombies are used to feed the players to grow."

Although it didn't take long to build a warm base, Qing Ye gradually felt something unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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