Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 60 Card Master Research Notes (1)

Chapter 60 Card Master Research Notes ([-])

Ye Hengcang immediately put down his handbag, and walked up to Shi Jia in three steps at a time.His eyes locked on what the girl's subordinates were drawing.

The lines are smooth, and the source energy runs smoothly.The color is unknown, but judging from the finished petals, it shouldn't be too bad!But it doesn’t matter even if it’s poor, it’s incredible to be able to draw this step before formally learning how to make cards!

Teacher Ye didn't care to think about how this girl did all of this. He just wanted to watch her complete this painting.Of course, I look forward to turning this painting into a card!
Wushihua looks very simple, but it is not so easy to draw. The coloring part makes Shi Jia a little crazy, because her mental power is too strong, and she can analyze the Wushihua clearly. The color of the petals seems to be Single, but under the observation of Shi Jiade's mental power, each part has some differences.

'No, it can't be analyzed based on mental strength, um, let's make it blurry first, the colors don't need to be so complicated, the main thing is to be able to distinguish what kind of flower it is! '

'That's right, it's not about taking pictures, and there's no need to learn hyper-realistic painting! '

After Shi Jia had a reason to be "lazy", he started painting much faster.

"Phew~ I'm finally finished!" Shi Jia put down the dye pen and disconnected the source energy link. "Hiss~, so much source energy is consumed?"

"It's normal, is this the first time you try to draw a card?" A gentle and familiar voice sounded above his head, startling Shi Jia.

"Miss Ye, are you still here?"

"Well, I was just about to leave, and I came over when I saw you drawing cards." Ye Hengcang reached out to pick up the afternoon flower that Shi Jia had just drawn.Shi Jia wanted to stop it, but she was really embarrassed. It was her first time drawing, and she didn't do well.Although they are all drawing, there is still a difference between drawing cards and ordinary drawing.

When painting at home, Shi's mother praised her for her spirituality in painting.But I really can't get the card painting I just did.

"The lines are very good. As for the colors, I won't say much. Beginners have similar problems. You just need to practice more in private. What you need to pay attention to is that you must pay attention to the distribution of the source energy when coloring, and coloring is not easy. It needs to inject so much source energy, one-tenth is enough."

Teacher Ye's analysis was more objective, and he was indeed amazed in his heart. This child's understanding is so good, he knows how to adapt, and his mentality is also very stable.

Don't ask him how he saw it, he almost watched her entire painting process.When he saw the other party finished drawing the first lace petal, he was sweating for her.

The ultra-realistic painting style is not suitable for beginners, no, it should not be suitable for most card makers.Source energy and mental power are the biggest limitations.

He thought that the little girl couldn't hold on any longer, but he didn't expect that she would change her style of painting next, and more importantly, even though her style of painting had changed.But there is no problem with the energy connection between the petals. How terrifying is this child's control?
"Okay, thank you teacher."

"It is not advisable to have too much source energy when coloring. Don't forget that you need to grant spirits at the end. You need to consume a lot of source energy when granting spirits. But if the source energy exceeds the tolerance range of the card, then your card will be scrapped directly. .”

Teacher Ye explained to her again that these are the learning contents for tomorrow, but the student is so smart and savvy, so it's okay to say it in advance.

Shi Jia was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then worried that she had injected too much energy into the painting just now. "Then, teacher, is there any remedy?"

"You can give up this card directly, or leave it for two days to wait for the source energy to dissipate. Of course, you can also try to perform spiritual empowerment."


"It doesn't matter if you fail. Which card maker has never failed in making cards? If you fail, you can just observe the process of card failure, analyze the reasons, and sum up experience." Teacher Ye said earnestly.

"Okay, then I'll try giving spirits now." Shi Jia said as he took his afternoon flower from Teacher Ye.

Seeing the painting slipping away from his hand, Teacher Ye was stunned, and asked, "Is your source energy still sufficient? Don't you need to take a break and try tomorrow?"

"The endowment is enough." Shi Jia had already adjusted his mood, stretched out his right hand, and tapped his fingertips on the pistil of the Wushi flower, and a steady stream of energy was transmitted from the fingertips to the Wushi flower and onto the cardboard.

When the source energy was about to be full, Shi Jia started to move his fingers, and drew the spirit-sealing symbol and his own signature, "Shi" on the paper.

The moment the signature was completed, Shi Jia felt that his mental strength was taken away a little, and the information about Wu Shihua flashed in his mind like a fleeting glance.Immediately afterwards, a streamer appeared on the jammed paper.

The moment this layer of streamer appeared, Teacher Ye's eyes, which had been stared several times, widened again. He watched helplessly as the cardboard shone with streamer slowly shrunk until it finally became the size of a palm. At the top of the card, there is a scaled-down version of the afternoon flower below.

If you look carefully at the shrunken midday flower, you can clearly see that one of the petals is different.

"Successful?" Although he saw the card making process with his own eyes, Mr. Ye still didn't believe it was real than Shijia himself.

"Well, it seems to be successful." Shi Jia nodded slightly, picked up the card and admired it, well, it's like a painting, let's see what's on the back?
Just turned to the back, the pattern in the middle caught Shi Jia's attention, it seems to be a character, I don't know it, is it traditional?She thought of the words she signed when she sealed her spirit just now, "Shi"

Is it traditional?

Shi Jia didn't understand very well, she rarely studied these in the first two worlds.Just as he was wondering, the card in his hand was drawn away.Shi Jia looked up, "Teacher Qin." Why is Teacher Qin here?

"Well, I saw that there were still people in the classroom, so I came in to take a look." Teacher Qin nodded, and continued to look at the cards, first looking at the face of the card, the drawing was not satisfactory.I just wanted to complain about the picture, but changed my words, "Well, the painting is not bad."

Teacher Ye was stunned, when did Sister Qin become so tolerant?

After Teacher Qin finished speaking, she couldn't bear to look at it any more, so she turned her face. This time she was really amazed, "Hiss~" What a beautiful source energy circuit!What is this in the middle?Such a complex pattern.

"How is it?" Teacher Ye leaned forward, he didn't see clearly just now.Don't know the quality of this card yet.

"Not really." Teacher Qin clasped his hands together, not giving Teacher Ye a chance to watch.Teacher Ye was naturally unhappy when he didn't see it, but he was also embarrassed to fight with the lady, and felt very itchy.

"Teacher Qin, did I not succeed in painting?" Shi Jia felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this, she felt that the painting was very good this time.

"Ahem, Xiao Shi, is this the first card you drew?" Teacher Qin's eyes were sincere and eager.

Shi Jia nodded.

"It's like this, teacher, I have a hobby, that is, I like to collect the first cards drawn by students." Teacher Qin's eyes became more eager after speaking.

Shi Jia understood, hesitated, and nodded.Teacher Qin is so kind to her, a card is nothing.Even if this is his first card, it doesn't matter.

She originally planned to use the flowers that appeared in the first card to give to her mother, but the flowers at noon look so ordinary, so she should wait until she learns how to draw roses before giving them.

(End of this chapter)

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