Chapter 704 Insect Nest
There is a dark star in the border star field. This star is surrounded by countless tiny "meteorites". These meteorites are extremely active and can escape the star's gravity and fly into the universe from time to time.

These "meteorites" travel at extremely fast speeds. After leaving the celestial body, they crash into the depths of the universe in the blink of an eye, forming invisible ripples and causing waves of space shocks.

Several light years away, an expedition spacecraft detected space vibrations and sounded a sharp alarm.

"what happened?"

There were only about twenty soldiers on the expedition spacecraft. Except for those who were resting, the remaining soldiers were surprisingly calm in the face of such an emergency. They operated various detection instruments in an orderly manner and detected the surrounding universe.

Trying to find the source of space vibration.

They have passed through this star field more than a dozen times and never encountered any sudden situation.

However, faced with this sudden situation, none of them felt worried. Instead, they felt a little excited.

Tsk tsk, isn’t military merit now in hand?

Suddenly, a quick, slightly sharp, hoarse voice sounded, "Captain, traces of the Zerg have been found."

"Where are you? Get ready to kill the Zerg!" The weathered captain of the expedition spacecraft said seriously, arranging various matters in an orderly manner.

"Captain, gulp~" the soldier swallowed, "Okay, it looks like a bug's nest!" The soldier's face turned pale after he said that.

"Insect nest?" The captain paused and looked over suddenly.

The other busy soldiers also turned their heads.

When everyone saw clearly the star wrapped by the black insect shadows, their faces turned paler.

"Send a signal to the main brain immediately and return home immediately!"

The captain acted decisively.


However, sending signals in a star field that has been controlled by the Zerg is not so easy.

"King, a human spaceship has been discovered."

Inside the star, in the huge, dim Zerg palace, the huge Zerg King like a mountain sits on the throne. Surrounding him are circles of Zerg, which are arranged from inside to outside and from small to large.

The smallest Zerg was only as big as a car, and the largest was as big as a hill. Of course there were even bigger ones, but none of them were qualified to enter the Zerg Palace.

"A bunch of weak humans, just send a team of insect soldiers to devour them."

"Yes!" A huge insect lying on the third-to-last circle made a low rustling sound, then the whole insect floated up and drifted away silently.

The whole process did not make any sound and did not cause any air flow.

After the insect named Chi went out, buzzing sounds began to be heard again in the Insect Palace.

"King, what Ru reported must be taken seriously."

"Yes, now we have to find a new star field as soon as possible."

"Hmph! Foolish humans, King, let me out, and I will turn them all into your subjects."

"That's right, you are too timid. We, the Protoss, want to rule the entire star field. So what if we are discovered? We can take this opportunity to show humans how powerful we are."

"Humph, a little human dares to resist, King, you should quickly order a full-scale attack!"


The Zergs near the Zerg King were talking at once about their opinions, but the Zerg King on the throne remained silent. He was the Zerg King and could share the five senses with his people, so he knew very well everything that the Worms (parasitic Zerg) had experienced.

One can even deeply understand how the creepy child felt when he was killed by that pure power.

It was a warm power, not painful, but it was impossible to struggle, and there was no strength to resist. The Insect King subconsciously shook his body, and although the vibration of his mountain-like body was small, it made the entire Insect Palace tremble.

The quarreling insect generals were startled, thinking that the Insect King was angry. They shut their mouths and stared at the Insect King, waiting for his orders.

The Insect King came back to his senses and pointed his two tentacles together, "Worm, it's time for the God Clan to have a new generation of worms."

The insect generals were stunned for two seconds, and then there was another burst of buzzing.

"Wang, wise."

"King, have you decided to launch an all-out attack?"

The other Zergs echoed a few words, and when they saw that the Zerg King didn't say anything, they just looked at it quietly.

The Insect King looked at the circles of insect generals around him, thought of the insect eggs that had been breeding in the human world over the past ten years, and then thought of the warm power. He opened his ugly mouth full of sharp teeth and let out a sharp and high-pitched hiss.

The next second, bursts of sharp hisses were heard in the Insect Palace.

The hissing is like a stone falling into a calm lake, causing ripples that spread out and spread to the entire planet. When the hissing envelops the entire planet, in the world invisible to the naked eye, the sound waves representing the hissing instantly expand countless times after enveloping the planet, and are transmitted through the planet to all parts of the universe.

The expeditionary teams closest to the planet and engaged in fierce battles with the Zerg were the first to bear the brunt of the attack.

"Ah~" One of the warriors suddenly felt a splitting headache. He couldn't even care about the Zerg in front of him. He hugged his head and huddled up.

The Zerg that was fighting with him was stunned for a moment, and the next second received a signal from the Zerg nest. He was immediately energized and attacked even more fiercely.

The soldier who suddenly squatted down was the first to be hit. He was torn into two halves by the sharp insect legs. The larvae that had just hatched in his body raised their heads and looked at the Zerg, who were visibly stunned.

“Atian——” An angry and shrill roar, accompanied by fierce artillery fire, instantly blasted the stunned Zerg into two halves.

The soldier rushed to his comrade who was killed by the Zerg and carefully tested his breath, but he was cut in half by the Zerg and there was nothing he could do to save him.

The larvae hidden in the flesh and blood of the dead warrior stretched out their bodies and tried to parasitize new humans, but they were too young to do so and even after struggling several times, they gradually lost their lives.

This is the Parasite, a powerful yet weak species of insect.

The expeditionary team has been conquering the border star field for many years and has extremely rich combat experience. Although there are many Zerg, they still won after a fierce battle.

But this time, the victorious people did not feel any joy at all. They silently looked at the body of the soldier placed in the middle.

Finally, it was the captain who spoke up, "Has the information about the discovery of the insect nest been sent back?"

"As soon as it was sent out, it was intercepted."

The captain nodded, not surprised. He looked up at the porthole. It was pitch black outside and the only thing he could see was the starlight reflected from the stars not far away.

"The Zerg didn't catch up?"

"Yes, no trace of the Zerg has been found within a light year."

To avoid the Zerg's pursuit, they made several short jumps.

"Send the hive message to the main brain again." said the captain.


"Captain, the information is being disrupted. It seems that a huge amount of information transmission is going on in the universe."

"Keep sending until you succeed!" The captain's mood did not change.



"Didi~Two messages detected, do you want to check?"

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