Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 246 Reversal of the Neglected Little Person

Chapter 248 Reversal of the Neglected Little Person

The old man had rich life experience, and he immediately thought that Lin Sisi might have a tiny camera hidden on her body, and then live broadcast on the Internet. In this way, the dirty water poured on Lin Sisi would be poured back into her stomach. After all, Lin Sisi would live broadcast in the audience. You can't sell yourself on stage, damn it.

Seeing the old man's twisted expression, Lin Sisi knew that he had guessed her plan.

"Are you angry at your own stupidity or my cunningness?"

Facing Lin Sisi's teasing, the old man's face was gloomy. He didn't say a word and just clapped his hands. Then two men in black walked in. The old man waved for them to take Lin Sisi away.

Lin Sisi didn't expect the enemy to be so bold, but as a prostitute, she could only go out obediently.

"Never overestimate your own wisdom, for he is vulnerable to violence."

The old man glanced at the man in black, who immediately blocked Lin Sisi's mouth and took Lin Sisi hostage and retreated through the back door.

He wanted to make cooked rice from raw rice, that is, to make Lin Sisi faint, and take some private photos of her and men, of course in a lustful image, so that his plan could still succeed!

There was a proud smile on the corner of the old man's mouth, but after three seconds, the smile disappeared because there were two people standing opposite, one was Lin Sisi's manager, and the other was a friend of the manager.

"Aren't they also being controlled? How can they regain their freedom?"

The old man's question was quickly answered because a healthy young man who was the manager's friend rushed over like a flying star!

In the blink of an eye, a man in black was knocked down. In another moment of panic, Lin Sisi's high heels stepped heavily on the opponent's feet. The man in black let out a howl like a slaughtering pig. In an instant, he was stopped by a healthy young man and he was knocked unconscious. Now, the old man is alone.

"Old sir, never underestimate wisdom, because violence appears childish in front of it."

Facing the three of them, the old man did not panic, remained graceful, and even applauded Lin Sisi.

"I have to say that you are really powerful, but don't get too happy too early. We have thousands of people like this in our organization. Can you finish the fight?"

One sentence exposed the old man's cruelty and ruthlessness.

"What do I have to do so that you are willing to give up?"

"It's very simple. You can quit the network, disband your team, and disappear from sight. Of course, you can also choose to cooperate with us to achieve a win-win situation."

"Why do you have to target me?"

Lin Sisi had made many guesses about this question and had received answers before, but she thought she might be able to find the real answer tonight.

Lin Sisi's guess was good. The old man really gave her the answer. If she blocked the old man's way of making money, she would have to die.

The answer is cheesy but true.

After the old man finished answering, he suddenly raised his right hand, and a sports car suddenly rushed out of the darkness and headed straight for Lin Sisi and the other three. They dodged and the old man got in the car and ran away, leaving a message to Lin Sisi before leaving.

"Young man, it's not that I don't have wisdom, I just always thought it was useless against you." Looking at the disappearing sports car, Lin Sisi felt a chill down her back. The old man's words were a formal declaration of war, but how could she be afraid?

The next day, the charity dinner caused an uproar on the Internet. Thanks to the tiny camera on the healthy young man, the entire process was broadcast live online. Lin Sisi's fans increased by 20.00%, and her commercial value increased by [-]%. The results were gratifying.

But the atmosphere in the office is not pleasant, on the contrary, it is annoying.

The members were very dissatisfied with Lin Sisi's attitude of not discussing or disclosing things beforehand. They all thought it was a sign of distrust of everyone. Although no one said it, everyone showed their resentment on their faces.

"It's not that I don't trust everyone, but the matter is urgent and the risks are extremely high. If everyone knows about it, they will definitely stop me, and then the plan will be ruined."

Lin Sisi explained with the greatest sincerity, but with little effect. The manager felt distressed but was helpless. Lin Sisi knew very well that the plan made the old man's conspiracy go bankrupt, but it further aggravated the distrust between herself and the members, and the rift became even bigger!
The manager advised Lin Sisi to take a vacation to ease the atmosphere, but Lin Sisi rejected it.

"If I were to take a holiday at this time, everyone would think that I was preparing to start a new business, and the outside world would speculate a lot. Rumors would fly all over the sky, and everything would be over."

After the agent heard this reason, she felt like her head was spinning. This was really a dilemma. However, Lin Sisi calmed down in the fog. She began to analyze several recent events and connect them in series.

"In my opinion, we can further narrow down the scope of this infiltrator. He should be a member of our core senior management!"

Lin Sisi then explained that the average member does not know their own itinerary, including the arrangements of their agent, so they cannot confirm the key itinerary and conduct key surveillance. After all, if monitored 24 hours a day, it will be easy to be discovered and it will be self-defeating.

"Your analysis makes sense, but under normal circumstances, betraying your boss either means the boss pays you less, or the boss ignores you and thinks you are underappreciated. However, these two situations do not exist here."

"What you are saying is normal logic, but you need to know that everyone has their own hidden hobbies. Some hobbies may be weird habits, and some may require a lot of money. It is natural to take risks for this purpose. "

Lin Sisi's words made the manager's eyes light up. He thought it was necessary to tell the police about the matter so that the police could narrow down the scope. Lin Sisi stopped him again.

"The police may not listen to you even if you say it. Instead, they will easily alert others. I will do this myself."

"You can say that, but where do we start?"

"When the old man was chatting with me again, he said something like this. He knew it as soon as I went out. It shows that someone is following me anytime and anywhere."

The agent made a helpless expression, saying this was the same as not saying it, but Lin Sisi didn't think so.

"Let me ask you a question, which one is safer, a stranger following you or someone who knows your driving habits, your style of doing things, and even what you are used to doing in the car?"

It was obviously the latter, and the agent's mind was opened again.

"I'm going to sort out who often works as your driver, and then ask detectives to investigate these people's itineraries that night!"

The agent was very excited, but Lin Sisi seemed very dull. After all, although this reasoning was impeccable, it was not necessarily the case. The old man would most likely arrange for his subordinates instead of following him secretly, which would be a waste of time.

The agent firmly believes in this reasoning. His reason is that God bless good people!
What the hell kind of excuse is this!

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