Candidates for the third year of high school?

Oh, no, normally this little girl should be in her second year of high school!

Second product!
Ta Ma is also only the second rank!

He has lived in vain for so many years~
This is also the reason why he can agree with Wang Jinyang to get in the car.

All of them are better than themselves, especially when they saw the group of warriors sent for the exam outside the exam room.

The accompanying teacher has become numb.

Sure enough, good people are surrounded by evildoers.

All of those guys are amazing.

It looks like he can crush a dozen of them to death~
The teacher wanted to continue asking questions.

The accompanying teacher of the affiliated high school said: "Don't be so nervous, take the students from your school away, if you provoke again, do it again, I guarantee that they can go home without a physical examination."

The dignified second-rank warriors who want Qi and blood pressure are noobs who are not quasi-warriors.

One press a big nest, okay!
Zhang Ni was really annoyed that none of these students had to go through the physical examination.

The teacher accompanying the exam hurriedly came over and said, "Student Zhang, it's alright, you've worked hard, prepare for the exam well, and don't let the little ones get into a bad mood!"

Teacher from another school: ... what people said?
Obviously we suffered a loss, okay?
But when I think about it, I'm right, I can't let the children affect my mood.

Run over quickly.

Persuade to persuade, coax to coax.

Get the students to their seats.

The physical examination is coming soon, if something goes wrong after being frightened, there is really no place to cry.

The students of the affiliated high school were all amazed!
Boys wearing glasses are more excited.

"Student Zhang, are you so good? I heard that the other school's genius has a 140 card. You... just got over it in one go. Doesn't that mean you are better than them?"

"It must be powerful, haven't you watched Pawo? Has it really reached 170 cards? Isn't that a quasi-warrior?"

"No, if you are a prospective warrior, Zhang Ni must have said it!"

"That's right, if the teacher doesn't help them up, they won't be able to get up."

"Student Zhang is not bragging!"

"I'm so envious of you, classmate Zhang, are you missing a pendant?"

"A single pendant is unlucky, add me one, it would be nice to have two in pairs!"


Even the girl who was sour in the car joined the team of playing treasure.

Seeing these guys playing tricks, Zhang Ni smiled softly: "You haven't been affected, have you?"

"No, just now the power of your blood was from them on the opposite side. We didn't feel it. We just saw them lying there with a bang. I didn't feel flustered or depressed anymore."

It is really uncomfortable to be exploded by the power of the opponent's blood.

As soon as Zhang Ni yelled at each other, they didn't feel uncomfortable anymore.

They didn't know that Zhang Ni had just crushed a top-quality Qi and Blood Pill.

Although it is not as good as taking it directly, the effect of so many people inhaling a top-quality Qi and Blood Pill is still quite good.

Even the boys wearing glasses recovered better than when they were in school.

Especially now it's so cool!

The value of Qi and blood has increased more or less.

Zhang Nini: "It's good that it's not affected."

Zhang Ni quietly stood back to the designated position and waited for the physical examination to begin.


Then, the other students also consciously stood back to their positions.

A strange scene appeared.

In the entire physical examination hall, among the thousands of students and accompanying teachers, none of them spoke.

Those guys who looked at the affiliated high school were full of faces: the evildoer is there, please keep quiet and shivering!
When the inspector in the monitoring room saw this scene, he couldn't help praising: It really is a quality school, and it's so self-conscious when no one is in charge!

other people:……

As soon as the door of the medical examination center opened, there was no extra nonsense.

The martial arts examination has officially begun!

The Detective Bureau, Education Bureau, and relevant government officials entered the venue one after another.

At the entrance of the five teams in batches, the identity information was checked, the admission ticket was checked, and all irrelevant items were placed outside the medical examination center.

As each student entered the physical examination, he began the physical examination.

The Nanjiang Provincial College Entrance Examination Monitoring System Center also focused on many people.

They are all looking at the situation of candidates in the province's jurisdiction.

One of them was Zhang Dingnan, governor of Nanjiang.

The old god was watching.

At first glance, there is no tension at all.

Also not nervous was Gu You, director of the Nanjiang Municipal Education Bureau.

This guy and Zhang Dingnan were drinking tea, discussing from time to time whether the rewards for this year's college entrance examination should be increased, the penalties should be reduced, and there are many good candidates.

I saw that the Detective Bureau and the people sent by other bureaus to help were quite helpless.

"I heard that in several provinces, the directors of education were taken away for investigation because they were too poor. Is Mr. Gu not worried at all?"

Gu You calmly looked at the speaker.

An old friend from the Detective Agency.

One likes to move his mouth, and the other likes to move his hands.

The two often fight, but the result of the fight is not very gratifying.

Because there is always no result.

Gu You didn't want to pay attention to him, he was a rough boss, so it's not appropriate to talk to him here.

There are outsiders~
Among these people, there was also an inspector who came to Nanjiang Province, and he was even more displeased to see these people.

The governor and the director of education, who have no sense of tension, have given up struggling completely?
Then let him find some excitement.

"Director Gu, there are no candidates for martial arts in Nanjiang this year, right?"

Gu You nodded indifferently: "Well, there really aren't any." There are second-rank and quasi-warriors.

Zhang Dingnan glanced at him and continued drinking tea.

Gu You pretended to be helpless and said again: "I heard that there are not many martial arts candidates in other provinces, are they inspectors?"

"The General Administration will conduct an overall ranking of the provinces this year. The provincial education bureau and related units with the lowest ranking will be audited. Has Gu Bureau heard of it?"

"I heard that the notice has been issued a long time ago. I haven't been able to eat or sleep well these days, but I'm suffering. Tsk, this tea is really good!"


This guy is infuriating.

I have long known that Nanjiang is not a good place.

Governor Zhang Dingnan is an old and unreasonable guy.

Gu You has nothing good to say about the Director of Education.

Every year someone tried to pull him down, and every year he jumped on his seat.

I don't know why Zhang Dingnan believed him so much.

It is said that the two broke out together after graduating from university. If they hadn't started their own families, there would be other rumors if they didn't keep together.

I don't know how to be so indifferent?

"Is there anything Governor Zhang should take care of? For example, related rewards and punishments? In other provinces, the rewards are doubled, and the punishments are doubled." The inspector directly clicked on Zhang Dingnan.

I don't believe you don't even have a quasi-martial artist, but you still have the nerve to ask for rewards from above.

Zhang Dingnan is drinking tea.

Hearing this, he said very seriously: "It makes sense, Gu Ju, just follow the inspector's suggestion, double the rewards, double the rewards for schools with warriors and above, double the punishment for those who don't, Ma Dan, I really think We in Nanjiang are easy to bully, and anyone dares to point them out!"

Gu Yi changed his indifference just now, and stood up like a dog's leg.

"Do it now!"


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